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thac 11-08-2007 01:03 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Real life means not much time for the pokah. Doubt I'll make 20k hands this month as planned [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

Not the only one AMA, gf's are +ev for the most part, but -ev when it comes to poker right now...I think I've manage to play just over 2k hands on the month. Goal was to play 20k+

[/ QUOTE ]

gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

So the wedding is off ???? (I'm out of the loop)

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was just tilting and I figured that statement would help. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

ama0330 11-08-2007 01:24 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Even though nobody on 2p2 agrees with me. I think they make better friends then guys

[/ QUOTE ]


ama0330 11-08-2007 01:24 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Real life means not much time for the pokah. Doubt I'll make 20k hands this month as planned [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

Not the only one AMA, gf's are +ev for the most part, but -ev when it comes to poker right now...I think I've manage to play just over 2k hands on the month. Goal was to play 20k+

[/ QUOTE ]

gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

jaded much?

bozzer 11-08-2007 01:25 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Real life means not much time for the pokah. Doubt I'll make 20k hands this month as planned [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

Not the only one AMA, gf's are +ev for the most part, but -ev when it comes to poker right now...I think I've manage to play just over 2k hands on the month. Goal was to play 20k+

[/ QUOTE ]

gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

So the wedding is off ???? (I'm out of the loop)

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was just tilting and I figured that statement would help. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

oh i thought you split up with her? did you get back together or a different girl?

thac 11-08-2007 01:28 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Real life means not much time for the pokah. Doubt I'll make 20k hands this month as planned [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

Not the only one AMA, gf's are +ev for the most part, but -ev when it comes to poker right now...I think I've manage to play just over 2k hands on the month. Goal was to play 20k+

[/ QUOTE ]

gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

So the wedding is off ???? (I'm out of the loop)

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was just tilting and I figured that statement would help. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

oh i thought you split up with her? did you get back together or a different girl?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol? Still with Alyssa, for like 1.5 years now. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

fredd-bird 11-08-2007 01:56 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been said before. "Girlfriends are the life's version of rake, sex is like a rakeback deal."

Kimo White Devil 11-08-2007 02:29 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been said before. "Girlfriends are the life's version of rake, sex is like a rakeback deal."

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, Im more like on a FPP deal with goldstar level.

monkover 11-08-2007 02:59 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
hey unl I just bought a samsung R70 really cool notebook...

thing85 11-08-2007 03:01 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Even though nobody on 2p2 agrees with me. I think they make better friends then guys

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually agree.

Donkey-Milker 11-08-2007 03:12 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
hi. can anyone help me out with this?

i have $50 on Mansion Poker and i really want some on FTP tonight to play in a tourney vs some friends.

i am willing to give you $50 on Mansion in exchange for you transferring just $25 to me on FTP.

i will give you the funds on Mansion first to make sure it is legit etc. obv not a scammer. PM ME for SN's.

ok thanks.

Mr_Pathetic 11-08-2007 03:13 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Even though nobody on 2p2 agrees with me. I think they make better friends then guys

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually agree.

[/ QUOTE ]
girls do make better friends until they fall in love with you or you fall in love with them

thac 11-08-2007 03:15 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Even though nobody on 2p2 agrees with me. I think they make better friends then guys

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually agree.

[/ QUOTE ]
girls do make better friends until they fall in love with you or you fall in love with them

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree entirely, girls are great to hang around with because not everything is a competition. Like, they just chill.

Worm75 11-08-2007 03:15 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Real life means not much time for the pokah. Doubt I'll make 20k hands this month as planned [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

Not the only one AMA, gf's are +ev for the most part, but -ev when it comes to poker right now...I think I've manage to play just over 2k hands on the month. Goal was to play 20k+

[/ QUOTE ]

gfs are nowhere close to +EV for anythign but sex

[/ QUOTE ]

lol, I can honestly say my life is much better in a solid relationship, than being single...a bad relationship is a totally different story. But you combine relationship with full time job, something has to give a little .... unfortunately so far it has been poker

Hopefully I can get in a couple of long sessions this weekend and try and get back on track

kolotoure 11-08-2007 03:19 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Natalie puts me off poker already and we're not even dating

andy099 11-08-2007 03:25 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
pics of Natalie Kolo?

kolotoure 11-08-2007 03:26 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I don't have any but I will prob post them in bbv when I do

monkover 11-08-2007 03:32 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
vista is one strange program...

Shaqalicious 11-08-2007 03:43 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
lol @ me

5 buyin downswing in 300 hands at NL10 on BODOG for christ's f-ing sake

QQ < Q9 all in on a 8TJ flop against a huge donk
AcKc < Tc7c all in on a 2c3c5s against a huge donk who raised 8x BB preflop every hand, then called my 3X pot 3bet
KK < QQ all in preflop, flop comes KJ2 NICE RUNNING STRAIGHT A-HOLE
QQ < TT all in preflop, running flush obv


kolotoure 11-08-2007 04:00 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
oh knoes not a 5 buyin swong. bbv next time k thx

MrWooster 11-08-2007 04:01 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I am going to give up flopping sets because I never win with them.

wingchunflush 11-08-2007 04:09 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I am going to buy a notebook, I think I am goingto get a hp pav. it has an hdmi hook up so I can play on my bigscreen tv that would be balla!

wingchunflush 11-08-2007 04:17 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Black Friday is around the corner and I am thinking about picking this one up:

[/ QUOTE ]

just play a ton of hands and use your fpps to get a samsung, westinghouse is trash

Spurious 11-08-2007 04:19 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
i got a LG 22' widescreen, and i like it!

Mr_Pathetic 11-08-2007 04:27 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
my dad has a 32" westinghouse LCD tv and for the price he paid it is pretty damn good. only stupid thing about it is changing picture settings is a real pain in the ass. other then that though the picture looks pretty good and on par with my Panasonic 42" plasma. btw a nice panasonic business model plasma like i got makes a super nice pc monitor. you can get the 1080p 42" consumer model for $2000 now at places like best buy. the business models are on sites like newegg or tigerdirect.

wingchunflush 11-08-2007 04:32 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I like apple dell and samsung for monitors....I would love a huge ass apple monitro but they are expensive.

Mr_Pathetic 11-08-2007 04:42 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
for lcd i would prob do samsung. for lcd tv i think sharp did a good job. for plasma most definitely do panasonic or pioneer. pioneer just too much $$$ though.

Aren't dell lcd made by samsung or something? i think panasonic gets some part of their plasma technology from pioneer or some from LG cant remember what. the black levels on the panasonic plasma i got are nuts though. much deeper and more defined then lcd. i dont even have the black extension on or the contrast above 40%. if contrast any higher my eyes burn.

disclaimer: when i looked into this stuff it was Jan 06.

yellowbluebus 11-08-2007 05:15 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
Black Friday is around the corner and I am thinking about picking this one up:

[/ QUOTE ]

just play a ton of hands and use your fpps to get a samsung, westinghouse is trash

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking that buying it for $167 would be +EV. Coupons and sales FTW!

wingchunflush 11-08-2007 05:17 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
My tv is a samsung DLP. Honestly I am not that into electronics I am just going off what I have read. I dont see too many bad reviews for samsung and dell. They could very well be the same. I havent heard one way or the other for LG...anyone have any opinions on dell laptops, I get a discount at dell with my job but I hear they have issues and seem bulky compared to the HP pav. I have been looking at.

thac 11-08-2007 05:20 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
My TV is a Toshiba Regza and I love it.

C4LL4W4Y 11-08-2007 05:30 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
i've got a 26" panasonic vieja lcd hd. the picture quality with optimum is insane.

fozzy71 11-08-2007 05:49 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I love my 22 Gateway - but wish I coulda afforded the extra for the 24". If you can manage - def go for the 24.

bsball8806 11-08-2007 05:52 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)

Hand #47290250-18750 at Rocky Mount (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 08/Nov/07 16:39:08

elt963 is at seat 0 with $12.77.
HeeBeeGeeBee is at seat 1 with $.81.
bobby O 87 is at seat 2 with $7.03.
RailRiderRich is at seat 3 with $12.75.
swishfan88 is at seat 4 with $10.26.
J_W_R is at seat 5 with $7.14.
The button is at seat 0.

HeeBeeGeeBee posts the small blind of $.05.
bobby O 87 posts the big blind of $.10.

elt963: -- --
HeeBeeGeeBee: -- --
bobby O 87: -- --
RailRiderRich: -- --
swishfan88: Kc Ad
J_W_R: -- --


RailRiderRich raises to $.20. swishfan88 re-raises to
$.75. J_W_R folds. elt963 folds. HeeBeeGeeBee
folds. bobby O 87 folds. RailRiderRich calls.

Flop (board: As Ks Qs):

RailRiderRich folds, showing 8h 8d.

Hand #47290250-18750 Summary:

$.08 is raked from a pot of $1.65.
swishfan88 wins $1.57.

don't you love when this happens?

wingchunflush 11-08-2007 05:53 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I was just going to paly my asss off get the fpp points and get the 22" samsung, but I would of course prefer the 24" but once I have my laptop I will be using it as an extra monitor so I ma not sure I will beed 24"

kaz2107 11-08-2007 06:35 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I was just going to paly my asss off get the fpp points and get the 22" samsung, but I would of course prefer the 24" but once I have my laptop I will be using it as an extra monitor so I ma not sure I will beed 24"

[/ QUOTE ]wing spend a bit more monies and buy a dell. u can get lappys with high enough resolution to 4 table with no overlap and some room on the side. it is sick. i 8 table with no overlap with a lappy and a dell 20 inch monitor.

bozzer 11-08-2007 07:09 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
wing spend a bit more monies and buy a dell. u can get lappys with high enough resolution to 4 table with no overlap and some room on the side. it is sick. i 8 table with no overlap with a lappy and a dell 20 inch monitor.

[/ QUOTE ]


wingchunflush 11-08-2007 07:25 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
do you mean the dell monitor or the laptop????

ShipitFMA 11-08-2007 07:45 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
13 hour sleep wdup

ShipitFMA 11-08-2007 07:48 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
speaking of dell how many tables could i easily play on one of their 24"s ?

bored 11-08-2007 07:48 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I can't beat 50NL.

#@$%($*&%@#$*%@)#$*PP@#$*)% [censored][censored][censored]

That is all.

wingchunflush 11-08-2007 07:51 PM

Re: ***uNL Microbrew Thread*** NOV 2007 (ot)
I think it makes sense for me to ge the dell monitor since I get a far as the laptop goes dell or Hp?

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