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cbloom 03-14-2007 03:16 PM

cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
I'm gonna try to maintain a log. I'm in a different situation than all the fatties trying to drop weight, thought it might be interesting to see the difference.

Background :

I've always been pretty fit and worked out hard. About 6 months ago I crashed my bicycle and separated my shoulder. It's healed, but I still have lingering frozen shoulder. It's just recently gotten to the point where I can work out again, but I've lost a lot of strength. So, my goal is to get back in shape now. I want to get my cardio & overall fitness back & also restore strength / add muscle.

Current stats : 6'1" , 185 lbs. Desired weight is 190 lbs, but at a lower body fat %.

I've never done Rippetoe's program before so I thought I'd try that as my initial phase for quickly adding muscle. My schedule looks like this :

M,W,F : Rippetoe A/B workouts
T,Th,S : Physical Therapy for my shoulder and other little workouts (abs, cardio)
Sun : rest

For my diet, I'm just eating pretty normally, but trying to eliminate any empty calories (things like chocolate) and just eat as much lean protein as I can stand to help add muscle. I do a protein shake immediately after the workout.

cbloom 03-14-2007 03:19 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
Here are some links on the Rippetoe program :

The main link :
Guide to Novice Barbell Training, aka the Official Rippetoe-Starting Strength FAQ - Forums

More junk :
Writeup for Rippetoe's program - Forums
14 weeks of Rippetoe's Starting Strength - Forums

One problem I have is that with the frozen shoulder I still can't do a normal squat and I can't do a military press. At the moment I'm doing Hack Squats instead of normal squats. Hopefully I'll be able to do a normal squat soon.

This is a good article on hack squats & front squats, but anyone who can should just do a normal squat.
Testosterone Nation - Forgotten Squats

Instead of military presses I'm doing incline bench with as much of an incline as I can manage, about 45 degrees. I'm just going to keep making that steeper as I get more range of motion in my shoulder.

skunkworks 03-14-2007 03:23 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
cbloom, nice on the Rippetoe. Do you not have enough flexibility in your shoulder joint to hold the bar properly?

Edit: Also, I'd move your third link up to the first position since it's the "authoritative" thread. The other one is somewhat misleading.

cbloom 03-14-2007 03:30 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
This is what I did in the last workouts : (the weight is the amount on each side, and not counting the bar, so the real weight is X2 and + the bar weight, which is around 45 lbs)

Rippetoe A :
Bench 45
Hack Squat 60
Dead Lift 70

Rippetoe B :
Hack Squat 65
Pendlay Row 30
Incline Bench 40

At the moment I'm limited by wierd things; my squats & dead lifts are giving out because of grip strength and my bench really bothers my shoulder so I'm not doing nearly as much weight as I could. I'm doing the reps pretty slow and trying to use really good control and form to make sure I don't hurt myself during recovery.

My goal is to add about 5 lbs each week. BTW the physical therapy is 100X harder than the workout. Ugh it sucks so bad.

cbloom 03-14-2007 03:36 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
cbloom, nice on the Rippetoe. Do you not have enough flexibility in your shoulder joint to hold the bar properly?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I can't get my hand behind the bar to stabilize it. When it was separated I had my arm in an immobilizer so I didn't user it at all. When I first got it out, almost any movement was painful, but I could do things directly in front of me (like typing). The physical therapy is to stretch the shoulder capsule and increase range of motion. Now I can hold my arms straight out at my side, but can't lift it over my head very far or go back behind my back. I can just barely do a bench press and get the bar down to my chest.

I'm pretty close to being able to do a proper squat, so hopefully I'll switch to that in a few weeks and won't be held back by grip any more. People said a hack squat was really natural but I find it really tough to keep good form, I really want to arch my back and it's awkward the way the bar hits the back of your leg on the way up.

thirddan 03-14-2007 06:07 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
i got my copy of starting strength the other day...reading the squat section now...its great...

skunkworks 03-14-2007 06:17 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
thirddan, best book ever. After you've read that over a couple times, get his other book on Amazon. It's called Practical Programming, and it goes hand-in-hand with Starting Strength.

cbloom, I'm guessing front squats don't work either with the shoulder?

cbloom 03-14-2007 06:20 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder

cbloom, I'm guessing front squats don't work either with the shoulder?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's geometrically possible for me to do them, but it hurts bad to rest the weight on the front of the shoulder like that. It was a toss-up for me between doing those and the hack squats and the hacks were better on my arm so I went with that.

thirddan 03-14-2007 06:21 PM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
thirddan, best book ever. After you've read that over a couple times, get his other book on Amazon. It's called Practical Programming, and it goes hand-in-hand with Starting Strength.

cbloom, I'm guessing front squats don't work either with the shoulder?

[/ QUOTE ]

both rippetoe books came together (amazon had a package deal) free shipping, both for $50...reading SS first so i can get proper form, doing a t-nation program before making my own...look forward to finishing both though...

skunkworks 03-15-2007 04:07 AM

Re: cbloom\'s log - Rippetoe & Frozen Shoulder
cbloom's quote from another thread:

Personally I'm not sure if there's really a lot of benefit to doing ATG instead of just going down to parallel. I know the experts tell you to go ATG, but if it's not comfortable, is it really a big deal if you just go to parallel?

[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't sure whether I should address this here or there, so I chose here.

I get way more activation of the hamstrings, glutes, and even the groin muscles when I go deep past parallel. The other benefit is that by going deeper, it naturally forces my hamstrings to stretch and helps me work on some of my flexibility issues. You seem to disagree about this though?

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