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RobDoral 06-13-2006 03:36 PM

CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
This will be crossposted on the forums at other sites so sorry for any duplication.

A while back, I, and a number of others were fortunate enough to win tickets to WSOP events through a series of promotions run by CheckNRaise poker, an ongame network (Poker Room) skin. I and a couple of regulars at BW even won ME tickets. The event that I won in particular was listed here, my alias on CnR, is pokerrobr.

Well last night I get the following email:
Hi Rob,

We regret to inform you that CnR will be unable, at this time, to make a lump sum payment for the 10 WSOP seats that were won this year through the “CheckPoints to Millions” and “Freeway to Vegas” promotions on ChecknRaisePoker. However, we plan to make this up to you over the coming months. We will deposit into your player account 5% or more, as cash flow permits, of the value of your entry in monthly installments starting July 31st , 2006 until 110% of the cash equivalent is paid in full.

Unfortunately our cash flow did not allow us to set aside sufficient funds from the time that you won your seat in March. If you plan to attend the WSOP in any event, we wish you the best of luck and we are sure you will have a great time.

Please accept our sincere apologies for having to break this news to you just weeks prior to the event we promised you. Please do not hesitate to contact us by return email, if you have any questions or comments. If you would like to speak to us by phone, please suggest a convenient time and provide a phone number and we would be happy to call you and provide more details and answer any questions that you may have.

Best Regards,

Erez and the ChecknRaise Team
Now obviously I and the others I've talked to who won CnR promotions are devastated especially so close to the beginnning of the WSOP. Sure I could use the $11K and I most likely would have simply busted out on the first day like most of the field is going to do. But given the choice between $11k and a shot at truly life changing money I would have taken the ticket.

Now the extra $1000 CnR plans to throw our way is fine, but I incurred expenses well beyond this amount. I got a cheap hotel room and that alone is still more than $1000 for two weeks. I bought non-fundable plane tickets, as did my dad who wanted to see me play. I have a baby daughter at home and my father-in-law and a family friend bought non-fundable tickets so they could back up my wife for those two weeks I was gone.

Normally I wouldn't have gone to the WSOP this year, but again, a shot at life changing money was worth it when my wife and I talked it over (and life changing money for me is pretty low, heck, even making it ITM would have helped). We even rearranged work schedules and vacation schedules to accomdate this.

There's no way I can afford to buy my own $10K ticket and certainly not with only vague assurances that I'd be reimbursed. A smaller buy in tournament just doesn't seem worth it to me since I don't care about the bracelet and I could just play one online and not have to leave home.

And frankly the reimbursement rate they suggest is ridiculous. At roughly $500 a month the 2007 WSOP would be long done before CnR was done paying us off. I think $1000 a month is more reasonable and I don't really think an extra $1000 is enough.

There isn't a way to fully compensate us. I don't claim to be a tournament expert though I have some skills but having seen first time B&M tournament amateurs do so well over the last few years, I can't help but feel that a shot at destiny has been torn for me. Even if that destiny was to appear on the NUTS broadcast as the worst loser in the history of the ME (I imagined myself getting tasered in the nuts by Rio security after I slap some old granny for sucking out on me while the rest of the table looks on in horror, hey, I can dream big).

Anyways, it wasn't but a few days ago that I highly recommended CnR to someone in a PM and now they make me look like an idiot. Given the horror stories by folks using the Future Bet skins on the Ongame network it doesn't really seem like Ongame gives a crap what their affiliates/franchise do (CnR is NOT a futurebet skin BTW). I've been a strong supporter of Ongame sites but they really need to start cracking down on these places.

Oh, and anyone want to take odds on whether any of us see a dime from CnR? I expect to get maybe one or two payments and then for there to be a personnel change and no one knows who the hell we all are anymore or why we think CnR owes us money. I am also vaguely curious if CnR intends to run additional WSOP promos for 2007 even while they're still paying off those of us they screwed over back in '06. Keep your eyes peeled for my annual update.

BigBiceps 06-13-2006 03:42 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
Sorry to hear that.

I was considering opening an account there, now I won't.

NoSoup4U 06-13-2006 03:59 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
There are multiple credible reports of this same email on other discussion sites. I find that fact that they don't intend to pay even one cent prior to August quite telling. This site should obviously be blacklisted.

MycroftX 06-13-2006 04:02 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
That suuuuuucks.... I'm sorry to hear it man.

Is it possible to buy your 10K ticket with some savings, and as you are slowly paid by CnR deposit each payment back into your savings account? (hopefully they actually will payout that 5% each month, could be a gamble to buy the 10K and than see CnR fold.)

Obviously, I'm sure you've considered that if it's possible, but it would just make me happy to see you reply 'yes,' lol. You must have been so psyched about going....again I'm sorry to hear that man.

I'll avoid CnR from here on out.

rsigley 06-13-2006 04:06 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
If just making the money (aka 10k) is "life changing" money to him, I doubt he has enough savings to buy into the main event himself.

I too won a WSOP ticket through CheckNRaise, but it actually worked out nice for me since I won one in Stars too, now instead of forfeiting one I get cash for it.

Still sucks tho, looks like nothing you can really do accept take the money

-zero- 06-13-2006 04:12 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
If just making the money (aka 10k) is "life changing" money to him, I doubt he has enough savings to buy into the main event himself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um, I'm sure he meant something along the lines of a million dollar payout when he said "life changing money."

MycroftX 06-13-2006 04:14 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets

Um, I'm sure he meant something along the lines of a million dollar payout when he said "life changing money."

[/ QUOTE ]

spino1i 06-13-2006 04:17 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
This is just horrible. With what happened on Carnival and Bayou and now what happened here I think this is a lesson to just stay away from PokerRoom until they get their act together and clean up their bad skins. I hope you get your money that you rightfully earned.

punkass 06-13-2006 04:28 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets
I would setup a telephone conversation with them. Explain to them all the preparations you have done. It sucks that you won a seat to the main event, but due to their irresponsible money management, you are now out a seat at the main event, but additional money for hotel/flight/etc.

I would ask for these expenses to be reimbursed. It sounds like you spent roughly 1500 in flight/hotel, which is very reasonable. I would ask for them to give me 1500 up front, then do their idiotic 5% monthly repayment plan.

5% is a joke. You are not a bank.

rsigley 06-13-2006 04:55 PM

Re: CheckNRaise poker (ongame) renegs on WSOP Tickets

Um, I'm sure he meant something along the lines of a million dollar payout when he said "life changing money."

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Normally I wouldn't have gone to the WSOP this year, but again, a shot at life changing money was worth it when my wife and I talked it over (and life changing money for me is pretty low, heck, even making it ITM would have helped).

[/ QUOTE ]

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