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TheProdigy 10-30-2007 07:02 PM

Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
LoL prodigy you talk alot of [censored] but i dont get it as bad as I am when have you ever proven to be better then me? Im positive Ive made more lifetime then you ive made more this moneth and pretty sure Ive made more then you most months, i dont know my ptb but if id have to bet id put money on myself. So as much [censored] as u talk about me i dont see the line that youve crossed to make youself better then me.

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End of month thread is up. I never disputed your winnings and I am not now, but it is time to put up or shut up. Put your graph up for the month.

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I made 24k this month without bonuses.

I dont use pokertracker so no graph, but any1 whose been regularly playin with me this month can vouch im not far off that figure.

[/ QUOTE ]

blunty, i will pay for your copy of pokertracker and you can email stars and request every hand you've played since October 1, 2007. you can then import them into pokertracker and download and use pokergrapher (free), as well as posting a PT screenshot of your winnings at 1/2 this month. if you have indeed made >$20k at 1/2 this month, i will send you another $2500 for your trouble, if you havent, you send me $1500. deal?

[/ QUOTE ]

New thread started so I can see this go down.

nation 10-30-2007 07:04 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
as i said in the other thread, i will hold funds in escrow to ensure there is no grimming.

futuredoc85 10-30-2007 07:06 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
nation what is your stars name?

futuredoc85 10-30-2007 07:12 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
sent you $2545 (PT+ the bet) going to dinner now will be back later tonight to check in. also he needs to send you the $1500 ASAP so he cant freeroll this.

futuredoc85 10-30-2007 07:13 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
it should get there soon but if i have to confirm w/ support it wont be till after dinner obv

blunty31 10-30-2007 07:16 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
im not sending my money anywhere, I never asked you too either

nation 10-30-2007 07:16 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
i sent blunty a pm.

nation 10-30-2007 07:17 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
im not sending my money anywhere, I never asked you too either

[/ QUOTE ]

what? an escrow if very standard for these sorts of bets so one party doesn't just decide not to pay up if they lose.

Johnes Benjamin 10-30-2007 07:17 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
lol at idea of blunty accepting and losing $1500
obv no money to be made but yeah, 24k before bonuses sounds like a load of crap.

Mr_Donktastic 10-30-2007 07:18 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
this is soooo funny

wouldn't it be fairly easy for blunty to dr. the hand histories to up his winrate?

EPiPeN11 10-30-2007 07:18 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
im not sending my money anywhere, I never asked you too either

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow I hate futuredoc but you are such a tool if you back out of this. Send the money to nation or you really are a lying tool like they claim you are.

nation 10-30-2007 07:21 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
money from futuredoc was received.

blunty31 10-30-2007 07:22 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
Im not backing out 2 morrow I will buy PT, and ask for the HH from stars, but there is absolutly no chance im sending my money to any1.

EPiPeN11 10-30-2007 07:24 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
Im not backing out 2 morrow I will buy PT, and ask for the HH from stars, but there is absolutly no chance im sending my money to any1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah it's not like nation is a mod or anything, oh wait he is.

Seriously send the money you can obv trust a mod and it's to avoid people not paying when they lose. It's obvious you know you lied and don't want to pay up when you lose.

Just admit you lied before this whole thing makes you look even worse than you already do.

D.L.M. 10-30-2007 07:29 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
the fact that he claims hes never bought pokertracker for any sane reason at all is ammusing.

blunty31 10-30-2007 07:29 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
I have absolutly no reason to lie as I dont have any reason to try 2 impress any1 from this site. Like i said 2morrow I will get PT and ask starrs for the HH. I never askd futre to send his money 2 any1 and I never agreed 2 send mine. If it helps nation can return him the money n he can hold on2 it, I have nothing to lose with this bet I know how much ive made.

EPiPeN11 10-30-2007 07:30 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
I have absolutly no reason to lie as I dont have any reason to try 2 impress any1 from this site. Like i said 2morrow I will get PT and ask starrs for the HH. I never askd futre to send his money 2 any1 and I never agreed 2 send mine. If it helps nation can return him the money n he can hold on2 it, I have nothing to lose with this bet I know how much ive made.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why wouldn't you send your money??? Do you think Nation is going to steal it wtf???

blunty31 10-30-2007 07:32 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
Call it a personal preference but I dont allow strangers to hold large sums of my money.

Chargers In 07 10-30-2007 07:33 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
wouldn't it be fairly easy for blunty to dr. the hand histories to up his winrate?

[/ QUOTE ]make it in a graph? but still it's easy to dr..

EPiPeN11 10-30-2007 07:34 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
Call it a personal preference but I dont allow strangers to hold large sums of my money.

[/ QUOTE ]

lol @ 1.5k being a large sum of money, especially if you've made over 20k this month like you claim.

You do realize nation is a mod right. Mod's hold so much money on this site for people your 1.5k is nothing compared to the amount they have held for escrows for people.

the_main 10-30-2007 07:34 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
You can send it to me if you trust me more...
Though yes, I think this is a stupid bet that can be easily faked. It would be preeeetay, prrrreetay easy for blunty to delete/not import the big hands he lost.

Blunty emails stars for the months hand histories. Stars provides a login and password to their web server (or whatver you call it... an FTP?). Blunty gives this password/login to an unbiased party and THEY do the import.

Also, confirm we are talking about net profit here. I made $100k this month, but lost $90k. Just so you don't end up arguing over semantics.

jack frost 10-30-2007 07:37 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
the fact that he claims hes never bought pokertracker for any sane reason at all is ammusing.

[/ QUOTE ]

For some reason I have more tropuoble beoiveing he has no hand tracking software at all than he made the monies. Blunty has been playing allo tthis month if he put in a hellish amount of hands and ran well...................... Also wouldn't it better for blunty to get the hh's then send them to someone else to import so there is no question of dr'ing them?

Johnes Benjamin 10-30-2007 07:37 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
The fact that he says he never bought PT and is making 5-6pt/100 seems odd to me too. Why not at least try it by now?

however, in blunty's defense, I would not feel comfortable sending $1500 to anyone just b/c they were a mod at a site
Not to ruin the bet, or anything, but this isn't happening anyway

doesn't anyone datamine anymore?

Mr_Donktastic 10-30-2007 07:37 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
Yeah it would be very very ez for blunty to not import say even just 20 hands where he got stacked and change the amount won significantly.

TheProdigy 10-30-2007 07:37 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
Nope, let's do this:

Blunty. Email stars and tell them futuredoc can get your hand histories. Give them futuredoc's email and have them send the HH there.

You can also have nation sent the HH if you want an unbiased source.

I think this is the most fair way.

Also, another way to make it true would to be to have stars support email a couple of us and tell us how much you made this month. They would have these numbers.

blunty31 10-30-2007 07:40 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
stars doesnt release that information

the_main 10-30-2007 07:42 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
To be clear, Prodigy, I think it's a very safe bet if you can find a way to get an accurate number.

Sending to futuredoc is as problematic as sending to blunty... so just send to Nation if he doesn't mind.

OBV is stars will just sed out the profit #'s to randos, then that would solve everything.

D.L.M. 10-30-2007 07:43 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
dude he has pokertracker cmon now.

blunty31 10-30-2007 07:45 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
I dont have pokertracker, check any of my hand posts and c if ive ever used stats, I dont even know wat the mean

TheProdigy 10-30-2007 07:46 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.

Agreed and I think it may be allowed. I emailed stars and asked them if they could send my information to someone else so if they OK it then obv. the bet is on.

I also think doc is a lot less likely to lie than blunty, as apparently 1500 means a lot to blunty whereas doc just wants the proof of it happening and obviously can handle having a mod hold his money. Regardless yes he should have them send a couple people, those people can pm nation(or mod of his choice), and if they all come out with the same number then nation posts it.

Easy way to solve the bet

D.L.M. 10-30-2007 07:46 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
c if ive ever used stats, I dont even know wat they mean

[/ QUOTE ]
this i believe

Kos13 10-30-2007 07:48 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
If you guys are really doing this for so much money, I'd demand the HH's straight from the site. All of the HH's are saved as text files, so I don't think he'd have a tough time going in and doctoring a few hands.

TheProdigy 10-30-2007 07:50 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
If you guys are really doing this for so much money, I'd demand the HH's straight from the site. All of the HH's are saved as text files, so I don't think he'd have a tough time going in and doctoring a few hands.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are some ways I have thought of, so those should work. Otherwise I have a couple more ideas that I don't want to give out yet for him to think of a way around if he would want to do that, which I'm sure he wouldn't.

D.L.M. 10-30-2007 07:51 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
tell those bitches to bust em out PDF. style

edit: try not to use that word, it's banned on the site.

GrandMelon 10-30-2007 07:58 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
if an 11/6 can win 24k/month at 1/2 Im quiting poker forever

iponnet 10-30-2007 08:00 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
these threads are so fun, but just one thing,,, the bet is about how 'much' money he made playing NL200 not his WR right? cause if blunty played like 160k-200k hands (lets say he did) he doesnt have to run that HOT to make 20K or more at NL200 so blunty if you did make the money you say you did you are a fool not to take these bets yo!!

TheProdigy 10-30-2007 08:06 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.

But the thing is most people think he is only a 1ptbb winner at the most at cards. So the longer he plays most think that would make his winrate smaller and smaller as it goes towards the norm. People want him to refute this.

Obviously if we can find a way to do it and he takes it, then he made it and we were wrong. If not, then he didn't make the money.

I'm not even saying I believe one side or the other. I'm not trying to do anything other than give some good way to solve this, as I haven't played blunty in a while and although he was horrible when I used to play with him he did move down and retool his game so I have no idea now.

ASPoker8 10-30-2007 08:22 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
I have Blunty down $2500 over 7700 hands from the 24th to the 28th.

Will post screenshot if he disputes this lol

skydancing8 10-30-2007 08:45 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
if an 11/6 can win 24k/month at 1/2 Im quiting poker forever

[/ QUOTE ]


TheProdigy 10-30-2007 08:47 PM

Re: Blunty: 24k at 1/2NL in month.
I hope he did that because sky and GM quitting poker would be so great for me.

Well I guess sky didn't agree with it but GM quitting would be so +EV

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