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kaz2107 11-29-2007 01:21 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
wade how soon u gonna give up on memphis and jump on tha nuggs bandwagon???

wingchunflush 11-29-2007 01:30 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
PJ, haircut = increase winrate/running hot LDO

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks for telling me this 6 months ago. I get my hair cut once ev 6 months, u coulda saved me a few 20bi downswings

hey wing, try a haircut?

[/ QUOTE ]

downswing happened after my hair cut. I was in the military so its usually pretty short. Maybe I need to pull a Gavin Smith and not cut it ever agian.

munkey 11-29-2007 01:44 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)

u want swongs, check out northern rock (NRK.L)

I made a speculative (and very, very small) buy when it dropped to 110p, check what happened next =/

[/ QUOTE ]

I know people that went in @ 3 to 1.5.

Given the amount of hedgies shorts out when they had the run on the bank and instituational investors that have to bale out I think you waited a decent time to BUY ( though I wouldn't) for most to close out their posns and the selling to abait.

Now you just gotta hope the company can fix it's financing /get Luqman in then it' be ama collects NR monies day some time way off.

munkey 11-29-2007 01:46 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Wait what's this software change?

Am I gonna have to dump my PM inbox/ favourites before this happens?

I like these forums boo hoo [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

dawade 11-29-2007 01:57 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
wade how soon u gonna give up on memphis and jump on tha nuggs bandwagon???

[/ QUOTE ]

Never ldo.

I originally followed the Kings but now that Memphis is going to start getting competitive and I can actually go watch them I'm a Grizz fan.

Spurious 11-29-2007 02:00 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
lol at fan culture (is that a word?) in the US

dawade 11-29-2007 02:04 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
lol at fan culture (is that a word?) in the US

[/ QUOTE ]


Are you questioning my fanhood?

kaz2107 11-29-2007 02:05 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
wade how soon u gonna give up on memphis and jump on tha nuggs bandwagon???

[/ QUOTE ]

Never ldo.

I originally followed the Kings but now that Memphis is going to start getting competitive and I can actually go watch them I'm a Grizz fan.

[/ QUOTE ]competitive??? r we discussing the wnba or nba???

Spurious 11-29-2007 02:06 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
lol at fan culture (is that a word?) in the US

[/ QUOTE ]


Are you questioning my fanhood?

[/ QUOTE ]

i am questioning the whole american fan hood

vaNq 11-29-2007 02:07 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
stars roll back from dead, goal --> sunday mil this weekend

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