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TheIrishThug 08-16-2006 09:33 PM

The Absolute Solution - Datamining
The Absolute Solution

This program will datamining Absolute Poker for you.
Hand Histories are saved as [Date]_[Table].txt. The hand histories will default to save into the same folder that the program is saved, this can be changed by using the "Select Save Folder" button.
When "Only Observed Hands" is selected, any hand you play in will be skipped over.
As a hand is loaded, the vital information will be added to the list on the window. Hands are sorted by hand number, therefore, the last hand loaded may not be the last hand on the list. Double clicking on a hand that is listed on the window will bring up a second window with the text of that hand.

Opening and Closing tables.
This is not part of the program yet, but I will be working on it. I still need to look into the iWitness code and see what will need to be changed.

The following is the AutoHotkey code. You will not need to change any parts of the text. Copy the text and paste it into Notepad. Save the file as [name].ahk (make sure "Save as type:" is All Files so that the .ahk will not be followed by a .txt).
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
; _____________________
; /
; The Absolute Solution
; By TheIrishThug
; Date: 8/16/2006
; v0.5
; \_____________________

; ------ Check AHK version
ahk_version =
if A_AhkVersion &lt; %ahk_version%
msgbox, 4, , % "This script needs AutoHotkey version " . ahk_version . " or newer (you are using version" . A_AhkVersion . ")."
. "`nScript will exit.`n`nGo to web page and download new version now?"
IfMsgBox, Yes

DetectHiddenWindows, On
OnMessage(0x24, "WM_GETMINMAXINFO")
; ------ Variables
; ------
; ------ Collect Variables
IniRead, LastSavedFolder, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Folder, LastSaved, %A_ScriptDir%
IniRead, LastGuiX, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainX, Center
IniRead, LastGuiY, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainY, Center
IniRead, LastGuiH, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainH, 400
IniRead, LastGuiW, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainW, 275
IfEqual, LastSavedFolder,
LastSavedFolder := A_ScriptDir
FormatTime, TimeStamp, , MM-dd-yy
BaseFileName := SwitchDirSting(LastSavedFolder . "\" . TimeStamp . "_", "Convert")
HandsSaved = 0
MyHandsSkipped = 0
SetTimer, Mine, 180000
SetTimer, Mine, Off
; ------ Gui
Gui, +Resize -Maximize
ListViewH := LastGuiH - 120
ListViewW := LastGuiW - 30
Gui, Add, ListView, xp+8 yp+10 w%ListViewW% h%ListViewH% -Hdr Sort vTheListView, Hand Number|Winner|Pot|Table
LV_ModifyCol(4, 0)
GapAfterListView := ListViewH +10
Gui, Add, CheckBox, xp+37 yp+%GapAfterListView% vOnlyObservedHands, Only Observed Hands
Gui, Add, Button, xp-35 yp+30 w70 gStartStopMine Hidden, Stop
Gui, Add, Button, xp yp w70 gStartStopMine, Start
Gui, Add, Button, xp+80 yp-5 gSelectFolder, Select`nSave Folder
Gui, Add, Button, xp+85 yp+5 w70 gClose_Gui, Close
Gui, Show, x%LastGuiX% y%LastGuiY% w%LastGuiW% h%LastGuiH%, The Absolute Solution

MouseGetPos, , , WinID
WinGetPos, LastGuiX, LastGuiY, LastGuiW, LastGuiH, ahk_id %WinID%
IniWrite, %LastGuiX%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainX
IniWrite, %LastGuiY%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainY
IniWrite, %LastGuiH%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainH
IniWrite, %LastGuiW%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Gui, MainW
IniWrite, %LastSavedFolder%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Folder, LastSaved

FileSelectFolder, LastSavedFolder, , 1, The Absolute Solution
IniWrite, %LastSavedFolder%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, Folder, LastSaved
BaseFileName := SwitchDirSting(LastSavedFolder . "\" . TimeStamp . "_", "Convert")

If A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
ControlGet, GuiSelected, List, Count Focused, SysListView321, The Absolute Solution ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
If GuiSelected != 0
ControlGet, GuiRowText, List, Focused, SysListView321, The Absolute Solution ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
StringSplit, GuiRowArray, GuiRowText, %A_Tab%
GuiHand := GuiRowArray1
GuiTable := GuiRowArray4
RecordHand = 0
TextOfHand := ""
fname := SwitchDirSting(BaseFileName . GuiTable . ".txt", "UnConvert")
Loop, Read, %fname%
IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, %GuiHand%
RecordHand = 1
If RecordHand = 1
If (InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "Stage #") = 1 AND InStr(A_LoopReadLine, GuiHand) = 0)
TextOfHand := TextOfHand . A_LoopReadLine . "`n"
Gui, 2:Font, S9 Bold
Gui, 2:+Owner
Gui, 2:Add, Text, x6 y6, Hand Viewer
Gui, 2:Font, S8 Norm
Gui, 2:Add, Edit, xp yp+30 w300 h200 vHandEdit +ReadOnly, %TextOfHand%
Gui, 2:Add, Button, xp+15 yp+215 gHandViewerClose, Close
Gui, 2:Add, Button, xp+50 yp gHandViewerCopy, Copy Hand
GuiControl, 2: Focus, HandViewerCopy
Gui, 2:Show, , Absolute Hand Viewer

Anchor("TheListView", "wh")
Anchor("OnlyObservedHands", "y")
Anchor("Stop", "y")
Anchor("Start", "y")
Anchor("Select`nSave Folder", "y")
Anchor("Close", "y")

GuiControlGet, ControlClicked, , %A_GuiControl%
If ControlClicked = Stop
SetTimer, Mine, Off
GuiControl, Show, Start
GuiControl, Hide, Stop
SetTimer, Mine, On
GuiControl, Show, Stop
GuiControl, Hide, Start
If HandsSaved = 0
GoTo Mine

Gui, Submit, NoHide
IfWinExist, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
IfWinNotExist, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
ControlGet, Table, Choice, , ComboBox1
IfNotInString, Table, All Poker Tables
Control, Choose, 1, ComboBox1
Sleep 200
ControlFocus, SysListView321
ControlGet, RowNumberOfFocusedOfHand, List, Count Focused, SysListView321, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
ControlGet, NumberOfHandsOfIHH, List, Count, SysListView321, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
If ( HandsSaved + MyHandsSkipped = 0 )
ControlSend, SysListView321, {Home}, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
Else If ( RowNumberOfFocusedOfHand != NumberOfHandsOfIHH )
ControlSend, SysListView321, {Down}, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
If (NumberOfHandsOfIHH = HandsSaved + MyHandsSkipped)
HandMyHand := ""
ControlGet, RowText, List, Focused, SysListView321, Instant Hand History ahk_class Instant Hand History
StringSplit, RowArray, RowText, %A_Tab%
HandNumber := RowArray1
HandTable := RowArray2
HandMyHand := RowArray3
HandWinner := RowArray4
HandPot := RowArray5
ControlGet, ColText, List, Col1, SysListView321, The Absolute Solution ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
IfInString, ColText, %HandNumber%
If HandTable Contains /,\,,:,*,?,&lt;,&gt;,|
HandTable := SpecialChr(HandTable)
Sleep 200
If ((OnlyObservedHands = 1 AND HandMyHand = "") Or OnlyObservedHands = 0)
ControlGetText, HandText, Edit1
FileName := SwitchDirSting(BaseFileName . HandTable . ".txt", "UnConvert")
FileAppend, %HandText%`n`n, %Filename%
StringReplace, HandPot, HandPot, $,
LV_Add(Col1, HandNumber, HandWinner, "$" . HandPot, HandTable)
LV_ModifyCol(4, 0)
FormatTime, tempTimeStamp, , MM-dd-yy
IfNotEqual, TimeStamp, %tempTimeStamp%
TimeStamp := tempTimeStamp
BaseFileName := SwitchDirSting(LastSavedFolder . "\" . TimeStamp . "_", "Convert")

; ------ Gui 2 Controls
Gui, 2:Destroy

ClipBoard := TextOfHand

; ------ Functions
IfInString, Word, "/"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "/", , All
IfInString, Word, "\"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "\", , All
IfInString, Word, ":"
StringReplace, Word, Word, ":", , All
IfInString, Word, "*"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "*", , All
IfInString, Word, "?"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "?", , All
IfInString, Word, "&lt;"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "&lt;", , All
IfInString, Word, "&gt;"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "&gt;", , All
IfInString, Word, "|"
StringReplace, Word, Word, "|", , All
Return Word

SwitchDirSting(PathIn, ConvertOrUnConvert)
If ConvertOrUnConvert = Convert
StringReplace, PathIn, PathIn, :\, ??
If ConvertOrUnConvert = UnConvert
StringReplace, PathIn, PathIn, ??, :\
Return PathIn

Anchor(ctrl, a, draw = false) { ; v3.2 by Titan
static pos
sig = `n%A_Gui%:%ctrl%=
If !InStr(pos, sig) {
GuiControlGet, p, Pos, %ctrl%
pos := pos . sig . px - A_GuiWidth . "/" . pw - A_GuiWidth . "/"
. py - A_GuiHeight . "/" . ph - A_GuiHeight . "/"
StringTrimLeft, p, pos, InStr(pos, sig) - 1 + StrLen(sig)
StringSplit, p, p, /
c = xwyh
Loop, Parse, c
If InStr(a, A_LoopField) {
If A_Index &lt; 3
e := p%A_Index% + A_GuiWidth
Else e := p%A_Index% + A_GuiHeight
m = %m%%A_LoopField%%e%
If draw
d = Draw
GuiControl, Move%d%, %ctrl%, %m%

if not A_Gui ; No GUI window number, so it's not for a GUI window: do nothing.
; Alter the MINMAXINFO structure's ptMinTrackSize X and Y:
InsertIntegerAtAddress(275, lParam, 24, 4) ; X
InsertIntegerAtAddress(390, lParam, 28, 4) ; Y
return 0 ; MSDN: "If an application processes this message, it should return zero."

InsertIntegerAtAddress(pInteger, pAddress, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4)
mask := 0xFF ; This serves to isolate each byte, one by one.
Loop %pSize% ; Copy each byte in the integer into the structure as raw binary data.
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt, pAddress + pOffset + A_Index - 1, UInt, 1
, UChar, (pInteger &amp; mask) &gt;&gt; 8 * (A_Index - 1))
mask := mask &lt;&lt; 8 ; Set it up for isolation of the next byte.
</pre><hr />

cph_vice 08-17-2006 03:10 AM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
Hi there thanks alot [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] But where exactly should I cut'n paste from and to?

I just cp the whole and get the following error:

Error at line 1.

Line Text: :
Error: The first character above is illegal in an expression.

The program will exit.

TheIrishThug 08-17-2006 06:46 AM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
After "Code: &lt;horizontal line&gt;" to before "&lt;horizontal line&gt;".

TheMetetron 08-17-2006 07:11 AM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining

Roland 08-17-2006 02:40 PM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
Nice work with the Gui there.

cph_vice 08-17-2006 02:47 PM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
sorry too complicated for me, could'nt get it to work. But thanks anyway...

TheIrishThug 08-17-2006 03:13 PM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
Thanks. I always get really nitty with them and spend way to much time checking to see if it has a better aesthetic feel if a button is 5 pixels to the left.

right click the link &gt; Save Link As...

Roland 08-17-2006 03:16 PM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
Thanks. I always get really nitty with them and spend way to much time checking to see if it has a better aesthetic feel if a button is 5 pixels to the left.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lmao. That's me exactly.

cph_vice 08-17-2006 03:26 PM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
Thank you very much, now even a programming fish like me can find out [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

philnewall 08-17-2006 04:04 PM

Re: The Absolute Solution - Datamining
Thanks a lot for this. I would pay good money for an Absolute auto-miner if you could get that working.

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