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Thremp 06-28-2007 02:10 PM

Whole Grain Bread?
I've heard numerous reports about people and their feelings about whole grain bread. Some think it could be the best thing in the world and other people think it pretty much sucks. I know what diet I will be doing next and where whole grain bread stands in it, but in an effort to be open to change... I wanted to start a thread where all can lobby for or against whole grain bread (Perhaps for more various foods there can be this discussion as well). I have not given this idea a whole world of thought or research (or I'd likely try to get paid for writing it). But I did come up with some parameters that should be addressed when we make these arguments:

1) Why you eat or do not eat whole grain bread? We all continue to eat non-optimal meals because they taste great. I eat white rice. Its a travesty; I know. I also eat plain oatmeal. It tastes terrible.
2) What part it constitutes in your diet? Do you eat it all the effing time? Just a few slices here and there? Do you eat it as a way to make meal prep easier ie sandwich etc?
3) What is your diet? Do you do a zone paleo inspired diet or are you training for the Greater Orlando 225k ultra marathon? Please include a P/F/C split or in whatever order people most commonly include those letters.
4) What are your goals? This ties in with the above question. Do you use it to help add carbs in a bulking cycle and eschew it when you are trying to cut down?
5) Other comments... Perhaps if you don't use it now and don't really like it, but can see where other people need/want it in their diets. Maybe you wanna tell a story here. I don't care. It's your post.

anklebreaker 06-28-2007 10:25 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
> I Eat it
> I like bread
> White bread sucks
> Don't eat too much; just for the occasional sandwich
> Usually pwo

Big Poppa Smurf 06-28-2007 10:40 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
Sandwiches are delicious and there's no way I'm not eating them.

maniacut 06-29-2007 06:55 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
1. I eat it because it is essential when I get a sub and I've heard it's the healthiest type of bread. That's why I also use it for the buns in my burgers.
2. I have it once a day everyday in a burger.
3. My diet is like 33/33/33. And currently not eating enough fruits/vegetables.
4. Goals are to get stronger and gain weight.

Is whole grain bread bad or something? what triggered the op?

Jetboy2 06-29-2007 07:41 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
I'm banned but..

"1) Why you eat or do not eat whole grain bread?" As compared to white bread?

- More complete in B-vitamins and minerals
- More fiber
- Complex carbs
- It tastes better

Ban me. Don't care.

BreakfastBurrito 06-29-2007 07:52 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
> I eat it because I've been led to believe it is better than white bread.
> I opt for it whenever possible on sandwiches or toast. I try not to eat a massive amount of it but don't shy away from it either.
> I try to eat lean whole proteins, good carbs, and good fats based on something I read a long time ago, but generally just follow the principles of intuitive eating.
> Run sub 17min 5k, sub 1hr 20 min half marathon, achieve moderate gains in strength, flexibility and quickness, get back to 10xBW bench press by the end of the year.
> Counting calories and micromanaging one's diet is ineffective as a longterm solution for improving health and maintaining weight loss.

silver book 06-30-2007 03:48 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
Its pretty high in protein too

ginko 06-30-2007 09:46 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
From what I've read, whole grain bread:

1) Good things other people have mentioned
2) Is high in phyto-estrogen's (bad)
3) Is a good source of magnesium
4) Is higher in tryptophan than other amino acids so your body makes more serotonin which is good for appetite, pain reduction, sleep, and emotional happiness.

Subfallen 06-30-2007 03:42 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
...get back to 10xBW bench press by the end of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]


Artdogg 06-30-2007 06:33 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
When I was losing weight whole wheat bread and brown rice was pretty much the only carbs I had. I had a lot of it though, and still eat a lot of whole wheat bread each day. When I healthy bulk I add oats and some simple sugars to the mix. Whatever I did worked, but I still have no idea how much better for you whole wheat breads are than "wheat" or "white" breads. Some will say the whole breads are the only complex carbs and some will say thats a load of crap.

Glad I could help.

Thremp 06-30-2007 07:54 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?

The white bread comp is horrible its similar to saying, "I will eat something in lieu of one of the worst things possible to put into my body." I was looking for why you eat it at all. I think the sandwich comment was excellent, but I was really wondering why people include it at all.


Your comment about micromanaging diet is just plain wrong. Almost anyone who takes training seriously counts or has counted calories previously.

BreakfastBurrito 06-30-2007 08:10 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?

...get back to 10xBW bench press by the end of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

10 reps of 1BW bench press was what I intended to convey.

anklebreaker 06-30-2007 10:43 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?

Bread is a very versatile food. In addition, if you've been used to eating bread for many years, and you're now aware that white bread is one of the worst foods, there are 2 things you can do:
1)Eliminate it or minimize consumption
2)Replace minimal consumption with a more nutritious (and arguably tastier) substitute.

Thremp 07-01-2007 01:21 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?

To elaborate even more... The idea is whether the ease of sandwich consumption and the bread therein would be better served by just eating tuna fish, sandwich meat, etc. on a plate with a different vegetable or fruit as a side instead of bread. Of course in a real diet there is some need for ease etc.

I am curious if anyone is eating 5-10 slices a day and their thoughts on this. I will likely settle into 2-4 slices and feel that is fine. More is frown town IMO as you start introducing an excess of calories from carbs and not really the best sources.

Big Poppa Smurf 07-01-2007 03:08 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?

I sometimes eat more than four slices a day, but that's usually because I had the munchies and just couldn't resist peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I've started making half sandwiches using only one slice of bread but the normal amount of sandwich filler, that helps.

secretprankster 07-02-2007 08:17 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
Outside of pizza maybe twice and toast maybe 3/4 times, I haven't had any bread since January and it's definitely been one of the better decisions I've made IMO. Obviously it's very goal-dependent. I think the real issue with whole-grain bread is that tons of bread that is touted as whole-grain is chock-full of a lot of the bad stuff inherent to generic white bread.

chesspain 07-02-2007 08:54 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
I think the real issue with whole-grain bread is that tons of bread that is touted as whole-grain is chock-full of a lot of the bad stuff inherent to generic white bread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Care to elaborate?

secretprankster 07-02-2007 09:39 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
Well a lot of it is just about checking the ingredients on the bread you buy. Just like Skippy can say "no trans fat" on their peanut butter, there are quite a few brands of "Whole Grain Bread" that are simply advertising ploys.

Here are a few threads that discuss it a bit:


Here's an article on Grain in general. Good read for the purpose of this thread.

Grain Article

kahntrutahn 07-02-2007 11:01 AM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
I think the real issue with whole-grain bread is that tons of bread that is touted as whole-grain is chock-full of a lot of the bad stuff inherent to generic white bread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Care to elaborate?

[/ QUOTE ]

I know he provided a bunch of links, but off the top of my head I know that tons of "whole grain" and "whole wheat" breads contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is basically the devil.

chesspain 07-02-2007 12:18 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
I know that tons of "whole grain" and "whole wheat" breads contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is basically the devil.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are a gazillion things more important about which to worry, healthwise, than whether you consume a few grams of HFCS in an otherwise low sugar diet.

secretprankster 07-02-2007 12:28 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
I know that tons of "whole grain" and "whole wheat" breads contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is basically the devil.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are a gazillion things more important about which to worry, healthwise, than whether you consume a few grams of HFCS in an otherwise low sugar diet.

[/ QUOTE ]

For people that are trying to lose fat, I would say that based on what I've read, this is pretty wrong. HFCS is just horrible in basically any amount. If you're at all health-conscious, why you would possibly eat bread with HFCS in it is beyond me.

Thremp 07-02-2007 01:21 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?

Can someone explain to me why HFCS is way worse than just ingesting sugar? Perhaps with some research that isn't written by the "Group to get Coca-Cola off the planet" or something like that.

PLOlover 07-02-2007 04:51 PM

Re: Whole Grain Bread?
what about millet bread, I think that's what it's called, supposed to be more healthy or someting? anybody eat that?

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