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quadzilla 07-03-2007 10:15 AM

Advice for my current diet/training program
I have been working out for about ten weeks now and have just started to get more serious about it in the last 3 weeks.

Height - 6'3"
Staring Weight - 267 lbs
Current Weight - 239 lbs
Goal Weight - 205 - 210 lbs

Training -
5:30 AM Run 1.5 - 2 miles
6:30 PM walk for 45 minutes
Weights 3x week
3 sets 8-10 reps full body work out (Can give more details if needed)

6:15 Grape nuts 2 egg whites
10AM - Balance Bar
Noon - Salad (Romaine Lettuce, beans, carrots, peas, raisins, 1/2 hard boiled egg, small amount of cheese, 1/2 serving of ranch dressing)
2PM - Balance Bar
6PM - Lean meat (Chicken Fish), steamed vegetables, couscous/beans or rice

I feel like I have gone from being a total fat azz to a more normal looking person (Still overweight though). My main goal is fat loss but, I would like to have some muscle tone as well. I am also worried about loose skin as I continue to lose weight. If I could get a six pack back that would be great.

Is there anything wrong with my diet? (Are balance bars bad?)
Am I running too much or not enough?
Any other advice that can help me lose as much fat as possible would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any info.

mattnxtc 07-03-2007 10:25 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
Have you run the numbers on the calories/proteins/fats/carbs?

You probably need closer to 3000 cals based off of how much working out your doing...I think your probably pretty low protein wise as well.

Is your workout all compound exercises?

quadzilla 07-03-2007 10:41 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
Workout is all dumbells
Bench press
bent over rows (one arm)
military press
overhead triceps extension
ab work

3 sets x 10 reps

Diet is in the 1800 - 2200 cal range. That is a sample of what I normally eat. Some days I eat a 100 calorie desert pack after dinner and I have a V8 in the evening a few times a week. I also drink Diet coke (maybe 1 per day) and a ton of coffee (4-5 cups per day). My energy is through the roof right now and I am not ever really that hungry.

Should I drink a protein shake or eat more? I know I should lay off the coffee. It is a habit more than anything else.

Colt McCoy 07-03-2007 10:46 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
Given this is just a dumbell workout and your main goal is fat loss, I'd switch from a traditional set/rep scheme to a circuit.

mattnxtc 07-03-2007 11:04 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
I agree...I would look to superset around the forum for EDT info...That may work best for you given your situation.

I know some have not recommended it..but doing dumbbell deadlifts could work for you. You really should look to get a bar though.

quadzilla 08-13-2007 02:42 PM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
Just a quick update. Mainly I just want to post this to keep some sort of record of my progress.

Height - 6'3"
Staring Weight - 267 lbs
Current Weight - 228 lbs
Goal Weight - 205 - 210 lbs

Training -
5:30 AM Run 2-2.5 miles
6:30 PM walk for 45 minutes
Kettlebells 5x week
Doing the ETK program with a 16kg (36lb) kettlebell. Will move up in weight in the next two weeks.

6:45 instant oatmeal, 2 egg whites, 1 fish oil tab, 1 multivitamin
9:30- 12 oz muscle milk (220 cal.)
Noon - Sandwich (roast beef or Turkey) on whole grain bread w/ lett, tomatoes, small amount of cheese and mustard.
2:30PM - 12 oz muscle milk (220 cal.)
6PM - Lean meat (Chicken Fish), steamed vegetables, couscous/beans or rice
8:30 - laughing cow low fat cheese on a rice cake

Getting to the point where I can see some definition and my waist has gone from a size 42 to a 36. May not even need to go as low as 205-210 but, we'll see. I decided to try the kettlebells from what I have read here and I really like them so far. I will post before and after pics when done.

zenfurni 08-16-2007 10:51 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
Just a lurker here, but I feel motivated to congratulate you on your good work. Just two years ago, I was pretty much exactly your size, 6'3" and 265. I didn't exercise as much as you, but I ate right and greatly improved my lifestyle. I got down to 220 within 8 months or so, and a year and a half later, I'm a relatively healthy 225. Though I'm not as strict about diet and exercise right now, my underlying lifestyle is VASTLY better than it was 3 years ago.
So I know how it feels to be doing what you're doing and I wanted to let you know it's possible to make it a permanent change.

On to advice: I am no expert, but you would be better off eating more, for how much you work out. More protein specifically. Add another meal that's just tuna or chicken with some veggies. You could probably afford to add up to 600 clean calories! The drastic weight loss might slow down, but with the amount of exercise you're doing, your body composition will continue to improve greatly.
After a month or two of that, you might cut back on the calories again and really make a better push down to 210.

Good luck, and I'm pulling for you.

quadzilla 08-16-2007 11:23 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
I have thought about this but, I feel great. I have a ton of energy all of the time and am happy with the results thus far. I do plan on upping the calories a bit when I a happy with my bf levels. I will continue to post as I make changes and progress.

Thanks for the encouragement!

quadzilla 09-19-2007 10:26 AM

Re: Advice for my current diet/training program
I am now down to 219. This is great considering that in the last month I have gone on a week long cruise and a 3 day bachelor party in the Lake of the Ozarks. I was a complete slob on both trips in terms of drinking and eating but, still managed to lose weight. I did run every other day on the cruise ship and that helped a lot. I am happy that I can still eat and/or party from time to time and still keep my weight down.

As far as training I am working through enter the kettlebell with a 1.5 pood KB and am running 3 miles 6 days a week.

I can't remember ever feeling this good and hope this may inspire some follow fat guys to make the change!

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