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Machmood 09-01-2007 04:31 AM

The Unofficial \"Bulking\" thread
Recently i have seen many people post about trying to gain weight and get bigger/stronger, and some of the advice was pretty horrible. Below i have posted some articles from other websites that i feel are illustrate how to diet/train properly to see the bet results. Althought i do not agree with 100 percent of the information, it is a great foundation

First the diet......

First things first:
There are many reasons that bulking diets fail but here are a few of the most common reasons:
1) Calories are not high enough and putting on muscle mass fails
2) Calories are too high and macros percentages are not in check. This in turn leads to putting on sloppy weight (fat) as well as muscle.
3) You are BULKING, not CHEATING. Cheat days will be factored in, but your food choices should still be healthy. All diets, whether cutting or buking, need to be monitored. This means that watching your insulin spikes and TYPE of carb intake is still important.
4) You are what you eat. It’s just that simple. To simplify, you eat crap and you will look like crap.

That being said let’s talk calories and figuring out daily needs

Harris Benedict Formula for Calorie Calculations
“The Harris Benedict equation is a calorie formula using the variables of height, weight, age, and gender to calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is more accurate than calculating calorie needs based on total body weight alone. The only factor it omits is lean body mass and thus the ratio of muscle-to-fat a body has. Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less leaner ones. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (Harris-Benedict will under-estimate calorie needs) and the very fat (Harris-Benedict will over-estimate calorie needs).”

That being said, there are is no concrete number of daily calorie intake your body needs, however using this formula will give you can idea of what you do need.

Harris Benedict Formula for Men
BMR = 66 + (13.7 X weight in kilos) + (5 X height in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)

1 inch = 2.54 cm.
1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs.

Example of BMR
You are 25 years old
You are 6 feet tall
Your weight is 220 pounds
Your BMR is 66 + (1370) + (914) - (170) = 2180 calories

Harris Benedict Formula for Men - STEP 2
To determine your total daily calorie needs, now multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

If you are Sedentary - little or no exercise
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.2
- If you are Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week)
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.375
- If you are Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.55
- If you are Very Active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week)
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.725
- If you are Extra Active (very hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
Calorie-Calculation = BMR X 1.9

Total Calorie Needs Example
If you are lightly active, multiply your BMR (2180) by 1.375 = 2997
Your total daily calorie requirement is therefore 2997 calories.
This is the total number of calories you need in order to MAINTAIN your current weight.

If you want to gain body weight, you must consume more calories than you burn. One pound of body weight is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories, so eating an extra 500 calories per day will cause you to gain one pound a week. Etc….

We have included an excel document created by Elliot @ AR that will calculate your calorie needs for you, using the Harris Benedict formula.

Elliot's Harris Benedict Calculator for Males:
Download the document named: harris-elliot.xls

Alright so now we know that you need extra calories to gain weight. So what should these calories be comprised of?? Well before we go there, let’s talk diet basics.

1. Postworkout Nutrition- I’m a firm believer that PWO nutrition is hands down the most important aspect of dieting. It is within the 15 minutes after a workout that your body is in dire need of nutrients. It is a completely anabolic state, and what you take in can be optimized to ensure maximum results. A general rule of thumb is 40-60 grams whey protein, and double the amount of whey in carbohydrates (50% dextrose/50% maltodextrin).

2. Carbs- carbohydrates are a very helpful macronutrient when you are trying to gain lean mass. However, carbohydrates are only useful if they are used at the correct times. In my opionion carbohydrates are only necessary for 3 meals of the day. These meals include breakfast, your PWO Shake, and your PPWO Meal. Your breakfast and PPWO meals should be comprised of slow burning complex carbs that are low on the glycemic chart. Some good examples of low glycemic carbs are brown rice, yams, and oatmeal. Others may include whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta.

3. Protein- Just like when you are cutting, you need plenty of protein. For bulking, a good rule of thumb is 2-3g of protein per pound of lean bodyweight. You should take in a good portion of your protein in the source of real meals, avoid intaking too many shakes, as real food comes to a better benefit. The list foods with high protein bioavailability is extensive, and I will only cover a few, (Egg whites, Lean steak, Chicken breast, the list goes on forever….).

4. Fats- EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) are extremely important in any diet. The list of benefits from taking in dietary fats I extensive and I am not even going to get started on it. I will just say that a diet which includes EFA’s will yield much better results. Good sources of fat are ( Flax Oil, Nuts, Salmon, Olive Oil). EFA

5. The separation of Carbs and Fats- This is a hotly debated issue, but again, in my opinion, an important aspect nonetheless. Remember that it is often when you eat items and with what you eat them that is more important than what you are eating. A mouthful, I know, but stay with me. Remember that when you take in certain carbs, you can spike your insulin levels. If you are taking in fats when your insulin has been spiked, you are allowing the basic laws of physiology to act out, and you allow for a higher propensity for fat storage. Separation is key. The sample diet will give a good example of how to separate them.

6. Supplements-

Glutamine: Helps prevent catabolism. Best used in dosages of 10grams daily, 5 grams before cardio, 5 grams at another interval, but not after workout as it fights for absorption with the glutamine peptides in whey.

ALA/R-ALA- Gets my supplement of the day award. R-ALA is effective in lowering the spike of insulin when certain carbs are consumed. I could give you a dissertation on the stereoentisomeric properties of the R, but all you need to know is that it has been found to shuttle carbohydrates away from adipose and into myocytes. Translation: Away from fat cells, into muscle cells. It’s a supplement, however, not a miracle worker. It’s not a crutch, and won’t do anything about fat intake. ALA and R-ALA can also aid in the expedition of the ketogenic state. Remember that if you buy R-ALA that you supplement it with Biotin. Glucorell-R is prepackaged with it. If you can afford it, go for it. As far as dosage, with the R, you are looking at 1-2 pills of Glucorell R for each 30-40grams of carb intake.

Protein and Carb Shakes: I’m not going to cover protein, because even if you can’t afford it, you should sell a kidney to get some. Carb drinks are rather convenient, and companies offer pre mixed dosages, (CarboHit, Glycoload, UltraFuel). Dextrose and Maltodextrin can be bought from most supplement stores or online.

Creatine: Unlike while cutting, creatine can be used while bulking since the water retention from its use will not be an issue since you are “bulking”. In the body, creatine is synthesized from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. Taking supplemental doses of creatine monohydrate can increase muscle creatine and phosphocreatine (PC) concentrations by up to 40%. These increases can lead to improvements in muscle energy production and recuperation.

7. Cheating- Cheating is essential. Why? Remember, the body runs on homeostasis, it likes to keep balance. After eating so well after a week, your body begins to adjust, and lean mass gain / fat burning over time will not be as rapid. The other extremely important aspect is mental sanity. So many diets crash and fail because people don’t give themselves a chance to breath. Remember, cheating is not an opportunity for you to pillage the entire mall food court. Shoot for a cheat meal, not an all out binge. A fast food value meal can be 2,000 calories. Eat that 3 times on one day, and you’ve consumed 6,000 calories. And that’s not good in any case.

8. Cardio - D*mn right cardio!! Yes even when bulking. Why? Because cardio works the most important muscle of all – YOUR HEART. Not only that, but doing cardio 3 times a week will help keep the fat you will gain in this diet to a minimum. Cardio should be performed on an empty stomach first thing in the am. The proper cardio for burning fat is done by staying in your target heart rate for fat burning which is 65-70% of your max heart rate for a period of 45-60 minutes. To figure this out you can use the following formula:

(220 – your age) * .65
(220 – your age) * .7

Example for a 22 year old:

(220 – 22) * .65 = 128.7
(220 – 22) * .7 = 138.6

From this we can conclude that for a 22 year old target heart rate for fat burning should be between 129 and 138 beats per minute for 45-60 minutes.

Why 45-60 minutes?? Because fat burning (lipolysis) doesn’t typically kick in until the 20 minute mark, so only doing 30 minutes of cardio yields 10 minutes of fat burning. You get the point.

**Cardio Disclaimer: Some people have a harder time gaining weight than others, and doing cardio might not be the best idea for these people. For others who wish to use the fat burning abilities of cardio but still gain size, 30-35 minutes of cardio 1-3 times a week may be a better choice. Remember it is your body and only you know what works for you.

Now The Sample Diet:
Note: This is a sample diet for our 26 year old, 6ft tall, 220 pound gentleman mentioned in the example above for figuring out calorie needs. This diet will NOT work for you if those criteria don’t apply to you; however it is easy to customize the below diet to take in account your own statistics. It is the principles that are applicable.. I am not going to post the total amount of calories, only the carb, protein and fat macros for the whole day.

Based on the Harris Benedict formula above, our friend here needs 2997 calories a day to maintain his current weight. So in order for him to gain 1 pound a week, we need to increase his calories to right around 3500 a day since that will yield 3500 calories over his maintenance numbers needed for the week.

Meal 1: Pro/Carb

8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal

50g protein / 54g carbs / 5g fat

Meal 2: Pro/Fat

Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies

55g protein / 2g carbs / 20g fat

Meal 3: Pro/Carb

Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice

55g protein / 64g carbs / 3g Fat
**Disclaimer: Meal 3 can be a pro/fat meal if you are ultra sensitive to carb intake.

Meal 4: Pro/Fat

2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies

60g protein / 2g carbs / 13g Fat


Meal 5: PWO Nutrition

2 Scoops Whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose

40g protein / 80g carbs / 0g fat

Meal 6: PPWO

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked)

50g protein / 70g carbs / 3g fat

Meal 7: Pro/Fat

Lean Protein of your choice, 2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
50g protein / 5g carbs / 18g fat

Meal 8: Before Bed

3 Scoops of Whey Protein, 1.5 Tbsp. Flax Seed Oil

60g protein / 3g carbs / 21g Fat

That turns into approximately 420 grams protein, 250 grams Carbs, and 83 grams of fat. This is roughly 3500 calories

*Reminder: This is a PRIMER. It’s not mean to be comprehensive. Everyone is different, to find out what works for your body takes trial and error.

Here comes the fun part: Question and Answer….

Q: What about dairy?
A: This is totally dependant upon your goals. If you don’t mind the bloat from milk then go for it. Skim milk is a better choice as far as mixing fats and carbs go. Remember you are bulking so you have more freedom in your dietary choices.

Q: How often should I eat?
A: You’ll have to do the math to see how often you will have to eat to get your 7-8 meals a day in. If your up for 16 hours a day, then every 2 hours is how often you need to eat.

Q: Is sodium an issue?
A: Outside of the bloating issue, or if you have high cholesterol, no.

Q. How do I make my meals not taste like cardboard?
A. Be creative. Mix in some sugar free jam or splenda in your oats, some hot sauce or soy sauce on your meats, or pick up some sugar free ketchup.

Q. I don’t like old fashioned oats. Can I eat the pre mixed oats with fruit?
A. No. Be a man. Those mixes have ridiculous amounts of sugar.

Q. What about fruit?
A: Go for it, like with dairy you are BULKING. You have more freedom in your dietary choices.

Q: What are some good sources of Lean Protein?
A: Eggs, Fish, Chicken, Steak, Ground Beef, Whey Protein, Turkey….. the list goes on forever. Do a search and look through other people’s diets for ideas on protein

Q: What are some good sources of complex carbohydrates?
A: Rice, Pasta, Whole Wheat Bread, Yams, Oatmeal…. Same as above

As a final note we would like to thank SwoleCat and the rest of the diet forum participants for their help and influence on this post.

And we will end this sticky with a quote:

“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

Machmood 09-01-2007 04:32 AM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
Caloric intake calc

Machmood 09-01-2007 04:36 AM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
And now for the workout..ENJOY

Iron Man's HIT Training Explained

First let me start by saying that our muscles contain two types of tissues, (type 1) and (type 2) fibers.. Type 2 fibers contain the most growth potential so those are the ones you will want to concentrate on if your a bodybuilder. Theres 3 sub-categories of these type-2 fibers. "A-fibers", "B-fibers" and "C-fibers." When all three type-2 fibers are worked it will make the difference between a guy who looks big and a guy who looks BIG!!!

Type A can be stimulated by hitting failure on a weight that will allow for the performance of 11-15 reps. Type B fibers with 6-10 reps and type C fibers will be stimulated by hitting failure in the 1-5 rep range. Good form is always a must!

Wait (3 minutes) between sets to allow ATP/CP levels to replenish so the most weight can be used each set when using the (basic movements). When incorportating (isolation exercises) for weak body parts a rest of (90 seconds) is all that's needed. Lactic acid builds up when one moves too rapid to the next set on basic exercises or when using advanced techniques such as pre-exhausted super sets. LACTIC ACID will destroy the bodies ability to regenerate ATP/CP. How affective your AAS program regimine works in conjunction with your training program will be determined by how well your body regenerates ATP/CP levels. When levels of ATP are made low they trap (ANDROGEN RECEPTOR SITES) and block the signal for the body to grow. Diet and proper rest between sets has a positive affect on ATP/ well.

As most have already figured out, it's the Big Basic Exercises not the "puny isolations" exercises that will put the most mass/strength on your body. Show me a man who can use 350 lbs on the shoulder press and I'll show you a man with a big set of capped shoulders. Isolation exercises will not build deltoids to such monsterous proportions but isolations movements do have their place.

One heavy set of 1-5 reps will stimulate the C fibers such as that of powerlifting program and this will build up strength that cannot be achieved on a typical bodybuilding rep scheme of 8-12. Added strength allows one to break down more muscle tissue over a period of time forcing the muscles to expand in size. Just look at the muscle size on some powerlifters! Let me explain further by saying you will not obtain significant muscular growth as the weight load goes from 250, 260, or even 270 with the same form and total sets but you will grow like a weed in a short period of time once your weight load reaches the 280 lb mark. This is why low reps are mandatory in reaching one's full bodybuilding potential.

NOTE: While low reps have been know to tear down joint cartliage tissue over a period of time, the high reps I have included in this program will help compensate by re-constructing/re-building those joints back up. Other than added muscle size/strength, this is another reason you should be training in a holostic manner.

I ask? "why would anyone want to use a (chop stick) to eat with when they could be using a (shovel)"? Chop sticks are comparable to isolation exercises such as "leg extensions" for the quads, and the shovel would be equivalent to "squats" for that same muscle group.

NOTE: If you want to improve on the exercises that contribute the most to making progress in the size/strength category you must "BUILD" your workout around those exercises.

I believe in leaving isolation exercises for pre-comp/cutting when more time under tension will be needed through the use of (double power drop sets) to burn calories and work the muscles more intensely but a lagging body part can sometimes benefit from isolation exercises as well. Bodybuilders should try and put less drain on the already vulnerable CNS during a cutting phase. Isolation movements can be incorporated to allow for more volume, yet cause less drain on the CNS as compared to adding in more energy draining compound movements. In additon, "OVER-USE INJURIES" can be avoided when dieting down by adding isolation exercises. A higher level of volume will be needed and using "ONLY" compound movements could result in "OVER-USE" injuries.

NOTE: Cortisol and Estrogen levels are much "lower" during a cutting phase placing more demand on our joints.

Lifting "heavy" on a long term basis with heavy isolation movements in the off season has damaged many a joints because they are not considered a natural movement for our bodies! However, if you have a lagging body part that doesn't seem to be responding well to basic movements only it will be okay to add one isolation exercise for "high reps" so that "4" sets will be performed twice each workout for a body part instead of "3".

NOTE: If you decide to add an isolation exercise in for a lagging body part later on down the road, you would do a medium and heavy set for the basic exercise and 2 high rep sets for the isolation or second exercise you choose. For e.g.; Decline bench for 2 sets-medium/low rep sets with 3 minutes rest and incline flyes for 2 sets of 11-15 with 90 seconds rest. Or you could do Inclines for a medium and heavy set then do 2 high rep sets of flat flyes. Everthing else in the program laid out below stays the same. Give the basics only training a minimum of 4-6 months before adding in any isolation exercises for a lagging body part because much of the time a bodybuilder won't give a routine time to see if it will produce for a given body part. It's quite common for trainers to feel that an (isolation movement such as lateral raises) are really "lighting" up their delts when the same "pump" could have been produced from using high reps on (compound movements/ over head pressing).

NOTE: Less rest between sets always produces more of a pump but over-load is the key.

If your joints becomes irritated with a particular basic exercise simply change to another basic exercise if needed. For instance, if inclines begin bothering your rotator cuff switch to declines. But its imperative to use the exercise that makes your particular body grow best, not what is working best for your training partner. We all differ a bit in how our bodies respond to certain exercises. I prefer 15 degree declines for overall chest development where as a 30 degree decline works my arms and shoulders too much. Others likes 15 degree inclines best. A few even thrive on the flat bench press. GO FIGURE! If changing exercises doesn't help the joint irritation issue at hand simply rest the injury so it can heal.Then get back after it!!!

It's been provben that the shape of our muscles cannot be changed. In other words you will in no way turn a blocky person into a small waisted symmetrical one by using certain exercises such as those of the isolation version, or by not using certain exercises like heavy compound movements.

Many trainers use mostly "incline presses" for chest but their lower chest may still grows more so because it's the way their chest genetics are laid out. Simply stated, there is no such things as an upper chest and a lower chest. A muscle contracts as a whole.

Think about it, "what musculoskeletal muscles would be out of balance if "ONLY" one basic exercise (the most productive exercise) for your particular body was performed"?

If you think about it Ronnie Coleman is really only doing about "3" sets to failure per body part twice a week not "12" if you where to exclude all his time consuming warm up sets.

Theres 4 reason that working a muscle group "TWICE" each week is better than only "ONCE." (#1) If you can break a muscle down more frequently and then let it re-build you will get more growth cycles. (#2) You are able to use the most weight for any rep range on the first 3 sets for any particular muscle group, therefore you'll break down more muscle tissue with 3 intensified sets done twice weekly as opposed to 6 sets done only once a week.(#3) Each body part has it's own individual (protein turn over rate) and I think every body part needs to be treated as a lagging body part by performing more frequent workouts per muscle group. Training any body part with more frequency produces more "circulatory androgens" similar to that of a site-injection protocol.That's why you will frequently hear of trainers hitting a "weak" muscle group (twice per week) as opposed to (once). (#4) Another very important advantage to be gained by working every muscle group "TWICE" each week as opposed to only "ONCE" is being able to rotate different exercises for a particular muscle group once the body reaches a plateau with that one particuar exercise you have decided works best for each body part. After a period of time the body develop what is know as (fiber recruitment pattern burnout) from doing the same exercises over and over. "BUT" changing to another exercise altogether while leaving the "MAIN MASS BUILDER" up on the shelf for a period of time (for example 6-8 weeks) is a BIG MISTAKE!!! What happens is the bodies neural pathways goes into "DE-TRAINING" where it has to "re-learn" the (MAIN MASS BUILDING) exercises all over again much like someone learning how to walk again after being involved in a bad accident. My program is designed so that you find that "ONE" main mass building exercises for a muscle group that works best for your particular body, then you milk that exercises for all it's worth until it quits producing results. Once you discontinue to show improvements with that exercise alternate your MAIN MASS BUILDING EXERCISES (for e.g.; declines) with the ALTERNATE EXERCISE (for e.g.; inclines) every other workout until you start seeing strength gains once again. It's best to discontinue using the "ALTERNATE" exercise altogether and do only the "MAIN" exercise once the plateau has been broken by 10 lbs on upper body exercises and 20 lbs on lower body exercises. However if you are experiencing joint problems in for a particular muscle group by using the same exercises twice each week it can be of great benefit to alternate between 2 exercises each time you train so you can avoid overusing that joint.

NOTE: Keep in mind you get the most for your efforts with the first 3 sets. After 3 sets you get less results for your efforts. So spend your energy on the exercises (that count the most) with the first 3 sets (that count the most) by attacking the A-B-C type- 2 fibers, which (count the most) and by using that one and only exercise that (counts the most). Leave the rest of your success to genetics, nutrition, drugs, and rest.

Heres where some tend to get a bit confused and quickly overtrain their CNS and larger muscle groups, putting a halt to any strength gains that could have been made long term. Bodybuilders have been brainwashed through MUSCLE MAGS that it requires more sets to stimulate a "larger" muscle groups like quads, as opposed to the "smaller" muscle groups like the biceps. The answer would be "NO IT DOES NOT"!! Why? Because the smaller muscle groups in exception to forearms and the lower back recover at a faster rate than the larger muscle groups. The biceps recover quicker than any other bodypart even though they are considered a small muscle group. For larger muscle groups such as the legs, it take longer for the cells and muscle fibers to elevate protein synthesis along with the extra time needed for the CNS to regain its composure. Regardless of what some may have been led to believe, the chest is actually a "SMALL" muscle group like the arms.Traps are actually a "LARGE" muscle group not a small one, because they cover nearly 1/3 of the total back mass. The calves are a small muscle group but recover very fast. Deltoids are considered a large muscle group like that of the legs and lats, yet they get pounded so hard with chest/back work they are easy to overtrain. I think you can see what I'm saying here as it only makes "common sense".

Why a total of 6 sets for overall back work as opposed to 3 sets? This is decieving because in reality your only doing 3 sets for your lats "chinups" (not rows). The reason is because pulldowns/pull ups hit the lats where as various rowing movements hit the muscle of the mid-upper back. These are two different muscle groups just as the quads are the antagonist for the hamstrings. By not doing 3 sets sets of rows along with 3 sets of chins ups it would be like doing 3 sets of bicep work and leaving out the triceps. That would cause a severe muscle imbalance. So your only doing 3 sets for lats (pulldowns). The other 3 sets (rows) are for the upper/inner back thickness muscles..

NOTE: For each push-pull movement the antagonist muscle group recieves the same amount of work sets. For ie; (CHEST PRESS-ROWS). (SHOULDER PRESS- PULLDOWNS) and so one.

Why do a push pull routine for the first 3 weeks of the 6 week cycle? Because of PTOR (protein turn over rate). If for example, you trained lats heavy on Monday and then trained your biceps the following day, it would most certainly disrupt the anabolic phase of the biceps growth and recovery process due to secondary involvement during the "compound" lat movement you performed on the prior day. This could make for poor bicep growth.

Some may ask; but wouldn't it limit my ability to use as much weight as possible on shoulder and tricep exercises after pounding the chest? As with any training protocol the body quickly adapts. Anyone who has ever incorporated a pre-exhaustion program for a particular muscle group knows that at first the weights used will be less until the muscles adapt to the change. Once your system gets used to training delts and triceps after chest, the amount of weight you'll be able to use rises at a rapid rate. Wait at least 5 minutes depending on your time re-straints before going to the next body part so maximum strength can be regained. Waiting only 3 minutes between exercies in "NOT" enough!! Sit on a bench doing nothing during this time..Be that Big guy who sits around on his butt as though he's doing nothing, yet hes the BIG GUY.

NOTE: During the first 3 weeks you should not be able to use nearly as much weight on the arms because yor training them directly after the toros.Your only finishing tha arms off per se!! But during weeks 4-6 of the 6 week cycle you will train arms first on a different split while they are completelyl fresh. You'll be "AMAZED" at your newly found arm strength. During weeks 1-3 your (torso strength will sky rocket) as arm strength struggles but during the last 3 weeks of the 6 week cycle your torso strength will slow down as your (arm strength sky rockets). After a 7-10 day layoff you will return to to the week1-3 split and your torso strength will sky rocket once again because of the added arm strength gain during weeks 4-6 and the benefits of the rest pause added during that period of the 6 week cycle. I call this the (SLINGSHOT METHOD)!!!

The IRON MAN "HIT" program consist of doing two warm up sets per body part. The first warm up set should be very light and about 15 reps. The second warm up set will consist of a moderate weight for 6-8 reps. (In noway should these sets be fatiguing). One warm up set will be sufficient for some muscle groups. For e.g.: biceps after training the back and shoulders after chest work. Next 3 total work sets per body part are to be performed. Work the type 2- B-fibers (6-10) first.Then perform a 2nd set hitting the low repped A-fibers(3-5). Finish off by blasting the C-fibers (11-15). When working the legs and/or traps use a high-mediun-low rep set/scheme. Use a medium-low-high rep/set scheme when doing the rest of your upper body.

Each set is to be taken to complete failure or one rep shy depending on your recovery abilities and any prior joint inuries you now possess. Training an exercise to complete failure can aggravate a pre-existing chronic joint conditions and should be avoided. (For e.g.; you would not want to hit complete muscular failure, especially on the heavy low rep sets on any over head press movement if you have shoulder problems. You can still get stronger and grow larger muscles by using the 3-5 rep range in a non-failure approach. Train for your individual needs. Stimulate the muscle and move on. No need in doing multiple sets as you'll only be hurting your joints and zapping the CNS by doing so. Why waste uneccesary time in the gym through countless sets when end road can be met with less?????? Hit one sub-category of type-2 fibers with one intense set and move on to the other 2 fiber type!!!!

NOTE: I've found that attacking the C fibers (heavy weight/low reps) first will greatly increase ones chance for an injury.

The IRON MAN "HIT" routine consist of a 6 week loading phase and a 7-10 day unloading phase. The body adapts within 3 weeks to any mass building routine, thus, dictating a need for change. On weeks 1-3 you will load with straight sets with the push-pull system. During weeks 4-6 you will load even further by adding a modified rest pause at the end of each last set for each muscle group. During weeks 4-6 the 3 day per week split will change because the body begins to adapt significantly to most attempts at altering homeostasis after a 3 week period. To be successful in producing maximum muscle growth it is necessary to create maximum growth thresholds and then change or stop before the body is able to induce it's own counter measures. Remember to create growth one must work with the body's own counter measures so that one side of the anabolic/catabolic ratio is altered in favor of anabolism and not catabolism or homeostasis.
NOTE: One should not be able to reach the upper rep range on their last set during weeks 4,5, and 6. (DELAYEY FORCED REPS ) needs to be employed on the last set of every exercises but not on the heavy 1-5 rep unless it's done last. Never do your DELAYED FORCED REPS before the last set of each exercises as it will cause too much fatigue and would severely decrease ones ability in being able to lift a maximal amount of weight.

(Now heres how to do a delayed forced rep):

Lets say you are able to get 11 reps on the last set of incline presses with a goal of 11-15 in mind. You should rack the weight after hiting failure on your last set for that exercise, rest only long enough (generally 5-15 seconds) so that you can pick up the weight and crank out another 1-3 reps to make the upper limits of 11-15 range. No one should help you do this (delayed forced reps) and they are not the same as (regular forced reps) where someone is giving you assistance. Some may find that doing more than 2 reps is too exhausting on the CNS. The delayed forced reps do not have to be pushed to absolute failure but should be very difficult and taking them to failure will result in maximum growth if your body can recovery from it. If you make 15 reps on the high rep set or the 5 reps mark when doing the heavy set last, go ahead and do the delayed forced rep anyways. Normally the ideal situation would be to shoot for around 3 reps on the heavy set before doing the delayey forced reps and/or shooting for 11-12 reps before performing the delayes forced reps on the higher rep range. This will keep you at the higher end on the heavy sets and at the lower end on the high rep sets. One should only use the modified rest-pause technique on weeks 4,5, and 6 of the 6 week cycle. Do not use rest-pause during the first 3 weeks as it will cause burn out of the CNS.

NOTE: Once again lets go over the importance of changing the routine split on weeks 4-6. Failure to do the split as I have it set up will result in less than optimal results. Training arms while fresh (not after upper torso movements) during weeks 4,5, and 6 always brings forth new growth to the bi's and tri's by using a SLING SHOT approach. Newly found strength will be brought to the arms, an obvious weak link when trying to get stronger on compound movements in the upper torso such as presses and rows. (Expect to come back much stronger on the compound movements when you return to start the 6 week cycle all over again due to the strength you have gained in the arms by training them in a different manner all together in conjuction with delayes forced reps). Expect to stuggle a bit more during weeks 4, 5, and 6 when trying to increase weight in the compound movements because the arms will only be given 1 full day of rest instead of three as with the push-pull split and expect to stuggle more with trying to get the arm strength up during the push-pull phase when the arms are being pre-fatigued with compound exercises. However this SLINGSHOT approach is necessary to break plateaus in both "upper torso" and "arm" strength. During this time frame (weeks 4,5, and 6 your push pull split will change to the following because the push-pull split is too demanding on the system as a whole when rest-pause is incorporated and the change is needed to provide the SLINGSHOT approach we just discussed. :

Monday: Chest, shoulders, lats, traps, abs

Wednesday: Biceps,triceps, rotators, calves, quads,hams.

Friday: Same as monday and so on.

With the IRON MAN 3 day per week High Intensity Training, 3 sets are performed twice in an 8 day period. Its imperative you never work out two days in a row so the CNS can be ready for the next workout. The CNS's ability to recovery "does not" increases as we progress in our training. The stronger we get the more intensity that can be generated through lifting heavier weights, therefore making the recovery process take even longer. Steroids only compound the problem by making one stronger. MWF is optimal for off-season trainers of all stages. Leave the 5 days per week training for pre-competition or conditioning.

NOTE: A layoff is indicated every 6 weeks on the IRON MAN "HIT" for a period of 7 TO10 days. Since training would normally be terminated on a Friday and would not be resumed until Monday of the (second-following week) when taking off the full 10. You may lose some nervous system function but no muscle loss will occur. You will come back stronger and break personal records on every exercise. (FAILURE to take this lay off will inevitably hold you back in SIZE-STRENGTH)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE: If the diet is not spot on don't expect to gain a whole lot on this routine other than some added strength and density. Extra calories will be needed with an emphasis on protein. Ectomorphs will even need more fats and carbs than endo's. The best gains will come about by going over your target weight, then dieting back down later. Let it be known that it is "IMPOSSIBLE" for the majority to achieve maximum muscle "size-strength" without putting on some body fat. You will have to go over the required weight- within reason, then lose the fat slowly and keep the hard earned muscle during the dieting down period. Cycling calories by eating more for a 4 days then dropping back down to normal for 3 days can help you ZIG-ZAG those muscular weight gains to a higher standard. This same ZIG-ZAG approach is the best plan for losing body fat as well.

NOTE: For gaining mass you must add 2 calories or so per pound of lean bodyweight to your daily caloric intake 4 days each week. It's best to spread these calories out among 5-6 meals per day. Then on the remaining 3 days for that week reduce your calories back to the original (minus 2 calories per pound of body weight). Protein should be kept constant throughout during any diet but carbs or fats either one can be maipulated when bulking or cutting. It's a personal preference as to which one you like eating the best and to whether or not you want to use a low fat diet of a low carb diet. Both work extremely well as overall calories becomes the biggest factor in weight gain or loss as long as protein is the main food source.. You will need to adjust your calories monthly to reflect the new caloric needs of your increased muscle mass. (This is secret most seek but few seem to find when trying to gain weight). USE THE DIET THAT YOU CAN LIVE WITH NOT SOMEONE ELSES!!!

NOTE: For losing body fat you must do just the opposite as the mass gaining diet. For 4 days each week, reduce your calories through carbs or fats by 2 per pound of lean body weight. Then on the remaining 3 days of that week add 2 calories per pound of lean body weight back into your diet.

NOTE: The above diet methods have been found to work better than any other mass gaining and/or fat loss diet there is because it re-sets the bodies set point/Basic metabolism rate without hitting the dreaded plateaus with most diet plans!!!!!!!! Anabolic steroid users can increase or decrease their calories by 3 for each pound of lean body mass if need be. Try using ZIG ZAG your calories and stay away from extreme diet plans and you will see results!!!!!!


Chest: One compound movement for chest. I have found the 15 degree decline or incline press to be the best for most but some like flat bench presses.

Shoulders: One over head compound pressing movement like dumbell presses or a smith machine, etc.

Triceps: Close grips or lying tricep extensions if your elbow joint can handle them..

Traps: Shrugs.

ABS: weighted crunches or weighted cable reverse cruches : Do a higher rep range on abs so the lower back is not injured.


Back width: pulldowns or better yet chin ups.

Back thickness: rows

biceps: dumbell curls..Avoid heavy concentrated curls such as one arm spider curls as they can rip the tendon/muscle clean from the bone.

calves: standing calf raises "not the seated version" as they are for the soleus.

quads: squats

hams : leg curls

FRIDAY: Same as mondays workout

(WEEK 2)


NOTE: I left out deadlifts as Iv'e witnessed several trainers trainers blow out spinal disk performing this movement while using proper form. It destroyed their bodybuilding activities along with their life so I avoid recommending this exercise. Be careful if you choose to do them! This workout program will need to be adjusted if you incorporate deadlifts. Partial deadlifts would be a more affective replacement for those looking for more upper back/trap mass. But if you MUST do deadlifts for only (1) sets after "TRAPS" on the push-pull weeks and do the deadlifts after " TRAPS" on week 4, 5, and 6 when doing the other split. They must always be done last!!!!

Preventing "boredom" will always be an important factor in everyones success. While rotating to a different exercise each session is not recommended on my program being able to do so with the (basic mass builders) in case of prior injuries or boredom of using the same exercise is fine. Thats fine!!! A good illustration would be doing squats one workout and substituting squats for the leg press machine the following workout and then back to squats the next time around and then back once again to the leg press and so on. As stated before it's the best way for those experiencing joint problems to train.


You must avoid incorporating such movements as heavy shoulders laterals, pullovers, flyes, leg extension, concentrated curls, good mornings, wrist curls, etc when trying to further your progress as these will not aid in adding the size-strength you seek but will most certainly set you back with nagging or possibly chronic "injuries". They can be done for brief period of time such as in the conditioning phase but most won't be able to stick to doing them heavy on a long term basis without doing some type of damage. If you feel the need to add them for a lagging body part use high reps (11-15) only!!!!!!

NOTE: Serious competitors will make their best overall gains by su**ividing their training year into about 75% bulking/25%cutting cycles. You need to have a bulking periods (where they try to gain as much strength-muscle mass as possible and ACCEPT some fat gain). This period should consist of 12 weeks of bulking/mass training on the (IRON MAN "HIT)", (two 6 week cycles). Then you will want to do a (4-6 weeks cutting phase) (IRON MAN PRE-COMP-BELOW), where the goal is "fat loss" and "sparing muscle mass-strength" with the power double drop sets and the addition of more aerobics. I highly suggest that non-competitors incorporate 4-6 weeks of the 5 day per week cutting phase after doing 12 weeks on the mass gaining phase to add variety and a shock to the body. 2 Compound movements for each body part can be used instead of a compound and an isolation if the isolation exercise brings about too much irritation to the joints or an old injury.

NOTE: This is a time for anabolic users to lower their dosages and give their bodies a break from all the force feeding.

If you are a serious competitor..Allowing yourself to get "TOO FAT" in the off season for extended periods of times makes it extremely hard to diet down without losing a ton of muscle. So 'bulk' for 12 weeks and then diet down through carb/calorie cycle for 4-6 weeks to strip off some of the fat you've gained while keeping the muscle mass/strength. Don't be surprised if you make forward progress in muscle mass with this specialized conditioned routine. No need in dropping calories unless your heading into a contest or overly obese.

NOTE: Take a 7 day lay off after 4 weeks or 7-10 days off after doing 6 weeks of using the cutting period, then bulk again, then- diet again. It's the ultimate way to make continual progress given your diet is spot on.

Thremp 09-01-2007 07:47 PM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
I don't like your advice. Your protein recommendations are way too high for most people to follow a zone style breakdown which I think is the going standard in bulks. Your workout advice is pretty terrible. Actually, I will take a stance. It is terrible.

Your diet advice with the P/C and P/F splits is pretty pointless and excessively complicated.

You put in way too many errors and fallacies to start any sort of basic "Official" thread. I could sumise the a "Offcial" thread on this in under 50 words.

1) Start a zone diet increasing calories 250 from base each week until you gain weight.
2) Do a program someone else has written with deadlifts and squats as the main two lifts.
3) ?????
4) Profit.

There we can add that to the FAQ and all will be well atleast moreso than this abortion.

shemp 09-01-2007 08:14 PM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
I apologize if my failure to read close enough is the problem here, but is this a cut and paste from some other site? If so, is there a reason you don't provide the author/source credit?

Machmood 09-02-2007 01:42 AM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
These are cuts and pastes from a diff site, i am on a few bodybuilding forums and just thought these 2 articles were a good start for someone who is bulking. thremp, i really think you are way off here. Although i agree that the protein intake is alil high(even i only d about 1 gram per lb) i feel this is a great foundaion for people. I see so many post where people dont know what to eat and when to eat it. This outlines what you should be eating, why and when. as i said this is a good "first" read for sum1 who wants to bulk but doesnt know where to start, its not a Bible. As for the workout im not gonna argue, everyone has their own theory, ive used all diff types of workouts, and saw the best results with the ones i posted. I should add i am more inot bodybuilding and looks then i am functional strength or competing

SmileyEH 09-02-2007 11:24 AM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
rofl, well it's cool I guess you admitted to blatant plagiarizing.

Thremp 09-02-2007 01:33 PM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread
Nice. So you copied workouts, which suck. Then move on to saying that some esoteric workout that is generally considered trash, but you responded too should be used for most people when starting as opposed to a "normal" program. Not to mention you include a very complex (excessively so) diet for someone who is a "first timer" and "learning how to eat". Instead of just putting them on something very simple like I suggested above. You instead continue to push your plagiarized programs which are way complex and way inferior to mine.


kinda 09-02-2007 02:30 PM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread

Unofficial "How to Bulk" thread taken from the diet forum @

SmileyEH 09-02-2007 02:34 PM

Re: The Official \"Bulking\" thread

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