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Rootabager 11-08-2007 07:26 PM

Rootabagers New Log
So I got bored with my last log but I have started doing some new stuff so I will start to post a log.

I started taking MMA classes a little while ago and they are tough. I have reduced my lifting because of how much time I have been takingn boxing, muay thai,and BJJ.

I still have been lifting around 3 times a week in the mornings.

I will do the whole week in this post because this is what a average week will consist of.

Since the last log I have went from 220 to 200. I feel alot better being leaner and really like the weight loss. I would like to lose around another 10 pounds.

Squat 5X5 around 250

Pullups- I superset these with squats.
warm up 20 pull ups
12 clap pull ups
12 weighted pull ups
end with doing as many pull ups as I can do.

5X5 250-275

bent over row
5X5 175

dips on rings

One arm row
3X10 with 100's

Everything is supersetted.

BJJ class- 1 hour
Muay Thai- 1 hour

Boxing class- 2 hours

First hour is boxing drills and cardio
Second hour is sparring.

Cleans- did sets of 3 up to 225 where I did one rep. That is prolly close to my max.

kettlebell swings - 3 sets to failure
kettlebell snatch- 3 sets on each arm to failure

Standing shoulder press- 3 sets of 8-10

BJJ class- 1 hour
Mua Thai- 1 hour

Went to gym early because cant do boxing( Gf's b-day today)

Jump rope for a few minutes then stopped and did kettlebell swings with the 70 pounder( biggest they have at MMA gym).

Jump rope alternate with kettlebell snatch 70 pound kettlebell.

Hit Semi Tire with sledge hammer alternated with rope climb.

Jumped in and out of truck tire alternated with low bag kicks.

punched the bag some

did like cling type thing where I flipped the truck tire over strong man style in a square around the room.

Then I did lunges around the room with 2 54 pound kettlebells.

punched the bag some more then went home.

kickpushcoast 11-08-2007 07:55 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
damn you're a beast! nice log. im a similar size to you, except i just went from being 230 to being 210, with only about 5 more pounds to lose.

sets of 12 on ring dips is great, i just got some rings from ring training, and the first time i tried them, i got 3 reps! its one of those exercises that until you try it you have NO idea how hard it is. 2 other guys in the gym tried it, one couldnt even do one, and the other guy struggled to get one rep, after 2 workouts im up to 8 reps though. my squat numbers are quite a bit higher than yours, but you definitely have me on pull ups. i recently got a 53 lb kettlebell, im scared of someone who can throw the 70 pounder around, i was worried the 53 would be too light, wrong(i want to use it for conditioning mostly)

look forward to seeing more of this log

istewart 11-08-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
kickpush, more pics from your avatar's gallery pls

Rootabager 11-08-2007 09:01 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Im finishing school/ working at a bar on Thur/Fri/Sat. So I have alot of free time to work out.

I want to do a MMA fight sometime in the future.

Rootabager 11-10-2007 04:54 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Fri, Nov 9

5X5 255

assorted clap,weighted,kipping,regular all to failure

dumbell row

Some ab stuff

was super sore from yesterday so really took it easy today.
Wont lift sat or sun prolly run or some kind of cardio.

Rootabager 11-11-2007 05:12 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Ran about 3 miles at the park with my dog

1 hour of yoga

Start back with lifting/fighting on monday.

Rootabager 11-12-2007 11:46 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
had a short lifting session today
superset 5X5
Squat and pullups

Superset 5X5
Bench and bent over row

1 hour BJJ
1 hour Muay Thai

after class did bunch of supersetting dips with pullups.

Wolfram 11-13-2007 06:06 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
I want to get into BJJ once my back heals. How important is strength in BJJ?

I used to do aikido so the functional nature of BJJ appeals to me. Maybe I'll add other MMA disciplines later.

Rootabager 11-13-2007 06:52 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
It's good that I am stronger than everyone else in class. It makes it hard to hold me. It's also easier to manipulate someone when you are stronger.

If you can totally overwhelm someone physically then it's hard to beat you.

I have rolled with some blue and purple belts that weigh like 140 pounds and they cant beat me. I dont know much in form of technique but I am strong and athletic and can force on certain moves like rear naked chokes and guillotines that I couldnt get on someone as strong as me.

Also if you get caught in something like an armbar you can use overwhelming strength and just stand out of it, or curl out of it.

Then again if you are the same strength as someone you are rolling with technique is 100% but that is common sense I guess.

Some of the guys that are really good can do some amazing stuff. It's really cool thing to know. You can learn to overcome strength advantages if you are expert I imagine. You can see that in someone like royce gracie who was beating huge guys with no ground experience.

Rolling with purple belts which takes a few years to get the y will use your weight against you and if you get off balance for a second they will feel it and flip you and stuff.

Hoep I got the point across ok. I am a begginer to BJJ so I have a really new opinion on all this stuff.

Rootabager 11-13-2007 10:11 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
4Xfailure with swings 70 pounder (usually around 20 swings)

snatches with 70 pounder
sets of 5 with each hand
Turkish get ups with 54 pounder until I couldnt get up anymore.
Boxing class
1 hour drills
1 hour sparring

Rootabager 11-14-2007 09:44 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
1 hour BJJ
1 hour Muay Thai

Wanted to lift today but had to work all day cleaning out this basement. Had to lift alot of heavy stuff all day so I will say that is my lifting.

Went to buy a 16 pound sledgehammer and it was 40 dollars. I was too cheap to pay that much so I am going to have to shop around.

Rootabager 11-15-2007 09:40 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
just lifted today

clean and jerk
5X5 185

5X5 315

one arm kettlebell snatch
3 sets of 10 with 54pd ( my gym doenst have 70 pounder only martial art gym)

kettlebell swings

overhead press

ab roller
4 sets of 15

sit ups and medicine ball twist
3 sets till failure

10 minutes hiit on a stairclimber.

cbloom 11-15-2007 11:46 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Hey Root, do you just do whatever you feel like each day, or do you have some kind of scheme planned out for overall progression? I like the way you seem to do a lot of different functional stuff.

Rootabager 11-16-2007 03:58 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
I did 5X5 for along time. But now I just sorta do whatever.

On monday and friday and I a kinda 5X5 MF workout with squat bench and pullups/row.

Then on W I do like a shoulder day but really just cleans and kettlebell stuff with military.

Then on saturday I do like tire flip, sledgehammer stuff, going to do sandbag when I build it, and fighting stuff.

I mostly try to do stuff that will make me better at fighting now.

I just started doing this routine so it will prolly change.

Rootabager 11-17-2007 04:51 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Just lifted today since my parents were in from out of town. We went to dinner and stuff during the time of my fighting class.

Squat 5x5
pullups- various sets to failure

Bench 5X5
One arm Row 5x5

incline dumbell
3X8 100's


Wanted to do some arms today for the first time in forever but didnt have time.

Rootabager 11-17-2007 07:06 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
no one is in the gym on saturday afternoon so I did a little circuit type thing.
Set the bell on 3 minutes on 30 seconds rest

3 minutes jump rope alternating with 3 minutes of kettlebell stuff.

3 minutes jump rope alternating with 3 minutes tire flip

Then bag work
3 mintues hitting , 30 seconds rest

Did this circuit for about 1.5 hours.

Rootabager 11-19-2007 02:37 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
went on a long run with my sister and her dog.

Rootabager 11-21-2007 01:40 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
did crossfit workout of the day.
21-15-9 of like squat presses and pullups.

Did a BJJ class

did bench,squat,dynamic row,pullups,dips

800 run, 50 sit ups, 50 back extensions, repeat 3 times.
repeat 3 times

1 hour BJJ class.

the classes are kicking my ass so bad.

Rootabager 11-21-2007 02:40 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
I rolled with a brown belt today. He was also prolly stronger than me. He crushed me so bad. tapped me like 5 times in 3 minutes. It was so sick.

I also set a pr by clean and jerk 225 pounds last week which is more than I have done before.

Rootabager 11-21-2007 06:03 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
did WOD in like 24:30
Sunday 071118

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

used 70pd kettleball for swings and like 115 for push press.
I waspretty tired. Trying to decide if I am up for kickboxing.

Rootabager 11-21-2007 09:47 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
took muay thai class. getting alot better at boxing/muay thai. need to get much better at jujitsu.

Rootabager 11-24-2007 04:46 AM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Took thanksgiving off. Prolly would have taken it off anyway because my body was just tired and sore.

Thought about taking off today also but went to gym to sit in hot tub and decided to lift anyway.

5X5 250

5x5 250

T bar row
4 plates 5X5

Also did a few sets of ab wheel and sit ups.

Sat in that machine that stretches your legs out. Really trying to increase my flexibility.

Rootabager 11-28-2007 02:26 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
I have been lazy in my log.
I took off sunday, wanted to have a big day on monday, but had to write a big paper for my sisters english class that killed most of the day.

Crossfit 11am
The workout of the day is 30 muscleups but there are 4 of us, no rings, and one pull up bar, so we made up our own WOD which was flipping a tire continuously until 3 of us could do 100 sandbag cleans with 100 pound sandbag.

It was ok workout. I could clean the sandbag easier than everyone else and could alot more reps in a set so I did the majority of the 100 cleans.

The tire needs to be a little bigger. It's only hard if you are flipping it for like 3 minutes.

BJJ class-
class was really hard and I got beat on pretty good. I dont know that many moves so I dont know what ppl are getting in position to do.

chest, back, squat, dips, pullups

This is my usual pull up thing
1 set 20 warm up
2 sets of 12 clapping
2 sets of weighted with a 54 pound kettlebell. usually is one set of 12, then I drop it in future sets and do kipping pullups til I reach 12.

6-8pm Boxing
super hard, tons of cardio and not much technique.

did way too much working out yesterday. I am sore this morning. Prolly taking it easy today. May lift a lil and take a muay thai class.

Rootabager 11-28-2007 07:14 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
I cant take any classes today( stuff to do, didnt get to take any on monday either)

So I went to the gym and did a little circuit type thing for about 1.5 hours

Warmed up with 3 minutes of jump rope.

Started out with 100 pound sandbag. I would clean it then throw it as far as possible. I did this as many times as I could. Did a few sets not really counting.

Then I turned the sandbag sideways and cleaned it into like a zercher squat position. Then threw it backwards over my head as far as possible.

Then did 4 sets of 15 with the 70 pound kettlebell.

Kettlebell snatches one arm with 70 I did 2 sets of 5 with each arm.

did some one arm kettlebell swings with a lower weight kettlebell.

One set of 10 clean and jerk with 135 then decided I have cleaned enough.

3 sets of push press 3X10X155

3 sets of walking lunges to failure with a 54 pound kettlebell in each hand.

I kicked the bags some, shadow boxed some.

I also would jump rope between most lifting sets.

It was a decent workout. I meant to work on 54 pound kettle bell snatches at high reps, but I forgot.

Finished with alot of stretching, then leg raises.

Rootabager 11-29-2007 09:52 PM

Re: Rootabagers New Log
Really easy day today

1 hour BJJ class
Just two people in the class so it was nice I got alot of one on one instruction

Then did like a burpee thing where I would do 10 sprint down and back of gym, do 9, sprint, repeat down to 0.

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