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VoraciousReader 04-01-2007 09:18 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Esthetica proper is a stunning city. Even in the darkness, it feels warm and hospitable. The streets are wide and majestic and paved with the blue rock that the Elerians are famous for. It is in demand in every known country, but prohibitively expensive anywhere but in Eleria. The main boulevard is lined with trees and rosebushes. It is a clear night, and transparent faceted stones that are inset in the blue rock and along the sides of the road reflect the moonlight, so the entire area appears to be dimly lit even in the dark. Torches scattered here and there enhance the quiet glow and the feeling of welcome.

“Her Royal Majesty, Queen Imynia, Ruler of Eleria, Defender of the Children of the Star God, Mother of the Heir Apparent, His Highness, Prince Nalanio, and Daughter of the Duchy of Perecia, bids you, Welcome to Her City. You lodge tonight at Her Palace." Your Guide pronounces proudly.

It is far too late to be presented to Queen Imynia, but that will likely happen tomorrow.

Esthetica proper is a stunning city. Even in the darkness, it feels warm and hospitable. The streets are wide and majestic and paved with the blue rock that the Elerians are famous for. It is in demand in every known country, but prohibitively expensive anywhere but in Eleria. The main boulevard is lined with trees and rosebushes. It is a clear night, and transparent faceted stones that are inset in the blue rock and along the sides of the road reflect the moonlight, so the entire area appears to be dimly lit even in the dark. Torches scattered here and there enhance the quiet glow and the feeling of welcome.

Some of the more battle-hardened among you, though, remain unimpressed. In fact, some of them grumble.. “What kind of a capital is this?” “Ridiculously difficult to defend.” “May as well invite the invaders right in.”

Regardless, the first part of your journey has ended. You are at the capital and you can sleep safely tonight…at least protected from all external threats. The traitors are still among you and poised to strike, however…

You find yourself in good spirits as you venture further into Esthetica. A soft breeze blows the spray of a nearby fountain into the air. The mist turns the lit torches into hazy spheres of light. Your horses step lightly on the cobblestones, their horseshoes clapping lightly with an almost musical rhythm. In the distance, you can almost hear a lone flute playing, probably a random minstrel.

Suddenly, the calm of the night is shattered. There is a great commotion and one member of your is surrounded by flame. It is the soldier, Kumubou, someone who was under great suspicion today. It was likely that she would die tonight, in fact, for most of your party felt she was the traitor. The flame spreads to her outstretched arms, and she sits in the firestorm…and smiles, even while the flames consume her.

Kumubou, the [/b]Warlock[/b], has died. She has cast WRATH, a spell which gives her a revenge kill. The victim of her kill will be revealed in the morning.

Your guide stands and stares at the pillar of flame that was so recently a young girl, and his entire demeanor changes. “I will not bring sorcerors into the palace of the Queen of Eleria. You must find your own lodging tonight and I will set guards to accompany you. There will be no mischief in the capital.”

If you comply with his request and make alternate arrangements, turn to page 68.
If you argue with him that this is NOT what you were promised, turn to page 45.
If you agree to the alternate lodging, but not the guards (you are not prisoners!), turn to page 114.

GetThere1Time 04-01-2007 09:39 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Villager Personal Event

You lay awake in your bed staring at the ceiling. Despite being some of the more comfortable accomodation you've experienced during your journey, you can't catch a wink of sleep. It's pitch black and quiet, but now your ears perk up. You hear a disturbance outside of your room.

a)Ignore it

b)Slowly sneak up to the door and peek out into the hallway to find out what the noise is.

c)Light your lantern, unsheath your blade, and rush of the room and into the hall.

Remember to send all your choices to CYOAPersonalE. Thanks.

GetThere1Time 04-02-2007 09:50 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

The smiling Warlock cries the name of Madtown, smiling and laughing maniacly. "My pain is now yours!" Madtown looks in shock as his arms are slowly set ablaze. The flame engulfs him and screams echo through the streets. Soon both Kumubou and Madtown are reduced to piles of dust. Madtown was a victim of the Warlock's Wrath. He was an Ordinary good mercinary.

p. 114

You respectfully decline the palace stay. As much as you would love the extremely plush comforts of a castle, you will not be treated like prisoners. You'll still be under watch, however. The palace will send a representative to watch over you considering the danger you have brought with you. Still this is better than armed guards. You and your group shack up at a local inn. Not quite as cozy as the palace was expected to be, but a bed and a meal is all the same to you. The night is surprisingly quiet. You lay in your group quarters peacefully; some of you reading, some of you thinking about the journey ahead, some of you thinking about your audience tomorrow. You would normally spend some time talking with your fellow mercs about what lies ahead but you should be careful not to disturb the Queen's watchdog.

<u>NIGHT GROUP EVENT RESULTS:</u><font color="red"> All posts before the GROUP DAY EVENT must be made in WHITE. Failure to do this will result in silencing until 1 hour before night fall. You will be given 30 MINUTES of leeway from the time this is posted.</font>

You wake up to find Nez477 wrapped in his own blood-soaked sheets, quietly and efficiently executed. He was an ordinary good mercenary

The Day Group Event will be put up at 1 pm EST today rater than noon.

It is now DAY


Mark_K 04-02-2007 09:54 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

30 Minutes eh? Cool.

Um Zurvan.... Have anything to say?

wdcbooks 04-02-2007 09:54 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
ZOMG time to abuse my leeway. We do still have two seers, right? They should consider how they could be most effective.

GG Madtown and Nez.

Thebram 04-02-2007 09:56 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
luckay anyone?

Zurvan 04-02-2007 09:56 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
<font color="white">
Based on Kumu coming up evil, I'm thinking Mark is probably a villager, so I'm going to leave him alone, for now.

If the seer has 5 living peeks, now would be a damn good time to come out. Hopefully the double advancement last night got the apprentice up to full seer powers </font>

Zurvan 04-02-2007 09:57 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

30 Minutes eh? Cool.

Um Zurvan.... Have anything to say?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was probably wrong?

Mark_K 04-02-2007 09:58 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Between the two seers, shouldn't we have 8 peeks now? Gogogo village!!!

Mark_K 04-02-2007 10:02 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Just because it feels so good (I'll prob retract it later):

vote zurvan

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