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metsandfinsfan 03-27-2007 09:15 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
remember that all votes count randomly as 0 1 or 2 so this could get interesting

lastchance 03-27-2007 09:15 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

durron597 03-27-2007 09:15 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
wtf @ 3 people not even voting

[/ QUOTE ]

two people, that count is wrong

GetThere1Time 03-27-2007 09:16 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

durron597 03-27-2007 09:16 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria

[/ QUOTE ]


GetThere1Time 03-27-2007 09:32 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
sorry all. hectic stuff. 5 minutes to PM me corrections. plz do not post them in thread.

<font color="red"> [9] Aaronk56 voted for Jaredl </font>
[0] Bluffblank voted for Aaronk56
[0] boiler_bd voted for Aaronk56
[0] Chuckleslovakian voted for Aaronk56
[0] Dmk voted for Aaronk56
[0] Durron597 voted for Aaronk56
[0] Dusting voted for Sighing
[0] Econophile voted for Sighing
[0] Fcbl voted for Aaronk56
[1] Fmxda voted for lastchance
[1] iron_yuppie voted for Sighing
[7] Jaredl voted for sighing
[0] Jeremy517 voted for Kyrosmother
[0] Kbar13 voted for lastchance
[0] Kumubou voted for Jaredl
[1] Kyrosmother voted for Aaronk56
[4] Lastchance voted for Sighing
[0] Luckayluck voted for Aaronk56
[0] Madtown voted for lastchance
[0] mark_k voted for Jaredl
[0] Mdorand voted for Zurvan
[0] Metsandfinsfan voted for Jaredl
[0] Nez477 voted for Jaredl
[0] Shortline99 voted for iron_yuppie
[6] Sighing voted for Aaronk56
[0] Thebram voted for Fmxda
[0] Tiedup14
[0] Traz
[0] Voj voted for Jaredl
[0] Wdcbooks voted for Jaredl
[0] Xoom voted for Sighing
[1] Zurvan voted for Lastchance

GetThere1Time 03-27-2007 09:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
<u>DAY EVENT RESULT PART 2</u>: <font color="red">Night is beginning to fall and you've all had a full night of drunken revelry.</font>

Some mercenaries have passed out right in their chairs. The booze and the long journey hasnt mixed well for them.

DMK, Durron597, Iron_Yuppie, JaredL, and Jeremy517 have all passed out drunk in their chairs.

Other's are invigorated from the food, song, and thick city ale. They spend the night drinking, laughing, and gambling. Boiler_bd, Chuckleslovakian, Shortline99, Thebram, Voj, and Xoom are the only ones left celebrating long into the night.

GetThere1Time 03-27-2007 10:12 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Sorry for the delay AaronK56 was lynched. He was an Ordinary Good Mercenary.

A little fancier write up later.

VoraciousReader 03-27-2007 10:52 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
p. 55

Group Night Event

You stumble out of the tavern into the bright light of day. Argh. Your mouth tastes like fur and your breath smells like whatever had the fur died in your mouth. Perhaps today would be a better day to visit the Guildmaster. On the other hand, perhaps you are somewhat less than welcome in town after your boisterous behavior last night. Or there is still the Temple. You certainly feel repentant this morning.

If you choose to slip out of town as unobtrusively as possible, turn to page 11.

If you choose to visit the Warrior's Guild, turn to page 109.

If you choose to visit the Temple, turn to page 61.

VoraciousReader 03-27-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Choose Your Own Adventure Vol I: The Road to Eleria
Individual Villager Events

A random townsperson stumbles up to the party. He is bleary-eyed and muttering. When he looks at you, his face turns from confused to mean.

"You! You're the one that stole my pigeon!"

You have no idea what he's talking about. You say, "I do believe you've got the wrong person..." and then he takes a swing at you.

What will you do?

a. He is clearly deranged, and as a professional warrior it would be beneath you to harm a lunatic.

b. Nobody takes a swing at you. You have him on the ground in 5 minutes.

c. You offer to find his pigeon and feed it to him, feathers and all, if he doesn't back off.

d. You try to blend back into the party. There is nothing to be gained by causing an incident in Eleria's major metropolis.

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