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GAL 06-27-2006 11:13 AM

Tuff fish is BUSTO;enterthread=y

From him at CR

uncleshady 06-27-2006 11:15 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
Can you just copy and paste whatever he said, because the link requires some subscription.

El Ishmael 06-27-2006 11:15 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
Nice link.

GAL 06-27-2006 11:16 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
I really feel sorry for the guy, hes trying to learn and taking the time to give something back to CR members by making these videos and they really have given me the biggest laughs I had watching anything all year.

GAL 06-27-2006 11:17 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
I can copy past it but its a huge essay

inferno 06-27-2006 11:18 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
I can copy past it but its a huge essay

[/ QUOTE ]
just do it

GAL 06-27-2006 11:18 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
Well I burned through the rest of my bankroll almost in a straight line down. The play shown was oh so typical.

My last play was a total donk off, which is why I am so pissed. It was just the result of getting squeezed off hands all day. I had a K, K came on the flop, He has AA. Got a sizable hunk of my dwindling stack and so I quit.

All day, If I had Q they has K, if I had K, they had A. Really quite unbelievable the run I had. I once went, count em, 4 , maybe 5, orbits just posting blinds. So, if I did actually get something and entered the pot, limping or otherwise, they folded or raised.

I didn't lose in a big stackoff, just slowly bled to death due to lack of hands, second best hands, hands in bad position, good hands when they had nothing. All rolled up together in a neat bundle of losing.

Only got a couple of hundred left in Party, I will cash it out and go get drunk.

Before this last session, I sat down and analysed my play with a fine tooth comb. It is not easy going through several hundred hands in poker tracker out of several thousand, but I did it. I identified one significant leak in my game.

It had nothing to do with whether I raised pairs preflop, limped suited connectors preflop, or jumped out the window preflop.

It was post flop, and I was just getting too impatient to make something happen, and I was having trouble getting off hands I had invested any significant chips into. That was a leak, and a noticeable one. It was made much worse by the fact that I NEVER CAUGHT A FREAKING THING.

The decision was that I would tighten up and not get too attached to hands. If I missed the flop and felt a continuation bet was warrented, do one and if I got resistance, let it go. Previously, I must have burned through some buyins firing out continuation bets and then firing a second barrel.

NEWS FLASH..!!!! They don't work worth crap when I have AQ, raise in the CO, flop nothing and the [censored] I am playing has 10 8 on a J 8 3 flop. He will call (or raise) my continuation bet EVERYTIME, and if I don't hit my A or Q he will call me again. A king can come out, no matter, he won't believe me, he KNOWS I NEED an A or a Q. This is how it has gone for me for an incredibly long stretch.

If I actually hit an A or Q, zing.. poof... nothing.., vapor..., they are gone. I hit my set, you think I get any callers on a rag board? Not a farthing. You think that an A or K will come when I have 2 callers preflop and hit my set. There ain't a dammed A, K, Q, J in the f**king deck...EVER! If I have K9s, and an A flops, two people will have an A. If I hit K9A with the same hand on the flop and "continuation bet" 3 people will fold immediately. Or the board will be monotone and the SB caller will push.

I am not stupid, I can read poker tracker stats, and I can look at hands til I am dizzy. It is not the number of hands, but where I am getting them, and what I am constantly up against. I didn't get a single decent hand except one KK, where I wasn't playing for my stack by the flop. AND, I never had anything really decent, just TPGK most of the time.

The few times I could have stood a little heat, nobody was home. EVER.

The people I was playing against weren't genius' of poker, I just never HAD ANYTHING. It is easy enough to push somebody off their hand if THEY DON'T HAVE SQUAT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I rarely caught my overcards. If i missed the flop, I could push and I would get called in two places. But on the very rare occasion I did get a hand on a clean board.... GONE WITH THE WIND. Not a nibble.

This went on for days and thousands of hands. If I caught a hand, the board came with every combination draw possible. And the turn card made two different hands for my opponent, EVERY FREAKING TIME. And they bet out STRONG... EVERY FREAKING TIME. So I was playing for my stack with TPTK.... EVERY FREAKING TIME.

You can't win at poker if you don't catch cards. You can screw around only so much with trash, then you get nailed. This cardrunners LAG stuff works great when the cards come your way, not so good when they don't.

When I tried for the flush, it never came, when I really didn't need a 3rd suit to fall, there it was as regular as the monsoons.

Aces only showed up to ruin my hand, NEVER to help.

If I caught a flush, the board paired, if I made a straight, the flush fell on the next card. It ALWAYS fell on the next card.

If I bluffed, I was called, if I had it, NEVER. I could bet 1/2 pot if I had something and get not a caller, I could bet the same 1/2 pot if I had nothing, and I was raised to the roof.

OK, I'm done with poker for now. I will re-evaluate and see whether I really like this or not.

Thanks to those who tried to help. No amount of help can overcome bad cards. This was a real bad run, made worse by some bad play.

I actually went through and took out all the losses caused by recognizable bad play. It amounted to only 1/4, maybe 1/3 at most, of the total downskid. The rest was just plain bad luck, mostly having to give up on hands because I was getting lots of heat and had poor or nonexistent hands.

You can't fight pressure if you have no hand. (Well, you can but you will soon be broke. Much sooner than I went broke) It had nothing to do with bet size. I could bet big and get heat, I could bet small and get heat, and I could bet medium and get heat. The common factor was that I had no hand and my opponent did.

If you continually have no hand, and your opponent does, you will surely lose at poker. - Tony's Corollary

Thanks again for the help.


GAL 06-27-2006 11:19 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
There is a video showing his "last" ever sesion to go with this.

uncleshady 06-27-2006 11:20 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO

johnnycakes 06-27-2006 11:20 AM

Re: Tuff fish is BUSTO
Yeah, but later in the thread, in a post made the next day he says
Good morning all,

After a good night's sleep, I have a calmer and clearer mind.

[some stuff]

I am going to take a break from poker for a ... day, ....week, ...while. When I come back it will probably be under a different screen name, and probably at UB, Full Tilt or some place besides Party or Stars. (any suggestions?)


[/ QUOTE ]

EDIT: he made this post on 6/25

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