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teddyFBI 11-28-2007 02:38 PM

Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
I've been doing the same routine for 6 wks, and am in need of a change, but can't seem to settle on anything that I'm excited to try out, so thought I'd make a thread that might generate some new ideas for me.

Over your entire training life, name the top 3 lifting program / routine / regime / protocols (whatever u want to call it) that you have ever used. Give a hyperlink to the program, when available, and short blurb describing what you liked about it. No rules other than those; it can be a muscle gain / fat loss / sport-specific regimen / doesn't matter.

I'll go first (and forgive me, all 3 of mine are from T-mag, b/c it's the lifting site I frequent most often)

1. Maximum Recruitment Training (Size/Strength)

This one took my completely by surprise -- I wasn't all that floored after I read the article -- but I think I'd say that it's the best workout I've ever used for both size and strength. I followed it for around 8 weeks this fall, and all my lifts increased noticeably. It's basically a 3x / wk routine, with each workout consisting of the basic compound and olympic movements, but the reps are rotated each week to keep things fresh. I think that for a very long time, I had fallen into the typical body-part split-type routines, and a total-body workout 3 or 4 times a week just shocked the hell out of my system, so much so that after 5 weeks of this, I had to take a week off b/c I was feeling overtrained. In fact, I think one of the most important lessons that I've learned is that it's much harder to overtrain the human body than most people think. Much, much harder. The body can stand up to a hell of a lot, and some of the most successful programs that I've tried relied on much higher training volume than the typical 3-4 days / wk standard body split. Anyway, I digress -- this program was refreshingly short (only 45 - 55 minutes each lifting session), but you feel utterly drained afterward.

2. Meltdown Training (fat loss)
LOVED this program the first time I tried it. Used it when I was on a CKD, and saw great results, and I often went back to it whenever it was time to diet. I liked Meltdown II as well, but Meltdown III didn't do it for me so much. Now, though, I'm actually pretty sick of it (having used it maybe 5 times over the past few years), and I'm looking for a new fat loss program for the next 6 to 8 weeks.

3. Meh, I had meant to look up a 3rd favorite of mine, but I got a little lazy and this post is long enough to hopefully generate some responses.

Hon. Mention:
- German Volume training (any of the many permutations you can find with Google...I feel like I've somewhat 'outgrown' that protocol, though I'll still re-use it every couple years to change things up.)
- TC's sprint workout. Couldn't find the link, but this was in one of the VERY early T-mag editions; like late 90s. I actually don't know just how great a workout this is, but I can say that it generated by FAR the most soreness I've ever experienced from any workout (although someone who routinely does short-distance sprinting prob won't have as much soreness as I did...I rarely sprinted.) I've squatted til I've puked, called in sick from work b/c of workout soreness, and still I've never been as sore as from this 50-minute sprint workout. Don't think I walked right for 2 wks.

mike0292 11-28-2007 02:54 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
1. Starting Strength

perfect for a lifting noob. made huge gains on it.

2. Madcow 5x5

Similar to Starting Strength but slower progress and periodization for when you can't increase the weight every workout.

3. Hypertrophy Whatever Training

A 4 day upper/lower split. More volume and different exercises than I was used to, so it really started bringing out different parts of my physique. My chest finally started to develop on this program. I switched BB Bench for DB Bench on the first upper day and did Incline DB and BB Bench on the second upper day. A good change of pace after doing the above two programs.

those are actually the only programs I've ever used but I liked them all and made big gains.

Thremp 11-28-2007 03:36 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
I'll go with Mike and throw in TBT in the 3 hole.

teddyFBI 11-28-2007 03:40 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
What's TBT?

thirddan 11-28-2007 03:41 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
total body training - chad waterbury...

teddyFBI 11-29-2007 12:06 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
Just tried Waterbury's 10x3 for fat loss and had easily one of the top 1 or 2 workouts of my life. I can tell this is going to be very, very good. He (and Thibedeau sp?) are easily my 2 favorite authors there. (Just wish TC wouldn't edit every single article to give it his unmistakably lame 15-yr old weaksauce "humor".)

Jihad 11-29-2007 12:15 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
12 weeks of Body For Life and I went from a gut @ 240ish to a six pack @ 215, and it helped me jump back into heavy lifting/body-building very easily. It also turned my fiance into a fitness model and I recommend it to everybody that I ever talk to that needs a jump start, no matter where they are in their training program. I've never used any other "program".

teddyFBI 11-29-2007 12:47 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
I can't tell if the above is a level or not?

@215 w/ abs you must have been competing, no?

Parallax 11-29-2007 02:38 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
Lol @ 215 natural with abs...unless you are like 6'6"

Rootabager 11-29-2007 04:47 PM

Re: Name the top 3 lifting programs you have used
haha I was 6'2 215 with abs.
nothing that special.

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