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Boiler_bd 04-13-2007 03:23 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Bluff: who do you think we should lynch tomorrow?

[/ QUOTE ]

My list would go:

Just based off of tone reads from yesterday.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bluff, why did you think I was evil yesterday? Zurvan thought I was 90% Bard, KM said she would "quit WW" if I turned up evil and yet you had me as your #1 suspect.

My thinking is that you did this thinking ahead to today. We all thought KM was clear so you killed her, then you get Zurvan and I going after eachother (which we were yesterday). Wouldn't a villager see my code as a possible power role have me as such until proven otherwise?

BluffBlank 04-13-2007 03:27 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Bluff, why did you think I was evil yesterday? Zurvan thought I was 90% Bard, KM said she would "quit WW" if I turned up evil and yet you had me as your #1 suspect.

My thinking is that you did this thinking ahead to today. We all thought KM was clear so you killed her, then you get Zurvan and I going after eachother (which we were yesterday). Wouldn't a villager see my code as a possible power role have me as such until proven otherwise?

[/ QUOTE ]

On first reading your posts yesterday, they seems more fluff then anything, which I read as wolfy. The code initially came off to me as wolfy too, but the more I thought about it the more I didn't think a wolf would do that. And I reread the rest of your posts with that in mind, and it looked to me more like you were trying to get night killed then evil.

Zurvan 04-13-2007 04:17 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

My early strategy in games (which this was essentially a day 1 situation) is to read much more then I post, and try to pick up on wolfy posts. That's what i've done the last 2 days. That's where my first list came from. That's what I'm doing now. Meanwhile, zurvan is crafting an argument for me that doesn't even make sense. And it seems awfully like he had this argument for me in mind and ready to post, which is why he kept me alive.

[/ QUOTE ]

THat's fine, if it was actually day one, and not near must lynch. But you're a traditionally UTR wolf, and you participated a fair bit in this game... until the conversion. Then you disappeared.

Your whole case against me revolves around me wanting the named villagers to come otu the day we lynched traz. That's basically calling me a wolf because you disagree with my strategy. THat's [censored]. The only one of us whose posting style has changed since the conversion is you.

BluffBlank 04-13-2007 04:37 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Your whole case against me revolves around me wanting the named villagers to come otu the day we lynched traz. That's basically calling me a wolf because you disagree with my strategy. THat's [censored]. The only one of us whose posting style has changed since the conversion is you.

[/ QUOTE ]

no my case against you also includes how you're throwing all this "evidence" on me about ignoring today's posts and being utr.

I've been participating less now then I was before?? How so? Here's my post counts per day for the Eleria thread:

4/2/07 - 4
4/3/07 - 3
4/4/07 - 8
4/5/07 - 3
4/6/07 - 2
4/10/07 - 2
4/11/07 - 4
4/3/07 - 3

wow, that's convincing. your case is ridiculous. There is no way you're not the wolf.


Zurvan 04-13-2007 05:07 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
If you're gonna do it, make it count

Boiler_bd 04-13-2007 06:10 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Well I haven't seen anything today to convince me otherwise. Zurvan still seems like a villager and bluff seems to be stretching a bit. I was looking for some unique thought or villagerness which has been absent. He went through the thread the last few days and said (+ villager) or (- villager) points for this or that.

Well that isn't hard to fake obviously, not going to convince me of anything.

I'll give you one more chance bluff to convince me not to vote you.

BluffBlank 04-13-2007 06:50 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
have you read zurvan's arguments against me?

His first post is "where have you been" then he says I'm not participating as much as before. which is not true.

You question me changing my list from yesterday, where I had you at the top, and zurvan 2nd, but he's done the same thing. His excuse is "I did that to get reactions".

I called zurvan out about him claiming i wasn't participating as much as I did earlier, and his response didn't address it at all. I honestly can't believe you can read the posts today and still say "yeah zurvan is more villagry then bluff".

Look at it from this perspective. Zurvan has been pushing for me today with incredibly weak and inconstant arguments, and arguments that read incredibly prepared. It just seems completely fake to me.

If you're just going to look and say "well bluff was utr the last two days, must be him" then look at how I played the rest of the game. few posts. utr. looking for posts that have a wolf tone to them. the same way i've played these last two days.

I'm not sure what you mean by some unique thought or villagerness. my +/- villager thing was for me, and I posted it to show you my thought process as I read through the thread. I don't know what else you'd want from me.

I've never made it this far in a long game, and never been anywhere close to the final three, I really want this to be clear to you, but I dont know what else I can do!

We've got this boiler!


Zurvan 04-13-2007 07:00 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Bluff: you are aware of the lock vote thing, aren't you?

Boiler_bd 04-13-2007 07:27 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Well I don't feel like I should be the first to vote in this instance, but I don't see myself changing and I am impatient.

lock bluff

BluffBlank 04-13-2007 07:27 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Bluff: you are aware of the lock vote thing, aren't you?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was under the impression that there's no unvoting.

lock zurvan if i have to do that.

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