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LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:28 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Can I garner some support for a Kyro's Mother lynch?

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:29 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Zurvan - my wolf game is better than this. You know that.

[/ QUOTE ]

unvote Kyro's Mother
vote sighing

I'm not thrilled by the lynch at all, but I've run out of suspects

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:29 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Actually, I just remembered

Traz is reading boiler wrong
Traz is reading me wrong
so traz could definitely be reading bram wrong

let's drum a bram wagon up, yo


GetThere1Time 04-02-2007 08:30 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
[0] Bluffblank voted for FCBLcomish
[2] boiler_bd voted for Fmxda
[0] Chuckleslovakian voted for Sighing
[2] Econophile voted for Fmxda
[1] Fcblcomish voted for Fmxda
[4] Fmxda voted for boiler_bd
[0] Jeremy517 voted for Sighing
[0] Kyrosmother voted for Fmxda
[1] Luckayluck voted for Sighing
[1] Mark_K voted for Econophile
[0] MdoranD voted for Econophile
[0] Metsandfinsfan voted for Sighing
<font color="red"> [6] Sighing voted for Mark_K </font>
[0] Thebram voted for Luckayluck
[0] Traz voted for Sighing
[0] Wdcbooks
[0] Xoom voted for boiler_bd
[0] Zurvan voted for Sighing

wdcbooks 04-02-2007 08:30 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Vote Econophile to make it official.

Thebram 04-02-2007 08:31 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

sighing 04-02-2007 08:33 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
fmxda self defense.. no particular opinion about it. Same with econo if it goes that way.

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:34 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
This is why I believe FMX should be given a pass for today, at the very least...he openly attacked Kumubou in a very villagery way, on the Kumubou lynch day.

Here's that post...

I definitely think Kumubou is implicated by the lastchance kill. There is a post where she says "lastchance is either power village or evil." Guess she knew he wasn't evil and though he was power village?

vote Kumubou

I also support a thebram, boiler or KM lynch.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's combined with Kumubou's backhanded slap of FMXDA...

Nothing really piqued me about fmxda in the beginning, but looking at his posts in the Vortex struck something to me. I get the impression from him that he really did not care who was lynched, which is a common sign of lupus.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]


LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:34 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Thebram? Seriously?

econophile 04-02-2007 08:35 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
ok, looked back and fmxda was 2nd vote on kumu (after luckay)

still i know this doesn't clear him

maybe he chime in before night

chuckleslovakian 04-02-2007 08:36 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
fmxda self defense.. no particular opinion about it. Same with econo if it goes that way.

[/ QUOTE ]
Glad this is all you got

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:36 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Econo, come with me on thebram
we have the power

sighing 04-02-2007 08:36 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
fmxda self defense.. no particular opinion about it. Same with econo if it goes that way.

[/ QUOTE ]
Glad this is all you got

[/ QUOTE ]
You're a villager. My reads are pretty poor this game, since I've barely been around the last few days.

econophile 04-02-2007 08:37 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Econo, come with me on thebram
we have the power

[/ QUOTE ]

if anything, i think that fmdxa's waggon taking off suddenly implicates sighing

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:37 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
fmxda self defense.. no particular opinion about it. Same with econo if it goes that way.

[/ QUOTE ]
Glad this is all you got

[/ QUOTE ]
You're a villager. My reads are pretty poor this game, since I've barely been around the last few days.

[/ QUOTE ]
It's things like this, too
I'm convinced that sighing would have SOMETHING to defend himself with rather than this lame defense if he was a wolf. The man is creative. He wouldn't go down like this as a wolf.

The other wagon, FMXDA, is a villager.

We've gots to go thebrams, yo.

chuckleslovakian 04-02-2007 08:39 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Zurvan 04-02-2007 08:40 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Luckay: you are 100% ass backwards on sighing. He doesn't go down easy as a villager.

GetThere1Time 04-02-2007 08:41 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
[0] Bluffblank voted for FCBLcomish
[2] boiler_bd voted for Fmxda
[0] Chuckleslovakian voted for Sighing
[3] Econophile voted for Fmxda
[1] Fcblcomish voted for Fmxda
<font color="red"> [6] Fmxda voted for boiler_bd </font>
[0] Jeremy517 voted for Sighing
[0] Kyrosmother voted for Fmxda
[0] Luckayluck voted for Thebram
[0] Mark_K voted for Econophile
[0] MdoranD voted for Econophile
[0] Metsandfinsfan voted for Sighing
[5] Sighing voted for Fmxda
[1] Thebram voted for Fmxda
[0] Traz voted for Sighing
[0] Wdcbooks voted for Econophile
[0] Xoom voted for boiler_bd
[0] Zurvan voted for Sighing

Note: Double votes not listed as such in the countif()

xoom 04-02-2007 08:41 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Whatæs going on? I just got back home.

KyrosMother 04-02-2007 08:42 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Chuck - you and Mets are about all I trust right now. I will go back to Sighing, if you really think he is a wolf. But I think Lucky (yuck) is right that Sighing would have a much better defense if he was a wolf. Thoughts?

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:42 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
If it comes down sighing vs fmxda vs econophile, I will vote for sighing.

Still holding out for a bram surge...anyone? yes? no? sigh...

fmxda 04-02-2007 08:42 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Did not realize my silence was up at 8pm, wasn't really following the thread while I couldn't talk. Rereading

KyrosMother 04-02-2007 08:43 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Luckay: you are 100% ass backwards on sighing. He doesn't go down easy as a villager.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK - I know <u>this</u> is true.

xoom 04-02-2007 08:44 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
sighing is a good vote then.

chuckleslovakian 04-02-2007 08:44 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Sighing, could you actually create a wiki page at some point. I'm trying to remember your games more clearly but its been a while and the games you play in end up being random

econophile 04-02-2007 08:45 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

pending an actual post by fmxda

KyrosMother 04-02-2007 08:46 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I feel like a gd lemming....I am going to completely revamp all my reads tomorrow.

fmxda 04-02-2007 08:47 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
For reference when I die:
plus two guys who I have no reads on. Someone that people are generally suspecting like Zurvan thebram or traz may be the answer.


Sorry for not paying much attention to this thread in the last few days village

FCBLComish 04-02-2007 08:47 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria


fmxda 04-02-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
vote sighing since boiler isn't going anywhere

econophile 04-02-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
btw, strong km=villager read today

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Yeah, this is a really stupid question to ask...
Anyone want to go for thebram?

fmxda 04-02-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
BTW FCBL and xoom have pretty much been selling their votes to the loudest voice for the last couple lynches, that's a pretty wolfy thing to do

GetThere1Time 04-02-2007 08:49 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
[0] Bluffblank voted for FCBLcomish
[0] boiler_bd voted for Fmxda
[0] Chuckleslovakian voted for Sighing
[3] Econophile voted for Sighing
[1] Fcblcomish voted for Sighing
[3] Fmxda voted for Sighing
[0] Jeremy517 voted for Sighing
[0] Kyrosmother voted for Sighing
[0] Luckayluck voted for Thebram
[0] Mark_K voted for Econophile
[0] MdoranD voted for Econophile
[0] Metsandfinsfan voted for Sighing
<font color="red"> [10] Sighing voted for Fmxda </font>
[1] Thebram voted for Fmxda
[0] Traz voted for Sighing
[0] Wdcbooks voted for Econophile
[0] Xoom voted for Sighing
[0] Zurvan voted for Sighing

FCBLComish 04-02-2007 08:51 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
BTW FCBL and xoom have pretty much been selling their votes to the loudest voice for the last couple lynches, that's a pretty wolfy thing to do

[/ QUOTE ]

Untrue. I have been listening to all the arguments, and voting with the people who I most believe are villagers. I am juggling 3 threads right now and have no time for detailed analysis. I am lucky I can even remember who is playing in which game.

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:51 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
The Temptress, The Illusionist, and Two Ordinary Evils left, right?

I don't even know how that's possible...

KyrosMother 04-02-2007 08:51 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
BTW FCBL and xoom have pretty much been selling their votes to the loudest voice for the last couple lynches, that's a pretty wolfy thing to do

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes...interstingly enough, I have been watching FCBL do that.

Oh, and this is one of the most non-wolfy things you have said.

sighing 04-02-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I am the Apprentice.

I didn't roleclaim in the first two days because I had absolutely nothing, and it was worth the risk on the close votes. Today not as much.

Night 1, peeked MDD, who is a villager.
Night 4, peeked Traz, who is a villager.

I gained an extra 1-time 50%-success peek, which I used on chuckles, who is also a villager.

Last night I also gained an additional power, a permanent 25% angel power (not on myself), which I used on MDD.

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

LuckayLuck 04-02-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

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