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apefish 08-10-2007 02:27 AM

cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Is it News? Is it Gossip? you be the judge.

cts687: yea i just got done living in southern cali for a year
cts687: was great
RealAndyBeal: if u decide to go u should bring someone/s so u dont get lonely
RealAndyBeal: some parts are deserted especially south island
cts687: def, u got a gf that would put up with it? heh
RealAndyBeal: was down under with my brother and 3 pokerfriends so it was cool
cts687: wheee got teeditty on full tilt
cts687: ah tight sounds fun
RealAndyBeal: na
RealAndyBeal: no girls since poker
cts687: lol gotta work on that
RealAndyBeal: no normal nice girl understands this crazy world
cts687: i got some action elsewhere so i g2g focus
cts687: good talkin tho and look forward to meetin in london
cts687: gl
RealAndyBeal: ok gl vs tuan
cts687: ty
cts687: dont need it
cts687: lol
cts687: hes the worstttt at nl at least
zergAR: nici ? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
RealAndyBeal: jaaaa?
RealAndyBeal: wer du?
zergAR: ich bins alfi ccc [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
RealAndyBeal: oh hast also geld aufgetrieben
zergAR: nein
zergAR: hab schon wieder genug
RealAndyBeal: sej
RealAndyBeal: sehr gut
zergAR: hab grad omaha 15 k gemacht [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: ich weiß fuer dich nichts [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
zergAR: aber naja
zergAR: und wie laufts bei dir ?
RealAndyBeal: 15k is ein haufen geld
RealAndyBeal: heute 50 hinten aber recht froh weil ich scheisse gespielt habe
RealAndyBeal: ansich in letzter zeit sehr gut
zergAR: full tilt oder hier ? full tilt hab ich dich eh gesehen
RealAndyBeal: full tilt im wahrsten sinne des wortes
zergAR: hab gehoert du willst eigentums wohnungen kaufen?
RealAndyBeal: zum gleuck beim limit holdem recht viel gwonnen
RealAndyBeal: eher nicht
RealAndyBeal: zumindest nicht in wien
zergAR: wie ueberweist man so viel geld [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: jedes monat 10 k ? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
zergAR: oder scheck ?
RealAndyBeal: theoretisch is wurscht is noch nie was passiert
RealAndyBeal: is so ne grauzone in .at
zergAR: ja theoretisch nur dann haettest du es ja shcon laengst gemacht
RealAndyBeal: ich mach halt auch eher klein
RealAndyBeal: ein paar 50k schecks und so
zergAR: aso [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: "klein" [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] angeber [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
zergAR: waere klug wenn du etwas machst aus dem geld
zergAR: ch. bank konto oder so
RealAndyBeal: jo gibt viele moeglichkeiten geld anzulegen mittlerweile
Birdstone44: english only pelase
zergAR: [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: nagut dann noch viel glueck man sieht sich ..
RealAndyBeal: ok cu
Dealer: A new game will start in 15 seconds
Dealer: cts687, it's your turn. You have 8 seconds to act
RealAndyBeal: lol
Dealer: Game #11406537147: cts687 wins pot ($299)
RealAndyBeal: ziigmund?
Dealer: Game #11406542278: Ilari FIN wins pot ($100)
Dealer: Hand cancelled
Ilari FIN: yo
Ilari FIN: kai buxxe
RealAndyBeal: yes
RealAndyBeal: why do u play this peanut limit?
Ilari FIN: wanna lend 60k to ftp
Ilari FIN: because i get to ftp
Ilari FIN: in 3 days
Ilari FIN: u get it in 3 days
Ilari FIN: u can call me
RealAndyBeal: sry only lend to ppl i know in person
Ilari FIN: call me
RealAndyBeal: ask wahlroos or someone u know
Ilari FIN: kai
Ilari FIN: exactly
Ilari FIN: u know wahlroos?
RealAndyBeal: not good
Ilari FIN: he owes me example 200k
Ilari FIN: and get then in 3 days
RealAndyBeal: but there s gotta be some histakes finnish players
Ilari FIN: and luigi owes 500
Ilari FIN: if u know wahlroos
Ilari FIN: call him
Ilari FIN: and ask
Ilari FIN: thats so sick
Ilari FIN: i lend when i had there mucho
Ilari FIN: and now broke
RealAndyBeal: look really sorry but ive lent out so much moiney recently im pissed allready
RealAndyBeal: and i dont even know u
Ilari FIN: [censored]
Ilari FIN: call me m8
Ilari FIN: can u call
Ilari FIN: me
RealAndyBeal: makes no difference
Ilari FIN: r u coming t highstakes=?
RealAndyBeal: its a principle i got not to lend ppl i dont know
Ilari FIN: london
RealAndyBeal: the tv cashgame?
Ilari FIN: y
RealAndyBeal: maybe
Ilari FIN: im coming
Ilari FIN: i can give u cashthere
RealAndyBeal: look still v sorry its just a rule accept it
Ilari FIN: okokok
Ilari FIN: thats so sick
Ilari FIN: u know luigi
Ilari FIN: ?
RealAndyBeal: i know
RealAndyBeal: hes coming i think
Ilari FIN: he owes me 500
Ilari FIN: yes
Ilari FIN: and benyamine owes for him
RealAndyBeal: so ask benyamin then
cts687: gl with that lol
Ilari FIN: and benny has said now 2 times for luigi he ha sput to my account....and he hasnt...then luigi has called to him
Ilari FIN: and beny has said
Ilari FIN: oh wtf it didnt go throuh
Ilari FIN: beny is so f sick
Ilari FIN: owes for everybody
Ilari FIN: and talks b u ls hit
Ilari FIN: so f idiot
Ilari FIN: but i get from luigi
Ilari FIN: all
Ilari FIN: so np
Ilari FIN: but still
Ilari FIN: when u wanna play u should get
Ilari FIN: hehe
RealAndyBeal: know it sucks if ure itching to play and would have the money but gave it to someone
Ilari FIN: im so f tilt
RealAndyBeal: gtg anyway gl finding someone to lend u
RealAndyBeal: cu guys
cts687: cya gl

Left the German in there for whomever can translate.
All I could pick up is... "the capacitor is nearly built".

mrjetguy 08-10-2007 02:30 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
too much bad english after the german part

apefish 08-10-2007 02:48 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
More chat later at different table.

Ilari FIN: yo muckem
Ilari FIN: muckem
Ilari FIN: yo
cts687: hey
Ilari FIN: put me 8k that i can speak benyamine
Ilari FIN: i put it back right away
cts687: nah no can do
Ilari FIN: [censored] u r sick
cts687: ill ask him somethin if u want
Ilari FIN: sure
Ilari FIN: or i can put it for u here
Ilari FIN: but ask
Ilari FIN: yes i come to look
Ilari FIN: go hilo table
Ilari FIN: 1000 2000
Ilari FIN: he is sit out?
cts687: k im there
cts687: ya ?
Ilari FIN: he doesnt speak?
Ilari FIN: go plo
cts687: ya im there hes sittin out still
Ilari FIN: [censored] i hate that fatga y
Ilari FIN: whatta f cheater
Ilari FIN: he owes like 5m
cts687: he in a lotta debt?
cts687: jesus

Okay... now that's a big number.

TurtlePiss 08-10-2007 02:49 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
I had no idea Emmit "Doc" Brown played online poker.

bap2086 08-10-2007 02:54 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

emil3000 08-10-2007 02:58 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Very nice gossip, sir...

Broke_Joke 08-10-2007 03:04 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Dealer: MUCKEMSAYUHH is sitting out
MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey david ilari
needs to ask u something
Dealer: MUCKEMSAYUHH has timed
MUCKEMSAYUHH: david u there?
David Benyamine: yes
MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey ilari wnats to
know if u can send that $
MUCKEMSAYUHH: to ziigmund
David Benyamine: sent it to luigi
David Benyamine: 50k
MUCKEMSAYUHH: he wants u to send
more to ziigmund he needs 400 for plo
MUCKEMSAYUHH: can u send to
David Benyamine: cant now
MUCKEMSAYUHH: ok can u just send
100 so he can play?
David Benyamine: sent 50 to luigi 4 him
4 now
MUCKEMSAYUHH: ok gl david ttyl
David Benyamine: until i win again ill
send more

chat from stars

Ilari FIN: mucekmmucekm
cts687: wuddup
Ilari FIN: go again
Ilari FIN: now he is in
cts687: ok ya im goin to hilo
cts687: wtf
cts687: lol
Ilari FIN: lol
Ilari FIN: look at this
Ilari FIN: hahahahahahahahah
Ilari FIN: now he answered
cts687: what do u want me to ask?
Ilari FIN: put why he hasnt put any money to ziigmund
Ilari FIN: 250k is ok
Ilari FIN: lolLOL
Ilari FIN: and he said to luigi he has sent it to ziigmund
cts687: lol
Ilari FIN: put
Ilari FIN: can he send more
Ilari FIN: ilari needs 400
Ilari FIN: no answer
Ilari FIN: lul
cts687: ya sick
Ilari FIN: so sick
Ilari FIN: sickest
Ilari FIN: not my problem
cts687: says he cant now
Ilari FIN: doesnt matter
Ilari FIN: put send 100 only then

N 82 50 24 08-10-2007 03:07 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
sweet gossip

JMa 08-10-2007 03:07 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
"David Benyamine: until i win again ill send more"

what a scumbag

apefish 08-10-2007 03:08 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
and yet more followup...

later again at stars

Ilari FIN: mucekmmucekm
cts687: wuddup
Ilari FIN: go again
Ilari FIN: now he is in
cts687: ok ya im goin to hilo
cts687: wtf
cts687: lol
Ilari FIN: lol
Ilari FIN: look at this
Ilari FIN: hahahahahahahahah

at tilt

MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey david ilari
needs to ask u something
MUCKEMSAYUHH: david u there?


Ilari FIN: now he answered
cts687: what do u want me to ask?
Ilari FIN: put why he hasnt put any money to ziigmund
Ilari FIN: 250k is ok


MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey ilari wnats to
know if u can send that $
MUCKEMSAYUHH: to ziigmund
David Benyamine: sent it to luigi
David Benyamine: 50k

at stars

Ilari FIN: lolLOL
Ilari FIN: and he said to luigi he has sent it to ziigmund
cts687: lol
Ilari FIN: put
Ilari FIN: can he send more
Ilari FIN: ilari needs 400

at tilt

MUCKEMSAYUHH: he wants u to
send more to ziigmund he needs 400
for plo
MUCKEMSAYUHH: can u send to

couple minutes pass...


Ilari FIN: no answer
Ilari FIN: lul
cts687: ya sick
Ilari FIN: so sick
Ilari FIN: sickest
Ilari FIN: not my problem

Benyamine answers

David Benyamine: cant now

cts687: says he cant now
Ilari FIN: doesnt matter
Ilari FIN: put send 100 only then

MUCKEMSAYUHH: ok can u just
send 100 so he can play?
David Benyamine: sent 50 to luigi 4
him 4 now
MUCKEMSAYUHH: ok gl david ttyl
David Benyamine: until i win again ill
send more

JJJ804 08-10-2007 03:15 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
If i were muck i'd stay out of it, no need to get in the middle...

Do You See Why 08-10-2007 03:25 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

1.cts and kai talk about traveling in australia and new zealand. kai mentions he isnt getting any pusy. cts leaves to go rape tuan le.
2.illari/zigmund is apparantly online busto or near it.
3. zigmund says wahlroos owes him 200k and antonius owes him 500k.
4. zigmund accuses benyamine of being the degen that he is. says he lies about transfering funds. says beyamine owes 5mil spread accross the poker world.
5. cts and kai are smart and dont transfer anyone any money.

I_AM_EVIL 08-10-2007 03:27 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
I like how he has close to 200K spread out at Fulltilt but he can't afford to send $$ to someone he owes.

Heavens_Myst 08-10-2007 03:34 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

Dire 08-10-2007 03:39 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Left the German in there for whomever can translate.
All I could pick up is... "the capacitor is nearly built".

[/ QUOTE ]

this was definitely the best part

Degenerasian 08-10-2007 03:55 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

SpaceJanitor 08-10-2007 04:11 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

Left the German in there for whomever can translate.
All I could pick up is... "the capacitor is nearly built".

[/ QUOTE ]

Alright, not that interesting though after censoring the parts where they talk about their plans of taking over the world, cheating in poker and wasting their money on hookers and blow:

zergAR: nici ? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
RealAndyBeal: yees?
RealAndyBeal: who are you?
zergAR: it's me alfi ccc [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] [note: ccc is a card room in Vienna, apparently they know each other in person]
RealAndyBeal: oh, so you got hold of some money
zergAR: no
zergAR: i have enough already again
RealAndyBeal: sej [note: typo]
RealAndyBeal: very good
zergAR: just made 15 k in omaha [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: I know, nothing for you [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
zergAR: but ok
zergAR: and how is it going for you ?
RealAndyBeal: 15k is a lot of money
RealAndyBeal: 50 down today, but rather happy because I played [censored]
RealAndyBeal: overall very good lately
zergAR: full tilt or here? saw you on full tilt
RealAndyBeal: full tilt in the literal sense of the word
zergAR: heard you want to buy a couple apartments?
RealAndyBeal: luckily I won quite a lot in limit holdem
RealAndyBeal: rather not
RealAndyBeal: at least not in Vienna
zergAR: how do you transfer so much money [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: every month 10 k ? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
zergAR: or by check ?
RealAndyBeal: theoretically it doesn't matter, nothing ever happened
RealAndyBeal: is kind of a grey zone in .at
zergAR: yes, theoretically, only you would have done it already then
RealAndyBeal: I do it rather smallish
RealAndyBeal: a couple 50k checks or so
zergAR: i see [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: "small" [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] braggart [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
zergAR: would be smart if you did something with the money
zergAR: swiss bank account or so
RealAndyBeal: yeah, there are lots of possibilities to invest money
Birdstone44: english only pelase
zergAR: [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
zergAR: alright, good luck then, see you ..
RealAndyBeal: ok cu

GoldenIP 08-10-2007 04:31 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
apefish for mod

StrongArm 08-10-2007 07:24 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

Ilari FIN: [censored] i hate that fatga y
Ilari FIN: whatta f cheater
Ilari FIN: he owes like 5m

[/ QUOTE ]


isapistola 08-10-2007 08:28 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
very nice.

i love it how ilari always makes these things public [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

humP 08-10-2007 08:55 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey ilari wnats to
know if u can send that $
MUCKEMSAYUHH: to ziigmund
David Benyamine: sent it to luigi
David Benyamine: 50k

at stars

Ilari FIN: lolLOL
Ilari FIN: and he said to luigi he has sent it to ziigmund
cts687: lol

[/ QUOTE ]


iono why he would play 2/4 PLO if his roll isn't big enough for it, wonder how much he has in bank/invested etc.

SGspecial 08-10-2007 09:35 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Left the German in there for whomever can translate.
All I could pick up is... "the capacitor is nearly built".

[/ QUOTE ]

this was definitely the best part

[/ QUOTE ]
[x] Germans build the best capacitors

septic 08-10-2007 09:51 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
zigmund now is sitting at a plo table on tilt with 20k.
so he should have received some $$$

EWS87 08-10-2007 09:58 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
RealAndyBeal: so ask benyamin then
cts687: gl with that lol

not getting nearrrrrrrr enough love

NU Star 08-10-2007 10:39 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Good stuff.

Oki-Oki 08-10-2007 11:50 AM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
sick gossip

Kilay 08-10-2007 12:21 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
Loaning money to David Benyamine = GG obviously...

Stake Monster 08-10-2007 12:40 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
wow, a good NVG thread. and lol @ "I hate that fatgay"

killsadie 08-10-2007 02:28 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
wow, another bad NVG thread. and lol @ "I hate that fatgay"

[/ QUOTE ]

wins_pot 08-10-2007 02:45 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
the poker world is so crazy. it's definitely time for another novel. i know a little bit about the loaning scen touched on above.... the state of things is insane to say the least. i don't know enough about it to provide details, just some vague generalities i picked up on in vegas. -ba

NicksDad1970 08-10-2007 02:46 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
the poker world is so crazy. it's definitely time for another novel. i know a little bit about the loaning scen touched on above.... the state of things is insane to say the least. i don't know enough about it to provide details, just some vague generalities i picked up on in vegas. -ba

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm actually on the edge of my seat waiting ......

swityak11 08-10-2007 02:48 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
the poker world is so crazy. it's definitely time for another novel. i know a little bit about the loaning scen touched on above.... the state of things is insane to say the least. i don't know enough about it to provide details, just some vague generalities i picked up on in vegas. -ba

[/ QUOTE ]
Biggest cocktease of an NVG post in history?

J_V 08-10-2007 04:13 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
What is there to wait for? A lot of the players that you would consider good guys and good players are millions in debt and can't/don't pay, yet they still have some money play in lots of tournaments and give the impression that they are not in financial peril.

The list is very long of famous broke players that no one knows about. I have no sympathy for these people because what they are doing borrowing borders from outright cons to rationalized stealing. Plus most of them think they are better poker players than they are and play in games they can't beat plus have other huge leaks.

Most people have a good idea about this in the high stakes world, but no one says anything, cause it doesnt do any one any good.

bottomset 08-10-2007 06:11 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat

nice post

Hercules 08-10-2007 06:26 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
haha....i could translate that german stuff from RealAndyBeal...but its not that intersting, just how much money they made and where nici is gonna invest it [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

CASHius-Clay 08-10-2007 06:28 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
haha....i could translate that german stuff from RealAndyBeal...but its not that intersting, just how much money they made and where nici is gonna invest it [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

It has already been translated a few pages before.

noseeds99 08-10-2007 06:45 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
the sickest part of this world is that these big games haven't even been running that long. I can't wait until 2 or 3 years from now when there will be multitudes of guys stuck in the david b. ballpark. Serious stuff is gonna spawn from all this sickness

marcj85 08-10-2007 07:24 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
David is up ~1.7 to 2 million on fulltilt these last 10 days, since people were saying he owed 5 million. It looks like he is probs good for a large part of any money he owes.

08-10-2007 07:36 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
I'm sure he will bounce back and he is still killing plo as consistently as its probably possible even, considering the sky high variance.

It's also pretty likely he will go busto/robusto again of course.

Just a never ending cycle i guess and despite what's said in this thread, his game (except nl) is so respected by a lot of those people, in these circles, that I don't think he'll ever have trouble getting loans or people taking his action.

Bavid Denyamine 08-10-2007 11:08 PM

Re: cts, realandybeal/kaibuxxe, and Ilari Fin stars chat
fwiw he has been demolishing at HORSE and O8

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