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ICMoney 11-15-2007 11:44 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Yes, my location is an accurate countdown from 30k hands this month.

catoandtonic 11-15-2007 11:45 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I need motivation to put in hands. So I am going to issue myself a hand challenge.

The only hands that shall count towards my total will have been played from Thursday 15th 12:00am to Thursday the 22nd 11:59pm pacific time. I am not allowed to play over 9 tables at one time to "catch up." The person selected will be given updates every 5,000 hands or so on my progress either by pm or aim. Any monies shipped will be done so by Stars, so you must have a Stars account to qualify.

If I do not play at least 20,000 hands, I will ship $50 to selected person.

If I play 20,000 but less than 25,000 hands by the same time period, I will ship $25 to that person.

If I meet the 25,000 hand goal, then I will ship $5 on the grounds that that person must immediately flip one time with me for the $5 I just shipped. The flip will be either nlhe or nlomaha, the person selected will decide.

The person I will ship to is the first person to respond with the correct answer to my trivia question:

What is the common name of the only bear native to South America?


Edit: Sean Fraley answered correctly first

Sean Fraley 11-15-2007 11:46 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I really think I am going to stop four betting QQ against these tighter players who only three bet 5% of the time.

[/ QUOTE ]I always 4bet allin. Unless playing reallllllly deep. edit: Not with QQ, or well I do for sure, but in general 4bet=shove.

[/ QUOTE ]
yeah what i meant. fourbetting AI with QQ+ and Ak. i just think against some of these ~5% 3betters i should maybe make it AA,KK,AK. However when I four bet to like 7 with a SC they fold so i guess i variance has been good to me somewhat. like tonight i raise OTB with QQ, like third time i raise PF in a row dude in BB threebets it and hud saying he threebets about 6% of time over 1500 hands and I think ok thats useless cause he just saw me raise like 3-4 hands in a row and i playing like 35/28 so he probably 3betting light so I'll just shove and he will call lighter. lol wrong. KK gg.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just PokerStoved this, and QQ is ~40% to win if opponents range a KK+, AKs, AKo. I think that there are a decent number of situations where when the 3-bet by villain is large, villain has less than a full stack, or villain makes a large enough limp-reraise after hero made a big initial raise (think a limp-reraise after hero raises after a number of limpers), or some combination of these that 4-bet shoving will be +EV.

bored 11-15-2007 11:46 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Yes, my location is an accurate countdown from 30k hands this month.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've played as many hands today as you've played this month.

Sean Fraley 11-15-2007 11:47 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I need motivation to put in hands. So I am going to issue myself a hand challenge.

The only hands that shall count towards my total will have been played from Thursday 15th 12:00am to Thursday the 22nd 11:59pm pacific time. I am not allowed to play over 9 tables at one time to "catch up." The person selected will be given updates every 5,000 hands or so on my progress either by pm or aim. Any monies shipped will be done so by Stars, so you must have a Stars account to qualify.

If I do not play at least 20,000 hands, I will ship $50 to selected person.

If I play 20,000 but less than 25,000 hands by the same time period, I will ship $25 to that person.

If I meet the 25,000 hand goal, then I will ship $5 on the grounds that that person must immediately flip one time with me for the $5 I just shipped. The flip will be either nlhe or nlomaha, the person selected will decide.

The person I will ship to is the first person to respond with the correct answer to my trivia question:

What is the common name of the only bear native to South America?


[/ QUOTE ]

Spectacled Bear

ShipitFMA 11-15-2007 11:47 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
the grizzly bear

yellowbluebus 11-15-2007 11:47 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
i agree. that essential sticky is great. i have read everything on there three times at least. session reviews are the bomb too. I go through all my stuff after every session. slowly but surely i am making less and less mistakes across the board.

my biggest problem now is getting the max in the thin spots when I know I am good.

for those that don't know i have had a rough go at nl25 over the last 23k hands. I am beating it for like 2.45PTBB mostly due to poor game selection then changing how aggressive i am postflop. finally over the last 11k hands things are ironing out and I have a decent 5.15PTBB. Had a few really thin spots went my way i would be up a lot more but w/e. over my last 11.8k hands where things are ironing out my biggest losing hand is AA and 99 for two buyins each. followed by 98s and J9s for a buyin each.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice recovery, Mr_Pathetic. I am on a 7K breakeven and I am definitely looking for leaks in my game but most of the time it's my own fault where I tilt or do things in spite -- the opposite of what common sense is telling me to do. BTW, you were at a couple of my tables today so I assume you are getting better at following fish. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

ICMoney 11-15-2007 11:50 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)

The person I will ship to is the first person to respond with the correct answer to my trivia question:

What is the common name of the only bear native to South America?


[/ QUOTE ]

spectacled bear or ucumari


creamfillin 11-15-2007 11:52 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)

ICMoney 11-15-2007 11:53 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
the grizzly bear

[/ QUOTE ]


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