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pwnosaurus 10-23-2007 04:14 PM

poker + fulltime job + startup aspirations
I think the title of the post kinda explains the dilemma. I was wondering if there were people on this forum that could share some insights into how to manage keeping a demanding full-time job and the stresses that go with it and enduring the ups and downs of the game we all love, from a psychological / stress management standpoint.

In addition to this, I'd like to work towards starting a company of my own. The ideal scenario for me would be to do well at my job, make a lot of money playing poker (maybe even enough for me to self fund my company) and start a company a few months down the road, while actually having a life, going out, partying, women etc.. etc..

Where I am right now is completely stressed out, about managing to finish the minimum needed to keep my job, doing well at poker but constantly physically and mentally tired from it. Don't have any time to work on my startup. Do manage to get out and have fun occasionally.

Any ideas on how to move towards the ideal scenario from where I am right now would be greatly appreciated, whether it's psychological tricks I can play on myself (kinda like the guy in "office space"), time management, stress management, adderall??

Henry17 10-23-2007 05:42 PM

Re: poker + fulltime job + startup aspirations
I'm not sure what you are asking specifically. There is no for home use time dilation machine so basically you have a finite amount of time to the 3 projects + have a life + sleep and maintain personal hygiene / appearance. You seem to be struggling so it comes down to do you currently waste time? If you do then stop. If you don't currently waste time then obviously you can't handle all 3 projects so should drop 1.

Usually people who want to overachieve will cut out sleep. At first you'll be tired but eventually you'll get use to it. Of course the younger you are the easier this is.

Mathew82 10-23-2007 05:57 PM

Re: poker + fulltime job + startup aspirations
Now I don't know you at all.. so take that in consideration.

But it sounds all a little fantasy for me. When trying to do something to better your life you need solid, realistic goals and subgoals.

If you were really serious about starting a business playing poker is not the way to go. Unless your playing pretty big stakes, beating the (UK £5.35 - convert $10.70) minimum wage is actually difficult. The time spent playing poker would be better spent either getting a second job/getting overtime, improving your current salary...etc.

It just doesn't sound like you want to make any real effort towards your goal and your idea of doing this is playing poker to enable you to have more free time so you can party.

Rek 10-23-2007 06:12 PM

Re: poker + fulltime job + startup aspirations
Move to a 36 hour day so you can fit it all in.

Learning 10-24-2007 01:58 AM

Re: poker + fulltime job + startup aspirations
Founding a startup company while having a normal social life is nearly impossible.

I have similar aspirations to fund my own business with poker once I'm out of school in three years, but I wouldn't even consider it as an option unless you're already crushing 200NL for a steady $80+/hr.

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