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SpaceAce 11-22-2005 01:41 PM

Tip Hustling at the Trop
Two nights ago, I got to play in what may have been the best $1-$2 no limit game in the history of poker. Good times were had by all. However, I saw some atrocious tip hustling and weird behavior from the staff. There's no real content here, just a story and an invitation for others to share more tales of tip hustling.

The game was revolving around a boisterous young party animal and a super-duper loose and bluffy guy with a seemingly endless supply of hundred dollar bills. The loud partier was buying drinks (he obviously knew someone at the casino and was getting the good liquor for the table) and playing giant pots every chance he got. The very first thing I saw when I sat down was the life of the party raking in a monster pot. He throws a handful of redbirds to the dealer who stops gathering in the cards, looks down and says something like, "That's all? Come on, you give me fifty." She was smiling but she wasn't joking, get it? The life of the party (herafter Life) cocks his head, pauses then flings another redbird in. The dealer says again. "Ah, last time you give me fifty. One more." Life obliges and the next hand gets dealt. I see this over and over during the course of the night, not just with Life but with other players including myself. The table was really rocking and I won a big pot and tossed the dealer $3. Then, as I was stacking chips, I couldn't remember seeing her pick up the tip so I asked, "Did you get the ones I tossed you?" She says to me, "Yes, but only three" and she was smiling but she wasn't joking.

The same two dealers dealt to us all night. One, Mario, was professional and did not beg tips or get out of line. The other dealer (who I won't name) was absolutely shameless about her hustling. All night, she would ask for another chip or make a comment about a tip or hint that a pot was bigger than the tip showed and she was smiling but she wasn't joking.

Then, the waitress. Immediately after one of those pots where Life threw a bunch of money at the dealer, who wasn't satisfied and asked for more, the cocktail waitress came by with a full tray of shots that Life was buying (this was the good stuff) for everyone. Life very loudly announced that everyone needed to get out a dollar and tip the waitress. Life said this a few times, ending with a statement along the lines of, "Anyone who doesn't give this lady a white chip is just a bum." The waitress then stated to the whole table, "But my favorite color is red." Sadly, she wasn't even smiling.

This was really outrageous behavior in my opinion and I've never seen anything quite like it. I was there with another 2+2er who I know has logged amazing numbers of poker hours in pretty much every room in the city and I get the impression he'd never seen anything quite like it, either. Anyone else here have a tip hustling tale to share?


henrikrh 11-22-2005 01:57 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I'd be pissed if a dealer asked me for a bigger tip. A tip is something given entirely at the discretion of the tipper. But if I see a dealer hustling a drunk for tips I'd just laugh. You sat down to hustle the drunk bluffer out of his money too didn't you? Poker players are hustlers too, we pick on drunks, idiots and amateurs too. Also, it's his fault for paying up.

SpaceAce 11-22-2005 02:01 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
But if I see a dealer hustling a drunk for tips I'd just laugh. You sat down to hustle the drunk bluffer out of his money too didn't you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not even remotely comparable. The dealer is there as an employee and representative of the casino. Just because the players are there to hustle one another does not make it acceptable for the staff to do so. Anyway, she wasn't just doing it to the guy throwing the party.


Spook 11-22-2005 02:03 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
This is pretty disgusting.
I am just glad we didn't have to deal with any of this at Magoofest.

Death Valley 11-22-2005 02:07 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Why did you tip even $3?

That really is a very strange story, never seen anything like it. Usually when a dealer gets over $5 they just say thanks and put it in their box as fast as they can

icepick 11-22-2005 02:16 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
This is pretty disgusting.
I am just glad we didn't have to deal with any of this at Magoofest.

[/ QUOTE ]

You sir, owe me a new keyboard. This one has coke all over it.

tek 11-22-2005 02:16 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Post your trip report at allvegaspoker

for more eyes to see it. I hate tip hustlers. And if dealers don't say thanks, I stop tipping...

Patrick del Poker Grande 11-22-2005 02:51 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
The table was really rocking and I won a big pot and tossed the dealer $3. Then, as I was stacking chips, I couldn't remember seeing her pick up the tip so I asked, "Did you get the ones I tossed you?" She says to me, "Yes, but only three" and she was smiling but she wasn't joking.

[/ QUOTE ]
At this point, I take the tip back. She doesn't get a single chip from me the rest of the night.

Depending on my mood, I may stack all of the bitch's would-be tips in their own stack and push the stack to Mario when he comes to replace her, making sure she sees. If I decide not to do this, Mario might just get a redbird just for replacing her.

KathleenStand 11-22-2005 03:04 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I once had a dealer refuse to give me a seat change button (because the table was full). When I explained to her thats why I needed the button she said "no one is leaving soon". As if they had filled out schedules for her or something.

I then won four huge pots in a row and didn't tip her at all. She commented to me and I called the floor.

In this situation I would have privately talked to the floor each and every time it happened. You don't want to slow or stop the game because you don't want life to know anythign about this.

AKQJ10 11-22-2005 03:04 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Post your trip report at <a href="" target="_blank">allvegaspoker</a>

for more eyes to see it....

[/ QUOTE ]

Are y'all carrying AC trip reports now too? Or just general stuff about tip hustling? Or does the Tropicana in LV spread poker?

phish 11-22-2005 03:12 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I played in a game once when a very attractive dealer sits down. So some old guy in the game says, 'Christine is the prettiest dealer in this place. Let's all tip her a green one ($25).' At this point, everyone at the table throws her a $25 chip. Except for me.

Go figure...

icepick 11-22-2005 03:31 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I played in a game once when a very attractive dealer sits down. So some old guy in the game says, 'Christine is the prettiest dealer in this place. Let's all tip her a green one ($25).' At this point, everyone at the table throws her a $25 chip.

[/ QUOTE ]

He must of been getting a cut. Or she was naked.

Bulbarainey 11-22-2005 04:16 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
the dealer should be fired. I haven't seen anything nearly this bad, but one time at NYNY a BJ dealer hadnt gotten a tip for several rounds and asked "Why no tips? my children need to eat too."

MaxWeiss 11-22-2005 04:35 PM

I am a dealer
Skip to the last line if you don't care to read it all.

I just thought I'd post a reply since I am a part time dealer. I'm surprised you tipped at all! I agree, take your three bucks back. That kind of behavior is just unacceptable in my mind, as a player or a fellow dealer. But I am the "Mario" type of dealer.

I like dealing poker, as it is much less stressful than playing, and makes me more than the current limits I can afford to play at. I know some people will tip and some won't and that the way the job is. If I get a penny tossed at me, I tap it and put it in my pocket with a nice "thank you very much." If I get a black (or prurple or brown) chip tossed at me, I'll tap it and put it in my pocket with a nice "thank you very much." That's my job. I deliver cards, keep the game civil, and call out hands and push the pot. That's it. It's not rocket science.

Just don't tip people like that. You think you've met annoying players? Tye listening to the dealers when they're on break! Did you know that 96.3% of all poker dealer are the best players in the world and know more about poker than anybody else on the planet??? And apprently people are truly evil humans who deserve painful death if they aren't good tippers. Just don't tip people like that. If they aren't going to act like professioinals, why should they get paid like it. I expect to not get tipped sometimes, but most dealer's expect to earn more than they are likely to. I had a very nice player who got first in a live single table shootout not tip me at all, but he was so friendly and kind, I really didn't care at all. But all the other dealer's pegged him as an a-hole. Maybe he realized he needed the money. Maybe he really couldn't afford to be playing. I don't know and I just don't care.

So the bottom line is, complain to the floor when stuff like that happens, so that the Mario's and me's of the world can get more money. (We'll also act like professionals.)

psyduck 11-22-2005 04:36 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
that is ridiculous. complain to the management for sure.

cardcounter0 11-22-2005 05:59 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Should have called the Manager. I am sure he would have got the guy, who was buying the whole table expensive drinks and throwing money around like it was going out of style, bounced out of there quickly. Wouldn't want the guy having trouble tipping $5 instead of $3 getting all bent out of shape.

AngusThermopyle 11-22-2005 06:23 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I believe you have managed to completely miss the point of the post.

cardcounter0 11-22-2005 06:30 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
You mean the point wasn't the depth a dealer and a cocktail waitress will sink to in order to get a share of the cash some fish is throwing around like water?

Instead of just doing their minimum wage job and watching a bunch of poker bums and their employer quickly suck up all that money by raking in overly large pots (with a $3 tip) and spent on overpriced expensive drinks?

Or was the point that the cocktail waitress and dealer was trying to hustle money off the fish that the poker player was also trying to hustle, and that is simply outlandish?


Nut4Dawgs 11-22-2005 06:34 PM

Re: I am a dealer

AngusThermopyle 11-22-2005 06:40 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I felt the point of the post is that if a whore wants to hustle a John, fine. Just don't hustle me.

cardcounter0 11-22-2005 06:46 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Well, if there is a bunch of nit rocks sitting around a table, the pots aren't going to be that juicy.

So when a live one shows up and starts throwing money around, the waitress and dealer are probably due a little extra toke when you drag the bigger than usual pot, thanks to the fish.

After all, it probably isn't some grumpy poker player that the fish came for.

AngusThermopyle 11-22-2005 06:53 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I didn't say not to tip. Or not to tip bigger because of the Party Man.

I said that if a dealer or waitress tries to hustle (hustle, not do an excellent job, but hustle) me for bigger tips, I will tell them loudly that they will get nothing from me for that reason. Believe it or not, a lot of players will cut their tips when they get that sort of BS from dealers/waiters.

cardcounter0 11-22-2005 07:00 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Believe it or not, a lot of players will cut their tips when they get that sort of BS from dealers/waiters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I believe you!

Here is a pop quiz: If you were sent into a casino to find the tightest skinflint cheap penny pinching pain in the azz in the whole joint, wouldn't you head straight for the poker room? [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

AngusThermopyle 11-22-2005 07:06 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop

Here is a pop quiz: If you were sent into a casino to find the tightest skinflint cheap penny pinching pain in the azz in the whole joint, wouldn't you head straight for the poker room? [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

No. I would go to the Managment. Who do you think treats the staff so wonderfully in the first place? [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

I got to LV just after Sept 11. Just in time to see tons of people laid off. And then rehired. At lower wages, less hours, etc.

ZenMusician 11-22-2005 07:13 PM

Re: I am a dealer
I had a very nice player who got first in a live single table shootout not tip me at all, but he was so friendly and kind, I really didn't care at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

If this is true, you are indeed a professional. I feel like PMing you so I can
send you a toke for that post. Outstanding.


cardcounter0 11-22-2005 07:30 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
No. I would go to the Managment.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahahahahahahaha! You are correct, Sir!

Howard Burroughs 11-23-2005 03:51 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I was glad to see the first cocktail girl leave. She was beyond SUPER greedy.

It was a very fun table but that lady dealer was out of control. Complaining about $20 tips!

My favorite was when she pushed
that kid (2 seat) a big pot and he tossd her a red bird. She says, "That's not enough!". He makes it $7. This time she says, "You cheap! More money!". He makes it $9. She then tells him how big the pot was and that he should have tipped more. Then she deals the next hand.

Later.....She pushes me a $500 pot and I toss her a red bird and tell her that's all she's getting from me, so don't even start. I wanted to keep "Life" happy.

A fun but strange night in that room. "Life" buying shooters and beers for the whole table, non-stop greedy tip hustles from the dealer and cocktail girl, a girl with her boobs halfway hanging out of her shirt, asking me if I was "looking at her t!ts?", Endless drunken action, the entire table taking turns wearing "Raymer" glasses, A drunk running up to me and kissing me on the cheek (after a big pot), Did I mention the endless shots and big boobs? YMMV.

Best Wishes


Howard Burroughs 11-23-2005 04:18 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Hi Kathleen,

"In this situation I would have privately talked to the floor each and every time it happened."

I think the floor already knew. It was the only table going (most of the night) and the floor was right near the table the entire night. At least I had the feeling that she (floor) knew what was going on.

Best Wishes


SpaceAce 11-23-2005 06:11 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I once had a dealer refuse to give me a seat change button (because the table was full). When I explained to her thats why I needed the button she said "no one is leaving soon". As if they had filled out schedules for her or something.

I then won four huge pots in a row and didn't tip her at all. She commented to me and I called the floor.

In this situation I would have privately talked to the floor each and every time it happened. You don't want to slow or stop the game because you don't want life to know anythign about this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the poker room is small and the floor was never more than a few feet away. She must have heard some of it.


SpaceAce 11-23-2005 06:11 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Post your trip report at <a href="" target="_blank">allvegaspoker</a>

for more eyes to see it....

[/ QUOTE ]

Are y'all carrying AC trip reports now too? Or just general stuff about tip hustling? Or does the Tropicana in LV spread poker?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, this was at the Tropicana in Las Vegas.


SpaceAce 11-23-2005 06:14 AM

Re: I am a dealer

So the bottom line is, complain to the floor when stuff like that happens, so that the Mario's and me's of the world can get more money. (We'll also act like professionals.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, Mario did get a redbird from me, at least partially because his behavior looked so good in comparison to the other dealer.


SpaceAce 11-23-2005 06:16 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Should have called the Manager. I am sure he would have got the guy, who was buying the whole table expensive drinks and throwing money around like it was going out of style, bounced out of there quickly. Wouldn't want the guy having trouble tipping $5 instead of $3 getting all bent out of shape.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, did you actually read my post? Are you perhaps drunk or just lacking in the reading comprehension skills department? I LOVED the drunk guy and he has absolutely nothing to do with the main point of the post. Move along now.


SpaceAce 11-23-2005 06:20 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Endless drunken action, the entire table taking turns wearing "Raymer" glasses

[/ QUOTE ]

Wasn't that bizarre? Team Fold found a bag full of sun glasses on the ground and when they finally made their way to you, you started winning. Good stuff.

For anyone who hasn't figured it out, Howard was the other 2+2er at the table with me and you can see from his contribution that what was going on was not a mere single hustle or one dealer trying to pry a few extra bucks out of a drunk's hands. The dealer's behavior was outrageous and so was the cocktail waitresses's.


SpaceAce 11-23-2005 06:22 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Why did you tip even $3?

That really is a very strange story, never seen anything like it. Usually when a dealer gets over $5 they just say thanks and put it in their box as fast as they can

[/ QUOTE ]

I was doing well in the game and feeling good. I usually do tip a little extra for unusually large pots and it was mostly habit.


porkchop 11-23-2005 11:52 AM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
Anyone seen the cocktail waitress at the Trop who's a dead ringer for Catherine Zeta-Jones? She works weeknights and she's smoking.

Al_Capone_Junior 11-23-2005 01:31 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
SMALL amounts of tip hustling I can see. I'll tell you one story of my own. I was dealing a small game with half dollars in it. I pushed a big pot and this guy got a bunch of ones and half dollars in it. He tossed me three bucks, I said thank you. He tossed a half dollar, I said thank you. He tossed another buck, I said thank you. Then he tossed another half dollar, and I said "keep 'em coming!" It was kind of accidental of me, but it got a huge laugh out of the table, embarrassed me slightly, and got me another buck to boot. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

However, the blatant tip hustling you describe by the dealer is absolutely unacceptable. I'd say to kick them in the nuts, but.... [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

The waitress wasn't TOO out of line, but "technically" [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]...


Al_Capone_Junior 11-23-2005 01:36 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
I guess I didn't get the "super greedy cocktail waitress" impression from the OP. However, both their behavior would get you written up, if not outright fired from many joints here in town. I wouldn't feel too much sympathy either.

As for the "girl with the [censored]" I'd just say "well you didn't leave them hanging out that far to keep them from being looked at." Gimme a friggin' break already.


beavens 11-23-2005 01:37 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
sounds like it wouldve been a blast to be at that table

Howard Burroughs 11-23-2005 02:20 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
"As for the "girl with the [censored]" I'd just say "well you didn't leave them hanging out that far to keep them from being looked at." Gimme a friggin' break already."

Good point Al.

FWIW, When she said to me (while I was wearing the "Raymer glasses"), "Are you looking at my T!TS?"......

I replied, "Lady, I've been looking at 'em all night!".

It got a good chuckle from the table (including "Miss DD" herself). YMMV.


beavens 11-23-2005 02:22 PM

Re: Tip Hustling at the Trop
"As for the "girl with the [censored]" I'd just say "well you didn't leave them hanging out that far to keep them from being looked at." Gimme a friggin' break already."

Good point Al.

FWIW, When she said to me (while I was wearing the "Raymer glasses"), "Are you looking at my T!TS?"......

I replied, "Lady, I've been looking at 'em all night!".

It got a good chuckle from the table (including "Miss DD" herself). YMMV.


[/ QUOTE ]


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