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Jeremy517 04-05-2007 11:48 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Radar activated, searching for wolves


Zurvan 04-05-2007 11:50 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Boiler_bd 04-05-2007 11:51 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

metsandfinsfan 04-05-2007 11:52 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria


traz 04-05-2007 11:53 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Don't stop the wagon now!

KyrosMother 04-05-2007 11:53 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Yup....been saying that since Day 2.

Thebram 04-05-2007 11:55 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Ok here it is. I'm not the bard.
I'm the fortuneteller.

N1 fdxma - evil
N2 chuckles - good
N3 KM - good
N4 jeremy - good
N5 wdcbooks - good
N6 boiler - good
N7 zurvan - good
N8 mets - good

I also know the apprentice's peeks, they were
nez - good
bluffblank - good

That leaves the following unknowns

I'll freely admit, the mets peek was pretty bad.
In retrospect, I should have peeked xoom (if that would have been allowed)
I really felt that fcbl and mark should die before mets anyway, so that's why I chose him.

I'll now open the floor to questions.

Mark_K 04-05-2007 11:57 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
vote Boiler_bd

I still say this is our best chance today. He's been at or near the bottom of my list for a while now.

Other good votes that I can support: Traz and Zurvan
I don't think they're both wolves but I'm pretty sure one of them is. I prefer Traz. An outside shot at being a wolf is Kyrosmother.

I need to look at Chuck's post for Seer peeks. Initial read says they were FCBL, METS and Durron as villagers.

Thebram 04-05-2007 11:57 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Also, I know the real bard's identity, and he knows mine.
Which is why he didnt counter.

And chuckles was a ordinary merc.
Left it as good/evil to protect the bard/apprentice, if they were listed. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

traz 04-05-2007 11:59 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

Are you sure you didn't get converted to insane? lol

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