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Tuff_Fish 11-10-2007 10:51 PM

Mason... Sir,
I still don't fully understand what your problem is with the PPA. You don't like their board make up is as much as I can glean.


However, the PPA has been doing yoeman's work for my right to play poker however I choose. What have you done for me and others like me?

2+2 Has not been proactive in our fight for poker rights. You had, and have, a near perfect vehicle to do what PPA is trying to do. So do better if you don't like them.

But.... If you choose to sit it out, if you choose to not be part of the solution, please don't become part of the problem.

I believe you could have avoided this whole fracas with a bit of forethought. But you seem somewhat obsessed with the fact that the PPA is funded by "industry special interests". Well, who the heck else is going to fund such an effort. The PPA spent some serious coin on the Washington DC flyin. How much have you spent helping us?

One last thought. If for some reason, you don't think this is your fight, you might want to reconsider.

If, due to your footdragging, hostility, and indifference, the PPA effort fails and our opponents win, you will rue the day. There is not going to be a subsidence to benign neglect so favored by a lot of 2+2ers, either we win or the opposition wins.

If the opposition wins, you will receive the following phone call from the DOJ.

Get those #@!#@$#@ poker site ads off your website YESTERDAY!

You don't want that, I don't want that, and the PPA is the ONLY group working to stop that.

Again, please don't become part of the problem. The legislative forum is one of the premier watering holes for folks seeking to secure our rights. Don't muddy the water.


Tuff Fish

PPA member and online poker fish.

BluffTHIS! 11-10-2007 10:59 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,

Wikipedia sure is a great resource. You might want to check out some of these topics in your spare time. Probably wouldn't hurt your poker game either!


List of fallacies

List of cognitive biases

Jerry D 11-10-2007 11:03 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
The powers that be at 2+2 are more interested in fighting the PPA than they are in fighting the poker ban. All of their efforts are directed at doing away with the PPA, not with doing away with the poker ban. Then they should do like you said and remove all the ads from their site, which are in fact illegal under the UIGEA.

BluffTHIS! 11-10-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
Hey Tuff,

How come you weren't around last year to defend poor little nrog ? I mean he claimed to be the saviour of online poker and some of us who doubted him got bashed to no end. Whatever happened to that guy?

(Note that I am not drawing a parallel in saying PPA is some kind of scam which I certainly don't believe. I am however drawing a parallel as to the proclivity of many posters here to ignore justified questions and criticisms of those with similar goals, instead of working to redress the problems that led to those criticisms.)

joeker 11-10-2007 11:31 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
If the UIGEA is overturned, it will be in spite of most poker players and 2+2 specifically

BluffTHIS! 11-10-2007 11:43 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
If the UIGEA is overturned, it will be in spite of most poker players and 2+2 specifically

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for sharing the brilliant reasoning that led you to that deduction.

Legislurker 11-10-2007 11:44 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
How is Mason fighting the PPA? He doesn't need the PPA. He doesn't need fame or money. Apparently they are here asking for help and a nod of approval. Lets be clear, the whole [censored] industry from the PPA to the rooms to the affiliates to the players, pros and fish all get an F when it came to politically representing poker. The PPA isn't even top 3 when it comes to getting remote gaming back where it was. Maybe theres some snippy ego BS going on but it doesn't mean the PPA doesn't have major problems.

I don't consider myself part of 2p2, except in regards to this effort. Whats been done here has been far and away more visible and impressive than anything the PPA has done. If there was a rally in DC and one one side of the street there were unpaid parts of the PPA and the other had 2p2 people, which side would have the bigger turnout? I know where I would bet.

Uglyowl 11-10-2007 11:52 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
What bothers me is most companies at least pretend to care about their customers. Mason comes off as a very unpleasant guy.

Lostit 11-10-2007 11:58 PM

Re: Mason... Sir,
Bluff this, what are you after here? Disagree with Tuff, fine. Don't like the PPA? Fine. I don't know Tuff, and although I like some of the things I've seen LATELY out of the PPA, I could care less who does it, only that it gets done.

There's been a lot of bickering in this thread and other threads, by a lot of people, meant to accomplish what? Educate? Drive people away?

If I told you that FOF would take away one of our greatest resources (Engineer) and find a way for us to focus on fighting each other instead of fighting for our right to play poker, it would come accross as some dreamed up atomic bomb attack that would be totally unrealistic. Better than anything that they could ever hope to do. Well they didn't have to. We did it to ourselves, and those that are against us must be ecstatic.

Take a step back, and look at whats going on here. This is not good. Its not constructive.

If you, or Mason, or anyone else has all this energy and time lets focus it on what we really need. Either clean up the PPA, assist the PPA, or replace the PPA. I'd say 99% of the people on here could give a rats behind who is fighting on our side, just that we're doing the best job, with the largest force, that we can muster.

Personal attacks do nothing but take away from those goals, and increase the chances that 3-4 years from now, there will be no 2+2, no PPA, and no checks coming in the mail from poker sites that would have gone out of business due to lack of players. There are people who I don't like, viewpoints I don't respect, and people who spew total non-sense on this board, but they are still potential allies in our fight for poker, and right now, we need them all.

Think about what you're trying to accomplish in the long run.

DeadMoneyDad 11-11-2007 12:01 AM

Re: Mason... Sir,
What bothers me is most companies at least pretend to care about their customers. Mason comes off as a very unpleasant guy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually while he is a little stiff, he does have as do others some valid concerns.

Personally I'd like to lock "them" all in a room for a week and not let them out untill they have figured out their turf wars and just get on with the "movement."

All this talk of control and time outs makes me think there are too many only childs and yougests making all the demands while the rest of us have to clean up the messes.


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