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metsandfinsfan 03-26-2007 03:46 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
D* * r**lly l*s* *t f*r p*st*ng 1 v*w*l *n th*t l*ng p*st?

* th*nk GT w**ld b* r**s*n*bl* *nd g*v* m* * w*rn*ng

durron597 03-26-2007 03:47 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
- th-nk -c-n-ph-l- -s - v-ll-g-r f-r n-w

durron597 03-26-2007 03:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
D* * r**lly l*s* *t f*r p*st*ng 1 v*w*l *n th*t l*ng p*st?

* th*nk GT w**ld b* r**s*n*bl* *nd g*v* m* * w*rn*ng

[/ QUOTE ]

- h-p- s-

shortline99 03-26-2007 03:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
GT? r**s*n*bl*?!


Iron_Yuppie 03-26-2007 03:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

[/ QUOTE ]

Wh*t th* H*ll Sh*rty?

lynch Shortline

St*p N*rc*ng, th* m*ds D*n't n**d h*lp!

shortline99 03-26-2007 03:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
- th-nk -c-n-ph-l- -s - v-ll-g-r f-r n-w

[/ QUOTE ]
*sk l*ck*y?

shortline99 03-26-2007 03:49 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

[/ QUOTE ]

Wh*t th* H*ll Sh*rty?

lynch Shortline

St*p N*rc*ng, th* m*ds D*n't n**d h*lp!

[/ QUOTE ]
cn't hlp *t, t** mch f*n!

metsandfinsfan 03-26-2007 03:49 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
GT? r**s*n*bl*?!


[/ QUOTE ]

w*ll stf* *b**t *t plz kthxby

Jeremy517 03-26-2007 03:50 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
T- b-, -r n-t t- b-: th-t -s th- q--st--n:
Wh-th-r 't-s n-bl-r -n th- m-nd t- s-ff-r
Th- sl-ngs -nd -rr-ws -f --tr-g---s f-rt-n-,
-r t- t-k- -rms -g--nst - s-- -f tr--bl-s,
-nd by -pp-s-ng -nd th-m? T- d--: t- sl--p;
N- m-r-; -nd by - sl--p t- s-y w- -nd
Th- h--rt--ch- -nd th- th--s-nd n-t-r-l sh-cks
Th-t fl-sh -s h--r t-, 't-s - c-ns-mm-t--n
D-v--tly t- b- w-sh'd. T- d--, t- sl--p;
T- sl--p: p-rch-nc- t- dr--m: -y, th-r-'s th- r-b;
F-r -n th-t sl--p -f d--th wh-t dr--ms m-y c-m-
Wh-n w- h-v- sh-ffl-d -ff th-s m-rt-l c--l,
M-st g-v- -s p--s-: th-r-'s th- r-sp-ct
Th-t m-k-s c-l-m-ty -f s- l-ng l-f-;
F-r wh- w--ld b--r th- wh-ps -nd sc-rns -f t-m-,
Th- -ppr-ss-r's wr-ng, th- pr--d m-n's c-nt-m-ly,
Th- p-ngs -f d-sp-s-d l-v-, th- l-w's d-l-y,
Th- -ns-l-nc- -f -ff-c- -nd th- sp-rns
Th-t p-t--nt m-r-t -f th- -nw-rthy t-k-s,
Wh-n h- h-ms-lf m-ght h-s q---t-s m-k-
W-th - b-r- b-dk-n? wh- w--ld f-rd-ls b--r,
T- gr-nt -nd sw--t -nd-r - w--ry l-f-,
B-t th-t th- dr--d -f s-m-th-ng -ft-r d--th,
Th- -nd-sc-v-r'd c--ntry fr-m wh-s- b--rn
N- tr-v-ll-r r-t-rns, p-zzl-s th- w-ll
-nd m-k-s -s r-th-r b--r th-s- -lls w- h-v-
Th-n fly t- -th-rs th-t w- kn-w n-t -f?
Th-s c-nsc--nc- d--s m-k- c-w-rds -f -s -ll;
-nd th-s th- n-t-v- h-- -f r-s-l-t--n
-s s-ckl--d -'-r w-th th- p-l- c-st -f th--ght,
-nd -nt-rpr-s-s -f gr--t p-th -nd m-m-nt
W-th th-s r-g-rd th--r c-rr-nts t-rn -wry,
-nd l-s- th- n-m- -f -ct--n.--S-ft y-- n-w!
Th- f--r -ph-l--! Nymph, -n thy -r-s-ns
B- -ll my s-ns r-m-mb-r'd.

dmk 03-26-2007 03:50 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

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