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JuntMonkey 10-01-2006 04:46 PM

Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
Just finished watching this, and I'm in awe. The whole season was absolutely amazing. I watched season one and said "eh it's pretty decent" but season two just blows everything out of the water. I'm in serious danger of ranking this as my overall favorite season of any show, including Sopranos. Exclude Sopranos and comedies and it's a lock.

If you haven't seen this, see it. Rent season one and two.

Please don't spoil anything past season two or anything else Buffy-related in this thread, because I haven't seen them yet.

drexah 10-01-2006 06:25 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
buffy over sopranos? please, get real...maybe if you're a 14 year old kid who masturbates to sarah michelle gellar, otherwise, just no.

Morrek 10-01-2006 06:41 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
They just get better IMO. Best season is either 6 or 7(7 = last)

JuntMonkey 10-01-2006 07:22 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
buffy over sopranos? please, get real...maybe if you're a 14 year old kid who masturbates to sarah michelle gellar, otherwise, just no.

[/ QUOTE ]

You clearly either haven't seen the show or are not very intelligent. I would have been in the same boat as you before I started watching it. Season one was okay, season two is a masterpiece. Trust me.

I'm not saying it's better than early Sopranos, but it reaches close to that level.

JuntMonkey 10-01-2006 07:23 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
They just get better IMO. Best season is either 6 or 7(7 = last)

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope so. I've read some rankings and most people put 2 at the top. It is pretty hard to imagine it continuing to be this good, but I guess I'll see.

evil twin 10-01-2006 08:00 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
Seasons 2 3 and 4 are all utterly classic. Season 5 is very good. Season 6 isn't the best but that's only when compared to what went before. It's made up for by the musical episode though which is pure genius. Season 7 is also good but not up to the earlier standard.

All MHO obviously. It took me a while to realise what I was missing as well. It's very easy to mistake this as a crappy teenie vampire show, but it's actually a lot more than that. There are deep characters and a lot of strong emotions, all the stuff that really draws you in and makes you care.

Morrek 10-01-2006 08:17 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
It took me a while to realise what I was missing as well. It's very easy to mistake this as a crappy teenie vampire show, but it's actually a lot more than that. There are deep characters and a lot of strong emotions, all the stuff that really draws you in and makes you care.

[/ QUOTE ]


SamIAm 10-02-2006 01:22 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
I was pretty routinely impressed by the dialague. That Joss Whedon guy knows his stuff. The "Firefly" show was very entertaining, too.

P.S. I watched a couple episodes of Angel, and thought it wasn't so hot. Maybe it's because I jumped into the middle. I turned on the show when there was a demon and a ghost and a vampire and a witch and on and on and on. It just seemed arbitrarily silly.

Morrek 10-02-2006 04:03 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
Yeah that was my first impression as well. Then I decided to watch the entire thing because a friend said it was a good show(he likes buffy too), and now I've seen every episode of Angel like twice, I like it quite a bit. It's maybe not as "deep" as Buffy can get but still pretty good.

evil twin 10-02-2006 07:01 PM

Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers
I thought Angel just took a while to get going. They went for a more adult darker feel and didn't get it right at first. Glenn Quinn didn't quite work for me.

However, once things got going with Wesley the demon hunter arriving (haha) and Cordy it really came good. IMO Wesleys transformation from bumbling English public schoolboy to rugged hero over the 4.5 seasons was the best character arc in any of Whedons work.

They also tried some really funny stuff, like the puppet episode. The 5th season episode "A Hole in the World" is up there as one of the most moving TV series episodes I've ever seen. I so wish we'd got another season to see where Whedon was going with Illyria.

Anyway, different tack to Buffy and more adult. When it was good it was just as good as the best Buffy IMO. Another series where it's a mistake to think "this is just more teenie vampire rubbish".

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