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NT! 08-22-2007 02:04 PM

OOT. Time for a change.
I think it might be time to retire the * system. Just use temp bans and lock threads and allow the cruelty, malice and brilliance of OOT to weed out the weak and unworthy.

This has been in the back of my mind for a while. The only major problem is I just got this sweet avatar from Five Star.


Jack of Arcades 08-22-2007 02:07 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I never liked it.

bisonbison 08-22-2007 02:09 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
cool. can i get to lock threads too?

VOX 08-22-2007 02:09 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I fully support a retiring of the * system.

DonkeyKongSr 08-22-2007 02:10 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
If you get rid of the star system, the terrorists have won.

guids 08-22-2007 02:11 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.

you already lock too many good threads etc, just keep the pretty benign star system in place. Your overzealousness + lack of real consequences in regards to * = a good balance.

Mike Gallo 08-22-2007 02:11 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.

Years ago I worked for a company that gave points to employees for tardiness and work infractions.

We (management)tracked and kept a scoreboard clearly visible of how many points each employee had. Once an employee accumulated 7 points in a six month span the employee needed to meet with the management review board.

The employee usually got a written reprimand and a suspension for a day. At the start of the year each employee started with 0 points.

We did away with the point system, however employees still behaved as if we had one. I think removing the * will have a similiar effect.

I really agree with this.... [ QUOTE ]
Just use temp bans and lock threads and allow the cruelty, malice and brilliance of OOT to weed out the weak and unworthy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cliff notes:

Its a good idea to allow posters to monitor other posters. If the post $ucks the posters will tell the op and the op will improve or not post.

NT! 08-22-2007 02:12 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
If you get rid of the star system, the terrorists have won.

[/ QUOTE ]

i like to think of this as just quietly taking the terrorists out back and putting them out of their misery instead of putting them in the stocks

Aces McGee 08-22-2007 02:12 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
One thing I've never liked about the * system is that it limits undertitle creativity.

However, that is a pretty sweet avatar, and I'd hate to see it go to waste. Could he change the asterisks to something else? Do we still use the term "banhammer?" If so, could he use those?


tuq 08-22-2007 02:12 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.

I have never gotten a * so I hope that makes me free of an agenda.

Nothing against astroglide but I think it's time to put it out to pasture. My biggest problems with the system are 1) some valued posters take it seriously and hate dragging it back to other forums, and 2) I don't think people's *s are removed with nearly the frequency they should be.

Honestly, if a GOOD (subjective obviously) regular poster had * removed a few days or a week later that would be fine, lesson learned all the same. But I see some with them for like a year or something. Of course they could always ask but it's not in everyone's nature to do that, even if it bugs them.

Dids 08-22-2007 02:17 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
My vote would be less locking, more *'s.

Case Closed 08-22-2007 02:17 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Yeah, the asterisks are getting a little stagnant. I am sure OOT can come up with something more fresh.

DonkeyKongSr 08-22-2007 02:24 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Yeah, the asterisks are getting a little stagnant. I am sure OOT can come up with something more fresh.

[/ QUOTE ]

First offense: -
Second offense: -
Third offense: 8

guids 08-22-2007 02:26 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Yeah, the asterisks are getting a little stagnant. I am sure OOT can come up with something more fresh.

[/ QUOTE ]

First offense: -
Second offense: -
Third offense: 8

[/ QUOTE ]

first offence: 8
2nd offence: =
3rd offence: =
4th offence: D


doucy 08-22-2007 02:26 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
One thing I like about the * system is that it helps us figure out who sucks just by looking at their title. Useful for people who don't spend a great amount of time on the boards.

But I'm open to other ideas.

NicksDad1970 08-22-2007 02:28 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I received a * once w/o ever being told by who or why. So that kind of ticked me off.

As long as someone knows why and when it'll be taken off (as long as they're good) then I'm down with it.

For the record I have thought recently that you've been way too tough on some people.

The other day in BBV or something someone started a thread pretty much saying you were a jerk. Someone mentioned what a zoo OOT would be like if you weren't around. So that gave me a new perspective. I guess I would just like to see you use a little more tact.

/end rant

DonkeyKongSr 08-22-2007 02:29 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Yeah, the asterisks are getting a little stagnant. I am sure OOT can come up with something more fresh.

[/ QUOTE ]

First offense: -
Second offense: -
Third offense: 8

[/ QUOTE ]

first offence: 8
2nd offence: =
3rd offence: =
4th offence: D


[/ QUOTE ]

I was going more the pencil dick route, but that would work too.

drexah 08-22-2007 02:29 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I'm one of the few who hasn't bitched and moan about my *, but really i think it's trivial and just pisses people off more than the good it does (if any). I got my * for asking in a LOST thread what had happened the previous 2 minutes in the episode because my doorbell rang, which had to be at least 4+ months ago.

My main issue is that if you "mess up" in OOT and get a *, it doesn't just show up when you post in OOT, but throughout the entire board.

Dids 08-22-2007 02:29 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
The good thing about a star is that it gives real incentive not to suck, because it stays with you.

traz 08-22-2007 02:29 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I am not in favor of more locking. The bad threads will naturally die, and if they don't, then OOT will probably bring abouts vigiliante justice anyhow.

But I think there's too much locking as there is. Just leave a bad thread to it's fate. I don't care about the * system one way or another.

guids 08-22-2007 02:30 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Yeah, the asterisks are getting a little stagnant. I am sure OOT can come up with something more fresh.

[/ QUOTE ]

First offense: -
Second offense: -
Third offense: 8

[/ QUOTE ]

first offence: 8
2nd offence: =
3rd offence: =
4th offence: D


[/ QUOTE ]

I was going more the pencil dick route, but that would work too.

[/ QUOTE ]

ya, maybe when they are banned, they can just change the location to "actual size" or something.

splashpot 08-22-2007 02:33 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I've had my * for a long time. I don't even remember what for anymore. I just never cared enough to ask for it to be removed. So I'll ask now. Can I have it removed?

NT! 08-22-2007 02:35 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I've had my * for a long time. I don't even remember what for anymore. I just never cared enough to ask for it to be removed. So I'll ask now. Can I have it removed?

[/ QUOTE ]

jesus christ we haven't got rid of it yet, post this crap in ATF

calmB4storm 08-22-2007 02:35 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I've had my ** for a long time. I don't even remember what for anymore. I just never cared enough to ask for it to be removed. So I'll ask now. Can I have it removed?

[/ QUOTE ]

KotOD 08-22-2007 02:37 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
More stars, less locking.

Also, more stars for stuff other than thread-starters.

Sponger. 08-22-2007 02:39 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I've had my * for a long time. I don't even remember what for anymore. I just never cared enough to ask for it to be removed. So I'll ask now. Can I have it removed?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not after this lame attempt, you gotta try harder next time.

dance, monkey, dance

I'd be more in favor of a star system if it was more aggressively monitored, and also people were given their titles back easier and faster. There are so many posters I hardly recognize people anymore, if they have a star and say something stupid, I just realize its probably because they suck as a poster and move on and don't really respect their opinion. So for me I think its important and would welcome more starring as long as people could easily get it back by trying a little harder not to suck, which I don't think is happening.

Also, you've been around for 3 years and have 5000 posts, surely you couldn't suck that much that you warrant having a star on your name.

KotOD 08-22-2007 02:40 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Actually, I think you should change the * to something else more "NT!"


This is really leaving your mark on people:

Ripoff of the star system

Letting everyone know for sure that the poster is terrible

Suggest they go to the lounge

And guids' penis system could work, but I don't like allowing a fourth offense.

Dudd 08-22-2007 02:43 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Can we just bring back the mass cullings, OOT needs more drama, not less.

splashpot 08-22-2007 02:43 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Fine, don't remove it. I really don't care. I see quality posters all the time who have stars and I think it's pretty stupid that one basically has to beg for them to be removed.

Klompy 08-22-2007 02:44 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
allow the cruelty, malice and brilliance of OOT to weed out the weak and unworthy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like

stabn 08-22-2007 02:47 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Less locking, i don't really care about the rest.

Mondogarage 08-22-2007 02:48 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.

I have never gotten a * so I hope that makes me free of an agenda.

Nothing against astroglide but I think it's time to put it out to pasture. My biggest problems with the system are 1) some valued posters take it seriously and hate dragging it back to other forums, and 2) I don't think people's *s are removed with nearly the frequency they should be.

Honestly, if a GOOD (subjective obviously) regular poster had * removed a few days or a week later that would be fine, lesson learned all the same. But I see some with them for like a year or something. Of course they could always ask but it's not in everyone's nature to do that, even if it bugs them.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL asteriskaments

I'm in favor of keeping them, and multiplying them exponentially.

Okay, seriously, what's even the point of this discussion? Seems to me that when most people get *'d, the mods just forget about it after a while, and never even contemplate removing them. Of course, tuq's right -- what would be the purpose of anyone asking to have one removed?

solids 08-22-2007 02:49 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
The good thing about a star is that it gives real incentive not to suck, because it stays with you.

[/ QUOTE ]


I've always kind of liked the * system. My main concern with doing away with it would be the influx of unfunny, brainless, and homoerotic posts (the current state of 90% of BBV4L).

How about this: we keep the current system, but cut down on the length of the punishment. For instance, if you make a [censored] OP, you get a * for a month (instead of for a year or whatever it currently is). This would be more of a slap on the wrist, instead of a long mark of shame. 3 stars in a month, banhammer.

NT! 08-22-2007 02:49 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
Fine, don't remove it. I really don't care. I see quality posters all the time who have stars and I think it's pretty stupid that one basically has to beg for them to be removed.

[/ QUOTE ]

the point is it's right in the OOT sticky that you don't beg for *s to be removed in OOT, you post about it elsewhere or Pm me. next person to ask in this thread is getting banned. we're not discussing that.

Blarg 08-22-2007 02:50 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I think it might be time to retire the * system. Just use temp bans and lock threads and allow the cruelty, malice and brilliance of OOT to weed out the weak and unworthy.

This has been in the back of my mind for a while. The only major problem is I just got this sweet avatar from Five Star.


[/ QUOTE ]

Coicidentally, I hear the lounge got a new mod and some threads are going to be moved there.

NT! 08-22-2007 02:51 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
LOL asteriskaments

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL tempbanned instead of getting another *

don't think i am going easy on you retards or anything

NT! 08-22-2007 02:51 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.

you heard wrong. i'm not moving any threads to the lounge. now STFU and stop derailing my thread

traz 08-22-2007 02:52 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I'll agree that I don't think *'s are removed liberally enough.

Some people deserve them for a long time...many people don't. I had to wait 3 months to get mine taken off for one stupid thread I made, even though the rest of my posts were fine.

Having it on for so long may really discourage alot of good posters from posting in OOT.

KotOD 08-22-2007 02:52 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I think it might be time to retire the * system. Just use temp bans and lock threads and allow the cruelty, malice and brilliance of OOT to weed out the weak and unworthy.

This has been in the back of my mind for a while. The only major problem is I just got this sweet avatar from Five Star.


[/ QUOTE ]

Coicidentally, I hear the lounge got a new mod and some threads are going to be moved there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank god. That place needs some new life.

pepper123 08-22-2007 02:52 PM

Re: OOT. Time for a change.
I'm one of the few who hasn't bitched and moan about my *

[/ QUOTE ]

drexah -


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