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wingchunflush 11-06-2007 12:28 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Yesterday in my session i had 3 tables out of 6 tables and I am 200 deep at each of them. I lose KK<QQ all in preflop, AA<T6 all in on the flop and AK<A8 on Axx board all for over 150bb totally sick.

ShipitFMA 11-06-2007 12:41 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
12 tabling FR would generate a nice hourly?

ama0330 11-06-2007 12:42 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
12 tabling FR would generate a nice hourly?

[/ QUOTE ]

and a nice case of RSI [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

ShipitFMA 11-06-2007 12:44 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
but a nice hourly none the less?

ama0330 11-06-2007 12:44 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
but a nice hourly none the less?

[/ QUOTE ]


derosnec 11-06-2007 01:04 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I guess the high number of tables compensates the lower winrate then

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah but here's the problem: moving up

you are going to be so used to autopiloting and being paid off by the special olympics crowd that when you move up, you're going to wonder why the $$ are no longer flowing with with that style. the fish to reg ratio drops every time you move up.

my rule of thumb is to play as many tables you can where you can still play a solid game. for some people that's only 2 tables and for some it's as many as 12.

bknollenberg 11-06-2007 01:17 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Lol, I wasn't refering to that, I was refering to the fact you want to play nitring.
I should go to bed aswell. Dentist tomorrow morning, I [censored] HATE the dentist and haven't been in 8 years. LOL DENTISTAMENST.

[/ QUOTE ]

kolotoure 11-06-2007 01:19 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I'm back playing unl so I'm sorry to the stars regs when I own you

ShipitFMA 11-06-2007 01:24 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
SN and phone number please [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

kolotoure 11-06-2007 01:25 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
just AIM me if you want my sn

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