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diebitter 05-30-2006 06:28 PM

Film Review: Chopper

Chopper is a quirky, violent, energetic series of look-ins on various events and times in the life of real-life Australian criminal Mark 'Chopper' Reid (who is the author of a set of best-selling autobiographies). The lead is played by Eric Bana, who gives a really great, riveting, scary, charming performance as the central character. Bana was a stand-up comic before this, and was approved for the lead by 'Chopper' himself (the director - in his commentary - makes it clear he always wanted to stay on the right side of 'Chopper' - draw your own conclusions from what sort of man Chopper is).

Chopper is shown as being something of a paradox. He's prone to violence if he feels frustrated or wronged, and quite extreme violence at that - but at the same time seems to want people to like him, and wants to be mates with people that are frustrating him and even betraying him. He shoots a man at one point, then drives the guy to the hospital, and seems sorry for what he's done.

Another example of Chopper's nature? He gets stabbed in the stomach in prison, and the trauma he feels isn't in the stab-wound, it's the feeling of betrayal he has at being stabbed by someone he considers a friend.

He's a man seriously comfortable with violence and pain (at one point he gets parts of his ears cut off so as to be moved from a particular prison wing, where he's got a death-sentence hanging over him, and barely winces as it's being done). Bana is very good in assorted scenes where Chopper's mood swings mean he's friendly and matey one minute, then extremely threatening and aggressive the next (and back again) - he really does a terrific job here.

As well as the terrific lead in Bana, one of the film's pleasures is in the quirky details of the various supporting characters and events - for example there's meant to be a shooting in the car park of a club, but it turns out there are two car parks and confusion ensues... there's a lot of amusing detail going on through this movie, though none of the supports are particularly outstanding. They are adequate though.

While this film is entertaining, hilarious and wrenching by turn, the main thing wrong with it is the structuring; we go from him in prison to being out without explanation of intermediate events; who people are and their relationship with Chopper isn't clear sometimes, so there's a lot of filling in the gaps yourself (with is all very well, but you end up not so much enjoying the dialogue as trying to figure out who this or that guy is). However the 'dip in' nature of the movie does enhance its sense of realism, so it has some benefits to it.

OVerall, a good little movie that's not for everyone (especially if they don't like intense violence), but if it is for you, you will probably like it an awful lot.

REWATCHABILITY: Once a year. Suitable for older teens up.

RATINGS (out of 5):
0 - This is a complete waste of time, and you will regret wasting it
1 - don't bother unless no other options at all
2 - okay for a single watch, if you've got time
3 - Definite watch if you get a chance
4 - See it very soon, at least once before you die
5 - See it immediately, no excuses

pryor15 05-30-2006 06:40 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
i remember when Troy came out and people were like, "oh Bana's so good in this", i used to just laugh and say, "That? that's nothing. You should see him in Chopper."

he was a stand-up? really? i never would have guessed that.

diebitter 05-30-2006 06:49 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
Yep, he really was. Wikipedia gives more details, but I do believe Chopper himself believes comedians make great actors - IIRR, he says so in one of the documentaries on the DVD.

Cyrus 05-30-2006 08:00 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
The short film with the real Chopper on the DVD was marvelous, too.

BarronVangorToth 05-30-2006 08:15 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
Wow... an interesting-sounding film that not only have I not seen, but I've never heard of it before. Thanks for the review -- will pick this up at some point soon.

diebitter 05-30-2006 08:20 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
you bring up a good point BVT. I am aiming to bring more obscure titles to the table in future in my reviews, specifically of films that I believe didn't get the audience/release/distribution they deserved or are just obscure/old and not much watched - but aren't classics or suchlike. Hence Auto Focus, and now Chopper.

Watch this space.

BarronVangorToth 05-30-2006 08:39 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
Will do.

Tangent: do you think Auto Focus is the same level of obscurity as Chopper?

I honestly don't think at any time I've ever heard of Chopper whereas Auto Focus was a big deal around here (maybe it's a Connecticut bias as he lived not too many miles from me, although a lifetime ago).

Regardless, I like these in-depth reviews of cool titles as I'm always looking to throw nifty products into my Amazon cart. (Even if it is something like La Grande Illusion that pryor just reviewed -- I don't think I'll like it but he made a case enough for me to make sure I check it out, if only that I can say that I've seen it at some random point in the future.)

wet work 05-30-2006 08:56 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
Couldn't imagine a more perfect choice in casting than Bana. I knew he was a stand-up, just never heard any of his stuff in that regard.

Bangor, I think AutoFocus is definitely more widely known..wasn't it an HBO movie? FWIW, Chopper is on cable all the time you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it.

El Diablo 05-30-2006 09:09 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper

Domestic Total Gross: $236,185
Widest Release: 14 theaters

Domestic Total Gross: $2,063,196
Widest Release: 461 theaters

cameronw01 05-30-2006 09:15 PM

Re: Film Review: Chopper
Couldn't imagine a more perfect choice in casting than Bana. I knew he was a stand-up, just never heard any of his stuff in that regard.

[/ QUOTE ]

He was on a show called Full Frontal (also known as Fast Forward).

Here is a review of it.

Good God he was funny.

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