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xdbldwnx 09-18-2007 06:11 PM

Band of brothers nuff said...
I just got done watching that series and i was absolutely amazed by what thsoe men went through and did. Im looking for favorite moments of the series, favorite characters and also what happend with us as a whole becasue that trully was the greatest generation ever to live in america why and how did we loose that pride protective qualities for our country, family and fellow brother.

Potvaliant 09-18-2007 06:28 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
what happend with us as a whole becasue that trully was the greatest generation ever to live in america why and how did we loose that pride protective qualities for our country, family and fellow brother.

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I blame the educational system.

BigPoppa 09-18-2007 06:35 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Crosspost from another thread:

People on Youtube have made a ton of vids of Band of Brothers set to music.

This video is terrific and shows the relationship between the medic Eugene Roe and the Belgian nurse that I mentioned earlier.

Every time that I remember that this really happened, that there really was a Eugene Roe and the people he served with really did live and die; it's like a kick in the gut. I was in the military, but in peacetime, so never suffered more than loss of sleep. Thinking about what they went through really works me over.

edit: Here's another Doc Roe video with the nurse.

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Dominic 09-18-2007 07:38 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I'm constantly throwing on one episode or never fails to engross me. And I've said it before, but I truly believe BOB to one of the great achievements in film making. Ever.

KilgoreTrout 09-19-2007 09:21 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
An old professor of mine is teaching a first year humanities seminar. The first unit is "the warrior." Over many beers one summer night we got to talking about his lesson plans for that unit and BOB came up. He aired "Day of Days" for the kids this past Friday night.

Winters is an excellent character but Lipton is really the guy that keeps the company together.

The assault of the guns at Brecourt Manor is my favorite scene. Brilliant depiction of small unit tactics. I wish they did a better job explaining the significance of the tanks that show up at the end, though. The beach commander at Omaha ordered a tank platoon to Brecourt to relieve Winters' men. Those tanks crashed through the hedges to root out the remnants of the platoon that had been guarding the guns. Sink scratched off a letter informing Winters that those tanks were sent as thanks for eliminating the guns and for finding the map that showed German positions.

pauliewalnuts 09-19-2007 04:40 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Crosspost from another thread:

People on Youtube have made a ton of vids of Band of Brothers set to music.

This video is terrific and shows the relationship between the medic Eugene Roe and the Belgian nurse that I mentioned earlier.

Every time that I remember that this really happened, that there really was a Eugene Roe and the people he served with really did live and die; it's like a kick in the gut. I was in the military, but in peacetime, so never suffered more than loss of sleep. Thinking about what they went through really works me over.

edit: Here's another Doc Roe video with the nurse.

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Nice videos. Amazing series. I dont know if I could single out a favorite scene really. It is all incredible. Favorite characters would probably be Bull Randleman and Winters.

BuckyK 09-19-2007 05:05 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Crossroads is my favorite with every other episode a close second. However, I can't watch a single B.O.B. unless I plan on watching the entire series from start to finish.

BigPoppa 09-19-2007 06:24 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I like the interviews with the real guys.
That was a great touch.

sethypooh21 09-19-2007 06:44 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
The assault of the guns at Brecourt Manor is my favorite scene. Brilliant depiction of small unit tactics. I wish they did a better job explaining the significance of the tanks that show up at the end, though. The beach commander at Omaha ordered a tank platoon to Brecourt to relieve Winters' men. Those tanks crashed through the hedges to root out the remnants of the platoon that had been guarding the guns. Sink scratched off a letter informing Winters that those tanks were sent as thanks for eliminating the guns and for finding the map that showed German positions.

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The thing about that scene that does it for me is to compare how, for lack of a better term, gung-ho Buck Compton is in that scene, and then remember how absolutely broken he was less than a year later.

Also, BoB (along with Boomtown) has me convinced that Donnie Wahlberg is a vastly underrated actor. Who would have thunk it?

youtalkfunny 09-19-2007 06:46 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Favorite characters: Winters, of course, and Nixon.

Favorite episode: "Why We Fight" (concentration camp)

My one beef: Casting David Schwimmer as Sobel. But the more I watch it, the less this bothers me.

I can't watch a single B.O.B. unless I plan on watching the entire series from start to finish.

[/ QUOTE ]


oddjob 09-19-2007 07:27 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
i can't pick any favorite episode, scene or character. they are all so different and great in their own way.

one character that i think was done well, to represent the entire experience, and company was malarkey. fun loving, care free and kind of a jackass to start, to a weathered veteran that lost too many friends, and seen too much, yet struggled on, to become a very important piece of the company.

it amazes me the difference in characters and backgrounds that they all are, come together and die for one another, fight with one another, and experience something we will never experience, be it good or bad.

i love this mini-series, and agree no movie has ever topped it.

i heard rumors they are making one for the pacific war. anyone know any more about this?

Myrtle 09-19-2007 07:30 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
My father was in the 101st and in that company.

He passed away before the series aired, so we never got to talk about it.

In real life, he really never talked much about it, and you could tell that he really didn't want to.

However, every great once in a while when the stars, sun, and moon aligned in the right way, he would spin a story or two.

The one that I remember the most was the night he spent in the forest in Bastogne when the 101st moved in to bolster the rag-tag units that were there.

He described the merciless brutality of the constant shelling by the German 88's in detail.

.....How some of the shells would hit the tops of the trees and detonate, raining down schrapnel and wood splinters upon them, and the particular frightening screaming sound they made as they were coming in.

.....How they bloodied their hands trying to did deeper foxholes but couldn't because the ground was so frozen.

He was with his best friend (from boyhood) when an 88 hit close by. His friend was terribly wounded.

The aid station was almost two miles away through the forest.

My father hoisted his best friend on his back and RAN two miles with him to the aid station.

When he got there and laid his friend on a stretcher, he died.

At that point, my father also collapsed. Seems the same 88 shell got him, and his back and mid section was peppered with schrapnel and he had lost a lot of blood.

They plugged his holes up and they managed to get him out just before the Germans totally surrounded Bastogne.

When I reflect upon that story, and the others that he told me over the years, it's sometimes hard to believe that they were true, but they were.

My dad had a habit of washing off in front of the kitchen sink when he got home from work. The scars were many and one could not miss them.

The damage those wounds (plus the three other gunshots that he took at various times) caused him much physical pain through the years, but he always managed to work through it somehow.

I lived with him, and believe me, I know how tough he was, and how tough so many of his contemporaries also were.

Depression kids (as so many WWII vets were) were steeled at an early age, and tempered by the hardships of their times.

As difficult as it was, I sometimes wish that each of our children had an opportunity to savor some of that difficulty to put things in perspective.

I didn't know it at the time, but I do now.

He taught me well, and what I have learned has gotten me through many a rough day.

LeapFrog 09-19-2007 09:30 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Ty for sharing Myrtle.

Conspire 09-19-2007 10:06 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I really enjoyed this series, I remember watching the original airings of it on HBO which seems like a long time ago. I havent seen it in a while, but my favorite episode was when they found the camps. It was shot very well, and I remember feeling so bad that people can do this to other people because of religion.

youtalkfunny 09-19-2007 10:22 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Hall of Fame post right there, Myrt.

Dominic 09-19-2007 11:09 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Wow, that was a fantastic post, Myrtle...watching BOB I'm always overcome with the sacrifice and bravery those men had in them. I was raised in an easy manner...wanted for nothing, never had to struggle...I think a little hardship would've made me a better man.

Not that I would've wanted a war to go to.

BCPVP 09-19-2007 11:28 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Have any of you guys read the book? I read it after having seen the series and I couldn't put it down. The length they go to in the series to re-enact the stories in there is amazing. And it's great to put a "face" to the names in the book, even if it's an actors (though I hear they casted the characters to resemble the actual men).

Metamorphatory 09-20-2007 12:32 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
i heard rumors they are making one for the pacific war. anyone know any more about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Pacific.

Filming in Australia.

27offsuit 09-20-2007 12:48 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Quite a post

Conspire 09-20-2007 12:49 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
i heard rumors they are making one for the pacific war. anyone know any more about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Pacific.

Filming in Australia.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is awesome. I hope that it is broadcast on HBO again though, I would hate for it to be on any of the networks.

Glo 09-20-2007 02:01 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Myrtle, thanks for your post, incredible story.

Bastonge was my fav episode. The shelling, the lack of rations, extreme cold & lack of supplies, showed the real brutality of war. I believe that was where Easy Company got hit the hardest, I dunno, haven't seen the series for a while.

At the end of the episode they were going thru the casulaties, I couldn't stop shedding tears. (I think it was that episode, I dunno, I gotta watch it again)

Spears is by far my favorite char. Crazy, Mofo

Rick Nebiolo 09-20-2007 03:19 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
Have any of you guys read the book? I read it after having seen the series and I couldn't put it down. The length they go to in the series to re-enact the stories in there is amazing. And it's great to put a "face" to the names in the book, even if it's an actors (though I hear they casted the characters to resemble the actual men).

[/ QUOTE ]

The series is very good but the book is better (or maybe it seems better because I read it first. You might want to read D Day: June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II first.

PS Great post Myrtle!

Stagger_Lee 09-20-2007 04:17 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
The interviews with the veterans are very moving. They make the series.

I'd read the book before seeing the series. From what I recall, although Sobel was initially regarded as a jerk by the unit, with excessive drills and training and an over the top attitude to orders being followed without delay and without question. The intense, seemingly pointless physical training and a refusal to fraternise with the troops.

The unit later realised that the discipline that was instilled, the unquestioning belief in the command and the endurance & fitness helped them survive as a unit and perform as well as they did. This was achieved without Sobel being an obvious "crazy drill sergeant" type or without the need for the motivation for his demands and behaviour being disclosed - this would have affected the result.

flatline 09-20-2007 10:27 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
The series is very good but the book is better (or maybe it seems better because I read it first.

[/ QUOTE ]

Completely disagree. This is a case where the film/mini-series is clearly better than the original source book. The film has much better structure, focusing each episode on a different character. Characters are developed much better and you actually feel for what the went through. Reading the book I thought, "that's really interesting", but watching Bastone or Why We Fight, I had to hold back tears. The book should be a companion to the series, but the series is the meat.

SL__72 09-20-2007 10:48 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I've never been as impressed with any type of movie after reading the book as this one. I loved the book, it is still one of my favorites and the miniseries was 0% a let down.

Bond18 09-20-2007 08:13 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I think this series was the single best 'anything' be it book, film, documentary, series, about war.

My favorite scene is when Spears runs through the German lines both ways. Thinking that a real person actually did that, THEN CAME BACK AGAIN is completely mind blowing.

BigPoppa 09-20-2007 08:32 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I think this series was the single best 'anything' be it book, film, documentary, series, about war.

My favorite scene is when Spears runs through the German lines both ways. Thinking that a real person actually did that, THEN CAME BACK AGAIN is completely mind blowing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here it is

Glo 09-21-2007 12:37 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
I think this series was the single best 'anything' be it book, film, documentary, series, about war.

My favorite scene is when Spears runs through the German lines both ways. Thinking that a real person actually did that, THEN CAME BACK AGAIN is completely mind blowing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here it is

[/ QUOTE ]

Crazy mofo. [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Him!

Quadstriker 09-21-2007 01:24 AM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...
B: Got the DvD box set and the book for my birthday.
B: There are only ten episodes of this masterpiece.
V: Born too late to particpate.

Miamipuck 09-21-2007 05:23 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...

I want to say that is the best post I have ever read on 2+2

Thank you.

BOB was great and to make it even more poignant it was broadcast right in the midst of 9/11. It just makes it that much more meaningful for me. I still get teary eyed during some of the scenes.

Myrtle 09-21-2007 06:36 PM

Re: Band of brothers nuff said...

I want to say that is the best post I have ever read on 2+2

Thank you.

BOB was great and to make it even more poignant it was broadcast right in the midst of 9/11. It just makes it that much more meaningful for me. I still get teary eyed during some of the scenes.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is very kind of you to take the time to say that.

I will tell you that it means much to me.....

...Not for me, but for my Dad.

Thank You....

I will share another story with The Lounge shortly.

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