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GetThere1Time 04-06-2007 08:45 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
[0] Bluffblank voted for mark_k
[0] boiler_bd voted for
[1] Fcblcomish voted for mark_k
[0] Jeremy517 voted for Traz
[0] Kyrosmother voted for mark_k
<font color="red"> [4] Mark_k </font>
[0] Thebram voted for mark_k
[1] Traz voted for
[0] Wdcbooks voted for
[0] Zurvan voted for Fcblcomish

wdcbooks 04-06-2007 08:50 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
<font color="white"> Because it is now snowing in Virginia too, I am back for nightfall. Given the voting above, I think we have to assume we have 2 evils still alive. What I would like to know is what <u>villager</u> thought voting the third option could possibly be better than the first???

Regardless, I would say that there are two evils left as of the moment, unless someone can convince me that 2 villagers could have possibly thought it was in our best interst to vote option 3.....

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="white"> I was not around when the poll was up so I didn't vote, but I also couldn't imagine voting for the option that was actually chosen. I would have wanted to know if the converted villager had been turned.

Vote Mark to make it official like. </font>

KyrosMother 04-06-2007 08:56 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
<font color="white"> What am I missing?? Don't we know the CV hasn't been turned because we have had a kill every night? The only things we didn't know was :

1) how many evils are left (and now I am guessing two) and

2) whether the CV was still alive or not (given xoom's unknown death).

We now know that the CV is still alive and we can 99% conclude xoom was probably not evil and 100% was not the CV.

I still cannot understand how any villager votes anything but #1??

I also want to know why Jeremy is voting Traz and Zurvan is on FCBL?

wdcbooks 04-06-2007 09:01 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
<font color="white"> Oops ok good thing I didn't vote, you are right, the first option was best.

So where are you in VA KM? My in-laws are here from Massachusetts. </font>

GetThere1Time 04-06-2007 09:02 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

GetThere1Time 04-06-2007 09:09 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
[0] Bluffblank voted for mark_k
[0] boiler_bd voted for
[1] Fcblcomish voted for mark_k
[0] Jeremy517 voted for Traz
[0] Kyrosmother voted for mark_k
<font color="red"> [5] Mark_k </font>
[0] Thebram voted for mark_k
[1] Traz voted for
[0] Wdcbooks voted for mark_k
[0] Zurvan voted for Fcblcomish

Mark_K was lynched. He was an ordanary good mercenary

Events and whatnot to come much later. Remember forums down tomorrow so no day tomorrow. We'll start back up Sunday.

Mark_K 04-06-2007 10:25 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
**** Dead ****
Great game everyone!!! I look forward to playing again in the next upcoming games.

GT1T and VR, You guys did great with the writing, execution and twists in this game. Awesome! It was fun.

I'll be following along with the game. GO VILLAGE!!!!
**** Dead ****

GetThere1Time 04-09-2007 03:02 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Still Night for another day if you didnt see that before. Will repost events.

GetThere1Time 04-09-2007 04:26 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I lost the long version. Forgot to save txt file. Short versions before I edit the long ones in [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


You go outside and look for a place to camp. You're on a plateau. There's some frozen lake in front of you.

page 266 - camp at the cave mouth
page 270 - Camp out onto the frozen lake.




You need to help set up camp:

a) Find wood

b) Go ice fishing

c) Set up tents.

Still send personal events to CYOAPersonalE.


Please resend all PMs for tonight's actions again

GetThere1Time 04-10-2007 10:35 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
p. 266

The cave mouth was a good place to camp. You know the ground is sturdy here. You have slain the enemy behind you so you are safe from ambush. You all can sleep soundly and regain your strength.

<u>NIGHT GROUP EVENT RESULTS</u><font color="red">Your party is refreshed and alert. I doubt there is anything that could get the jump on you today. Your well constructed camp site has given the Hawks a second wind. No unfortunate or confusing events will befall your party today. There will be no group day event</font>

Everyone gets a good nights sleep. It's been a while, especially for WDCBooks who is still asleep in his tent far past sunrise. You don't think much of it until you see one of his tent flaps soaked red. WDCBooks was murdered in the night. He was an ordinary good mercenary

You must continue your journey today acrossed the frozen lake. The weather is considerably milder so you hope to make up much distance. Your destination is getting near.


It is now DAY

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