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Riverman 12-01-2007 11:40 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
that was a pretty questionable use of 4 downs there, middle was clogged every down

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WVU literally has nobody who can throw decently

IggyWH 12-01-2007 11:40 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
Dude, you need a hot sad chick, not just a sad chick. Terrible work director. Like 95% of your job during a home team losing is finding hot chicks and then film them when they are sad.

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Have you ever been to West Virginia?

LesJ 12-01-2007 11:40 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
If WVU and Mizzou lose the BCS computer will explode imo

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That would be the most wonderful thing ever!

ADLinden 12-01-2007 11:41 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
Dude, you need a hot sad chick, not just a sad chick. Terrible work director. Like 95% of your job during a home team losing is finding hot chicks and then film them when they are sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol so true

SuperUberBob 12-01-2007 11:42 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
Dude, you need a hot sad chick, not just a sad chick. Terrible work director. Like 95% of your job during a home team losing is finding hot chicks and then film them when they are sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

What, me? What'd I do?

FlyWf 12-01-2007 11:42 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
Dude, you need a hot sad chick, not just a sad chick. Terrible work director. Like 95% of your job during a home team losing is finding hot chicks and then film them when they are sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever been to West Virginia?

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Yeah, I realized after my post that Morgantown might not exactly be Tempe or Tallahassee in that department.

Mediocre_Player 12-01-2007 11:43 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
wow, sick call

IggyWH 12-01-2007 11:43 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
Of course...

CrazyPsycho 12-01-2007 11:43 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games

MacGuyV 12-01-2007 11:43 PM

Re: Week 14 non-title NCAAF games
Lol Rigaments

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