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Jokey Food 09-05-2007 05:10 PM

[email][/email]rally criminal?????
My friends and I have been involved in the world of online gaming for over 7 years now...and TRUST has never been an issue. I would have given Party Poker anything they wanted including my finger prints and a scan of my eyeballs. All they had to do was ask. However, something about Epassporte is starting to really scare my friends and I.
A few months ago, we found a nice bonus offer on one particular site. We all decided to create accounts at the poker site and take advantage of this offer. Also, some of my friends funded other players so that they too could get this bonus. Nothing illegal or out of the ordinary. The whole process did require funding to the site via epassporte along with some transfers on epassporte. Once again, nothing illegal.
Now I'm not delusional. I can see perhaps that seeing a decent amount of transfers within the same town might draw a little suspicion. Very understandable. And for the sake of security, I am happy that they looked into this. However, that's where my happiness with Epassporte comes to a screeching halt.
First they locked the account of my friend who had been funding a few of his buddies via epassporte transfers. Now when I say the word LOCKED, its not the same as how neteller once locked my account because my roomate made a transfer to me at the same IP address. In that case, I was able to call them and explain, and had my account unlocked 30 seconds later. Epassporte LOCKED means you are not getting your account unlocked for ATLEAST 3 weeks AND they won't tell you why they did it.


Can you imagine if your BANK just locked your bank account without telling you why. And it took a month of phone calls AFTER you had already sent them your I.D, bill, and credit card scan to regain your access to your funds????

Now this gets much worse. Not only did they lock his account, but they also locked everyone's account who he had transfered money to. So what did they do after all those people proved there was nothing wrong and verified their accounts??? Epassporte proceeded to lock any account that HIS FRIENDS might have transfered money to. All in all, I want to say that around 20 accounts have been locked so far. Now I'm not sure if anyone reading this, will think its weird that 20 people have their epassporte accounts related via a transfer in some way, but in my world its pretty normal. Like I said, myself and most of my friends play online - many for a living. And we arent exclusively from the same place. In our direct circle of about 10 friends, a couple have moved to other spots in the country, and have made other poker buddies in their new towns. Sorry to go on about this, but I really want to get across the fact that their is absolutely no funny business going on.
Anyway, to elaborate on what it means to get your epassporte account unlocked, its an absolute gruelling process. If you consider yourself good at calling your cellphone company and getting your bill reduced, or being able to return some shoes at Footlocker after you have been wearing them for a year - this is much, much tougher. Lets go through the process....

Step 1: You find your account to be locked. You have to email or call the site.

Step 2: They will then send you a message within 24-28 hours (business days of course)

Step 3: You receive your message telling you to scan them a copy of your liscense, bank statement, and front and back of your credit card on file. Within 24-48 hours later, they will send you a message saying they received your scans.

Step 4: You finally get this confirmation that they have received your scans. They say it will then take 7-10 business days to verify your account. (although having them look at your licsense and making sure the address matches the one listed in your epassporte profile should only take 30 seconds)

Now given the time frames I listed, you would think this would only take approximately 2 weeks. However, not one of my friends has managed to get their account unlocked in such a timely manner. This is because I didnt mention....

Step 0: If at any time epassporte loses your email containing your scans, or other records regarding your case, please allow an additional 7-10 business days from the point of their mess up.

One of my friends had their account unlocked in a record setting 3 weeks.....another is going on sill locked after almost 2 months.

NOW TO THE SCARY PART. You can understand why a company such as Epassporte would be forced to lock suspicious accounts. Proving to their customer base that their site is secure and doesn't tolerate any form of fraud is very important. However, since they lose money when they lock accounts, you would have to ask yourself why they would go around locking accounts just for the fun of it. As I have been told many times, Epassporte does in fact do many random lockings. In fact, one customer service agent told me that whether you have had your account for one hour or three years, you can expect your account will be locked at one time or another. Why in the world would they do this?? The answers that I can think of are what really worry me. Epassporte has gotten liscense and credit card scans from what seems like half of my town. Their customer service office is located in South Florida - the internet porn capital of the world. Not to pick on South Florida, but since they are one of the busiest parts of the world, you can imagine that their are some shady people there. Now put 2 and 2 together and you see that this Epassporte company which is located in South Florida, is constantly locking accounts and collecting scans of credit cards and liscenses. Their customer service staff gets paid 10 bucks an hours maybe, and they spend all day getting yelled at. AND they have access to information I would prefer them not to. Once again, I have been very carefree in giving information to many online companies within the last 7 years. I have never once worried until now. Certain things just don't add up. One of my friends recently had his account locked for the second time in 2 months - and they asked him to send scans of his stuff AGAIN.
I just don't know what to think of all this. Don't get me wrong, chances are its just another horribly run online company. But at the same time, I can picture myself being interviewed by Craig Hansen on dateline NBC...

"So this company....that you didnt even have an address and your buddies gave them your address, credit card, and bank account numbers???"


"And then they took all the money you guys had given them, locked up your accounts, and told you they needed scans of your lisecenses, bills, and credit cards???"


"And you gave this to them ????????????????????????????????????"


Can you imagine how idiotic I would look? I would make Miss Teen South Carolina look like the lawyer in "Thank You for Smoking".

Neteller could welcome back U.S. citizens on the condition that they take a 50 percent service fee on any of our transactions - and I think I would still switch back to them!!!!!

Henry17 09-05-2007 05:16 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Were any of the accounts gift accounts?

I don't find this to be insane. The behaviour is suspicious. I have had bank accounts locked before so I understand how it makes people feel but that's just a fact of life if you do something that is suspicious.

Jokey Food 09-05-2007 05:29 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Yes, but why have a "peer to peer transfer" option on your site if you think they are suspicious????? Some were gift acoounts provided by one of my friends to people he was funding. But I believe all accounts verified the small amounts that were placed by epass into their bank accounts when they were created.

Oliver Nipples 09-05-2007 05:33 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why create an account to rant?

Jokey Food 09-05-2007 05:36 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
I actually created this new 2+2 account because I didnt want epassporte to see my name. My other 2+2 account had the same nickname as my Epassporte account. Sorry to inconvenience you.

Henry17 09-05-2007 05:37 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Well no gift cards don't verify anything which is why you had this problem.

You should never get into using gift cards. How is ePassporte to know that those people actually exist and that you are not just one person milking a bonus with a bunch of fake accounts. Had each of your friends opened an account using their own credit card you probably would not have this issue.

Jokey Food 09-05-2007 05:39 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Sorry I had "gift accounts" wrong then. My account was originally funded by my friend shipping me money. But I also had to give them my bank account and verify amounts. I thought this was a gift account. So to answer your original question, no I dont think any of the accounts were gift accounts.

brendanb438 09-05-2007 06:43 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
You sir are a dumbass with your comment about Neteller taking half and they would be better.

They are a legit company. Send in the info they need and you will get your money. Funding 20+ accounts from one account is beyond stupid. DUCY? If 1 person does something illegal you are all linked and shiat like this happens.

Thanks to the U.S. government sites like this are gonna require this info because of issues with money laundering. Plan and simple. You guys are using the transfer option way more than what is normally acceptable by them so red flags went up. This is the world we live in.


Jokey Food 09-05-2007 06:54 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Brendan.

First of all the comment about Neteller was sarcastic. Kind of.

And one person didnt fund 20 accounts, I'm not sure where you read that.

AND if they are a legit company, then they are the worst run legit-company of all time.

I hope you use epassporte and I wish you many account lockings. Good Luck homie.

Bobo Fett 09-05-2007 07:07 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
OP, 2 things:

1) Epass has a seemingly well-earned reputation for extremely crappy service. You will find this in MANY threads here.

2) Transferring funds between that many people is asking for nothing but trouble on ANY eWallet OR poker site. ESPECIALLY one with crappy service.

In short, while I feel bad for your group (assuming you weren't doing anything shady), had someone told me they were going to do exactly what you did, I would have told them it was only a matter of time until something like this happened

MilkMan 09-05-2007 07:16 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
i use epassporte and i have to say op makes a lot of good points, epassporte are pretty sketchy shady scary

whitcolumn 09-05-2007 07:16 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
This is why I don't use Epassporte... I even tried once, but my account got locked between the time I opened it and the time I tried to fund it a few days later. Plenty of "Legit" companies have screwed people out of a lot more then their poker roll. Think Enron, companies like that. I'm sure there were Brendans all over preaching how great they were.

I wouldn't put so much trust in a company myself... but all I ask is, that if you do, and you get screwed, don't bitch on these forums about it. I wouldn't go find some random guy on the street, give him the keys to my house, ask him to move some furniture, and then be SURPRISED when all my stuff was gone. Same logic.

Jokey Food 09-05-2007 07:19 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Bobo Fett......I understand that making a few tranfers to people in the same town looks suspicious. I couldnt agree more. However, that was the least important thing about my post.....

There are three things in my post that you should consider alarming...

1) Epassporte randomly locks accounts.

2) Unlocking your account takes a minimum of three weeks, even if it was randonly locked.

3) A company who loses money by locking accounts, locks them at random and asks for scans of licsenses and credit cards.

Am I the only one who finds that weird???

whitcolumn 09-05-2007 07:19 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????

2) Transferring funds between that many people is asking for nothing but trouble on ANY eWallet OR Poker Site. ESPECIALLY one with crappy service.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not true. I have transferred money on Stars, tilt and other sites to over 100 users per month (at each site) and I have NEVER had a SINGLE problem.

Oliver Nipples 09-05-2007 07:27 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
I actually created this new 2+2 account because I didnt want epassporte to see my name. My other 2+2 account had the same nickname as my Epassporte account. Sorry to inconvenience you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure EPass, who according to multiple sources actually does anything once a week and lets call centers send them customer problems operates this way so they can patrol internet forums to see if anyone says anything bad about them...grow a pair whiner.

Bobo Fett 09-05-2007 07:28 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Bobo Fett......I understand that making a few tranfers to people in the same town looks suspicious. I couldnt agree more. However, that was the least important thing about my post.....

There are three things in my post that you should consider alarming...

1) Epassporte randomly locks accounts.

2) Unlocking your account takes a minimum of three weeks, even if it was randonly locked.

3) A company who loses money by locking accounts, locks them at random and asks for scans of licsenses and credit cards.

Am I the only one who finds that weird???

[/ QUOTE ]
You'll get no argument from me that they're a crappy company.

Jokey Food 09-05-2007 07:33 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Maybe they do have time for that Oliver. Afterall, you took the time to find that picture and then paste the code in your reply.

Bobo Fett 09-05-2007 07:34 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????

2) Transferring funds between that many people is asking for nothing but trouble on ANY eWallet OR Poker Site. ESPECIALLY one with crappy service.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not true. I have transferred money on Stars, tilt and other sites to over 100 users per month (at each site) and I have NEVER had a SINGLE problem.

[/ QUOTE ]
I disagree. Note that I said it was ASKING for trouble. The fact that you haven't experienced any doesn't mean someone else doing the same thing won't, or that you might not one day. Just ask kyleb.

That being said, I'm sure that if you deal with reputable sites with good customer service, make sure that the sites get fair cover play for any cash outs, and no one you transfer to ever chip dumps, has a chargeback, uses a stolen credit card, or otherwise defrauds the poker site, you'll usually be fine. That's a lot of if's though...make sure you know who you're dealing with at all times!

ALLEN BOND 09-05-2007 08:22 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Wake up.

You are not dealing with a bank that is FDIC insured. You are dealing with a corporation that intentionally hides the nature of their business and breaks numerous laws. They can do whatever they want.

That is the risk you are taking while engaging in illegal activity.

Jokey Food 09-05-2007 09:08 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Thank you Allen, that was my point in making this post. I am glad you agree with me.

ALLEN BOND 09-05-2007 09:33 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Thank you Allen, that was my point in making this post. I am glad you agree with me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I use ePassporte, but I try not to keep any money there and I expect to be robbed.

mindstatez 09-05-2007 10:39 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why do I get the feeling OP=Kyle B?

edfurlong 09-05-2007 11:01 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why do I get the feeling OP=Kyle B?

[/ QUOTE ]


ALLEN BOND 09-05-2007 11:05 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????

Spartan73 09-05-2007 11:36 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Sorry to hear the you are having so many problems with epassporte. Its too bad its been almost a year since the UIGEA passed and there has yet to be a reliable, well-run company to replace Neteller.

That being said, epassporte is still the best way to move money around at the US friendly sites. An option that is fine as long you don't run into any problems. But as stated in many threads, their customer service is horrid.

mindstatez 09-06-2007 12:07 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why don't you guys just deposit with cashier's checks? Most sites accept them, what's the big hassle? I honestly think people like OP use these oddball third party methods because, when not having accounts frozen, it facilitates their little schemes and suspicious transfer activity.

Computerb 09-06-2007 04:42 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
I've never had a problem with ePassporte, but then I don't use it to launder funds.

kyleb 09-06-2007 04:50 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why do I get the feeling OP=Kyle B?

[/ QUOTE ]


i have had to deal with accountverification@ and they are a bunch of retards, but i am not as stupid as the OP.

speaking of, i sent in limit increase forms about 2 months ago and got an email back last week saying that they lost them. pretty awesome

Bobo Fett 09-06-2007 06:51 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why do I get the feeling OP=Kyle B?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I brought kyleb up a few posts before this. The difference is kyleb had approval for his transfers...presumably, OP did not.

Idi the Nigerian 09-06-2007 11:22 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
"So this company....that you didnt even have an address and your buddies gave them your address, credit card, and bank account numbers???"


"And then they took all the money you guys had given them, locked up your accounts, and told you they needed scans of your lisecenses, bills, and credit cards???"


"And you gave this to them ????????????????????????????????????"


[/ QUOTE ]

It is this cavalier attitude that Americans have regarding their personal information that keeps me in business, my friend.

Your friend,

kyleb 09-06-2007 11:26 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Why do I get the feeling OP=Kyle B?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I brought kyleb up a few posts before this. The difference is kyleb had approval for his transfers...presumably, OP did not.

[/ QUOTE ]

also my gripe was with FTP, not epassporte, though epass definitely put me through the ringer like they seemingly do to everyone/

Jokey Food 09-06-2007 12:01 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kyle B....

I thought I made it pretty clear that my friends and I didnt do ANYTHING wrong....But I can see how you might have missed the 4 paragraphs where I explained that. I hope that Epassporte constantly loses your upgrade papers on DAY 10 of the 7-10 day waiting period.

Pkrjnks 09-06-2007 12:10 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
I don't know why anyone who brings up anything remotely reasonable that happens to be somewhat negative or suspicious in nature is blasted on this forum.

Most poker players, at least winning players I know are A) Intelligent B) Suspicious C) Curious D) Willing to take calculated risk.

Now, I think everyone knows that nowadays it is near impossible to get money to and from Poker Sites and hold money on Poker sites without some risk. How much risk is debatable.

But for anyone to completely discount the risk associated with these companies, whether that risk be the company going out of business to the company stealing your money to the company stealing and or selling your identities is absolutely naive.

These questions are absolutely reasonable and fair.

The level of trust we have put in these companies is unfounded and at every chance these companies prove it. The truth of the matter is that it is near impossible for someone to sympathize with someone else until it has happened to them.

Wait until your money is locked at epassporte. Wait until A poker site takes your money. Wait until your identity is stolen 2 years from now and it can’t be explained.

I can’t speak for the OP and I can’t verify his story. But I do agree with the basis of it, these companies are engaged in unfair and hostile business practices, and if they aren’t illegal, they sure as hell are negligent. And I think not trusting a negligent company and their negligent, incompetent customer service with your Driver’s license, you credit cards, your cancelled checks, your utility statements and what other identity stealing essentials they need is perfectly reasonable.

And if you don’t, then you’re the fool, not the OP and not me.

Henry17 09-06-2007 12:30 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Well to be honest it did happen to me and I still don't have any pity for this happening to someone else. In one case a bunch of us that play live would lend each other money and then pay off debts by transferring on a site. The site eventually froze ll of our accounts and it took almost a month to get it sorted out. Twice with my bank my accounts were locked because of odd behaviour. Very very large 3rd party cash deposits and a lot of large cash withdrawals set off triggers. It was upsetting at the time but fully reasonable action by both the poker site and the bank.

As much as you don't trust these 3rd party money transfer methods the truth of the matter is the risk of them getting hit with fraud by users is much greater then users getting screwed over by them. If someone doesn't want any problems they have to basically just use the service as it was intended. Funding multiple accounts from one source is always going to get flagged.

MikeTheGeek 09-06-2007 01:55 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
FWIW they won't let me reuse my CC after I made one deposit to pokerstars without the "scan your life and email it to us" option. THAT IS INSANE. I am not sending my driver's license, voided check, and tons of personal information IN A SCANNED IMAGE VIA UNSECURED EMAIL. NUTSO. Excuse my caps. The other CC I tried to get authorized is being "declined by my bank" they say (bank says they are not declining anything and don't see anything other than the pending micropayment used for confirmation). Verrrry phishy and very risky I would say. No way I am setting up my checking account.

<edit>I think I will try the cashier's check method</edit>

kslghost 09-06-2007 05:47 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
None of this qualifies as criminal. While it might be crappy service from a not-so-great company, it is within their right to give you crap service and drive you away as a customer. It is evident they don't like transferring money from account to account probably because they realize it may be a way for you to get around their fees (if there is a fee to transfer, disregard).

Also, I think it's clear to isolate your account from other people no matter how trustable friends seem. If you aren't ever under suspicion for working with other people, you can't get trouble that way. Also, if one of your friends, which includes friends of friends you don't even know, gets in trouble for using illegal credit cards or what not, its a guarantee you will find yourself with a locked account under investigation.

Obviously, none of us like sending our information to companies where we will get little protection from the US government, but are willing to take these risks in order to play poker or whatever online.

Synergistic Explosions 09-06-2007 11:27 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Epassporte has never screwed me. Just today I was thinking how good it is to have a reliable funding service when things looked bleak a while back.

Why is it every time someone has a dispute with a site or funder, they come here to make their first post to defend their innocence and slam the site they are in dispute with? I mean, over the years, theres been dozens and dozens that fit the same exact pattern.

I always picture their emails to the sites before they go on the message board rampage. "Unlock my account and release my money NOW or I will go on a verbal internet assault and make you pay for this!"

So many people have been caught in their own lies, it's hard to give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore. All I can control is my personal relationship with any site in question. If they have been on the up and up with me over a good period of time, I figure they are good enough for me to continue to use their services.

Damnredsox 09-06-2007 11:44 PM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
I was happy with Epass till this past week, looks downhill from here

Jokey Food 09-07-2007 03:28 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Synergetic Explosions......

Thanks for skimming over my post and thinking the worst of me. Since there is nothing that I could say to you to make you understand what I have gone through, I wish you many random account lockings in the future. Good luck homie!!

Henry17 09-07-2007 08:38 AM

Re: [email][/email]rally criminal?????
Except these were not random account lockings. Your account was connected by 1 degree of separation to someone who funded multiple (I think the number 20 was mentioned but not sure) accounts.

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