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traz 04-04-2007 08:19 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
xoom is either really bad or doing some weird form of metagame

GetThere1Time 04-04-2007 08:19 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Just a reminder. Night at 10 tonight.

xoom 04-04-2007 08:20 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
xoom is either really bad or doing some weird form of metagame

[/ QUOTE ]

Switch to boiler, k thnx.

xoom 04-04-2007 08:24 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Just a reminder. Night at 10 tonight.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doh. I forgot. I'm going to bed now then. Gl village.

VoraciousReader 04-04-2007 10:05 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
My count is crappy, but I don't have Excel on this system:

mets voted boiler
thebram voted xoom
fcbl voted xoom
zurvan voted xoom
mark_k voted boiler
boiler vote xoom
xoom voted boiler
fcbl voted mark
boiler voted jeremy
jeremy voted xoom
Zurvan voted fcbl
fcbl voted xoom
traz voted xoom
km voted xoom
bluffblank voted xoom

there will be a 5 minute period for corrections.

VoraciousReader 04-05-2007 12:00 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
there will be a 105 minute period for corrections.

[/ QUOTE ]


Sorry, my brother called from Japan and that kills the network here.

The snowstorm forces you to abandon thoughts of continuing and make camp.

One of your fellow Battle Hawks, blinded by snow though he was, spied a lone figure moving around the edge of their camp.

He tackled him and took him to face the commanders.

I have no time to spare for more treason, execute him. was the pronouncement.

The mercenary holding xoom captive nodded once, then offered him the option of falling on his own sword, if he so chose. xoom, defiant to the last said, I will not give these proceedings legitimacy by participating in them. You will have to kill me yourself.

Then he was silent. Then he was dead. But a thorough search of his belongings yielded no clue as to his guilt or innocence.

[b]Xoom is dead. His role will not be revealed.[/i]

VoraciousReader 04-05-2007 07:57 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
**********GROUP NIGHT EVENT***********

Your band is camped in an unprotected area, locked down and unable to travel further due to the snow. You have not been able to survey the territory, but have pretty much stopped dead where you are and made camp.

All at once, a stunning ice drake appears. Due to the still heavily falling snow, it seems as if he appears out of nowhere. You reach for your bow, but you find it difficult to think about killing him. His scales shimmer with the gleam of a pearl, and he holds his head with a quiet majesty.

You have heard tales of dragons being lucky in battle. Perhaps you should try to communicate or tame him?

If you kill the drake, turn to page 85.
If you try to communicate with the drake, turn to page 82.
If you try to tame him like a wild beast, turn to page 16.

Voting will be open until 11 EST. The thread will open shortly thereafter.

VoraciousReader 04-05-2007 08:08 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
***********INDIVIDUAL NIGHT EVENT**************

Tonight, you just want a hot cup of soup and a warm fire. But the captains have decreed that there will be no fires tonight because they risk exposing your party's location. It is unlikely that anyone from the enemy will venture into open territory tonight, but those in charge, hardened battle veterans, have learned to make no assumptions.

However, they have agreed that those who volunteer for the very unpleasant job of scouting tonight, may have fires as long as they are a good distance from the main party.

Do you:

a. Volunteer for the scout party?
b. Stay with the main group?

VoraciousReader 04-05-2007 11:40 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
It is better to make some attempt at communication, you decide. One bold member of your party drops his weaponry, and slowly advances on the dragon, arms outstretched. The dragon watches him out of one eye, an eyebrow lifted questioningly.

"I won't hurt you, you are so beautiful," he whispers gently.

The dragon does not appear to understand what he says. He shifts to a different tactic, and pulls out the rabbit that he had brought down and carried all day in anticipation of a hot meal. With no fire to cook it, it doesn't appeal anyway, but the freezing weather has kept it fresh. He lays it down before the dragon... who investigates it, sniffs it warily, then swallows it.

"That's barely a bite for him! It will just whet his appetite to eat you!" Somebody yells. The dragon whips her head around, and accidentally knocks over chuckleslovakian. Someone rushes to assist him, but no one looks as they are mesmerized by the dragon, who is now nosing the ground in front of FCBLComish and making icy whuffs to him.

<font color="red">[/b]FCBLComish has befriended the ice drake. He has become one of the most powerful members of the party. His lynch vote will count triple today.[/b]</font>

It is then everyone realizes chuckleslovakian is not moving. The mystery person that rushed to "aid" him, instead silently slipped a knife in his ribs.

It is now


Look for a Group Event around 1 pm today.

GetThere1Time 04-05-2007 11:45 AM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria


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