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chancelor1 11-15-2007 04:17 PM

my starting strength log
i have been seeing a lot of stuff about the starting strength program so i decided to give it a try for the next two months and see what my results are.

A little bit about me
I used to work out religiously in high school for football and track. i graduated in 04 and have worked out off and on since, nothing really intense like i used to do in high school. I've actually lost weight since high school back then i was about 165-170 now I'm about 150 so i have lost pretty much all the muscle i accumulated. i had been working out for about two weeks straight before i found out about starting strength.

Nov 9th first day of SS

warm up
work set
felt like form was done well "ass to grass" i believe is the term.
felt a little pain in back of knee
also felt like i was pushing more with my right leg in a few of the reps

Bench Press
warm up
10x push ups
work sets
tried two different grips: one thumb back with the bar resting on the but of my palm, and two my thumb warped around the bar. it felt easier to do the second grip
lost count on second set may have done 5 or 6 reps

Dead Lift
warm up
work set
not sure if my form was correct
the weight seemed easy
is the bar supposed to rub on your legs the whole way up and down?

1x8 and 1x6 couldn't do the 7th rep

Nov 11th

warm up
work sets
during warm ups felt little strain in right leg but not during the work sets
decided to lower weight slower to concentrate on form and it seemed good until my last rep of last set i was leaning forward to much

Military Press
Warm up
work sets
started lite because of the fast progression
did 3 extra reps in last set because i didn;t feel like i was working that hard with the low weight

Bent Rows
warm up
work set
notes not sure about my form here.
how much am i supposed to bend my knees?

Chin Ups
1x3 and 1x4 of negatives

Nov 13th

Warm Up
work set
no pain in right leg but i did feel a little tightness in my hip ant the bottom of the lift
also my right foot would rotate as i would lower the weight. my feet would start out pointing straight and would end pointing to the right.

Bench Press
warm up
work sets
i used the thump warped around the bar grip

Dead Lift
work set
didn't feel like warming up for this
my form felt good but im still not sure if im doing it correctly
my grip is weak

this killed my shoulders

GamblorZ 11-15-2007 07:54 PM

Re: my starting strength log
Hey mate, looks like your starting to life weights [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I'll try help you with your form problems.

Squats: Are you new to these? Even for a beginner, 135lbs may be too much to begin with. If you have really JUST started then I would start with the bar until you feel your form is 100% correct. The knee pain/hip tightness/twisting foot is a sign your form isn't very good and that you need to develop some flexibility. You knee's can pass slightly over your toe's (say half a hands length over them) but your heels must always stay on the ground. The knee should not rotate in wards but does not have to follow a certain path - just do what is natural. The hips should travel backwards as the knee goes forwards - this ensures equal distribution of weight between the posterior chain and quadraceps.

Firstly I would end each session with some hamstring, quadraceps, hip and groin stretches (if you don't know any I'll find a link for you).

Squats, even if you are only using the bar, will still give you great results for months.

Deadlifts: It is very hard to describe deadlift form - I like to think of it as a squat except you are pulling backwards (unlike squats which are pushing). You always want the bar to be as close to your body as possible, so yes it should be on your shins (and some times even scraping them). I wear long socks to overcome this a bit. Go on you tube and watch every deadlift video you can find (except for Kostanov..he has his own way).

The things I CAN tell you is
1) It is a pull - not a push. Quadraceps should not really be working very hard in this exercise
2) its a DEADlift - deload after every rep. Deadlifts are a common way to get injured but it is usually from people who rush their warm up (i saw that!) or rush their sets.

Never go to failure on squats or deadlifts (or even any exercise if you're doing Starting Strength).

Bench press: I noticed you mentioned using a "thumb wrapped over the bar" grip. This is the correct way - never use a false grip for the bench press

Bent over rows: My favourite exercise [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] You do not need much of a bend at the knee as you bent at the back more then at the knee. Just bend far enough for the bar to clear your knee's - you don't want to kill your lower back doing these when you are already doing squats and deadlifts. Also using a false grip may help improve your mind-muscle connection with your back

Dips: Just do not go too deep, at the lowest point in a dip your shoulder girdle is put under much pressure. As your flexibility grows you may be able to go deeper, but it is common in weight lifting that heavy push work (dips, bench) cause shoulder injuries

Hope that helps [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Will be keeping track of your progress

chancelor1 11-15-2007 08:27 PM

Re: my starting strength log
thanks for the tips.
i'm not a total noob to lifting i used to lift quite a bit in high school but i think i picked up a lot of bad habits back then. the bench grip actually came from my football coach he always got pissed when he saw his players wrapping their thumbs around the bar.
i think i have fairly decient form when it comes to squatting but i will lower the weight until i feel like i'm doing it perfect. i've been watching videos on u tube and i think i compare well to them.
also watching deadlifts there too(thanks for that tip it will help a bunch)
i do at least 5-10 mins of streching before every work out that may have been the only good habit i got from high school.
any ways thanks for the tips and i will try to update every week

chancelor1 11-21-2007 07:43 PM

Re: my starting strength log
Nov 15

warm up
work set
Still felling tightness in right hip and pushing with my right leg more

Military Press
warm up
work set
this weight was heavy enough to get a good work out with

Bent Rows
work set
not sure about form. I kept my legs straight and bent at my waist. made my lower back hurt a little

pull ups
1x4 + 1x4 negatives

Nov 17th

warm up
work set
i only did two sets because my right knee was hurting when i would go past parallel during warm ups and the work sets. Also my hips are still felling tight at bottom of the lift.

Bench Press
warm up
work sets
need to work on my breathing during reps. after second set i was feeling light headed

Dead Lift
warm up
work set
i was watching myself in the mirror and my butt is the first thing to come up when i start the lift. bad right?

Dips 2x8 no shoulder pain

Nov 19th

warm up
work set
I think I'm finally getting the form down. what helps me is looking up while i do the lift. it helps me keep my back straight and the weight on my heals. I think my tendency is to lean forward when i lower the weight.

Military Press
warm up
work set
my neck gets really stiff while I'm doing this lift

Bent Rows
work set
did extra reps because i wasn't really feeling the weight

pull up
1x4 + 1x3 no negatives!!

I think I'm starting to figure out the squats and dead lifts. Next week I'm not going to move up in weight so i can focus on the form, i might even go down in weight on the dead lifts. The other lifts are going great.

The past few work outs i have been focusing on stretching out my hips. I was doing a hip flexor stretch and was feeling a sort of burning sensation in my left quad right above my knee. this only happened when my left leg is behind me. like if i was doing a lunge and my right leg was forward and my left back i would feel this tight burning sensation, but i dont feel it when i stretch my quad out. Now i start to feel this sensation when i play hacky sack or just walking and take a big step. the pain is not that bad just nagging. should i be worried about it or will just streching it out make this better

MagicNinja 11-21-2007 10:21 PM

Re: my starting strength log
do not look up while squatting, look down as much as possible without falling over (starting strength recommends putting a tennis ball under your chin and then squatting).

also your back should not be totally straight it should follow its natural curve.

I don't know if u're doing this either but I drive up from my hips and until yesterday i was driving forwards (lifting the chest!) because it seems unintuitive to drive UP with your hips; but you need to do this while maintaining the arch in your back for safety; its kind of weird i am still working on it. also make sure your grip is in the right spot (with the thumb over the top of the bar, not under.

these are all things i've realised i had to do after about 8 training sessions and I feel like i have very possibly injured my neck because of bad form, despite spending heaps of time reading / watching etc.

with your deadlift also, you will seriously hurt yourself if your butt comes up first; don't try to iron out the kinks while progressing up weight, you can iron out small form errors later but these ones will damage your back or neck with light weight.

theblackkeys 11-22-2007 02:18 AM

Re: my starting strength log
Nov 15

warm up
work set
Still felling tightness in right hip and pushing with my right leg more

[/ QUOTE ]

good video that'll help you get your body "between" your legs, not over them.


Bent Rows
work set
not sure about form. I kept my legs straight and bent at my waist. made my lower back hurt a little

[/ QUOTE ]
There is definitely knee bend. My legs go out a bit wider than shoulder-width, and I bend my back to horizontal. You need to make sure your lower back is straight or arched, never rounded. So you almost need to feel like your sticking your butt out.


warm up
work set
i only did two sets because my right knee was hurting when i would go past parallel during warm ups and the work sets. Also my hips are still felling tight at bottom of the lift.

[/ QUOTE ]
Without a doubt you should stop putting weight on the bar, and take some time off until you feel better. When you come back, start really slow with the weight. Practice bodyweight squats once you're feeling healthy again.


Dead Lift
warm up
work set
i was watching myself in the mirror and my butt is the first thing to come up when i start the lift. bad right?

[/ QUOTE ]
You will hurt yourself doing this. Look straight ahead at all times.

theblackkeys 11-22-2007 02:23 AM

Re: my starting strength log
do not look up while squatting, look down as much as possible without falling over (starting strength recommends putting a tennis ball under your chin and then squatting).

also your back should not be totally straight it should follow its natural curve.

[/ QUOTE ]
Incorrect. You should focus on a point about 20 feet in front of you, about 1 foot off the ground, and stay focused on that point throughout the lift. Looking down will throw your balance off and make you lean forward. It could also cause you to lose lower back arch.

And the second point I think you should be more clear on. Lower back ALWAYS ALWAYS straight/arched, never rounded. Upper back shouldn't really round either since you want your chest spread out.

MagicNinja 11-22-2007 06:34 AM

Re: my starting strength log
would be nice if every gym had their squat racks 7 metres from the wall but for most of us u have to look down a bit at the start of the lift. we're on the same page anyway i just used a bad description.

shemp 11-22-2007 01:01 PM

Re: my starting strength log
would be nice if every gym had their squat racks 7 metres from the wall but for most of us u have to look down a bit at the start of the lift. we're on the same page anyway i just used a bad description.

[/ QUOTE ]

A rack that I often use is right in front of a mirror and I find looking above eye level works for me. It helps me lead up with my head rather than drift. The other thing that sometimes happens when I take a peak is that I soften a bit. I think my spine is being held in a/the correct orientation and it is basically my eyes tilted upward, but I'm not sure.

theblackkeys 11-23-2007 03:22 AM

Re: my starting strength log
would be nice if every gym had their squat racks 7 metres from the wall but for most of us u have to look down a bit at the start of the lift. we're on the same page anyway i just used a bad description.

[/ QUOTE ]

A rack that I often use is right in front of a mirror and I find looking above eye level works for me. It helps me lead up with my head rather than drift. The other thing that sometimes happens when I take a peak is that I soften a bit. I think my spine is being held in a/the correct orientation and it is basically my eyes tilted upward, but I'm not sure.

[/ QUOTE ]
mine is in front of the mirror too, but you can move the pins or whatever they are to the other side. I just assumed he could do that.

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