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bubaloo 11-30-2007 01:37 PM

The Well: Orange (summary 29/09/06)
The Well: Orange (summary 29/09/06)

A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Tuesday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer" .

The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down: Why not on Tuesday? and the voice from in the well shouts back: Because on Tuesday, it’s your day in the well

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="blue"> Good timing for me.
Thanks for doing this. I see you play 200NL, I am currently a 100NL player. Just wondering when you made the move from 100 to 200, what was your bankroll, how was the move up...what was the main differences in play between the 2 levels?
Any adjustments you had to make in your game?
Thanks. </font>

I moved up when I had like 3.5k or so, maybe a bit more. I ran hot at the start (thankfully) as I do not think I was really ready for 200NL at the time. Luckily, I slowly learned the game and ran semi okay until I hit my first major downswing at 200NL (-13 buys!).

Some adjustments I observed was the level of aggression. 200NL is a bit more aggro than 100NL imo, and theres an increase in plays such as reraising pf, floating, bluff raising, etc. As with all tables, you should be adjusting to your opponents accordingly (if this means lower c-betting, more floating, etc).

<font color="blue"> When did you begin to play poker? </font>

My friend had recently saw the 2003 WSOP and was hooked. I played my first tourney (5 players for $5) and lost it at the end of sophmore year in high school (3-4 years ago?). I slowly got more and more intrested and serious and began to look for other sources of poker chat. I searched 'poker forums' on google when I was a junior and found 2+2. I used to read obsessively, almost every single thread every day (threads were less numerous back then).

<font color="blue"> How old are you? </font>

19. Turn 20 in Jan.

<font color="blue"> How many tables are you playing? </font>

4-6 usually.

<font color="blue"> What is your best upswing? downswing? </font>

Eh, something like running 8ptbb/100 over like 9k hands when I first started 200nl. Biggest day was only really 6 or 7 buyins at 200NL I think. My biggest downswing was relatively recent, -13 buyins over like 11k hands at 200NL.

<font color="blue"> PTBB/100 hands when you was playing nl100, nl200. </font>

100NL, not sure, it wasnt that great. 4ptbb/100 I think, maybe a bit lower. I moved up a bit quick, shouldve probably stayed at 100nl for a bit longer.

200NL, well, as I stated before, I do not think I was ready to move up and my recent downswing has hurt me. This month, I'm running at about 4ptbb/100 over maybe 15k hands at 200NL. I'm not really pleased with my play, but am currently in the process of fixing alot of my leaks (I have tons of them).

<font color="blue"> How did you got so lot of post :P ? </font>

Lots of free time in college, I don't really study, I just kind've sit around alot and just ...well, sit. I'm pretty lazy. I don't do homework much at all and I do alot of other stuff instead (poker, tennis, intramural football, halo with the dorm floor, friends, etc).

<font color="blue"> 1. GP or Mahatma?
2. Beatles or Stones?
3. Best Beatles album?
4. Best Stones album?
5. Coffee or Tea?
6. Favourite 2p2 poster?
7. Favourite SSNL poster?
8. BBV or OOT?
9. Favourite dbitel gimmick account[img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]?
10. SSNL or uNL?
11. Friends or Seinfeld?
12. Name a few favourite bands/artists?
13. Floating or bluffraising?
14. Is raising a PFR a reraise or 3-bet?
15. Poker coach or not coach?
16. a/s/l </font>

1. While I don't really have too much knowledge/sweat of either, I think its a toss up really. GP seems very very good, but mahatma has been around these games forever and seems to handle the variance. Eh, I'll go with GP.

2.Stones. I'm not really obsessed with either, but I think the stones are a bit better.

3. TBH, I'm not a beatles fan really. My friend tells me Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart club Band is the best. But I really don't know.

4. Again, I don't listen to either of these bands too much. I don't really know albums much, just a few songs on the radio.

5. Don't drink either. Water/energy drinks (gatorade) instead?

6. amoeba, soah, Ghaz, TWP, xorbie, yvessaint, bobbofittos are all very good. For entertainment purposes, riverboatking and lapoker for live poker.

7. Don't really have a single poster, I like to read alot of the regular posters like cbloom, db, jam, ep, 42it, BW, quark, etc etc etc.

8. OOT, though BBV is pretty fun to read sometimes (the graphs make me both jealous and sick as hell when looking at the downswings/heaters).

9. TPW had alot of people fooled. Too bad I could recognize his writing, and he always misspells a few words like 'cource' and stuff.

10. SSNL, though, micro NL is fun to read too.

11. Seinfeld by far.

12. Red hot chili peppers, Boston, foreigner, journey, jack johnson, etc. I like some rap too, though not as much as I did in the past.

13. Eh...floating I guess. I prefer just folding though because I'm such a weak tightie.

14. RR

15. coach works just fine. Doesnt have to be a super regular coach, I have one who just sweats and I pay him a fixed fee/hour. He's sweated me for all my transitions when moving up, and it helps to have someone who has played at those levels previously.

16. a/s/l. I have no idea what this is.

<font color="blue"> a/s/l = age/sex/location </font>

Age: 19, will be 20 in January.

Sex: male

Location: Lincoln, NE, in the middle of the country. I live in Omaha, NE out of school with my family.

<font color="blue"> Can we have a lifetime graph? Or an entire db graph? I always find these interesting.
Oh and have you ever tilt deleted entire sessions from your PT? </font>

I did not have PT for my 25nl/50nl areas really. And I just got a new comp, so my database is all screwy. I will hopefully have a graph of this month or next month later on.

And no, never have deleted those tilt sessions. If I did, I would seemingly be up alot more than I am now [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img].

<font color="blue"> what site(s) do you play? who do you like seeing at your 200 tables the least? </font>

FTP. I guess any regular, like WillEatYourKids has owned me from me being over aggro vs him. clcktower is a TAG, as well as some 2p2ers like carinvalhobo, keiweikie or whatever his name is, etc.

I like 42it because he told me he's trying to open up his button range. So now I can RR him even more than usual [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img].

<font color="blue"> 1. Is Jamie Gold stuck up?

2. If there were real elf women(like lord of the rings style) would you be turned on by their ears? Cause i would </font>

1. I don't know. He seems douchey...really wish doug kim wouldve won.

2. The ears thing is kindve weird, though I suppose arwen would be better than eowyn.

<font color="blue"> Discuss the illogical nature of monogomy, and include thoughts on whether you believe one person can possibly be "fated" or "destined" to end up with another.
What is your religious background?
Do you believe in free will or a preordained plan guiding our actions?
Would you rather have scissors for fingers or an unremovalbe pimple the size of a baseball on your left cheek? </font>

Ugh. I suppose having tons of mistresses and concubines(sp?) would rock. Though, I'm not married, so I'm not sure how crazy more than one woman would be. Are people directed by fate to be with each other? I'm not sure. I don't really want to think about marriage quite yet, thanks.

My religious background? My parents are very strong christians. I grew up in a christian home, my parents attend a christian and missionary alliance church, sortve non denominational. I myself am currently in a religious...hiatus I suppose you could say. I believe in God, I know what is good, and God's desire for us as human beings to follow him...but at this point in my life, as a teenager, I guess I just want control of my life at this stage. Perhaps I'll be like my parents later on, I'm not sure. Enough religious psychobabble.

This is an intresting question. Apprently, God knows everything. He knows the future, past, etc. So if he granted us mere mortals the free decision to choose either life or death, how is it a free choice when he already knows what the outcome is? Its not like we are going to change our minds at the last second and God not knowing. Hmm...I don't really like to think of predestination much.

Scissors. Then I would stab people like you who ask me these questions.

<font color="blue"> Awesome!
Like you I don't play a ton of hands atm (avg 12k per month the last 2 months 2 or 3 tabling). In your opinion, what is the one thing that helped you become a confident/better 6 max player (concept, tool, video site, threads, coach, poster, whatever).
Also, if it hasn't been asked, could you tell us your poker history? </font>

The best thing that helped me improve as a player was discussions on AIM with 2p2 friends. I don't do it as much anymore, but getting really in depth on hand ranges, what he percieves my hand is, etc helps alot. I also use PT to track my hands (as everyone here does). I usually have a pencil/paper nearby when I play, so when a big hand comes up and I need help, I just write down the hand ('AKo') and find it later in PT, then post.

Coaches help too. I've never had an official coach like TWP or something from or whatever. I've had a semi-regular coach however who helps sweat me when I session. I pay him a fixed fee and he usually just tells me his thoughts via AIM while watching. It helps to have someone who has progressed and beaten the level you are playing when you play. He has helped me in all transitions, and I recommend having someone more knowledgeable than you to talk with.

Poker history, I briefly described it above. I started in High school, at the end of my sophmore year. My parents despise poker and would never let me get an online poker account when I am at home. So, as I got more serious, I sought online forums and found 2+2. I read voraciously, and tried to digest all the new information.

I played homegames from junior year in high school to the middle of my freshman year in college (I'm a sophmore now). Those homegames back in the day were sweet, it played alot like a 1/2 game, with stacks being pretty deep. The players (my friends) lost alot of money, and its a wonder how they kept coming back for more.

I started online last year in January. I started with $300, plus $200 I made from my friend's online poker account. So, $500. Luckily, I had a decent grasp of the game compared to most starting out, because I had already played for 2 years or so. I started bonus whoring and such, playing about 10k hands/month. I ended by playing 1/2NL in May.

I had to go back home for summer, so I couldn't play anymore. I didn't play a hand all summer, and finally started back up again in August. I hope to move my roll over to party poker at the end of this month and begin to start playing the 1/2, 2/4 games there.

<font color="blue"> Whats your favorite music to listen to whlie playing a session </font>

It depends on my mood.

Happy- Red hot chili peppers, Boston, Journey, whatever. Sometimes classical.

Angry/tiltish- DMX.

<font color="blue"> How many tables do you feel is your optimal?
At what hours do you play the most hands?
So you use PokerAceHud? other than v&amp;IP and pfr, what stats do you find to be the most helpful. </font>
The number of tables that I think is optimal for me is 4. Though, FTP does not have a adjustable screen, so that is probably why I can't see all tables at once.

I generally play at night, sometimes dabble with poker during the day. There are more TAGs at FTP than a few months ago, which sucks.

I think I need to adjust my HUD, but as of right now, I have vpip, PFR, aggression, went to showdown % and won $ at showdown %. I also look at c-bet folding sometimes.

<font color="blue"> Why Orange? Why not Red or Blue?
Guessing, what percentage of the Full Tilt 200 players are made up of 2p2? </font>

orange was my handle on a computer game I used to play, age of empires II: the conquerors. agent_orange_ was my screen name, so I just use it all around.

There are tons of 2p2ers now at FTP. I'm getting the hell outtve there.

<font color="blue"> I just moved up from 50NL to 100NL 6-max after running 13PTBB/100 over 20K hands. After moving up to 200NL and feeling like you werent ready, how many hands and what PTBB/100 do you feel like would be appropriate to take a shot at 200NL. I know there is not real answer other than, "when you feel youre ready," but take a guess. </font>

Eh, hard to say, it kindve depends on your playing style. For me, it was about folding hands that I always used to call at lower levels, and adapting to the aggression.

Not really sure what to say. Make sure you have a decent bankroll when you start out. Take a shot or two at 200nl, try mixing in a table or two while you session. So, if you regularly do 4 tables, just do 3 tables of 100nl/1 table of 200nl. I think once you are happy with your win rate at 100nl, you can move up.

<font color="blue"> Played much full-ring? Are there significant differences in the average villain's skill level? Eg 200NL full=100NL 6-max (or vice versa)
Like your posts </font>

TBH, I only played a small sample of FR when I first started out. I cannot really tell you the differences in skill as I have not played much of it. Sorry [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

<font color="blue"> Planning on moving up anytime soon?
Is your username orange because you like the color or the fruit (or both if you're really hardcore)? </font>

Yes, hopefully 2/4 by the end of the month, I want to be at 2/4 by the end of October if possible.

My username is orange because of a game I used to play, age of empires. I'm not sure how the name originated from there, I think its because I was sick and just learned about vietnam, and 'agent_orange' was born.

<font color="blue"> Can you name your favorite elf from all folklore that's not from LOTR?
Do you read any space-opera, if so, what's your favorite book?
Who do you pick in Mario kart 64?
How about in Super Smash Bro?
Do you like penguins?
What would you name your first penguin?
Out of the newest star wars films, which was the gayest? </font>

1. Favorite elf not from LOTR: hmmmm...TBH, I don't really have one. I guess that house elf from harry Potter, though he's kindve annoying.

2. Space opera, not really sure. Don't read that stuff as much, I like regular fiction much more. Stephen King, Dean koontz, Douglas and Child, etc.

3. Wario always. He's a badass.

4. N64: Kirby. Gamecube: Ganondorf.

5. Penguins, I could care less about. They get owned by killer whales and polar bears.

I would name my penguin nick combs. Because I know a guy whos got a gigantic penguin like nose.

6. Eh, I would say the second one was pretty queer. The original ones are so much better than these new ones though.

<font color="blue"> Do you have any notes on me at fulltilt? What do they say? </font>

They said 'Float him, he's easy to take pots from turn. he c-bets flop and gives up on turn.'

and once I found out your 2p2, that made me laugh [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

<font color="blue"> 1)Lord of the rings - best part?
Fellowship, two towers or return of the king?:)
2)When do you plan to move to 2/4?
3)KT on the button vs. two donk limpers? </font>

1. Easily when Theoden is charging at pelenor fields. When he has massed his rohirrim and charges into the Mordor army.

2. By the end of october, I want to be playing 2/4. Though I've heard its a tough jump, so only time will tell.

3. Probably limp. It depends what type of donk they are, if they are stations, well, I usually want a bit of a better top pair hand to extract value from (like KJ). If they are LAGGy donks, then folding is fine.

<font color="blue"> 1. If you could eliminate all nuclear weapons or influenza, which would you choose?
2. Describe the first time you kissed a girl.
3. Which is the bigger threat in the world today: Iran or North Korea?
4. Would you rather live in a world where all poker winnings for the rest of your life were tax-free and matched dollar-for-dollar by the government, or live in a world where ice cream and chocolate are fat and calorie-free? </font>

I hate you.

1. Ughhhhhh. War/fighting is inevitable as seen throughout history. Nuclear warfare has somewhat contained total war with the leading nations thus far, though I'm not sure how much longer it will remain this way. Obviously smaller conflicts like those seen in the middle east and civil turmoil in Africa shows that conflict will exist.

Will a future without nuclear weapons revert back to a WWII-ish era? Not really sure. I think that once a nuclear war hits, the majority of our civilization is gone. So I say nukes should go, even if it means the U.S. being not as dominant as before.

2. We were in my basement, it was the beginning of junior year. This is the first real time that I've really kissed a chick. She and I had been friends for a long time, and it just kind've happened.

3. Definitely the first. I could care less about things being fat free at this point, as my metabolism is still perfectally fine. And I still exercise, so...yeah.

<font color="blue"> what's your name on Fulltilt? </font>

Considering, I'm leaving in a few days, and have usually been pretty open about it before, orangeman87.

<font color="blue"> Dead woman or live man?
What's your conscious thought process during a given hand? </font>

If she's fresh (like a few hours) I guess woman. I can't imagine a man, jesus.

Process: Eh...okay. KTs otb. 1 bad player limps to me in the CO. I raise to isolate him. He calls my PFR, HU to the flop.

flop comes x x x. He checks. If he is a super passive donkey, I will generally check behind here, especially if he's calling alot of my cbets. So, he checks and I check.

turn comes a T. he checks again. I bet for value, as he is calling with alot of hands. He could be calling with any lone draw, a small pair, or overs. He calls my bet.

river comes a x. He checks again. I bet once again for value, as I see alot of smaller pairs calling me. He mini c/r-es me. Uh oh. A super passive station just c/r-ed me. Despite my great odds, its time to fold here. I am almost never good.

Basically, identify your goal with each street. So, PF, you may have the goal of isolating a bad player. Or raising in position against a tight TAG in the blinds with sc/etc.

The flop and later streets, you should be assigning your opponents hand ranges. You should figure out how you can handle a raise, what you will do if he calls, etc and try to think ahead.

<font color="blue">what's your name on Fulltilt?</font>

[/ QUOTE ]
Considering, I'm leaving in a few days, and have usually been pretty open about it before, orangeman87.

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="blue">sweet I have some hands on you
I have you at like 16/10 and a 5.5 ptb/100
over like 500 hands</font>

[/ QUOTE ]

Hah, I must be really tight back then. Or just a slow table. FWIW, I'm 19/15/4 or so. Obviously it fluctuates.

I hate you.

[/ QUOTE ]
<font color="blue"> Are you uncomfortable answering these kinds of questions? The well is a voluntary occupancy unit!
I figured with your metabolism the last question was an easy answer.
A few more as I head out to dinner:
1) Will you vote for me in this uber-important Dancing With the Stars competition?
2) Who is your favorite poker player and why?
3) What book are you reading right now?
4) If American children were only allowed to take one subject in school until 9th grade, what would you choose for them?
5) Describe the single greatest moment of achievement in your life. It could be sports-related, poker related, WoW, etc. </font>

[/ QUOTE ]

1. Yes.

2. Phil Ivey. I liked him when I first saw the 2003 WSOP. Seemed like an aggressive, good player. John Juanda is my 2nd favorite.

3. Right now, I am rereading the Dark Tower I, by Stephen King. Awesome series.

4. Tough question. I personally love history (planning on being a history teacher in High school), but applicably, either english or math. I think students lack alot of both skills (I for one am terrible at math) and both are important for future school/work.

5. Another tough question. TBH, I don't even know if I have a single greatest achievement. I haven't accomplished much in my short pathetic life, so I'll just say when I won 4 buyins at this underground poker place.

Another highlight I have was when I was pretty young, like 6th grade...I used to play this game called pokemon cards. I was pretty decent, and I used to play in this league at Toys R us. There was this reigning champ there, they called him Mr. Nice Guy. He wore a chef hat and just beat down anyone who tried playing him. So I got my deck ready, and I beat him, his first loss in like the last few months. I remember that win meant alot to me at the time.

<font color="blue"> oh and
If you were stuck in a room with two guards with two identical doors. One room lead to death and the other leads to the exit. One guard can answer only lies and the other one answers only the truth. What would you ask the guard? </font>

Godammit, whats with all this philosophy stuff.

I wouldn't ask the guard. I would just walk through the exit. Then fly like neo.

<font color="blue"> Do you think the next season of Lost will regain the magic of Season one or will it flounder like the middle of season 2? </font>

I really really like LOST. My favorite show. I hope that season 3 is just as good as the first two (fwiw, I liked season 2 alot...not as much as one, but meh). 5 days more!

<font color="blue"> You're in university. What are you studying?
(just a note, damn you epdaws for raising the bar on the level of questions, now i have to think of good ones too)
If you had to live in the same apartment as one of the guys from Friends for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Same but for the girls?
Best hand you ever played? Biggest pot you ever won? Memorable hands, stuff like that?
If you had to put one of the following posters on ignore and thus could never read any of their posts again, who would you choose? (and if you give some pansy ass roundabout answer that doesn't answer the question then I propose you get thrown out of The Well effective immediately)
cbloom, db, jam, ep, 42it, BW, quark
You're on crazy raving monkey tilt and decide you want to blow through your whole roll. Party blackjack, FTP 300/600, PP 25/50 or roulette? </font>

1. Secondary Ed. with history. I want to be a history teacher...both my parents are teachers. I also really like history, more ancient history.

2. I don't really like friends as much, but guys, I guess Ross. Girls, rachael, cause she's the hottest.

3. what a gay question. quark doesnt post as much, so I'll say him. Even though me and him are buds.

4. PP 25/50NL is the way to go. CAterp style. or gimmetheloot style.

<font color="blue"> Say all this politics crap passes and online poker is made illegal. How much would this affect your life? </font>

I would not be able to play online anymore, and I wonder how the community of 2+2 would hold up. Not really sure on this one. I would hate to lose this community, as I think that there are some good folks on here and good discussions.

I suppose I would have to find something else to do with my time, learn something else. Moneywise, meh, It would hurt, but Whatever. Might just have to get a real job like other people (suckers).

<font color="blue"> orange,
what do you think ure odds are on our HU match? </font>

Not good, I'm not very good at HU. I'm pretty crazy, my match with jbird lasted like 20 minutes tops.

<font color="blue"> Aside from the aggression, what are the other big changes as you've moved from 100 NL to 200NL?
Carl </font>

Not much really, thats about it. Increased aggression, moves such as floating, c/r-ing, bluff raising, etc are all more incorporated. Not really sure what else there is. Players aren't as bad, like most levels of poker.

<font color="blue"> (i know this is long and vague but I'm off to sleep now and i want to have something to read in the morning)
Talk a bit about your thoughts on
1. checkraising
2. limp reraising
3. 2nd barrelling
4. 3rd barrelling
5. floating
6. 3-betting preflop
7. 4-betting preflop </font>

1. c/r-ing. I don't use this move enough IMO. I will use this play relatively seldom. I use it in a few instances:
-Either having a pp, set, etc on a xxx board, where there is only one paint card or less. I will c/r here occassionally with either a pocket pair like 66 or whatever, or sometimes a very strong hand like a set to balance my play. Other times I use it is to keep players off my back, so c/r-ing with draws or something like that. I'm much likely to use some other move like leading or c/c, lead turn, or c/c c/f turn.

2. LRR, I never really do it. I tried once in a live game UTG w. AA and it got checked around. I won the pot, but only because my opponent sucked balls.

3. 2nd barreling. I use this play a decent amount, especially if I think villan is floating me. I think this is much cheaper with the bet flop, c/r allin on the turn unless I have alot of outs (for the later, I may use this play for something like FD+pair or whatever). So, if I have a hand like AK on a xxx board, I will double barrel the turn if it comes any paint, or sometimes if my opponent is thinking, I may do it when it completes draws. But, I use the double barrel play alot more frequently than c/r-ing the turn against floaters.

4. 3rd barreling. I don't do this very often, and the last time I did it, I got some bad TAG to call w. TT given a RR pf, flop bet, turn shove on a blank board. I had KQs, but thats beside the point. I don't know how effective 3-barreling is at lower limits, but perhaps at higher limits it will be more effective. I think its really opponent dependent, and the board really has to be ideal for it.

5. Floating. I use this play a decent amount, mainly against TAGs who will c-bet, give up on turn. It usually takes a few rotations/observations to see this, but floating is fairly effective. Especially if you have draws to go along with it. Boards like Kxx or whatever are good boards to float on. Some boards I will generally never float on are like AJx or what not. Against a thinking player, you can float and use a draw as extra outs, ie. raise any spade turn on a xs xs x board. But use that only for good opponents.

6. 3-betting PF, again is opponent dependent. If I think that a player is good, I will 3-bet with a wider variety of hands. If I know he is not really that great however, a bad station or something along those lines, I much prefer to just call their raise PF and try to outplay them postflop. I 3-bet with a wide range of hands, depending how good my opponent is.

7. 4-betting PF. I've been expirementing with this. In the past week, it has worked 2/3 times. 67s, raise otb, sb TAG RR-es, I 4-bet, he folds. 98s, i raise, TAG RR-es, I 4-bet, he shoves, I fold. AA, same villan as last hand (98s) RR-es me, I 4-bet, he calls, and I win. Again, I think 4-betting should really include history with your opponent, and you shouldnt be doing this against complete unknowns. I think you should occassionally mix in 4-betting with strong hands as well as not so great hands, just make sure your doing it against the right opponents.

<font color="blue"> If you died tomorrow, how pissed off would you be on a scale of 1-10, 10 being extremely pissed off?
Would you rather amputate an arm or a leg?
If you could only watch one of the LotR movies for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? </font>

I don't really know. I haven't accomplished much in my life, but I guess I would be fairly po-ed. 8 maybe?

I would rather amputate...ugh...arm is probably more applicable (typing, etc), but legs are too. I would probably put a gun to my head if I lost either. I'll say leg.

Return of the King. Though, out of the books, I would say the two towers probably.

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