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ICMoney 11-04-2007 03:58 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
That's not positive reinforcement WingFlush.

Change of mind leads to a change in action, which affects a change in results, etc.......

Bantam222 11-04-2007 04:52 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
How are you getting stacked so often at 10NL?

You are having multiple 3-4 buyin swongs in just a few 100 hands.

monkover 11-04-2007 09:53 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
PT+PAHUD+FTTO is working ok. But I still think i'm missing out on some of the worse players.

[/ QUOTE ]

sorry for my noobness but whats that exactly?
some kind of buddy listing programm?

whyzze 11-04-2007 09:57 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
pahud = poker ace hud

ftto = full tilt table opener

I use ftto to keep opening new active tables while a datamine. And I datamine before every session. So when I'm about to start playing, I have 16 tables open with all the players datamined and their stats shown up. I just go through the tables and pick the best.

hennnerz 11-04-2007 10:16 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I datamine before every session. So when I'm about to start playing, I have 16 tables open with all the players datamined and their stats shown up. I just go through the tables and pick the best.

[/ QUOTE ]

So do I man, but I still only find maybe 3 tables from 16 with VPIPs over 29... [censored] FTP

ShipitFMA 11-04-2007 10:19 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
^^^^ Today i was playing on 3 tables with 30vpip, 1 with 35vpip and 1 with 40vpip. The other had a 25vpip :<

whyzze 11-04-2007 10:19 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I dont use the table vpip fact I should get rid of it. Im mostly just looking for tables with a deepstack fish and no solid regs. one 40+vpip and one 30+ vpip is good enough for me.

hennnerz 11-04-2007 10:31 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I see. My FTTO just messed up big time. Like 16 blank tables have opened up...

Edit: Nvm I had the MTT tab bad.

monkover 11-04-2007 10:51 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
i still donīt get what that table opener does? i can open 16tables with out it...

hennnerz 11-04-2007 10:54 AM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
in like 8 seconds can you?

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