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TIEdup14 03-28-2007 10:07 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria


I see your point, but that's exactly why I think it was an evil power. It's fairly useless to the village, for the reasons you just described.

Besides, I doubt the wolves would resort to vote buying-- doesnt that make their intentions pretty obvious? ALSO in this instance if the wolves see that aaron is going down, there's little incentive to "vote buy" away from him.

If you reply to this I'll be glad to hear you out and take what you say into consideration, but after that I wont be replying in order to try and cut down on the amount of posts people have to come back to. So when I dont reply, please dont take it the wrong way!

Iron_Yuppie 03-28-2007 10:09 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I could see a villager using the vote addition power against aaron, if they were sure he was a wolf.

[/ QUOTE ]

A villager wasting a power like that this early in the game (and being "SURE" of a wolf no less!!!) is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen in WW

I'm going to assume that it was used by an evil character (that didnt know that the fact the power was used would be revealed), and thus Jared seems to be the clear wolf

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no problem with a villager using his power this early.

Also, with the 0/1/2 vote effect yesterday, it didn't even necessarily need to be a vote move off aaron.

Also, an evil power could have used the vote buy to set up a villager-Jared lynch today.

I think it would be interesting to ask whichever person who used this power to come forward. I believe that it is allowed by the rules after the fact.

Zurvan 03-28-2007 10:09 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

so do you agree that that Jaredl post was wolfy and that hes a wolf or do you disagree?

[/ QUOTE ]


That post was beyond wolfy, yes. I did not really see that last night. In fact, I may need to reread all of last night. I was watching hockey while reading the thread, so I may have missed more than that.

KyrosMother 03-28-2007 10:11 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
MT (and others),

In response to your 9:15pm post – there was nothing interesting at all about my vote change. I made it perfectly clear that I was voting aaron or Jared and that I did not think Sighing was a wolf. When I switched to jared, I said I was switching back to aaron, if necessary. At 9:13, aaron was the front runner of the two and had just gone back to sighing, so I switched back…and then aaron and mets went back to Jared.

If you are looking for who saved Jared, start with FCBL (shocker) and LC, who moved their votes to sighing as soon as Jared went into the lead….and Luckay, who went to aaron before me.

durron597 03-28-2007 10:11 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
ribit ribit ribit
ribit ribit ribit

MDoranD 03-28-2007 10:12 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
ok im not going to post again for a bit to lower post count unless im directly addressed but i really hope people will read that jaredl post and vote him today. Nobody would ever make that post unless theyre a wolf. SHIP IT.


Zurvan 03-28-2007 10:15 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Besides, I doubt the wolves would resort to vote buying-- doesnt that make their intentions pretty obvious? ALSO in this instance if the wolves see that aaron is going down, there's little incentive to "vote buy" away from him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Consider this from a villager's perspective last night. He sees a close wagon. He doesn't know if it's 0, 1 or 2 wolves involved. If there's zero wolves, then the wolves can vote buy Jared in to the lead, to "save" aaron, and get him lycnehd today. If Jared is the one wolf, the wolves vote buy on to aaron to save him. If aaron is the one wolf, they vote buy on to Jared to save aaron. If they are both wolves, then the wolves probably do nothing.

As a villager, if you feel that aaron is more likely to be the wolf, you use your relatively weak power to keep him in the lead, and prevent the wolves from being able to use their vote buy power. In the scenario where neither are wolves, you are possibly preventing a villager lynch today by stopping the wolves from manipulating the vote. In the scenario that aaron is the single wolf, you're preventing a villager lynch last night, and lynching a wolf.

Finally, the vote add could have been put on Jared which, I think would have tied things up. I doubt this was done, frankly, because it would be useless from a villager perspective.

Again, there's the possibility of the vote add being done by the wolves, but this strikes me as a one time power, when a vote buy of a double vote off jared on to aaron would have accomplished the same thing, without using up a one shot power.

Voj 03-28-2007 10:20 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Out for a while.
May or may not be back before night (though I probably will be)

Nez477 03-28-2007 10:25 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Good morning all.

I had fun last night and created what I'd like to call "Antidan automatic" v1.0.

This is only step one in trying to make being antidan a little easier, but here is the voting order yesterday for reference.

DMK votes for DUSTIN [1]
NEZ votes for FMXDA [1]
ECONO votes for SIGHING [1]
DURRON votes for TIEDUP [1]
SHORTY votes for SIGHING [2]
KBAR votes for SIGHING [3]
XOOM votes for SIGHING [4]
AARONK votes for NEZ [1]
VOJ votes for TIEDUP [2]
NEZ switches from FMXDA [0] to SIGHING [5]
NEZ switches from SIGHING [4] to TRAZ [1]
IY votes for SIGHING [5]
FMXDA votes for BOOKS [1]
LUCKAY votes for TIEDUP [3]
BOILER votes for IY [1]
BRAM votes for FMXDA [1]
FCBL votes for NEZ [2]
KYROSMOM votes for TIEDUP [4]
SHORTY switches from SIGHING [4] to IY [2]
MARK votes for NEZ [3]
LUCKAY switches from TIEDUP [3] to
DURRON switches from TIEDUP [2] to SIGHING [5]
LUCKAY votes for JEREMY [1]
LUCKAY switches from JEREMY [0] to BRAM [1]
LUCKAY switches from BRAM [0] to KBAR [1]
DURRON switches from SIGHING [4] to KYROSMOM [1]
ZURVAN votes for DURRON [1]
DMK switches from DUSTIN [0] to DURRON [2]
CHUCKLES votes for DURRON [3]
MADTOWN votes for KYROSMOM [2]
DMK switches from DURRON [2] to MDORAND [1]
METS votes for FCBL [1]
DMK switches from MDORAND [0] to
DMK votes for DURRON [3]
MDORAND votes for ZURVAN [1]
DURRON switches from KYROSMOM [1] to AARONK [1]
DMK switches from DURRON [2] to AARONK [2]
MADTOWN switches from KYROSMOM [0] to AARONK [3]
DUSTING votes for SIGHING [6]
ZURVAN switches from DURRON [1] to LASTCHANCE [1]
LUCKAY switches from KBAR [0] to IY [3]
LUCKAY switches from IY [2] to AARONK [4]
BOILER switches from IY [1] to AARONK [5]
METS switches from FCBL [0] to AARONK [6]
NEZ switches from TRAZ [0] to AARONK [7]
METS switches from AARONK [6] to LASTCHANCE [2]
KYROSMOM switches from TIEDUP [1] to AARONK [7]
BLUFFBANK votes for AARONK [8]
KBAR switches from SIGHING [5] to LASTCHANCE [3]
FMXDA switches from BOOKS [0] to LASTCHANCE [4]
MARK switches from NEZ [2] to
KYROSMOM switches from AARONK [7] to FMXDA [2]
SHORTY switches from IY [0] to SIGHING [6]
JEREMY votes for KYROSMOM [1]
LASTCHANCE switches from SIGHING [5] to FMXDA [3]
BOOKS votes for JAREDL [1]
SIGHING votes for AARONK [8]
SHORTY switches from SIGHING [4] to DUSTIN [1]
SHORTY switches from DUSTIN [0] to SIGHING [5]
SHORTY switches from SIGHING [4] to IY [1]
DURRON switches from AARONK [7] to DUSTIN [1]
LASTCHANCE switches from FMXDA [2] to IY [2]
JAREDL votes for SIGHING [5]
NEZ switches from AARONK [6] to JAREDL [2]
AARONK switches from NEZ [1] to SIGHING [6]
KBAR switches from LASTCHANCE [3] to SIGHING [7]
KYROSMOM switches from FMXDA [1] to AARONK [7]
MADTOWN switches from AARONK [6] to LASTCHANCE [4]
DURRON switches from DUSTIN [0] to JAREDL [3]
AARONK switches from SIGHING [6] to LASTCHANCE [5]
KBAR switches from SIGHING [5] to LASTCHANCE [6]
KYROSMOM switches from AARONK [5] to JAREDL [4]
LUCKAY switches from AARONK [4] to JAREDL [5]
CHUCKLES switches from DURRON [0] to AARONK [5]
VOJ switches from TIEDUP [0] to JAREDL [6]
AARONK switches from LASTCHANCE [5] to JAREDL [7]
MARK votes for JAREDL [8]
LASTCHANCE switches from IY [1] to SIGHING [6]
LUCKAY switches from JAREDL [7] to
LUCKAY votes for AARONK [6]
FCBL switches from NEZ [0] to SIGHING [7]
LASTCHANCE switches from SIGHING [6] to AARONK [7]
FCBL switches from SIGHING [5] to AARONK [8]
DURRON switches from JAREDL [6] to AARONK [9]
KUMUBOU votes for JAREDL [7]
AARONK switches from JAREDL [6] to SIGHING [6]
KYROSMOM switches from JAREDL [5] to AARONK [10]
AARONK switches from SIGHING [5] to JAREDL [6]
METS switches from LASTCHANCE [4] to JAREDL [7]
LASTCHANCE switches from AARONK [9] to SIGHING [6]

I really do not see why not to vote for JaredL today btw, this has nothing to do with this voting list, but I did reread the whole thread to get the votes and he will pretty much have to die to convince me he is village.

Nez477 03-28-2007 10:31 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Also, something else to consider this morning.

KBar is meh-wolfy now. I'll make a revised list a little later. He really has been generic this game.

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