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DLKeeper1 07-15-2007 05:40 PM

Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
I have Sprint for my family's wireless plan and they are just awful. Literally every month, there is something wrong with our bill. For example, they overcharged us by hundreds of dollars this month for text messaging at 10 cents per message when we already have unlimited texting. We have tried customer service over the phone, faxes, letters, and emails. Yet, they have yet to resolve the issues. They will eventually fix the bill each month, but not until we complain relentlessly. Would it be within our rights to end the contract without paying the ridiculous termination fee since they have been so terrible? After all, Sprint recently terminated 1000 of their contracts with customers who complained too much (I wish we were one of the lucky 1000)

Shakes 07-15-2007 05:43 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Sprint recently terminated 1000 of their contracts with customers who complained too much (I wish we were one of the lucky 1000)

[/ QUOTE ]

Complain more and more until you get lucky.

emon87 07-15-2007 05:55 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
FYI sprint works the best of any carrier at NU

mbillie1 07-15-2007 05:58 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Call and ask to cancel, get transfered to the cancelation department, complain a lot, get free stuff / waived cancelation fee. Just make a stink on the phone and you can usually get your way. If that doesn't work, wait a month, call them back and tell them you moved to (insert east-bumblef*ck town name that doesn't get reception) and you no longer get reception, and you want to cancel w/o paying the ETF. GL.

Fels krone 07-15-2007 05:59 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Im almost positive if you took a close look at that contract, they have their asses covered for anything that happens. There should be no justifiable reason for you to cancel the contract (within their terms); this is how they make a lot of their money.

DLKeeper1 07-15-2007 06:03 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
I just read over their Terms and Conditions, and it seems like they are pretty much covered for any type of complaint. I'm faxing them a complaint right now and will try to get through to someone on the phone shortly after.

bobman0330 07-15-2007 06:09 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
it doesn't matter what the contract says because there's no way this dispute ends up in court. just complain until they let you cancel.

Fels krone 07-15-2007 06:10 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Honestly, just bend over and take it. Trying to get out of that fee is just a waste of time and it will only get you more pissed and stressed trying to do so. Im about to get out of mine early, I just accept the fact that Im getting screwed.

superadvisor 07-15-2007 06:26 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Sprint recently terminated 1000 of their contracts with customers who complained too much (I wish we were one of the lucky 1000)

[/ QUOTE ]

Complain more and more until you get lucky.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow, they let 1000 people off the hook, out of how many customers? 200 million?

CharlieDontSurf 07-15-2007 06:45 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
how much do cancelation fees normally run?

Fels krone 07-15-2007 06:46 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
$175 - $200, for a single plan. Im guessing its higher for the family plan.

DLKeeper1 07-15-2007 06:47 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
yeah it's 200 dollars per phone to cancel...that means 1000 dollars for my family.

SmileyEH 07-15-2007 07:32 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
I think I have bad credit in the US because of Sprint. I still don't care. [censored] that company with an ebola laced machete.

mikecrooks 07-15-2007 07:36 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
It costs them $3 per minute to talk to you. Call customer service non stop and they will get rid of you.

canis582 07-15-2007 10:28 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
yeah it's 200 dollars per phone to cancel...that means 1000 dollars for my family.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am going to buy some telecom stock. They have you idiots right where they want you.

felson 07-15-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Sprint recently terminated 1000 of their contracts with customers who complained too much (I wish we were one of the lucky 1000)

[/ QUOTE ]

Complain more and more until you get lucky.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow, they let 1000 people off the hook, out of how many customers? 200 million?

[/ QUOTE ]

um... how many people do you think live in the US?

cbloom 07-15-2007 11:27 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
yeah it's 200 dollars per phone to cancel...that means 1000 dollars for my family.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am going to buy some telecom stock. They have you idiots right where they want you.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT. The cell phone people are like "here, sign this 100 page contract that totally screws you and charges you for everything and gives you no recourse if our service sucks" and everyone is just like "meh, I don't have time to read that, just gimme the phone I'll sign".

superadvisor 07-16-2007 03:11 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
yeah it's 200 dollars per phone to cancel...that means 1000 dollars for my family.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am going to buy some telecom stock. They have you idiots right where they want you.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT. The cell phone people are like "here, sign this 100 page contract that totally screws you and charges you for everything and gives you no recourse if our service sucks" and everyone is just like "meh, I don't have time to read that, just gimme the phone I'll sign".

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yeah and if you figure out all their tricks and tell them exactly what you want, they will tell you "oh yes, we will do that for you" but they will actually be lying because hidden in the contract will be the opposite of everything they told you.

callmedonnie 07-16-2007 03:41 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Find out region they don't have any service for. Lie to them and tell them you are moving.

No idea if this works.

bdk3clash 07-16-2007 03:49 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
I've read a few blog posts about CellSwapper; you might want to check them out. CellTradeUSA looks like it does about the same thing.

Brettster 07-16-2007 04:27 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
tell them you are in the military and have orders to korea. I got my $100 deposit and no fee. I was actually in the military but was not going to korea. They did not ask for ID however

Punker 07-16-2007 04:50 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
hundreds of dollars this month for text messaging at 10 cents per message

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems like a lot of text messaging.

DLKeeper1 07-16-2007 07:27 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
hundreds of dollars this month for text messaging at 10 cents per message

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems like a lot of text messaging.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really with 5 phones because you are charged for each message sent and received.

Does anyone have experience with a site like

phiphika1453 07-16-2007 07:34 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
hundreds of dollars this month for text messaging at 10 cents per message

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems like a lot of text messaging.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really with 5 phones because you are charged for each message sent and received.

Does anyone have experience with a site like

[/ QUOTE ]

Everything you need to know about Sprint is on this site. Even how to get Sprint to cancel your plan for you. Good Luck.

It is a user generated site, but beware of all the ads running on the site.

matt holland 07-16-2007 08:02 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Maybe someone can link to it but i remember reading one time about purposely abusing the cell phone companies free hours by calling somewhere that would be expensive for them during a time that they give you free. Call the place and just leave your phone on during all the free hours was the jist of it. Similar to too much CS time, this could be an easier way to make you an unprofitable customer.

*** 07-16-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Look for a way they have changed your contract, or if you know about an upcoming change have your service changed ahead of time so that this change will affect you. More details at

TheStation 07-20-2007 12:22 AM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Disclosure: I work for Sprint (network engineering side, not care)

I was able to submit DLKeeper1's billing issue through some internal channels to upper tier support and they called him back after resolving the issue. His bill should be the correct amount this next month and I will make sure it is correct.

Feel free to PM me if you have any Sprint billing issues as I am more than happy to help you get them fixed.

I can also take any network issues if there is an area that always drops calls suddenly, etc... i promise to get them submitted and it sometimes takes a couple weeks to get a reply. The reply could be anything from we were able to retune the tower for better coverage, a new tower is scheduled to go up on X date, a tower plan is in place but no funding has been given, or the fact that it is an area with known weak signal with no plans to correct it at this time.

Your Sprint Advocate,

govman6767 07-20-2007 12:59 AM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
Just tell them you are military. They are allowed to break their contracts if they deploy.

mbillie1 07-20-2007 01:10 AM

Re: Terminating Sprint contract w/o paying termination
I too work for Sprint, but I am much less helpful in this respect than TheStation.

That said, there are at least 3 of us (Sprint employees) who post here, we ought to make a "halp I has teh Sprint!" thread so we can pool our collective resources to better the 2+2-Sprint-customer-experience.

Or something.

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