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KneeCo 08-30-2007 06:00 PM

HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
So I'm reading the review Californication in the new New Yorker (even though I don't like that show, as stated in the thread about it I think it's too derivative, particularly of FX's 'Rescue Me', and the whole writer's block/Hollywood/male fantasy stuff is so played).

Nonetheless, I read everything in the New Yorker, so I'm reading the review and one of the problems with the show it alludes to is the numerous sex scenes. Not their number, but rather the way they are shot:
But what’s most puzzling about “Californication” is that much of the time it resembles a soft-porn film, in the sense that there isn’t just nudity and sex but a particular kind of nudity and sex, shot in a particular way, aimed at a particular audience: girl invariably on top, man below keeping hands more or less to himself, in order to give the ta-ta cam maximum access. This kind of cheesiness is all about what the camera sees, rather than about the story and what the characters are feeling.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is of course true of a lot of shows, I've only seen one episode of Californication, but on the three seasons worth or so of Rescue Me I watched before I gave up on that show, it was funny to notice the sex between every couple was almost always on the couch with the woman on top.

Anyway, this part of the review acts as a segway in the article toward discussing HBO's new show "Tell Me You Love Me", set to premiere in Sept (side note: how many new shows has HBO premiered this year?). Billed as a drama which follows three couples in couples' therapy as well as a fourth couple, that of the therapist herself, the thing that makes the show special:

"Tell Me," at least in its current form, will set a new precedent for prime-time TV when it has its premiere Sept. 9: No previous series, on pay cable or anywhere else, has dared show anything even close to this much skin; the climax, if you will, of the first episode finds a woman (Sonya Walger) in her 30s masturbating her husband (Adam Scott) to orgasm, with the entire act and all relevant body parts plainly visible. Even Jane Alexander — yes, that Jane Alexander, the snow-domed, regally poised 67-year-old former chief of the National Endowment for the Arts — drops trousers for some frisky senior sex.

[/ QUOTE ]
from Chicago Tribune

Now these are fairly well known actors in this thing (including Sonya Walger, "Penny" from "Lost") portraying graphic (simulated with props) sex acts on screen.

Can this work as a dramatic tv show? Certainly it will create buzz, will prob get an audience for its debut and I imagine would never do to bad as a 3 a.m. rerun, but beyond those who will get upset if there's more than 5 minutes between sex scenes, can this work as a storytelling vehicle comparable to some of the great shows that have been on HBO and will the sex help or hinder efforts to do so?

NT! 08-30-2007 06:04 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex

Now these are fairly well known actors in this thing (including Sonya Walger, "Penny" from "Lost") portraying graphic (simulated with props) sex acts on screen.

[/ QUOTE ]

didn;t read ht reast count me in

KneeCo 08-30-2007 06:09 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex

VayaConDios 08-30-2007 07:15 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex

[/ QUOTE ]

Smells like carrots, brother.

jessicaalbiel 08-30-2007 08:06 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
tivo set

yi style 08-30-2007 08:13 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
i'm looking forward to it

there's a lot of different ways they could take the show regarding the sex aspect, but i'm hoping it's edgy and brave, not cheesy and cliche.

also, if it's just basically a porn it won't last long.

CrazyEyez 08-30-2007 09:28 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
What the hell was the question again?

Borodog 08-30-2007 09:30 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
something something hardcore porn on HBO something something

psuasskicker 08-30-2007 09:43 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Can this work as a dramatic tv show?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not?

Honestly I think it depends how the story is. If there's nothing to it, and it's all about the sex, this makes it one season (since those channels never pull a show after a couple eps). But if the story's there, it'll last.

Dexter's maybe a good example? Pretty shocking subject matter and showmanship, but the story was incredible so it works on more than a "shock value" level.

- C -

secretprankster 09-09-2007 10:06 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Watched this first episode last week OD but guess it just debuted tonight. Enjoyable (lots of sex ldo) but will be interesting to see where it goes as it doesn't seem like there's enough to flesh out into a full season. Two of the chicks are okay, I guess (if you've seen it you know which ones). The hand job scene was a little weird - don't watch this show with your grandmother.

miajag 09-09-2007 10:08 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
The scene where we learn the guy in the young couple's job is pretty lol.

I'm sure I'll keep watching, mostly in hopes of seeing Sonya Walger (more) naked.

kkcountry 09-09-2007 10:22 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
did penny get nekkid?

Pudge714 09-09-2007 11:18 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
did penny get nekkid?

[/ QUOTE ]
Sure did.

stabn 09-10-2007 12:18 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Girlfriends opinion of the show "i saw balls".

jaydub 09-10-2007 12:26 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Girlfriends opinion of the show "i saw balls".

[/ QUOTE ]

Frankly, I suspect it was more geared towards her than you.


suzzer99 09-10-2007 12:39 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Nothing will ever replace Real Sex--with all the middle-aged stinky hippies out touching themselves in the woods and stuff. Trying to rub one out to that show was a real challenge some weeks.

wet work 09-10-2007 01:04 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
The handjob scene was pretty wild, definitely wasn't expecting to see it go to completion. Kind of caught me off guard.

Also, I would like to bang Sonya Walger.

Francis_MH 09-10-2007 01:21 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Nothing will ever replace Real Sex--with all the middle-aged stinky hippies out touching themselves in the woods and stuff. Trying to rub one out to that show was a real challenge some weeks.

[/ QUOTE ]

The show was THE WORST because it was hot enough to get you going, but was careful enough to not let you finish, like it was its purpose. The producers probably knew that 15-19 year old kids would be doing the deed to it, ALOT, and thought that it was "socially important" and forced them to watch the whole thing trying to get to the promised land...

Dids 09-10-2007 02:11 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Did not enjoy. Boring relationship stuff and less attractive naked people than I can find online. Ignoring the YAY BOOBIES and OMG A HANDJOB stuff, which again, you can find better elsewhere, as a show with a story it was just meh.

JuntMonkey 09-10-2007 02:32 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Show basically sucks, but was the handjob real?

kkcountry 09-10-2007 02:35 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
...less attractive naked people than I can find online. Ignoring the YAY BOOBIES and OMG A HANDJOB stuff, which again, you can find better elsewhere...

[/ QUOTE ]

such as embedded in every thread in the new, improved, dids friendly BBV4L, amirite?

pergesu 09-10-2007 02:51 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex

that'll be like this

covered by this

stabn 09-10-2007 03:37 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Show basically sucks, but was the handjob real?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably a fake dick.

edfurlong 09-10-2007 04:52 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
I didn't care for all the testicles.

epdaws 09-10-2007 12:16 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Why can I not find screen caps or pics online -- better yet, why can't I watch the ep online?

Geez, I think Sonya Walger is smokin' and I was pumped for this show. Can't find a thing.

Any help? Finding Sonya Walger naked would be worth your while.

crookdimwit 09-10-2007 04:29 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
It's a pretty heavy show, so anyone watching it expecting Cinemax-style soft porn will be disappointed. I was actually pretty impressed with the show overall. It's definitely not just there to titillate people.

But yeah, the sex was pretty graphic, even for HBO. That handjob scene was pretty bold, even if it was fake. I've never seen anything like it on cable...

stabn 09-10-2007 05:02 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex

It's definitely not just there to titillate people.

[/ QUOTE ]
Did we watch the same show?

Nez477 09-10-2007 05:56 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
This show disturbed my wife and I.... I mean, I guess I get why they are being so raw and real, but I kind of long to get some depth into the characters so I can care a little about their troubles before just seeing a bunch of explicit sex scenes

I don't know, i guess I didn't get it, I don't care about any of the characters

Plus I don't want to see 60-year old women doing that plz, k thx

O Fen�meno 09-11-2007 10:48 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
sounds hawt

pauliewalnuts 09-11-2007 02:22 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
I thought it was good enough to watch the second episode.

I assume this show will hit home with a lot of middle age type couples(not many of these in OOT) who have stopped having sex or have gone through the frustration of not being able to get pregnant. The graphic sex scenes might be enough to keep the young crowd watching for awhile.

AquaSwing 09-11-2007 03:20 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Boring. When they get around to the DP and ass to mouth then sign me up!

DonkeyKongSr 09-11-2007 03:23 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Watched it last night. It was okay. Definitely a lot more graphic than HBO ever before. This show better not do a bait-and-switch on us and clean up throughout the season.

youtalkfunny 09-12-2007 02:20 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Boring. When they get around to the DP and ass to ass then sign me up!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but "ass to ass" improves any post.

I hadn't thought of watching it, until reading this thread. I'll check out the pilot tonight, and report back.

edfurlong 09-12-2007 02:22 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Don't, it was really boring.

spentrent 09-12-2007 02:48 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Where's the Youtube link??? I want to see some Advanced Dildonics in action.

hulk3rules 09-13-2007 06:35 AM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Bizarro Jerry!

Oliver Nipples 09-13-2007 04:11 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
Read an article where the creator so blatanly dodges the question of whether the sex is real that she is telling you that it is. The only reason for it so far after watching the first two, is to get you to talk about it. Flat story although the 2nd one starts to show links between the couples, but I could give two turds about any of these characters, unlike every good HBO drama.

pauliewalnuts 09-14-2007 05:19 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
The second episode wasnt nearly as good as the first, which wasnt all that great either. Will probably watch another episode or two before giving up on it though.

The youngest couple's storyline is so boring I can hardly stand it.

KOTLP 09-14-2007 05:59 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
They aired the 2nd episode? Or did it get leaked on the interweb?

Oliver Nipples 09-14-2007 06:11 PM

Re: HBO\'s \"Tell Me You Love Me\" Drama w/ simulated sex
On Demand is a week in advance

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