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traz 03-31-2007 03:19 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
It's ironic that you made a post thinking you were clear, when I infant think you're a wolf and posted right after you

[/ QUOTE ]

does this mean you're a wolf?
if you think I'm a wolf at this point in the game, you're mad. or crazy. Or maybe you didn't read the other thread yet. But even with just your thread you should have known I'm like 103% villager.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? Because you've gone from being quiet in the beginning, to absolutely nutso. On top of that, all I've seen you say recently is "this must clear me, I am clear" and "follow shortline".

Your whole plan of lying after the split just seems ridiculously fabricated because there's no way it would ever get anything useful. All in all I get the uncanny vibe you're a wolf.

traz 03-31-2007 03:20 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Also even if a seer came out and said you were a villager, I'd still think you were a wolf

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 03:20 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
sighing - one pedal short of a rose
luckay - one egg short of two eggs
nez - one pea short of a pod
kumu - this one isn't too bad

Go ahead, call me crazy.

vote sighing

[/ QUOTE ]

you're crazy
I will, however, go with you to


LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 03:21 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
also == you keep telling everyone not to be straightfoward when they switch worlds and now you are saying your intent was to be straightfoward

[/ QUOTE ]
I knew nobody would play along with me
also, I was too excited to speak in pig latin

metsandfinsfan 03-31-2007 03:21 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
It's ironic that you made a post thinking you were clear, when I infant think you're a wolf and posted right after you

[/ QUOTE ]

does this mean you're a wolf?
if you think I'm a wolf at this point in the game, you're mad. or crazy. Or maybe you didn't read the other thread yet. But even with just your thread you should have known I'm like 103% villager.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? Because you've gone from being quiet in the beginning, to absolutely nutso. On top of that, all I've seen you say recently is "this must clear me, I am clear" and "follow shortline".

Your whole plan of lying after the split just seems ridiculously fabricated because there's no way it would ever get anything useful. All in all I get the uncanny vibe you're a wolf.

[/ QUOTE ]

agreed. And then he did lie in his first post today .. and now he says it was by accident

FWIW i like your wolf list traz ... not sold on nez being a wolf yet cause i had him down as 100% villager -- but will reread in due time

for now
vote sighing

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 03:25 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
does anybody like my villager list? yes yes? [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img]?

metsandfinsfan 03-31-2007 03:26 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
dustin -- seer peeked sighing as wolf???????

New Updated list for
<u>CYOA:Toria-ran Keep</u>


lean village


lean wolf

metsandfinsfan 03-31-2007 03:27 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
oops obviously the begining of that post doesnt belong there

Mark_K 03-31-2007 03:29 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I just want to make a point here...

Read my one and only vote that day. In the post w/vote I posted a villager/wolf list. Both Kumu and Dustin were lean wolf:

&lt;Village list snipped&gt;

Lean Wolf
Kumubou * I didn't like posts at the end of the day

Vote kumubou but I also have no prob voting Dustin

[/ QUOTE ]

I had no problem with either getting lynched. Since they were the two BW's for the day, I was comfortable with the situation.

[/ QUOTE ]

You say you were comfortable with either but you chose the bandwagon that had less steam. And when dustin comes up wolf you can say that you suspected him. So your defense is weak here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I STARTED the kumu BW. I didn't have a choice of picking the stronger BW. Again, I was fine with Dustin leading in the vote. I never tried to change or influence his voters. (Other than to push people to vote for one of the two)

BTW, interesting quote on Dustin's dying words. Wouldn't Dustin still do this if Kumu was a minor wolf? If he did manage to succeed switching the vote to kumu, wouldn't he get villager points if she was a wolf and he'll just be back in the same spot if she turns up villager. He had nothing to lose.

metsandfinsfan 03-31-2007 03:32 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
BTW, interesting quote on Dustin's dying words. Wouldn't Dustin still do this if Kumu was a minor wolf? If he did manage to succeed switching the vote to kumu, wouldn't he get villager points if she was a wolf and he'll just be back in the same spot if she turns up villager. He had nothing to lose.

[/ QUOTE ]


Also picks up villager pts if sighing comes up wolf as well. And if Zurvan comes up villager.

So yeah dustins dying words give zurvan villager pts and kum and sighing wolf pts imo

metsandfinsfan 03-31-2007 03:35 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Lastchance at the end of the day

ended up voting for kum
says he is leaning on dustin being a villager
says he may have been wrong by clearing bluff and that he may be a wolf afterall
And is nightkilled

More evidence that kum may be a wolf (or bluff i suppose)

Boiler_bd 03-31-2007 03:36 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
<u>Dead - known roles</u>
chim17 - lynched 1 - good mercenary
dmk - night 2 - good mercenary
durron597 - night 3 (Vortex) - good mercenary
<font color=" red"> DustinG - lynched 4 (Toria) - Saboteur</font>
fnord_too - night 1 - ordinary fighter
Iron_Yuppie - night 3 (Toria) - good mercenary
<font color=" red"> JaredL - lynched 3 (Vortex) - evil </font>
<font color=" red"> kbar13 - lynched 3 (Toria) - assassin </font>
lastchance - night 4 (Toria) - good mercenary
NeilStevens - day 1 - seer (villager now seer, modkill)
shortline99 - night 3 (Vortex) - Scout
Tiedup14 - lynched 4 (Vortex) - Priest
Voj - night 4 (Vortex) - good mercenary


Correct this if I am wrong, time to reread this beast.

fmxda 03-31-2007 03:51 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Just finished reading the Toria-Ran Keep thread.

I guess I was wrong about lastchance. Even given that I knew he got nightkilled and turned up vannilager before reading, I still thought he was pretty wolfy the entire thread.

I definitely think Kumubou is implicated by the lastchance kill. There is a post where she says "lastchance is either power village or evil." Guess she knew he wasn't evil and though he was power village?

vote Kumubou

I also support a thebram, boiler or KM lynch.

Voj 03-31-2007 03:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
***** DEAD *****

Good luck village !
It's actually a great achievement for me if I have convinced some of you I were villager [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
Thanks for modding VR and Gt1t this is a great game and your work is just HUGE

***** DEAD *****

Mark_K 03-31-2007 03:57 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
does anybody like my villager list? yes yes? [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img]?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I also like it. Not 100% but at least 70% of it.

Also, as crazy and off the wall Luckay (majority did vote for this -argh) sounds... His comments at the Kbar fakeclaim, kbars comments, and the whole end of that day pretty much puts him in my villager camp. There is also a comment he makes D1 about KBar(?) that also gives him village points.

MDoranD 03-31-2007 04:45 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
back. Oh yeah, Jeremy and thebram are close if not on my wolf list as well...making it:



chuckleslovakian 03-31-2007 05:00 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
While I was watching the Final 4 show I remembered people complaining about a villager angleshoot is one of my favorite wolf tells. So I went back and checked who was doing the complaining. It was MDD slightly, and to an even greater extent mets. Weird, 2 people who I thought were villagers. To be fair this could be mets still bitter about people talking at night.

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:16 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Hey guys.

Holla at KBar and Jared being wolfia.

I'm going to need to reread and kind of get my thoughts back on track after spending some time reading ASXII.

I really kind of felt like there was a lack of wolves in the vortex before we came back. I really didn't have any great suspects other than possibly Luckay who really screwed up the whole last day by being all over the place and helped absolutely ZERO.

Econophile and Madtown are like 99% cleared. Econophile responded to a VERY late vote on him against me with "Die in a fire wolf". It would be very high level wolf response unless we were wolves together which I know we are not.

Anyway, I need to refocus and am happy to be back all together again.

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:18 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Wow, wtf at Luckay pushing Shorty's list on everyone else. If I see that list in anyone's argument for the rest of the game I am going to vomit. Shorty recommended we start from the bottom of his list. Well, so for he is 0/2 from his quite wolfy list.

One other thing about the Dustin lynch. He did not try to fake a role. Instead all he did was sit there and say ZOMG I AM TEH LAZY VILLAGER, ANYONE IS BETTER THAN ME. Basically Dustin refused to offer any sort of metagame on his wolf companions

[/ QUOTE ]

Chuckles, I'm quoting this for truth. The first part is the really WTF thing. He treated Shorty's list AS DIVINITY. It was so frustrating, and he was posting 80 times a minute and not helping us really at all. Just lazy into himself, non-productive Luckay which if he is a villager just pisses me off.

I was going to push for him hard if we had another day in the vortex. But we don't so now I need to reread tons.

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:19 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Is Zurvan still a wolf btw?

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:21 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
B. This is why Luckay is retarted.

[/ QUOTE ]

clearly, my genius is underappreciated here [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Wow, wtf at Luckay pushing Shorty's list on everyone else. If I see that list in anyone's argument for the rest of the game I am going to vomit. Shorty recommended we start from the bottom of his list. Well, so for he is 0/2 from his quite wolfy list.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, if you read more carefully, I pushed AGAINST tiedup, who we lynched, who turned out to be the priest. I pushed HARD TO NOT VOTE tiedup. Tiedup was on shortline's wolfy list.

Boiler_BD is on shortline's list, I strongly reccommend we follow shortline.

[/ QUOTE ]



I can't wait to get caught up and read how many times youa re going to try and use the fact that Tiedup just HAPPENED to be a villger to prove your villagerness.

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:24 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Reviewing my wolf list before I left.

It was


I think.

And judging by what I've read thus far, Traz is still a wolf. Seriously. The fact that he wasn't nightkilled over the two games and the fact that he was so lazy day 1 makes me think he is like 90% wolf.

I hate the fact that it makes like 0 sense for Luckay and Zurvan to be wolves together right now. Blah.


Nez477 03-31-2007 05:26 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I just realized dustin dying makes me sooooooooo good a villager
I am sooooooooo good
I will never get lynched


[/ QUOTE ]

haha ironic

[/ QUOTE ]

define the irony in my post

also, sadly, zurvan definitely did push for dustin as I just read up. So, I think I will not be running Zurvan into the groudn today.

Vote for Boiler, the only remaining person from shortline's list that I like

[/ QUOTE ]


Luckay, after treating EVERY read on Shorty's list as gold you come up with this. Awesome.

Revote Luckay.

Luckay or Traz for me today.

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:28 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
I'm caught up here, am going to read the other other thread.

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 05:28 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
rofl nez
I'm invincible. Go sleuth somebody else

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:43 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
rofl nez
I'm invincible. Go sleuth somebody else

[/ QUOTE ]


The thing that is frustrating is that you could still be a villager. YOU COULD! Because you have so many different games.

1) Good wolf game, in which you really blend in with the villagers, are semi-crazy but controlled and good at mixing up wolf votes/reads posts, village reads, whatever.
2) Bad wolf game. Like this one, all you do is derail the thread by posting like 1400 times a day with no real clear direction and then eventually get lynched but you derail the village in the process.
3) Good villager game. Like ASXI and ASX, you still are a little out of control, but all you are doing is speaking your thoughts aloud and trying really hard to find wolves, albeit hard to see it sometimes. Like for anyone else to switch around as much as you would be really difficult to pull of in a thread. But when you are a good villager, you are nailing wolves, confident in your reads, making sure those reads are most prevalent in the thread, et cetera. THIS is definitely not happening this game.
4) Bad villager game. You are too into yourself and cannot focus because you are going nuts and think it's fun to go nuts and really don't care about finding wolves as long as you go nuts and have fun while making life hard for everyone else. THIS could be happening this game.

I wish you'd stick to 1) and 3). Although 2) obviously serves a purpose for you. But 4) really sucks.

Will you vote Traz with me, settle down, and help us win this game? With your questioning of Traz today it makes it a LITTLE less likely you are wolves together, but albeit still possible. I just would think since y'all lost 3 already that you wouldn't be pressuring each other as wolf buddies.

I seriously doubt I'm going to vote anyone other than Traz and Luckay this weekend though.

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 05:46 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Nez, I would rather "halfway rule" Traz in about 3 or 4 days. And I'm about 100% sure that you will not be able to lynch me.

Who's #3 on the suspicion list, Nez?

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 05:48 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
4) Bad villager game. You are too into yourself and cannot focus because you are going nuts and think it's fun to go nuts and really don't care about finding wolves as long as you go nuts and have fun while making life hard for everyone else. THIS could be happening this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

I argue that I'm saying that I'm invincible because I feel like I'm playing choice 3:

3) Good villager game. Like ASXI and ASX, you still are a little out of control, but all you are doing is speaking your thoughts aloud and trying really hard to find wolves, albeit hard to see it sometimes. Like for anyone else to switch around as much as you would be really difficult to pull of in a thread. But when you are a good villager, you are nailing wolves, confident in your reads, making sure those reads are most prevalent in the thread, et cetera. THIS is definitely not happening this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

I nailed tiedup as a villager. I even claimed to have seer peek'd him as a villager, which may or may not actually have happened...

also, I nailed Dustin in my time in Vortex, as well as earlier nailing chim. I made fun of chim's hemmoraging villagers and I've cleared a bunch of villagers based on chim being a wolf (Tiedup being one of them. Or maybe tiedup was a seer peek. I dunno.)

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Nez, I would rather "halfway rule" Traz in about 3 or 4 days. And I'm about 100% sure that you will not be able to lynch me.

Who's #3 on the suspicion list, Nez?

[/ QUOTE ]

See, that's where it gets complicated. Probably no one in our old Vortex camp. Books came in late and I originally thought he was a decent vote on day 2 but will need to reread and seem to have changed my mind on him a while ago. Again, need to look deeper.

I'm not going to be comfortable lynching KM, FMXDA, Madtown, or Xoom from the vortex for quite some time. Sighing kind of has lost some steam but IMO hasn't done tons to make him look more villagery. We just found better candidates (or at least what we thought were better).

FCBL is still meh though for me. That wraps up the vortex folks I think.

From rereading this thread and the Toria-ran thread Mets and MDoranD are still 95-99% villager in my book.



are those that I have as near confirmed villagers in my book. Need to make myselfa new overall list though.

chuckleslovakian 03-31-2007 05:53 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I nailed tiedup as a villager. I even claimed to have seer peek'd him as a villager, which may or may not actually have happened...

also, I nailed Dustin in my time in Vortex, as well as earlier nailing chim. I made fun of chim's hemmoraging villagers and I've cleared a bunch of villagers based on chim being a wolf (Tiedup being one of them. Or maybe tiedup was a seer peek. I dunno.)

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh dear God, WTF

Nez477 03-31-2007 05:54 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
4) Bad villager game. You are too into yourself and cannot focus because you are going nuts and think it's fun to go nuts and really don't care about finding wolves as long as you go nuts and have fun while making life hard for everyone else. THIS could be happening this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

I argue that I'm saying that I'm invincible because I feel like I'm playing choice 3:

3) Good villager game. Like ASXI and ASX, you still are a little out of control, but all you are doing is speaking your thoughts aloud and trying really hard to find wolves, albeit hard to see it sometimes. Like for anyone else to switch around as much as you would be really difficult to pull of in a thread. But when you are a good villager, you are nailing wolves, confident in your reads, making sure those reads are most prevalent in the thread, et cetera. THIS is definitely not happening this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

I nailed tiedup as a villager. I even claimed to have seer peek'd him as a villager, which may or may not actually have happened...

also, I nailed Dustin in my time in Vortex, as well as earlier nailing chim. I made fun of chim's hemmoraging villagers and I've cleared a bunch of villagers based on chim being a wolf (Tiedup being one of them. Or maybe tiedup was a seer peek. I dunno.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's all fine and dandy, but it's like near impossible for me to tell how the hell you cleared them or thought about them because you are making too many posts and yelling and going nuts and making like zero sense. So even if the above was true it'd be hard for me to confirm that while playing because you don't make those thoughts clear enough. That's where it's more like 4) in this game.

chuckleslovakian 03-31-2007 05:54 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I nailed tiedup as a villager. I even claimed to have seer peek'd him as a villager, which may or may not actually have happened...

also, I nailed Dustin in my time in Vortex, as well as earlier nailing chim. I made fun of chim's hemmoraging villagers and I've cleared a bunch of villagers based on chim being a wolf (Tiedup being one of them. Or maybe tiedup was a seer peek. I dunno.)

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh dear God, WTF

[/ QUOTE ]
Seriously, did you just admit to chim being Godfather?

Kumubou 03-31-2007 05:55 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
also, I nailed Dustin in my time in Vortex, as well as earlier nailing chim. I made fun of chim's hemmoraging villagers and I've cleared a bunch of villagers based on chim being a wolf (Tiedup being one of them. Or maybe tiedup was a seer peek. I dunno.)

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah good job there, nailing chim as a villager. That's real easy to know, since he's been dead.

(Did you suffer brain trauma while in the Vortex?)

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 05:56 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I'M NOT STUPID [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

chuckleslovakian 03-31-2007 06:00 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

I'M NOT STUPID [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]]actually, I believe you. But only because it makes no sense claiming chim was hemorraghing villagers.

FCBLComish 03-31-2007 06:12 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Just woke up. Need to read.

Kumubou 03-31-2007 06:18 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Luckay: Did you ever explain why you were pushing Shortline's list so hard?

LuckayLuck 03-31-2007 06:21 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Luckay: Did you ever explain why you were pushing Shortline's list so hard?

[/ QUOTE ]
Because I think shortline has fairly accurate reads early, plus he's a confirmed villager.

traz 03-31-2007 06:27 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
The last 20 or so posts are all kinds of terrible.

Seriously, someone is still trying to push me as a wolf? lol. Shortline has accurate reads early? lol. Let's follow the confirmed villager? lol. I cleared x, y and z as villagers, so therefore I must be a villager? lol.

Mark_K 03-31-2007 07:20 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Nez, I would rather "halfway rule" Traz in about 3 or 4 days. And I'm about 100% sure that you will not be able to lynch me.

Who's #3 on the suspicion list, Nez?

[/ QUOTE ]

See, that's where it gets complicated. Probably no one in our old Vortex camp. Books came in late and I originally thought he was a decent vote on day 2 but will need to reread and seem to have changed my mind on him a while ago. Again, need to look deeper.

I'm not going to be comfortable lynching KM, FMXDA, Madtown, or Xoom from the vortex for quite some time. Sighing kind of has lost some steam but IMO hasn't done tons to make him look more villagery. We just found better candidates (or at least what we thought were better).

FCBL is still meh though for me. That wraps up the vortex folks I think.

From rereading this thread and the Toria-ran thread Mets and MDoranD are still 95-99% villager in my book.



are those that I have as near confirmed villagers in my book. Need to make myselfa new overall list though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nez, I don't want to twist your arm but... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I ask that you keep your opinions on KM open... Give her posts a reread with Kbar, Dustin and Jared as wolves. I undertand she pushed Jared hard on day 4 but I think she had no choice based on her previous day's actions.

Plus take a look at Kumu's posts in Tornia's Keep. Especially during the Kbar claim and lynch.

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