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4drugmoney 07-25-2007 08:58 AM

Ask an Iraq war Vet
With the upcoming elections and my 2+2 friends telling me to do this, I decided why not.I've done two tours in Iraq as a Marine totaling 14 months( I am now a civillian again [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]). Most people I talk to have huge misconceptions of what it is like there, so I thought I would share. Ask me anything.

Ill post some pictures and videos too if there is interest.

dozer 07-25-2007 09:00 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
How bad do the Iraqis hate America over there?

Do the vets have any clue about how outraged millions of people in America are over this war?

Who is in your avatar?

ChipWrecked 07-25-2007 09:04 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Were you involved in either of the Fallujah assaults?

What is the most stressful aspect of operations in Iraq?

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 09:04 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
For the most part they hate us alot. Ill quote a high ranking Iraqi Security Forces Guy I worked with. "Yeah it sucked under Sadam, but it was much more peacefull."

Believe it or not most of the Vets are just as, or more pissed about the war

I dont know but she is amazing

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 09:11 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Were you involved in either of the Fallujah assaults?

What is the most stressful aspect of operations in Iraq?

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I was in Fallujah and a place called EFIC which is rite outside of Fallujah for most of my second tour, which was right after 3/5 retook the city. Fallujah is still a very nasty place.

The most stressfull aspect of Iraq for me was always being uncomfortable. It's HOT, It's COLD, It's Sandy,Your always on edge on Convoys, you talk to the people and wonder why your there,ETC ETC. And above all you miss your family and friends.

Raised2Win 07-25-2007 09:23 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What was the most dangerous situation u faced there?

Did you see anyone getting killed or badly hurt, enemy or fellow soldier and how did it effect you?

[Phill] 07-25-2007 09:39 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What was the deal with Abu Graib?

Was that skank and the others ordered to torture the prisoners by CIA/Military Intelligence?

How many confirmed kills did you get?

XXXNoahXXX 07-25-2007 09:45 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Lots of masturbation or are the female soldiers available? locals?

Do anything that you now regret?

Did you join Marines with the war already underway?

What are you up to now?

Fast Food Knight 07-25-2007 09:46 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What is your opinion on a responsible exit strategy? Based on your experiences, do you think that pulling out sooner rather than later is dangerous (for Iraqis or Americans), or do you think it's a lost cause and we may as well get out while we can?

amplify 07-25-2007 09:47 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Did you have a gruff but lovable Sergeant?

!!DUCY!! 07-25-2007 09:48 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Over your time there were any aspects of life noticably better or worse?

In your opinion what's the best thing the US can do now?

Brad1970 07-25-2007 09:48 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
First off, thank you for your service.

I only have one question. All of the IED's we hear about, are they mostly built using Russian made explosives left over from the 80's when they invaded Afghanistan or are the terrorists buying new stuff on the blackmarket? Or is it a combination of pretty much any & everything?

FWIW, I used to be a big supporter of Dubya but the longer this war drags out & the more bullsh*t that we are fed from his administration, the more I'm convinced that he invaded Iraq because he was bullied into it by Cheney & the big oil companies. Afterall, they have to make back all of the millions they gave in campaign contributions don't they? I also believe that as soon as we pull out, the Iraqi "democracy" will fall like a house of cards & they will be right back to square one. I had/have no problem going after Bin Laden & his group though. Sorry for the hijack.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 09:49 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What was the most dangerous situation u faced there?

Did you see anyone getting killed or badly hurt, enemy or fellow soldier and how did it effect you?

[/ QUOTE ]

It was Convoys. Mortars and RPGs. This is a common Misconception of the war. I was in SATCOMM. So I wasn't kicking in doors and [censored] like that.

Yes I saw fellow Marines/soldiers/Navy personell blown up, shot, killed. And many,many enemy killed. It def. effected me, but lukily it wasnt anyone that was real close to me.I am very lucky.

NozeCandy 07-25-2007 09:50 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Does anyone there think Osama will ever be caught?

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 09:53 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What was the deal with Abu Graib?

Was that skank and the others ordered to torture the prisoners by CIA/Military Intelligence?

How many confirmed kills did you get?

[/ QUOTE ]

Never went there, but they were probably following orders and got screwed over.


None.But I called in a [censored] load of airstrikes so Im probably semi-responsible for some deaths, which I dont feel good about

StevieG 07-25-2007 10:16 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Were they offering the huge cash bonuses for re-upping when you were stationed in Iraq?

If so, were you at all tempted to re-up?

Thanks also for serving and sharing. I continue to be amazed at the professionalism and high morale shown by the U.S. troops, despite the poor leadership from the executive branch. You make us proud.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:18 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Lots of masturbation or are the female soldiers available? locals?

Do anything that you now regret?

Did you join Marines with the war already underway?

What are you up to now?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lots and lots of masturbation. Although Porn is "illegal" in Iraq. And yes Female Militar members [censored] guys, but not me.

I didnt do anything I regret regarding my time in Iraq, although most of the time I was there I regretted enlisting.

No,I joined the Marines in January of 2002.

I now have a very good job in Japan, which my training in the Marines helped me get and I make alot of dough. (This is not the norm. Stay in college)

secretprankster 07-25-2007 10:19 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What is the video game of choice for Marines?

4_2_it 07-25-2007 10:23 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Thank you for your service.

Is the majority of the current enemy pissed off Iraqis or foreign fighters from Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc..

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:23 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What is your opinion on a responsible exit strategy? Based on your experiences, do you think that pulling out sooner rather than later is dangerous (for Iraqis or Americans), or do you think it's a lost cause and we may as well get out while we can?

[/ QUOTE ]

IMO there is no "exit strategy" I think we have made it way worse in the middle east by being there. We (the US) levelled whole city blocks. The teenagers there will not forget that, and are already being recruited.

IMO we have to pull out. It is going to be very ugly either way, but we might as well get it over with.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:32 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
First off, thank you for your service.

I only have one question. All of the IED's we hear about, are they mostly built using Russian made explosives left over from the 80's when they invaded Afghanistan or are the terrorists buying new stuff on the blackmarket? Or is it a combination of pretty much any & everything?

FWIW, I used to be a big supporter of Dubya but the longer this war drags out & the more bullsh*t that we are fed from his administration, the more I'm convinced that he invaded Iraq because he was bullied into it by Cheney & the big oil companies. Afterall, they have to make back all of the millions they gave in campaign contributions don't they? I also believe that as soon as we pull out, the Iraqi "democracy" will fall like a house of cards & they will be right back to square one. I had/have no problem going after Bin Laden & his group though. Sorry for the hijack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now most of the IED's are coming from Iran or other state sponserd terrorist. To have an IED that blows up an armored HMMWV (HUMMER) takes a lot of sophistication.

I am a republicant by nature.But,KBR which is a sub-company of Haliburton did my laundary and provided me meals in Iraq every day(second tour). The workers made like 15$ a day, and were balling out of control(they were all from 3rd world countries). Of course Cheney was the former Prez/CEO of Haliburton and got billion dollar contracts but whatever.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:34 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Does anyone there think Osama will ever be caught?

[/ QUOTE ]

I doubt it, but Im sure he isn't in Iraq anyways

xxThe_Lebowskixx 07-25-2007 10:38 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
what is your job in japan?

why did you join the marines in the first place?

in your mind, what percent of your fellow marines are psychopaths?

did anyone you know have a relationship with a local girl? where did you guys go to party (neighboring countries?)

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:41 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Were they offering the huge cash bonuses for re-upping when you were stationed in Iraq?

If so, were you at all tempted to re-up?

Thanks also for serving and sharing. I continue to be amazed at the professionalism and high morale shown by the U.S. troops, despite the poor leadership from the executive branch. You make us proud.

[/ QUOTE ]

Renlistment bonuses are at an all time high and are tax free in cmbat zones.

I turned down 40k tax free for 4 more years, but I already had a job. If I had not had a job lined up I would be back in Iraq now.

Thank you very much.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:44 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What is the video game of choice for Marines?

[/ QUOTE ]

My second tour we were killing some First to fight, Halo, Madden ETC.Game systems dont last long in the desert though.

Klompy 07-25-2007 10:47 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What were your sleeping conditions like? Did you spend most of your time on a base? What's your MOS?

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:52 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
what is your job in japan?

why did you join the marines in the first place?

in your mind, what percent of your fellow marines are psychopaths?

did anyone you know have a relationship with a local girl? where did you guys go to party (neighboring countries?)

[/ QUOTE ]

I work for a Japanese communications company.

I joined the Marines because I was tired of school. I did almost a year of college, but decided to stop attending class.

Marines by nature are pretty crazy

No, to be honest I saw very few women there. And from what I saw there is zero "Partying" as we know it.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:54 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Thank you for your service.

Is the majority of the current enemy pissed off Iraqis or foreign fighters from Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc..

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a huge mix. But the weapons are def coming from Iran ETC

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:58 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
What were your sleeping conditions like? Did you spend most of your time on a base? What's your MOS?

[/ QUOTE ]

By the time I left my second tour I was sleeping in a double bed, in an air-conditioned trailer on Camp Fallujah.
I have also slept in HMMWVs sand , cots ETC.

I started as a 0621 to 0622 to 0627.

4drugmoney 07-25-2007 10:59 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Bedtime I will answer all questions tommorow.

secretprankster 07-25-2007 11:05 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Assess validity of the opening scenes of Con-Air.

Conspir8or 07-25-2007 11:27 AM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Gen. Eric Shinseki advised we send half a million troops to Iraq for the invasion and the peace-keeping mission to succeed, and to keep borders secure postinvasion. In retrospect, and based on your experience, would this have worked?

7ontheline 07-25-2007 12:02 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Great thread. Thanks for your service.

Does it bother the soldiers that all these people advocating for the war either dodged real military service or (for the younger ones) refuse to enlist?

Are the majority of vets Republicans? What do most think of Bush/Cheney?

Are you now banging lots of hot Japanese tail? (Pics plz if you are TYVM)

Misfire 07-25-2007 12:24 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
My band is planning to apply to play one of the Armed Forces Entertainment tours. Did you get a chance to see any AFE shows in Iraq? If so, what did you think?

Georgia Avenue 07-25-2007 12:25 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Wow 4drugs srbiz! Good thread tho'

You keep saying "on my second tour blahblahblah"

How terrible was your first? Why? More fighting or just less organized? Ever get any positive contact with Iraquis?

Holybull 07-25-2007 01:03 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
First off, thank you for your service.

[/ QUOTE ]

1. In your experience, are the insurgents terrorists from other countries that come in to fight the US or Iraqi's fighting for the soveriengty of their nation?

2. This may sound silly or simplistic, but here goes. When there are offensives by the US, how do you identify the insurgents/enemies? Do soldiers go house to house? Or do they just establish order and a presence?

Thank you.

Lurker. 07-25-2007 01:14 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
do you vote democrat or republican?

NoPoHustler 07-25-2007 01:19 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
I lost a good friend of mine over there in the typical IED/Roadside blast scenario. Props for having the nuts to do it, not once but twice (not much choice on the 2nd I'm sure). I don't have a question really. I just wanted to say thanks for going over when called. I may not agree with the Iraq portion of the "War on Terror" but none the less I thank and salute the military personnel for serving when called upon.

bdk3clash 07-25-2007 01:38 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet
Is the majority of the current enemy pissed off Iraqis or foreign fighters from Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc..

[/ QUOTE ]
Here's a recent LA times article:

Saudis' role in Iraq insurgency outlined

BAGHDAD — Although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out at Syria and Iran, accusing it of helping insurgents and militias here, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from a third neighbor, Saudi Arabia, according to a senior U.S. military officer and Iraqi lawmakers.

About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15% are from Syria and Lebanon; and 10% are from North Africa, according to official U.S. military figures made available to The Times by the senior officer. Nearly half of the 135 foreigners in U.S. detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis, he said.

Fighters from Saudi Arabia are thought to have carried out more suicide bombings than those of any other nationality...

[/ QUOTE ]

According to the Christian Science Monitor article The 'myth' of Iraq's foreign fighters:

The US and Iraqi governments have vastly overstated the number of foreign fighters in Iraq, and most of them don't come from Saudi Arabia, according to a new report from the Washington-based Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS). According to a piece in The Guardian, this means the US and Iraq "feed the myth" that foreign fighters are the backbone of the insurgency. While the foreign fighters may stoke the insurgency flames, they make up only about 4 to 10 percent of the estimated 30,000 insurgents.

[/ QUOTE ]
(This article is from 2005--if anyone has more recent demographics I'd like to see them.)

djoyce003 07-25-2007 02:38 PM

Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet

2. This may sound silly or simplistic, but here goes. When there are offensives by the US, how do you identify the insurgents/enemies? Do soldiers go house to house? Or do they just establish order and a presence?

Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone that runs is a terrorist. Anyone that stands still is a well disciplined terrorist.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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