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VladKGB 11-16-2007 11:54 AM

PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I am pretty good at FPS games, i've been playing for over 10 years & i am definetly not a nub. i have been using arrow setup ever since my Rainbow 6 days, and to me it seems like arrow setup is superior to the WASD setup that most FPS come with nowadays.

One of my dislikes of WASD is that it is around many identical keys, therefore there is always the chance to mash keys that you didn't intend to in the heat of combat, as well as getting completely lost on the keyboard after getting attacked while typing.

I find that with the arrow keys none of these problems exist, each button is easy to find in relation to the arrows, as well as nearly all of them are supported in all games.

With the arrow keys you have three separate groups of keys to use which are nearly impossible to get lost in, the Page up page down group of six is aligned in a grid of six (Not the offset grid of WASD, but an actual grid), the backspace area has a row of five uniquely sized keys which are impossible to confuse, and the numberpad keys (7, 4, 1, 0, others for more oscure functions) are easy to find, 7 is across from pagedown, four is below that, zero is the large key directly to the left of the left arrow and one is above that.

They're all very very easy to find, this is great for allowing you to forget you're merely controlling a character on a screen with some buttons.

I don't see the reason why everyone uses WASD setup. There is greater room for error having all those buttons close to each other and not aligned.

more buttons available near your hand
more ergonomical placement for your hands
easy to lose your positioning on the keys
easy to accidently confuse buttons or accidently push ones you dont want to.

buttons are perfectly aligned with space in between them, so getting confused or lost is nearly impossible, and reaching for buttons is alot easier.
More than enough buttons available near your hand for most FPS games.
have to move keyboard to make it comfortable for your hands.

Heres a sample setup i have for COD4 using arrows:

arrows are for movement of course
on the 6 buttons above arrows:
Del= reload
end= crouch
Insert=lean left
Home=lean right
Page down=prone
enter=function (old F key)
\ = throw grenade
ctrl=Knife (also middle mouse button)
numberkeys on num pad (except 0) = weapons
0 on numpad=jump

And i have many other buttons for other controls.

As you can see this scheme allows all these buttons to be right around your hand.

Try it out, i find its much better for FPS.

zyrrth 11-16-2007 12:07 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
personally i prefer esdf, if you play somewhat regularly you won't press buttons by accident.

tercet 11-16-2007 12:15 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I used the original arrows in Rainbow six back on the Zone in late 90's. But I got hooked to cs late 90s early 00s and just got acustom to wasd.


capone0 11-16-2007 12:21 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I also started playing with the arrows for CS/TF1. When I started playing CS Source and now TF2, I only used WASD. I don't prefer 1 over the other. I don't think any is that much beter but WASD has a lot more options for short changes in distance. Also to AWP+Pistol, it's very, very hard with arrows unless you bind your mouse to changing weapons.

Freakin 11-16-2007 12:25 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
WASD/ESDF are always going to be a better setup because of the large number of buttons you can hit without stretching.

Saying "More than enough buttons available near your hand for most FPS games." may be ok for you, but that's not universally true. Even on old games like Quake 2 I would have run out of buttons around the arrows. I use WASD and was using every button from YHN over for my common tasks, and other ones past there for less common tasks.

The arrows can't compare with it that way. Once you train yourself to WASD it is just as comfortable and easy to find as arrows.

Try it out and try to get used to it. Pretty much all serious gamers use WASD by default. A lot of left-handed people start out with arrows and usually don't deviate from it.

evil twin 11-16-2007 12:37 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
If you're a clumsy oaf you might need to use the arrows to avoid mashing the wrong button. Otherwise WASD is the best choice.

astroglide 11-16-2007 12:43 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
i started using SZXC for quake a long time ago. i continue to use that for competitive multiplayer q3, for everything else i try to stick with the default. in q3 i have local keybindings to every individual weapon as well as all sorts of other stuff. i wouldn't have the required amount of buttons if i were to use the arrows, and shifting over my keyboard seems weird in and of itself.

g-bebe 11-16-2007 01:20 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I guess ESDF is handy if you're a button masher, due to the mark on the F key.

I can't really remember when I made the transition from arrows to WASD, because it was quite a while ago -- probably when I started playing CS, which was in 1.6 before Steam came out. It's the superior setup if you ask me, for reasons stated above.

PITTM 11-16-2007 01:46 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I use arrows and program a ton of buttons on my mouse(reload, run, throw grenade, etc).

Bostaevski 11-16-2007 01:56 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I used to always use the arrows but eventually just gave in and switched to wasd because of the main con of arrows which OP didn't mention: every time you get a new FPS you have to [censored] around remapping the keys.

bogey1 11-16-2007 02:02 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
WASD for right handers, arrows for left.

PITTM 11-16-2007 02:11 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
WASD for right handers, arrows for left.

[/ QUOTE ]

I should clarify that I use my mouse left handed. I guess that could be why I way prefer arrows. fwiw if i didnt have a mouse that I could bind keys to I would use WASD.

JackWilson 11-16-2007 02:15 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
The straight up best is WASD. Nothing else gives you access to the same range of additional buttons. It's so comfortable, gives access to great buttons like space and control,alt etc, all the numbers on top, lots of letters around you.

astroglide 11-16-2007 02:34 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
The straight up best is WASD. Nothing else gives you access to the same range of additional buttons.

[/ QUOTE ]

i think ZXC is better than WASD for sub-second weapon switches. with WASD, getting to Z/X aiming, and firing while maintaining fluid motion is much more difficult for me than going up and homing back for keys using ZXC as the root position. i'm talking about absolute twitch timing, like railgun-fire-rocketlauncher. i use my right mouse button for movement as well, so S isn't even my forward. here's my essential quake 3 layout:

Z = strafe left
X = run back
C = strafe right
A = plasma
S = rocket launcher
D = railgun
E = shotgun
W = lightning gun
Q = machine gun
R = grenades
SPACE = jump
MOUSERIGHT = run forward

goofyballer 11-16-2007 02:37 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
The correct answer is "neither", it's all about right mouse/Z/middle mouse/X.

I started using this like 10 years ago when Quake came out and I was trying to wean myself off how I played Doom, which was keyboard arrows and no mouse. Doing all your movement (except strafing) with the mouse = pwn.

TheDoubleA 11-16-2007 02:43 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I use this. It [censored] owns. I was randomly walking thorugh some computer store and they were there for 40 bucks. Its a plug and play USB, so you can still have your keyboard as well. If I am playing a FPS, Im not typing to anyone anyways, so i guess it wouldnt really matter.

Google Wolfking if you want to check it out.

Edit: I cant spell,00.jpg

g-bebe 11-16-2007 03:44 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
good grief.

MOUSERIGHT = run forward

[/ QUOTE ]

to me, that sounds horrible. it's one thing to keep your movement hand on WASD consistently pressed down if you want to move while shooting, but if you want to move forward while shooting, hold down both mouse buttons? just sounds really really awkward to me.

astroglide 11-16-2007 03:54 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
to me, that sounds horrible. it's one thing to keep your movement hand on WASD consistently pressed down if you want to move while shooting, but if you want to move forward while shooting, hold down both mouse buttons? just sounds really really awkward to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

it the opposite of horrible and awkward for me. you can easily test it for yourself in any fps game with custom controls.

goofyballer 11-16-2007 04:00 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
but if you want to move forward while shooting, hold down both mouse buttons? just sounds really really awkward to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

What, is it hard to use two different fingers to hold down two mouse buttons at once? Is this not standard w/ mice?

Oh, and to add to my previous control weirdness, I also use a trackball.

PITTM 11-16-2007 04:01 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
Oh, and to add to my previous control weirdness, I also use a trackball.

[/ QUOTE ]

It ALLLLL makes sense now.

goofyballer 11-16-2007 04:03 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
Trackballs >>>> all mice. Why do with your wrist what you can do with your thumb?

The once and future king 11-16-2007 04:24 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
ybal ftw.

Dire 11-16-2007 04:50 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I like WASD because of spatial distances between the mouse and keyboard. If I want to use the arrow keys, I'd have to scoot my keyboard all the way to the left of my desk to keep my hands a comfortable distance apart.

strunks 11-16-2007 04:58 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
WASD gives you access to 11 other keys (2,3,q,e,r,caps,f,z,x,c,lshift) that are ALL closer than the closest key to the arrows. And then you have access to 11 more (`,1,4,5,tab,t,g,v,lctrl,lalt,space) that are roughly equidistant to the closest keys to the arrows. I never lose track of WASD because I always have at least one finger still resting on WASD while reaching for another key. If you need even more keys 6,y,h,n are still within stretching distance for most people. Any further and you might have to stray and risk missing keys.

Also, with WASD your thumb and pinky are naturally resting on SPACE and LSHIFT/LCTRL giving you access to 2 keys without even moving your main fingers away from WASD.

ESDF is about as good as WASD. You have access to a few more keys, but LCTRL is a stretch for the pinky so you might hit the windows key by accident sometimes which is very bad. WASD neatly tucks the deadly windows key into a difficult to reach spot under your middle knuckles so that's what I prefer.

bluef0x 11-16-2007 05:51 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
Find a CS "pro" that uses a trackball.

ESDF > all.

bluef0x 11-16-2007 05:54 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows

ESDF is about as good as WASD. You have access to a few more keys, but LCTRL is a stretch for the pinky so you might hit the windows key by accident sometimes which is very bad. WASD neatly tucks the deadly windows key into a difficult to reach spot under your middle knuckles so that's what I prefer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why the hell would you use left control w/ESDF setup? If you are going from arrows to WASD, you wouldn't say "but keypad 0 is a mile apart and will require moving your entire hand away from the mvoement keys."

g-bebe 11-16-2007 06:07 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
but if you want to move forward while shooting, hold down both mouse buttons? just sounds really really awkward to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

What, is it hard to use two different fingers to hold down two mouse buttons at once? Is this not standard w/ mice?

Oh, and to add to my previous control weirdness, I also use a trackball.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it's not hard, I just think it's awkward. Why try to split movement through two hands when the one hand on WASD/ESDF can do it just as well, if not better? I don't know about you guys but I'm rarely holding down both my mouse buttons at the same time in any game, let alone FPS.

With the exception of firing guns with the LMB, all my mouse functions perform utilities as opposed to movements.

goofyballer 11-16-2007 06:14 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
Find a CS "pro" that uses a trackball.

[/ QUOTE ]

I mean, what fraction of the general population uses trackballs anyway, like 2%? I don't care if a bunch of CS nerds fall into the 98% category as well [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] I don't have problems with response or accuracy when using a trackball, so it's certainly never hindered my ability to play games, and I like that trackballs are usable on any surface (since the mouse remains stationary) and it requires less work to move a ball with your thumb than an entire mouse with your hand.

LeapFrog 11-16-2007 06:18 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
Find a CS "pro" that uses a trackball.

[/ QUOTE ]

I mean, what fraction of the general population uses trackballs anyway, like 2%? I don't care if a bunch of CS nerds fall into the 98% category as well [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] I don't have problems with response or accuracy when using a trackball, so it's certainly never hindered my ability to play games...

[/ QUOTE ]

As long as you are having fun thats cool -- but if you are talking about skill then basically the trackball isn't in the picture. Can you do a 180 split second snapshot with a trackball?

goofyballer 11-16-2007 06:43 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
wtf are you talking about, turning 180 degrees?

You'd have to have sensitivity pretty high to do that with a regular mouse, no? Plus you can kinda flick the wheel of a trackball and get some extra spin out of it if you want to turn faster.

vulturesrow 11-16-2007 06:56 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
wtf are you talking about, turning 180 degrees?

You'd have to have sensitivity pretty high to do that with a regular mouse, no? Plus you can kinda flick the wheel of a trackball and get some extra spin out of it if you want to turn faster.

[/ QUOTE ]

What goofy is trying to say is that he can put mad english on the trackball and do a 540 and still shoot you in the time it takes you to do the 180 snapshot. Skillz...

PITTM 11-16-2007 07:06 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows

its actually not a whole lot of work to move a mouse. Just thought you might wanna know!


goofyballer 11-16-2007 07:15 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I mean, I am familiar with regular mice, as I am currently using one at work and have used them on basically every computer I do not own throughout my life. And even though neither of two objects weighing 0.1 and 0.01 grams could be considered "that heavy", it doesn't change the fact that the object weighing .01 grams is still only 10% the weight of the former.

Defending trackballs to my grave,

LeapFrog 11-16-2007 07:22 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
wtf are you talking about, turning 180 degrees?

You'd have to have sensitivity pretty high to do that with a regular mouse, no? Plus you can kinda flick the wheel of a trackball and get some extra spin out of it if you want to turn faster.

[/ QUOTE ]

What goofy is trying to say is that he can put mad english on the trackball and do a 540 and still shoot you in the time it takes you to do the 180 snapshot. Skillz...

[/ QUOTE ]

I wouldn't want to play him at Golden Tee hu for rolls.

Goofy, in any game where you have to go around corners or things are frantic (see COD4) being able to spin in pretty huge. I have tried both TB and mouse and even throwing precise aiming issues aside, I think the mouse 'spins' better then a TB. But who knows maybe you do have the skillz [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Corpsebean 11-16-2007 07:51 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
I'm right handed and the first game I ever got that was mouse and keyboard was Quake I. I went to play multiplayer and since arrows looked like the default I just used the mouse in my left hand.It's been 10+ years now and I use left mouse for everything despite being right handed, and am actually really gimped if I try to use my mouse in the right hand.

Personally I use Arrows for movement, but always have 2 side buttons on mouse to utilize a couple other functions (Lean left and right in COD4).

I generally always use Ctrl for crouch and Keypad 0 for jump, shift for reload and still have access to most of the left oriented keys and the 6 home/insert/etc buttons.

Works pretty well for me, my one complaint about using arrows is that given the space and lefthandedness of mouse really leaves me with a lame selection of mice.

IE I have to use a logitech G3, which is okay but I'd love to use the right-hand countoured G9 or whatever.

goofyballer 11-16-2007 07:57 PM

Re: PC FPS gamers: WASD vs Arrows
Well they've prob rusted away by now since I do all my FPS gaming on consoles now (I sold out [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]) but I do still love my trackball with all my heart.

I think that's the mouse I grew up on.

That's the earliest pic I could find of the current design of the TrackMan, which really hasn't changed in about 10 years ago as far as I can remember. Pretty useful device. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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