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vixticator 11-10-2007 01:15 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Nice I won a $25 token! Dunno about plane trip, 30-45min sounds right.

Micro Donk 11-10-2007 01:17 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
it really doesnt seem worth it to fly to vegas. might be more convenient, but by the time you get thru the airports, youd be at about vegas driving..and eh i just enjoy driving somewhere a lot more

vixticator 11-10-2007 01:18 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Yah, I'm mildly afraid of air travel. Not like freak out but it bothers me a bit.

PJo336 11-10-2007 01:19 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Yah, I'm mildly afraid of air travel. semi like freak out, it bothers me a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Micro Donk 11-10-2007 01:19 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
yea same here, even tho i do end up flying a lot, still uncomfortable with it

vixticator 11-10-2007 01:20 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Yah, I'm mildly afraid of air travel. semi like freak out, it bothers me a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]Xanex ftw.

Kik 11-10-2007 01:22 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
A casino just opened in my town.

Problem is the blinds are 5 eur/5 eur which is a little bit too high for my NL25 BR [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

PJo336 11-10-2007 01:23 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
i dont get how people fly like twice a week, way too much

Phildo 11-10-2007 01:23 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)

But then i cant drive home!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

vixticator 11-10-2007 01:26 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
In those token tournaments where like top 48 win a token it doesn't matter if you busto 47th vs 1st right?

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