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ItalianFX 11-16-2007 11:06 AM

Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
It's a good thing my Thanksgiving break starts today or [censored] will hit the fan and it won't be pretty.

So everyone knows I can't stand my one roommate. He eats like 55 [censored] times a day, goes to the bathroom like every 20 minutes, walks through our apartment like he has a herd of elephants on his back, slams the front door like he is in a barn, never does the dishes, slams the microwave door (110 [censored] times due to needing to check if his food is warm that he eats 55 [censored] times a day) like it doesn't even matter, eats like a mother [censored] pig, and sits in his room all day watching movies and watching videos of dirtbikes.

On Wednesday he put up pictures of streetbikes next to his door like he is a little kid.

Last night my other roommate and I were watching the Penguins game, he hid in his room watching who knows what and came out every now and then to go to the bathroom, or go outside to smoke, slamming the door in the process. He then goes back into his room. My roommate goes up to this room, so my other roommate comes out of hiding and sits down on the couch right where my other roommate was sitting like it didn't even matter. Then he stuffs his face into the freezer to look for something to eat. Then he uses the microwave and slams the door 5 [censored] times while he is walking around the apartment like a cow.

Then, last night he cuts his hair in the bathroom, and wouldn't you know, it looks like Chewbacca took a [censored] in the sink. My roommate has been in the bathroom 2 times since he cut his hair and he still didn't clean it out. Plus, the garbage in the bathroom is full, yet he puts his hair in a plastic bag, ties it, and then throws it on top of the already full garbage!!! Now our sink doesn't drain properly so guess who is probably going to have to go buy some Draino? I can tell you it won't be him.

Wednesday my other roommate cleaned the kitchen, did all the dishes, scrubbed down the counter top. Oh, an hour later or so, idiot comes out of his room, cooks himself something to eat, gets [censored] all over the counter and oven, and fills up the sink again like it was his job. My roommate ended up doing the dishes again last night just so the dishes wouldn't be left there over the break. Guess what, at 1:00 AM, my other roommate is cooking himself something to eat again and the dishes are right back in the sink.

And he sleeps on the couch about 5 out of 7 nights a week, and his bed is only about 20 feet away!!!! He also sleeps until 3:00PM just about everyday. I'm always the first one up and I always see him sleeping on the couch and I just want to go give him a dropkick to his big [censored] noggin.

[censored]! I know no one will care, but [censored] [censored] mother [censored] I am so pissed.

Vavavoom 11-16-2007 11:08 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 11:09 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

[/ QUOTE ]

This is BBV4Lyfe yo! Work with me, not against me.

bigmonkey 11-16-2007 11:09 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
I don't understand how these situations ever escalate to things like this. Why can;t people just be honest and you tell him that none of this behaviour is acceptable. If he ignores that, then next time you are tempted to drop kick him, actually do it.

4_2_it 11-16-2007 11:11 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Passive aggressive FTW

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 11:11 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
The sad part is that I have made it clear in the past that I'm sick and [censored] tired of the dishes being in the sink all the time to the point where we get fruit flies and it starts to stink and he still doesn't do anything about it. My other roommate mentioned to him about slamming the microwave door so hard that it screwed up the picture on the TV (the tv is already screwed up, if it's too loud it'll scramble itself so you have to bang on the side of it to get the picture back to normal) yet he still slams the microwave.

We have made comments left and right and he doesn't get it. I hate to be a dick because I'm probably hard to live with as it is because I have to clean up after both them often.

mbillie1 11-16-2007 11:13 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
yo u need to torpedo his room. it only works if his door opens inwards tho.

wait for him to be in his room, get an enormous garbage can, fill it with water, tilt it against his door, knock on his door, and then when he opens it, BAM TORPEDO!

alternately, piss-puck him

piss in ashtray, freeze the piss, remove the piss-puck from ashtray, slide under his door when he's sleepin, it melts and then BAM PISS-PUCK!

En Passant 11-16-2007 11:28 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Have you told him directly that he needs to clean his [censored] up? I think he proably would if you and your other cool roomate approach him and tell him he needs to do the dishes, or at the very least, clean up his own mess.

Also, I do likes these posts.

ghostface 11-16-2007 11:31 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
haha are you my roommate? sounds exactly like me from last year.

except for the fat cow part imo

The B 11-16-2007 11:33 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
put the dirty dishes he uses and his bag of hair on his bed with a note that reads:

we need your help keeping our apartment clean...go [censored] yourself

your roomates

ghostface 11-16-2007 11:37 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
put the dirty dishes he uses and his bag of hair on his bed with a note that reads:

we need your help keeping our apartment clean...go [censored] yourself

your roomates

[/ QUOTE ]

haha we do this all the time if one of our roommates leaves [censored] layin around. when they wake up they trip over it leaving their room.

The B 11-16-2007 11:43 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
put the dirty dishes he uses and his bag of hair on his bed with a note that reads:

we need your help keeping our apartment clean...go [censored] yourself

your roomates

[/ QUOTE ]

haha we do this all the time if one of our roommates leaves [censored] layin around. when they wake up they trip over it leaving their room.

[/ QUOTE ]

in college i put a cereal bowl half full of milk on my roomates pillow, it spilled...havent talked to him since 01'

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 11:48 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
I just went down there to go into the kitchen and he is sleeping on the couch with his mouth open like he has dick sucker's cramp with a stupid [censored] haircut.

Ryanski 11-16-2007 11:56 AM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Lol, I used to have a roommate that slept on the couch 7 out of 7 times a week. NEVER SLEPT ONCE IN HIS ROOM, ALMOST NEVER WAS IN HIS ROOM UPSTAIRS BECAUSE HE WATCHED TV 99% OF HIS WAKING HOURS. It was downstairs, my room was upstairs, every time I went downstairs at night to use the microwave or something, there he was.



solution - move into your own place!

The B 11-16-2007 12:01 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Lol, I used to have a roommate that slept on the couch 7 out of 7 times a week. NEVER SLEPT ONCE IN HIS ROOM, ALMOST NEVER WAS IN HIS ROOM UPSTAIRS BECAUSE HE WATCHED TV 99% OF HIS WAKING HOURS. It was downstairs, my room was upstairs, every time I went downstairs at night to use the microwave or something, there he was.



solution - move TV upstairs into your bedroom

[/ QUOTE ]

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 12:02 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

solution - move into your own place!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be going home for 9 days starting today after my afternoon class, and then I have 3 weeks and I'm done. Then I'll be at home until I figure out what I want to do with my life. 3 weeks is way too long though after putting up with this BS for a year and a half.

Quanah Parker 11-16-2007 12:13 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
I put a roommates dirty dishes in a box and put them outside.
He still didn't wash them and a few days later they got stolen.
I'm still trying to figure out who steals dirty dishes?

diddyeinstein 11-16-2007 12:16 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
I understand. My roommate is the same way. I'm leaving town for 10 days today and I dread seeing what our house will look like when I get back.

I liked the idea of actually drop-kicking him next time you think about it.

Vavavoom 11-16-2007 12:20 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

Ha I was messing...

He sounds like someone that needs a kick in the crotch ! Seriously !

Quanah Parker 11-16-2007 12:21 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Also, had one roommate move to Alaska, but he left his dog.
He paid another roommate, Paul, $100 to feed his dog until he could come back for the dog. Well, the dog got preggers and had puppies. That sucked, but we figured we'd just give the pups away when they got old enough. There was 5 or 6 of us renting a big house and we had room to spare, so we adapted the dining room into a puppy room. Paul never cleaned up after the puppies and after a few weeks we had a million puppy turds all over the dining room.
Man, those were great times.

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 12:22 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
He's awake and just went into the bathroom.

And walked right back out, didn't even use the sink. It's impossible not to see the sink and his mess!

I should take a picture just for viewing pleasure.

hosstito 11-16-2007 12:22 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Then, last night he cuts his hair in the bathroom, and wouldn't you know, it looks like Chewbacca took a [censored] in the sink.

[/ QUOTE ]

[x] worth reading OP for this line alone

Quanah Parker 11-16-2007 12:27 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

It could be worse.
Sure, this chick looks hot, but apparently her boyfriend and her sexually assaulted and murdered her roommate.
That's the definition of a bad roomie IMOAFAIKLDO

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 12:28 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Here it is:

Quanah Parker 11-16-2007 12:31 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Here it is:

[/ QUOTE ]
whoa, disgusting, horrible...wait, that's it!?
I feel sorry for the roommate now for having to live with such a nit.

mbillie1 11-16-2007 12:32 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
run the water in the sink?

or pisspuck that mofo

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 12:33 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
run the water in the sink?

[/ QUOTE ]

I did, obviously. I saw it when I went to brush my teeth this morning. It doesn't go down.

And, it's worse than it looks in the picture.

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

whoa, disgusting, horrible...wait, that's it!?
I feel sorry for the roommate now for having to live with such a nit.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can live with a disgusting POS if you want to. I choose not to, and that [censored] doesn't go well with me because there is no reason for it. It takes 2 seconds to wipe out the sink.

Dick Magenta 11-16-2007 12:35 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
run the water in the sink?

or pisspuck that mofo

[/ QUOTE ]


En Passant 11-16-2007 12:37 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

I feel sorry for the roommate now for having to live with such a nit.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's because you are a dirty slob like his roomate.

mbillie1 11-16-2007 12:37 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

Dr. Spaceman 11-16-2007 12:49 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
Take a picture of the roommate so we can MSPaint him.

O Fen�meno 11-16-2007 12:54 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
become a pr0nst4r and get your own place


dkgojackets 11-16-2007 01:04 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
buy a lathe and store it in his room

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 01:07 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About

He just went into the bathroom again!!! 2nd time in like an hour? He used the sink, 2-3 times, meaning he turned the sink on and off 2-3 times. I thought he was cleaning it. Then he flushed the toilet, used the sink again, and walked out.

I went in and looked and it looks worse than before and the water is barely draining!

Holy [censored], I'm going to go stab him with a dull knife!!!


O Fen�meno 11-16-2007 01:09 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
use your gun

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 01:10 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
use your gun

[/ QUOTE ]

It's at home, which is where I want to be so that I don't have to look at his stupid, retarded, POS face.

supafrey 11-16-2007 01:15 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
ughhh I just KNEW reading the OP that this was just some complete and total nit whining about nothing special. OP, please look at the photo you posted, realize why you're a loser and hit yourself.

Your rant included your roommate committing the horrible offences of WALKING AROUND... and EATING HIS FOOD... and ... OPENING THE MICROWAVE DOOR.

You've got something to teach this kid about resilience, that's for sure:

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 01:19 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
ughhh I just KNEW reading the OP that this was just some complete and total nit whining about nothing special. OP, please look at the photo you posted, realize why you're a loser and hit yourself.

Your rant included your roommate committing the horrible offences of WALKING AROUND... and EATING HIS FOOD... and ... OPENING THE MICROWAVE DOOR.

[/ QUOTE ]

Give me a break. What my POS roommate does is not normal. He's a completely irresponsible idiot who doesn't get it. He's [censored] clueless when it comes to life. If you're going to side with him, you're one of the same because anyone who doesn't realize the aggravation is also ignorant to their own surroundings.

ItalianFX 11-16-2007 01:22 PM

Re: Another Roommate Story That Nobody Cares About
My other roommate just came out of his room and he is pissed too. He said he saw it last night and couldn't sleep, and it's uncalled for.

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