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fifield 09-08-2007 11:29 AM

Ron Paul meetup groups
A friend and I are planning on joining the Chicago meetup group. Is anyone else here already going to the Chicago meetups, or have interest in going? and do they seem worthwhile? One of the meetups was at a karaoke bar, which had me questioning the group's focus, but that may not be fair; maybe they altered song lyrics and went for the bar scene vote? and, today they're at CTA stops handing out fliers, so, on the same playing field as 5-gallon bucket drummer, pissed himself blind-man holding cup, no-talent 2-man cover band, and more, all vying for attention; but, maybe they think tourists will be receptive?

Anyway, obviously leery about joining a group that doesn't seem to be productively difference-making, I'd like to know if they are, or are not, what they seem, before I join. Any meetup group experiences would be helpful!

fifield 09-08-2007 12:56 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
X-posted from the Chicago group organizer, posted this morning:
"Jonathan Bydlak, fundraising director of the Campaign, called me last night to let us know that Ron will be coming to Chicago on Saturday, Sept. 22 for both an afternoon rally and a fundraiser...and WE need to arrange it! We've had a couple of early communications from people in the Campaign that suggested different dates, but this date is official and will be Sept. 22. Ron will be coming down to Chicago from the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan.

The rally needs to be HUGE; they are shooting for 1500-2000 people.

The fundraiser, which will shortly follow the rally, will be a $1000 minimum donation event for 50 to 100 people.

We don't have much time, just two weeks! Our first priority should be to line up a venues for both of these events. The rally will be a bit harder to line up because we need a place large enough to hold 2000, but not TOO large.

Start contacting your friends to let them know about these events. I will be scheduling both events on our calendar to get an idea of how many people from our groups can attend. Once we have venues lined up these events will be announced on the Campaign web site, and people will be able to pay for the fundraiser and reserve their seat online. Everybody should try their best to attend the rally, and encourage as many friends and family to attend too!

We need everybody's help - send me your ideas, check with your contacts and let's get going. More details coming soon!"

This is what I want. I've joined. I'd still like to hear anyone else's experiences with these types of meetups, though; and, anyone in Chicago, seems it's the best time yet to get involved!

ZeroPointMachine 09-08-2007 01:12 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I am a member of the Las Vegas Ron Paul meetup group. When I joined in June there were about 50 members. Now there are 300. It is an excellent way to organize a grass roots effort. We have several activities every week and it looks like we are going to get a feature article done on our group in the Sunday paper.

We do a bunch of signing activities and literature handout type activities just to gain name recognition, but we also are organizing our precincts and working our voter lists to get people organized for the Nevada caucus and get our people elected as delegates.

suppasonic 09-08-2007 01:42 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I'm going to Northwestern and I'm a Ron Paul fan so perhaps I'll join this.

fifield 09-08-2007 01:58 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
What has the response been when disseminating RP lit? are people generally interested in learning more about him? It's annoying to me when people try doing this to me, regardless of the message, but maybe I'm in the minority.
The writeup should be interesting; mind posting it when it prints?

Copernicus 09-08-2007 01:59 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Do you get to wear baggy suits and RP masks? Sounds like a party.

fifield 09-08-2007 02:04 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Wish I could enthusiastically tell you, "definitely come, will be awesome!" but I'm still tentative. It seems like the time to join, as a rally means much more when the candidate is present, so it should be easier to get the message across/people should be more receptive. You should come!

fifield 09-08-2007 02:05 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Do you get to wear baggy suits and RP masks? Sounds like a party.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go away.

anatta 09-08-2007 02:46 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I liked your man Paul in that debate, 100% right on Iraq, lots of things, a bit of a gun nut, right? Guns on planes? Anyways, good luck with your long shot, good you found some guy you can embrace, and I would consider Paul if you somehow pull it off.

ZeroPointMachine 09-08-2007 04:26 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
What has the response been when disseminating RP lit? are people generally interested in learning more about him? It's annoying to me when people try doing this to me, regardless of the message, but maybe I'm in the minority.
The writeup should be interesting; mind posting it when it prints?

[/ QUOTE ]

The response varies based on the location and timing, we've set up booths on campus, at the gun shows, during art festivals, and we even have a 30' tent at the UNLV/Wisconsin taligate party today. It's all incremental. I don't hang a sign on the interstate expecting people to drive by and suddenly decide to vote for Ron Paul. The intent is to plant that seed of name recognition and get people curious. Then maybe next time they are exposed to him in the media or at one of our functions they will take the time to listen. The message of liberty resonates with a whole lot of people. We just try to make sure people get the chance to here it. We don't waste time trying to convert people who aren't interested in liberty.

I will post a link to the article when it comes out.

Adam Carolla 09-08-2007 06:04 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
a bit of a gun nut, right? Guns on planes?

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess it's better to allow a couple nutjobs with knives to take over a plane and crash it into buildings?

It's a shame that anyone who believes in the 2nd amendment is now considered a "gun nut."

anatta 09-08-2007 06:39 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Keep your [censored] guns, dude, I don't want to take them, that's your right, but do you think perhaps there might be a middle road or should we just hand out AK-47 to each passenger?

Nielsio 09-08-2007 06:42 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Keep your [censored] guns, dude, I don't want to take them, that's your right, but do you think perhaps there might be a middle road or should we just hand out AK-47 to each passenger?

[/ QUOTE ]

We should not take away people's freedoms to look for their own solutions. Disbanding the regulations on flights would be a great start.

j555 09-08-2007 06:44 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Paul never said to arm passengers with guns. You are misquoting him like the Fox News moderator did. He said the responsibility to protect the airplane should rest with the airline. I don't think the airline would start handing out AK-47s to each passenger and expect people to choose to ride that airplane. Paul has said in the past that a better remedy is for the pilots to have a handgun in the cockpit as a last line of defense. If you know that one airline is doing this to protect the passengers and the plane and another is not, which one are you going to choose?

anatta 09-08-2007 06:53 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I was more asking than quoting, admitting that I don't know anything about his positions, just what I read somewhere. Okay, pilots with guns, sounds good to me. Sorry I was like Fox, ouch!

Nielsio 09-08-2007 07:47 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I was more asking than quoting, admitting that I don't know anything about his positions, just what I read somewhere. Okay, pilots with guns, sounds good to me. Sorry I was like Fox, ouch!

[/ QUOTE ]

Interestingly, this procedure was pretty much the standard before the Bush administration outlawed it months before 9/11 (yes, a 'coindidence').

suppasonic 09-08-2007 07:59 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Pretty much any deregulation of control wouldnt get through the Democratic congress, and that one of the only issues I disagree with Paul. So thats good.

ZeroPointMachine 09-09-2007 01:33 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Well, I said I would post a link to the article.

meetup article

This appeared on the front page of the Nevada section of the Sunday news paper.

I can't say that I am terribly happy with authors desire to use constant references to militant rebels. There is not one qoute in the article that is accurate. The author took a discussion on our founding father's opinions on civil disobediance and turned it into "freedom isn't free". Come on, you write an article about the only anti-war republican and the first quote you have is a war slogan....

fifield 09-09-2007 04:21 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Thanks for the article link! An aggravating read, as its slant is passively anti-Paul, but that's expected, I guess.

I couldn't help but laugh at this (picture a George C. Scott as Gen. Turgidson type as Bob):
"Bob McKenzie, a spokesman for the Nevada Department of Transportation, isn't concerned about the message. He is concerned about the medium.
'We've got state and county employees taking (the signs) down as fast as we can,' McKenzie said. 'It's becoming a real concern. If we let this go on and not do anything about it, it could cause sign chaos on the highways and people could get distracted.'" Sign chaos? Come on.

I'm planning on writing a letter-style handout with a friend and distributing copies around the UIC campus this week. I'll post it here when it's finished. I also like the banner over the highway idea, especially considering the Chicago traffic would provide a large, lingering audience (though a potentially negative association). Maybe something simple such as "Google: Ron Paul '08" which was suggested to me, or "Ron Paul for Freedom" would be most effective, and provide a more neutral alternative to the hippy -esque "Revolution" banners.

ZeroPointMachine 09-09-2007 05:14 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Yeah, we have already moved past the "Revolution" banners. But, the reporter specifically asked to see them because that is what has been seen around the country. I've been doing alot with:
Hope for America

We are currently making templates with more issue related themes.

Emperor 09-09-2007 11:55 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I'm not sure if it is Venezuela or which S.A. nation that now encourages passengers to carry on planes...

I don't think they should pass them out at the terminal, but I do think that if you have a concealed carry permit you should be able to carry them on a plane.

Oh and Ron Paul now has 40,000 registered volunteers. More than all other candidates combined. He has won 7 of 22 Straw Polls and finished top 3 in 17 of 22. He is 2nd or 3rd in cash on hand.

pvn 09-10-2007 01:46 AM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
should we just hand out AK-47 to each passenger?

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] that, commie. Buy your own.

Adam Carolla 09-10-2007 02:01 AM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
should we just hand out AK-47 to each passenger?

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] that, commie. Buy your own.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only a crappy govt program would hand out an inferior weapon like an AK-47.

anatta 09-10-2007 02:13 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Anyone below the median household income (based on family size) of their State should get at least a Glock.

Archon_Wing 09-10-2007 04:33 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
I am a member of the Las Vegas Ron Paul meetup group. When I joined in June there were about 50 members. Now there are 300. It is an excellent way to organize a grass roots effort. We have several activities every week and it looks like we are going to get a feature article done on our group in the Sunday paper.

We do a bunch of signing activities and literature handout type activities just to gain name recognition, but we also are organizing our precincts and working our voter lists to get people organized for the Nevada caucus and get our people elected as delegates.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your work is appreciated! (as well as everyone else involved). It's definitely an uphill fight for Paul supporters, but simply getting his name out will be a good thing, as most people don't know about him at all.

fifield 09-13-2007 09:29 PM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Look for me tomorrow at UIC! The venue for Ron Paul's Sept. 22nd appearance was announced today, so I will be distributing some of his more pertinent position essays, along with the appearance info:

Ron Paul Rally
Date: September 22nd
Time: 3:00-5:00PM
Location: The Hyatt Regency
151 East Wacker Drive,
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Price: Free

I originally had in mind writing some of my RP thoughts, letter style, to give to people as an introduction to RP and Liberalism, but thought better of it. His positions form a powerful dissemination tool that needs no amateur championing.

Anywhere near Chicago? Attend this event!

fifield 09-19-2007 02:22 AM

Re: Ron Paul meetup groups
Anyone interested, know: tomorrow is round two @ UIC, Union Station, and random Chicago locations besides, handing out Ron Paul info. Saturday is the rally, will be __ ?!

What I hope for these next times out is that many of the people who seemed put off or wholly uninterested in Ron Paul, or politics in general, the first time around, will turn toward a participation in the political process; even if just to think for awhile about what it is they, themselves, believe should be. That'd be a nice bonus.

Anyone else up to anything Paul? Let us know; we'd like to know!

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