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kyleb 10-09-2007 12:10 AM

taking some time off
Aside from random posts in sporting events, I'll be taking some time off from BBV4L and possibly my forum. I don't feel like getting berated by BBV regulars so I'll wait until this drama spills over.

If there's anything that needs my attention, shoot me a PM.

P.S. adanthar PM'd me and we settled our stuff.

kyleb 10-09-2007 12:23 AM

Re: taking some time off
I've rethought my position. I'm going to be gone for awhile. I am considering resigning as a moderator because it's simply not worth the crap I have to put up with from the BBV crew. Furthermore, I feel that adanthar handled this poorly to say the least.

There are plenty of ex-mods and people who have asked me if they should post in the thread about my reputation re: money. I have told them all not to because it will only damage their reputation and make them look like apologists.

I won't touch BBV4L for at least a week. I'll delete spam out of Health and Fitness.

nation 10-09-2007 01:53 AM

Re: taking some time off
ummm first of all adanthar told the guy to wait until wednesday to see if it couldn't get resolved by pm. the guy just ignored him and posted anyways.

second, why shouldn't adanthar allow him to write that post?

Dids 10-09-2007 11:41 AM

Re: taking some time off

I don't know if anything will cool down if you take time off. People will still mess with you. It isn't like people have stopped talking crap about Grimstar or Boosted or anything (not that you're in the same catagory, just that those kinds of accusations stick).

There's still some ambigutity as to why it look as much time as it did (which to me doesn't seem unreasonable, it's just a week, but whatever) to pay the prop bet dude. I think your best bet to recover your rep is to just try and clear as much as you can up.

nation 10-09-2007 07:14 PM

Re: taking some time off

a week is no big deal because you know kyle irl and are friends with him from the same city. i wouldn't hound my friends to pay me the minute a bet was up either.

however kyle isn't friends with diomed and he should have paid him immediately or within a day or 2. kyle handled this whole situation horribly. i'm not even going to touch the other situation about his business deal.

Dids 10-09-2007 07:21 PM

Re: taking some time off
Many people owed me money over my weightloss prop bet for more than a week. I didn't pester them.

It's not nearly as easy to move online money around as it once was. Freaking out over a week is just nitty and dumb.

El Diablo 10-09-2007 07:36 PM

Re: taking some time off

Your weightloss was a charity donation, not a bet. Therefore the standards are completely different.

From skimming the thread, it looks to me like kyle handled this very badly.

nation 10-09-2007 07:54 PM

Re: taking some time off
Yeah, what el d said.

kyleb 10-09-2007 08:44 PM

Re: taking some time off
I'm not looking at the thread at all and haven't since I made my last post. I don't particularly care anymore.

adanthar told the guy to wait, he didn't, then adanthar did nothing besides post in the thread that he told the guy to wait. I file that under "handling it poorly."

At any rate, start thinking about who might replace me as moderator of BBV4L and Health and Fitness. The useful lifespan of this forum for me is reaching it's end in my opinion. I might stop reading/posting altogether.

adanthar 10-09-2007 08:49 PM

Re: taking some time off

I got this guy's request on the day before my 18 hour flight from korea (which I just got back from an hour ago.) on the one hand, the last time I trusted a long time respected poster to come up with an explanation, I wound up locking the first vig scamming thread. on the other, this thing had all the elements of 'impatient idiot who panics over a couple of hundred dollars'. rather than come back to a bunch of BBV drama since I can't stealth mod it over the Pacific/GW isn't on as often these days, I told him to wait a few days, figuring I'd PM kyle and we'd get this taken care of when I got back.

naturally, I log in an hour before I'm supposed to leave to the airport to send kyle a PM and see the guy jumped the gun. at that point I could a)ban him and cause more drama, b)close the thread and cause more drama, or c)get on my plane.

so, yeah, I don't think I could've handled it differently. sry.

kyleb 10-09-2007 09:01 PM

Re: taking some time off

I hadn't realized you were in Korea/on a plane for a significant portion of the time, but that would explain a lot. That being said, I still don't like how absurd it got before you locked it and took any action, but that's of a much lesser concern.

As to why I come off bad, if it's because:

1) I'm a dick and unapologetic online (Diomed is an idiot and I've explained to him online why I was delayed; he continually drunk IM'd me regardless and I was civil with him nonetheless), I don't care. I could care less about what most people online think of me; this much is something you all know.

2) If it's because of my actual reputation being smeared, I do care. Whatever beset said about there being adequate evidence to file a tort in various states, while possibly accurate, isn't a strategy I would employ; the reasons being that Internet forums tend to generate this type of unsubstantiated drama so therefore I should know what I'm getting into by simply participating, and because I don't want to drag 2+2's name through the mud or give it any undue attention. Admittedly, the second reason is lesser than the first.

I can't adequately defend myself from DammitBob's allegations because to do so would be to break confidentiality agreements I have signed with investors and with my lawyers. As a result, I am left defenseless and open to pretty much any allegation anyone wants to file against me. Since I can't say much in response to what people have to say, I am obviously going to be angry and upset with both the people in the thread and with adanthar for not being able to lock down the discussion in which I cannot clearly argue in my favor for (other than to state my interpretations of the situation which will clearly get twisted and turned against me regardless of the truth).

That all being said, I already PM'd Mat about resignation and I'm about 95% sure that I no longer want to be a part of 2+2's moderator team and because I need to step back posting on the site that is more or less pissing me off on a daily basis (and distracting me from work). Not to pull a Brett Favre on you guys, but I'll let you know my final decision after I let it settle and think about it with a clear head.

El Diablo 10-09-2007 09:35 PM

Re: taking some time off

"it's end"


NT! 10-09-2007 10:24 PM

Re: taking some time off
oh noes, if kyleb leaves i will go back to being the meanest mod imo

tuq 10-09-2007 10:35 PM

Re: taking some time off

"it's end"


[/ QUOTE ]
LOL, kyle writes these long posts and your only response is to be a grammar nit. Classic.

kyleb, I do think to a degree you're reaping what you've sown in the court of public opinion. You can't go around calling a large percentage of the poster base names and then be surprised when they aren't there to support you. I have no problem with you nor have I ever; if you like I will gladly post in that thread that you and I have made wagers that you made gone on (and if you want that it took awhile, heh, but I wasn't exactly sweating it and I think even suggested calling it off but you insisted that a bet was a bet).

I also think that you're being a drama queen with all this "I might resign" nonsense and that you will indeed continue to be a site contributor. I hope so - your contributions to the Sports forum among others would be missed.

El Diablo 10-09-2007 10:59 PM

Re: taking some time off


If someone wants to quit 2+2, they can just quit. No reason to make a big production out of it. Nobody gives a [censored]. OK, well, maybe someone does. But I sure as [censored] don't.

nation 10-09-2007 11:11 PM

Re: taking some time off
again, i see no reason why adanthar should lock that thread. i'm pretty sure every time these disputes come up it's considered fine to post about it to get some resolution.

also, what el d said.

Chump Change 10-09-2007 11:25 PM

Re: taking some time off
El D,

I'd be sad if you left 2p2.

tuq 10-10-2007 12:50 AM

Re: taking some time off


If someone wants to quit 2+2, they can just quit. No reason to make a big production out of it. Nobody gives a [censored]. OK, well, maybe someone does. But I sure as [censored] don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

kyleb 10-10-2007 01:31 AM

Re: taking some time off
I was merely saying that I felt like resigning at a given time and was going to think about it. At any rate, I wanted to provide ample time to find someone to replace me in the interim rather than just up and leaving.

It's not for "drama" purposes. Shut the [censored] up you morans.

nation 10-10-2007 01:33 AM

Re: taking some time off
whatever man we all know you're not actually going to quit, despite your 95% chance comment.

kyleb 10-10-2007 01:37 AM

Re: taking some time off

Demod me, please. I gave Mat the list of people to replace me - for public discussion and/or a vote, I think that Blarg/thirddan/skunkworks would be good replacements (for H&F obviously).

You probably don't need another mod for BBV4L.

PM me if you need me to tell the moderator who is taking over anything.

Thanks all for the opportunity.

tuq 10-10-2007 01:42 AM

Re: taking some time off

Stop being a chick, dude (with apologies to all the chick mods LDO).

Although I think this is a fruitless conversation, I'm horrified by the thought of Blarg being a mod, whereas he was once my 2+2 hero. Don't know thirddan well and it's kinda LOL that skunkworks posts there enough to be mod-worthy, between recently meeting him and reading his posts I didn't get the impression he was into fitness. He is however a stellar poster and big supporter of 2+2 so would slide well into any forum in which he contributes.

Also, if anything doesn't BBV4L need MORE mods rather than fewer?

All this said, settle down and stop being so reactionary to...basically everything (that thread, nation and El D, etc.).

nation 10-10-2007 01:49 AM

Re: taking some time off
I WANT TO MOD BBV4L. it's my favorite forum i'd fit so much better into modding there than the forums I mod now.

tuq 10-10-2007 01:51 AM

Re: taking some time off

Considering that you publicly refer to a vagina as a "kidsh[/i]itter", I have to agree you probably fit in with that crowd.

nation 10-10-2007 02:03 AM

Re: taking some time off
other than that thread, i've done nothing out of line in the 8 months i've been a mod tuq.

tuq 10-10-2007 02:09 AM

Re: taking some time off

I'm not even sure I consider that out of line, never really thought of it that way. I was mostly just appalled at the term. Meh, I'm old, certainly the first I'd heard of it.

entertainme 10-10-2007 08:42 AM

Re: taking some time off
Is skunkworks a friend/supporter of JJProdigy, or do I have him confused with another poster?

ama0330 10-10-2007 09:10 AM

Re: taking some time off
Someone post the internet serious business poster, and everyone chill the [censored] out.

private joker 10-10-2007 10:05 AM

Re: taking some time off
Don't know thirddan well and it's kinda LOL that skunkworks posts there enough to be mod-worthy, between recently meeting him and reading his posts I didn't get the impression he was into fitness.

[/ QUOTE ]

You recently met and drank beers with thirddan too.

Thirddan would be an excellent mod imo, as would skunkworks of course, although I'm unfamiliar with the H&F forum and don't know how active he is. I'm with tuq on being horrified of giving the likes of Blarg any modship.

Dids 10-10-2007 10:20 AM

Re: taking some time off
I'm not ok with nation as a BBV4L mod. If being lead mod means anything, I hope I means I have some say here.

I'm not really sure we need to replace kyle in BBV4L.

Blarg should never, ever, ever, been given modship.

iron81 10-10-2007 10:39 AM

Re: taking some time off
Does anyone here read health and fitness? I saw that Durron and Entertainme started threads there but it doesn't look like they post much otherwise.

Dids 10-10-2007 10:42 AM

Re: taking some time off
Of the people who I've thought know their [censored] in H&F, the only one who should be modded is thirddan, who is a solid dude.

All the other guys are a little too prone to flaming to really work.

entertainme 10-10-2007 11:00 AM

Re: taking some time off
Does anyone here read health and fitness? I saw that Durron and Entertainme started threads there but it doesn't look like they post much otherwise.

[/ QUOTE ]

<-- Complete noob regarding H&F. Not qualified.

NT! 10-10-2007 11:41 AM

Re: taking some time off
i would be against making skunkworks a mod, he bitches and moans way too much

oh wait he would fit right in, nevermind

durron597 10-10-2007 11:49 AM

Re: taking some time off
kyle, you will definitely be missed. you are (were, i suppose) a great asset to H&F.

i would be willing to mod H&F for spam & people getting out of line reasons, i am a total noob but i read it a lot to try to stop being a noob.

i would be a terrible choice for a mod if you want someone who is actually an expert however.

i support thirddan's nomination.

edit: i also support guids if he's willing to do it.

durron597 10-10-2007 11:51 AM

Re: taking some time off
i would be willing to mod H&F for spam & people getting out of line reasons, i am a total noob but i read it a lot to try to stop being a noob.

[/ QUOTE ]

actually if you want me to run it with a new mod (like thirddan) to show him the ropes with that mod being the "lead mod" as it were i would be cool with that

tuq 10-10-2007 12:23 PM

Re: taking some time off
Don't know thirddan well and it's kinda LOL that skunkworks posts there enough to be mod-worthy, between recently meeting him and reading his posts I didn't get the impression he was into fitness.

[/ QUOTE ]

You recently met and drank beers with thirddan too.

[/ QUOTE ]
Whoops. [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] Not only did I meet him, he was the very first person I met. I don't think I interacted with him much after that, for whatever reason. Mostly I was trying to resist the urge to kill Banks, whose troublemaking mug will forever be seared upon my mind, long after I've acquired Alzheimer's and forgotten everyone else including immediate family.

Thirddan would be an excellent mod imo, as would skunkworks of course, although I'm unfamiliar with the H&F forum and don't know how active he is.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think NT! hates on skunkworks because he has been openly critical of OOT modship in the past, and NT! seems to take things personally and probably has a memory like a steel trap for those who have openly dissed him. That should not be a reason to DQ him from consideration since he is a quality contributor and seems to be on all the time.

However, a quick scan of his last 200 posts reveals that none of them are in the H&F forum, whereas the same of thirddan's reveals that 1/3 to 1/2 of his posts are in that forum, albeit he doesn't post as frequently. skunkworks may indeed be a good mod candidate, just maybe not for that forum.

tuq 10-10-2007 12:34 PM

Re: taking some time off

I went back through that thread and here is a pic of you and thirddan. Is he muscular enough to mod H&F? Shouldn't there be a bench press minimum?

*TT* 10-10-2007 01:00 PM

Re: taking some time off

I went back through that thread and here is a pic of you and thirddan. Is he muscular enough to mod H&F? Shouldn't there be a bench press minimum?

[/ QUOTE ]

Third Dan is one of those stealth bodybuilders, he hides it under the baggy clothes he wears but he is in fantastic shape.

PJ - where did you get that great long-sleeve undershirt?

Dids 10-10-2007 01:29 PM

Re: taking some time off
"PJ - where did you get that great long-sleeve undershirt?"

These are hard to find?

I mean I don't wear 'em, but I imagine I can get one easy right? Or am I missing something here.

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