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xoom 04-01-2007 01:08 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Totally got me too, nice one [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

LuckayLuck 04-01-2007 01:20 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
The Elerian capital probably has better goodies to restock with. Let's gooo, baby!

P.S. If there was a saboteur, I would choose to restock here.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 01:34 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
FCBL Said:

Hold on a minute? You mean after we kill the saboteur, we get another saboteur? Do we get a new priest since we lynched TiedUp? How can we win this if the wolves keep regenerating?

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems like a villagery response...


Wow, so the trap is now pretty much randomly generated?

[/ QUOTE ]
This seems like a wolfy response...

MDoranD 04-01-2007 01:53 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

i agree with your analysis of those two posts, but its already been obvious to me that FCBL is super villager this game. Less sure about FMXDA. Mainly i just like how you did that so im moving you to village list.

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 02:01 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Still reading, but am likely going TRAZ today.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 02:22 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I've been trying to determine why the wolves ate Voj the other night. He does not come across as a Seer finding kill. In all his posts, he NEVER comes out and says that he thinks ANYONE is a villager (Classic seer peeks). He just pounds on Jaredl, Kyrosmother and Zurvan as wolves. Then on a reread he posts:

I'm back and drunk. And, and this far more sad, Zurvan is gone, so I cant' pish him anymore.
Won't make a long post now - I'm starving for food and sleep so only this thoughts from a reading :

Wolfia : Fmxda
Pretty Wolfia : Luckay, Wdcsbooks, Econophile, Sighing, KyrosMother.

Today : vote FMXDA

Tomorrow : hope I'll remember why I made this vote.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why oh why would the wolves want to kill him? There are others wanting to lynch KM, Zurvan and FMXDA... Is his list 100% villager and they want to throw us off??? I thought his list wasn't too bad. I'm really at a loss for this wolf kill.

Zurvan 04-01-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
xoom & Mark have both quoted that post of voj's, without really saying what they think of it. I haven't thought much about xoom this game, and I obviously think Mark is a wolf.

Now I'm starting to wonder what the wolves want us to see in that post. I'm sure it's something, and they're afraid to point it out.

Add xoom to the wolf list.

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 02:39 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Dead - known roles
chim17 - lynched 1 - good mercenary
dmk - night 2 - good mercenary
durron597 - night 3 (Vortex) - good mercenary
DustinG - lynched 4 (Toria) - Saboteur
fnord_too - night 1 - ordinary fighter
Iron_Yuppie - night 3 (Toria) - good mercenary
JaredL - lynched 3 (Vortex) - evil
kbar13 - lynched 3 (Toria) - assassin
lastchance - night 4 (Toria) - good mercenary
NeilStevens - day 1 - seer (villager now seer, modkill)
shortline99 - night 3 (Vortex) - Scout
Tiedup14 - lynched 4 (Vortex) - Priest
Voj - night 4 (Vortex) - good mercenary

<u>Bluffblank</u> - lean village, that is a bad list beginning of day 3. kbar randomly includes him on his wolf list, more likely wolf with other 2 listed probable villagers, pushed by kbar in toria.
<u>Chuckleslovakian</u> - turned durron into toad?, possible wolf, very stand offish all game, random dustin accusation day 4.
<u>Jeremy517</u> - WOLF, kbar vote at end of day 3 is wolfy.
<u>Kumubou</u> - meh, seems confident aaron is villager +wolf pts, push for Jared when aaron is getting railroaded is villagery
<u>LuckayLuck</u> - ?, somewhat cleared by Jared day 1, villagery now, luckay's interest in Jared end of day 2 seems forced, ok then he sees the same post I saw that made me think Jared was villager and changes his mind. +villager pts, somewhat cleared by kbar interaction (day 3)
<u>Madtown/Vavavoom</u> - seems village, meh maybe not.
<u>Mark_K</u> - wolf?, Jared vote end of day 2 seems forced
<u>MDoranD</u> - possibly evil, possibly not, possibly cleared by kbar, Dustin quotes kbar's post, that Jared vote beginning of day 3 looks wolfy after day 2 action., actually further interaction makes me lean villager day 3.
<u>Metsandfinsfan</u> - probably villager - others agree, what is with his late Jared vote day 2 when aaron is ahead by so much?, somewhat cleared by kbar interaction. IY kill really clears mets.
<u>Traz</u> - seems like stand offish villager traz, although off day 1, Jared makes me think traz is villager day 1, woah still off day 3., day 3 I am starting to think he is a wolf (pwns kbar as a wolf then says sighing is a better vote?)
<u>WDCBooks</u> - villager vote day 1 (Sighing late)?, pushes Jared day 2,
<u>Boiler_bd</u> - village
<u>Econophile</u> - lol chatroom (1:49 day 1) - villager, yeah this is villager econo
<u>fcbl</u> - cleared by lastchance night kill?, votes Jared because of KM, that is villagery I guess.
<u>fmxda</u> - meh
<u>Kyrosmother</u> - irritated Jared by speaking in 3rd person, typical villager KM, hmm I don't like that "Jared is probably a wolf" without reasons, (-1) villager point, omg Durron says it is a wolf tell too, DURRON, masons?
<u>Nez477</u> - villagery!!!
<u>Sighing</u> - villager, accused by Jared day 2, kbar votes sighing day 2 also
<u>Thebram</u> - meh wolf
<u>Xoom</u> - possible wolf
<u>Zurvan</u> - wolf, quiet? (day 1 not later), wow zurvan that is a bad list at the end of day 2 ", beginning of day 3 he seems set on who the dmk kill implicates, wolf chat set up?, goes after Dustin day 3, + villager pts., how does he read bram as villager after that (start of day 3)? lol misread evil power list, angleshootaments.
<u>Lastchance</u> &gt; durron &gt; sighing &gt; aaron &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Jared"

5 remaining evils total + convertable:
Temptress - roleblocker
Illusionist - godfather
Warlock - turns player into animal
2 - ordinary evils
convertable evil

Bard - vote counts as triple for day events
Veteren - votes against count as 2/3
fortuneteller - seer
apprentice - seer peek every 3rd night

luckay/sighing probably not (early day 1)
neil/luckay probably not (day 1)
mark/zurvan not evil together (day 2)

Summary (in order):




I am happy with my Traz vote.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 02:44 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
xoom &amp; Mark have both quoted that post of voj's, without really saying what they think of it. I haven't thought much about xoom this game, and I obviously think Mark is a wolf.

Now I'm starting to wonder what the wolves want us to see in that post. I'm sure it's something, and they're afraid to point it out.

Add xoom to the wolf list.

[/ QUOTE ]

No problem Zurvan.. Here my thoughts:

Fmxda - I haven't looked into his posts (I will before tonight)
Luckay - Virtually cleared villager (or worlds most skilled wolf)
KM - wolf
Sighing - Lean wolf but less than day 1/2
WDCBooks - Lean village (but I'm aware he's a sneaky wolf)
Econo - Same as Fmxda but without the above wolfy post.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 02:59 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
BTW Zurvan,

Why do you think they killed Voj?

Zurvan 04-01-2007 03:01 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
BTW Zurvan,

Why do you think they killed Voj?

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't looked at all his posts. I don't have a reason. It's possible he was killed for being wrong when they had no good seer candidate on that side. He was definitely wrong on me, and he made a big deal out of me being a wolf.

chuckleslovakian 04-01-2007 03:20 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
wow, I finally see what every one has been saying about Boiler after that list. I am fine with Kumu or Boiler today.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 03:29 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
wow, I finally see what every one has been saying about Boiler after that list. I am fine with Kumu or Boiler today.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had the same thoughts when I read that. The only caveat I had was that maybe some of the comments were from previous days and were not corrected or updated. Boiler definitely didn't get any villager points for that post.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 03:33 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
wow, I finally see what every one has been saying about Boiler after that list. I am fine with Kumu or Boiler today.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh and the other thing is his comments about you. How can he just ignore the whole Kbar finale at the end of day 3???

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 03:36 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
wow, I finally see what every one has been saying about Boiler after that list. I am fine with Kumu or Boiler today.

[/ QUOTE ]

who is on your list?

VoraciousReader 04-01-2007 04:05 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

VoraciousReader 04-01-2007 04:06 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
You quickly mount your fresh horse and the party sets out for Esthetica, the capital of Eleria. The Queen may even fund your resupply if you arrive in a timely manner, and it just doesn’t make sense to wait. It is a beautiful day…a blue sky (still a big relief to a fair number of your comrades) with bright, cheerful sunshine. Spirits are high.

Along the way, you strike up a conversation with the Guide. You learn that the Elerians are gradually losing ground, although the fact they are on their home territory has been working in their favor. Still, they are no match for the larger force.

You also learn where you can find a good game of cards in the capital. A useful man to know, your guide.

As the day wears on, even the Guide is surprised at what good time you are making. Perhaps a mystical force speeds you on your way. In any case, it soon becomes clear that you will reach Esthetica tonight, though it will be far too late to be presented to the Queen this evening.

<font color="red">*****************EVENT RESULT********************
All power roles will be accelerated today, even as the party’s progress is accelerated. Good and bad power roles will advance double today if they choose an event that would yield progress.
********************EVENT RESULT*******************</font>

xoom 04-01-2007 04:18 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
xoom &amp; Mark have both quoted that post of voj's, without really saying what they think of it. I haven't thought much about xoom this game, and I obviously think Mark is a wolf.

Now I'm starting to wonder what the wolves want us to see in that post. I'm sure it's something, and they're afraid to point it out.

Add xoom to the wolf list.

[/ QUOTE ]

What do you mean? I said it implicates you or fmxda, possibly both. I didn't consider the lack of village-peeks in his posts though. That would make it more likely that the kill is a possible setup in lack of a better seer-candidate.

wdcbooks 04-01-2007 06:09 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I have thought Fmxda was a wolf for some time. Voj's death only makes that more likely.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 06:49 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I have thought Fmxda was a wolf for some time. Voj's death only makes that more likely.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does Voj's death implicate Fmxda? I've reread Fmxda's posts and couldn't really see anything that points to him being a wolf (I also didn't find anything to say he was a villager either)

For WDCBooks and others that are/want to vote Fmxda: Why? What's your read? What incriminating posts has Fmxda made?
I'm open to the vote, I just need a convincing reason.

I'm still thinking today's best votes are: KM, kumu and a "twist my arm I don't want to vote him but will" Sighing

I'm currently voting KM.

Madtown 04-01-2007 06:49 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
People who I consider villagers (chuckles, KM, Nez, mets), if you think any of the following are obvious villagers, please tell me why so I can review it. My reread last night did practically nothing to help me out. I'm probably voting Boiler, solely because he's basically remained UTR this entire day phase, and then posted a list that was both horrible, and incredibly wishy washy. End of the last Vortex day I pushed for econo, his wagon dried up thanks to Luckay pushing Boiler and other people pushing Tied -- I wanted another day to read Boiler, but he's done very little with that extra time.

Luckay (if Boiler's a wolf, Luckay almost certainly isn't)

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 06:51 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
what do you want from me madtown? I am here posted thoughts that people think are horrible after putting in a lot of time. Consequently it was a waste of my time.

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 07:00 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I would really, really, really, and I mean really like it if people would tell me why they disagree with my reads rather than dismissing it instantly.

Mark_K 04-01-2007 07:01 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
what do you want from me madtown? I am here posted thoughts that people think are horrible after putting in a lot of time. Consequently it was a waste of my time.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can appreciate the work you put in the list. BUT I just have problems with the comments on a lot of the players that you've made.

Again, a classic example is your Chuck comment. Why do you believe this and why do you ignore Day 3 from Toria-Keep?

Zurvan 04-01-2007 07:01 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I have thought Fmxda was a wolf for some time. Voj's death only makes that more likely.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does Voj's death implicate Fmxda? I've reread Fmxda's posts and couldn't really see anything that points to him being a wolf (I also didn't find anything to say he was a villager either)

For WDCBooks and others that are/want to vote Fmxda: Why? What's your read? What incriminating posts has Fmxda made?
I'm open to the vote, I just need a convincing reason.

I'm still thinking today's best votes are: KM, kumu and a "twist my arm I don't want to vote him but will" Sighing

I'm currently voting KM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mark: Then, please draw some conclusions from voj's post that you quoted earlier. Who do you think it implicates?

Everybody else: How can you read mark's posts this weekend and not want to vote him?

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 07:02 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Again, a classic example is your Chuck comment. Why do you believe this and why do you ignore Day 3 from Toria-Keep?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for your post. Now what from day 3 of Toria? Realize this thread is monstrous.

chuckleslovakian 04-01-2007 07:05 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I would really, really, really, and I mean really like it if people would tell me why they disagree with my reads rather than dismissing it instantly.

[/ QUOTE ]
Alright I'll bite. Madtown you say seems villager, but then put him in meh. While Nez you just exclaim VILLAGER! Jeremy you say is wolf just from his one vote on a kbar, while you ignore my owning of kbar. Instead you think me going after Dustin is bad. Just your whole list seems like a bunch of random thoughts strung together.

KyrosMother 04-01-2007 07:08 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Boiler - your post was an odd rehash of known information and then proceeded to cast suspicion on 70% of the players.

Mark - if I am not mistaken, Voj voted for FMX the day before he was killed. Sorta implicates FMX maybe a little?? Or do you still not get the connection?

Mark_K 04-01-2007 07:08 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I have thought Fmxda was a wolf for some time. Voj's death only makes that more likely.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does Voj's death implicate Fmxda? I've reread Fmxda's posts and couldn't really see anything that points to him being a wolf (I also didn't find anything to say he was a villager either)

For WDCBooks and others that are/want to vote Fmxda: Why? What's your read? What incriminating posts has Fmxda made?
I'm open to the vote, I just need a convincing reason.

I'm still thinking today's best votes are: KM, kumu and a "twist my arm I don't want to vote him but will" Sighing

I'm currently voting KM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mark: Then, please draw some conclusions from voj's post that you quoted earlier. Who do you think it implicates?

Everybody else: How can you read mark's posts this weekend and not want to vote him?

[/ QUOTE ]

At the moment, the only conclusion I have why the wolves killed Voj is to mislead the village. That his wolf list is wrong.

KyrosMother 04-01-2007 07:09 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

0 BluffBlank -
3 Boiler - traz
0 Chuckles -
1 econophile -
0 FCBLComish - sighing
1 fmxda - Kumubou
0 Jeremy517 -
2 Kumubou - traz
1 kyrosmother - Boiler
1 LuckayLuck - Kumubou
0 MadTown -
1 Mark_K - kyrosmother
0 Mdorand - econophile
0 metsandfinsfan - Boiler
0 Nez477 - LuckayLuck
2 sighing -
0 Thebram -
2 traz - sighing
0 wdcbooks - fmxda
0 xoom - Boiler
0 Zurvan - Mark_K

chuckleslovakian 04-01-2007 07:12 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
The one thing that stuck out to me about fmxda, is he has put a lot more effort and thoughts into his posts than he did in ASXI...

Thebram 04-01-2007 07:13 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I've said fxmda was a wolf since day one...

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 07:13 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I would really, really, really, and I mean really like it if people would tell me why they disagree with my reads rather than dismissing it instantly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Alright I'll bite. Madtown you say seems villager, but then put him in meh. While Nez you just exclaim VILLAGER! Jeremy you say is wolf just from his one vote on a kbar, while you ignore my owning of kbar. Instead you think me going after Dustin is bad. Just your whole list seems like a bunch of random thoughts strung together.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Chuck.

Everything that went into that list was not necessarily noted. There are really a lot of things about Nez that were villagery. Maybe I should have listed some, but once I thought he was a villager I was convinced with every successive post he made and every time Jared/Kbar/Dustin talked with him.

I think Madtown is a villager, he had a lot of tldr posts that I didn't go into a great depth. I feel strongly in my villager list, the meh list I still believe is villager.

Jeremy I haven't really seen from this game. His UTR style seems wolfy and he hasn't been cleared by anything.

Chuck, maybe I'll reread you later. I am not even voting you and considering others reads and your reaction I will move you down the list. There wasn't anything I read on you that made me think you are a villager, but I should consider it more since you were on kbar + dustin. Also I always have a hard time reading you.

Yes these notes are random thoughts as I read the thread I added to them.

Thebram 04-01-2007 07:13 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

KyrosMother 04-01-2007 07:13 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

At the moment, the only conclusion I have why the wolves killed Voj is to mislead the village. That his wolf list is wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]


1) You think the wolves killed Voj to mislead the village.
2) You think that means Voj' wolf list (which I was on) was wrong.
3) But you are pushing me as a wolf and voting me.....


Mark_K 04-01-2007 07:13 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Again, a classic example is your Chuck comment. Why do you believe this and why do you ignore Day 3 from Toria-Keep?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for your post. Now what from day 3 of Toria? Realize this thread is monstrous.

[/ QUOTE ]

The last part of day 3 where Kbar fake roleclaims. Actually read the whole last hour. Chuck calls out the fake claim before everyone.

Boiler_bd 04-01-2007 07:14 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Boiler - your post was an odd rehash of known information and then proceeded to cast suspicion on 70% of the players.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are too kind to me KM.

chuckleslovakian 04-01-2007 07:14 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I will be gone for the rest of the day (and will not be back until after nightfall), some thoughts:

Traz is still a wolf. His reads so far in this game have been whack, and he played very lazily the first two days (the first day I'm willing to write off

Chuckles needs to post something other than some cats. How about some beedogs?

I was going to harp on bram, but he actually did provide some content in the days he was in the Vortex.

Luckay has been acting extra-special retarded, but I have no idea if that's him trying to mislead the village as a wolf or just working on his meta-game as a villager.

Nothing really piqued me about fmxda in the beginning, but looking at his posts in the Vortex struck something to me. I get the impression from him that he really did not care who was lynched, which is a common sign of lupus.

I can't see myself voting for Zurvan, mets, or Madtown in the near future.

vote traz

[/ QUOTE ]
Also, this post by kumu today made me vomit

Jeremy517 04-01-2007 07:16 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Kumubou is at the top of my wolf list. Kumubou had some 100% wolfy posts the last hour of one of the days in the divided thread.

Boiler is fine too, with that horrible list, but I like kumubou now.

Madtown 04-01-2007 07:17 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

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