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BIG NIGE 05-24-2007 02:05 PM

Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
The ten candidates in ehd ebate:

Rudy Giuliani
Mitt Romney
John McCain
Ron Paul
Tom Tancredo
Tommy Thompson
Jim Gilmore
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
Sam Brownback

My personal vote goes to Brownback, I mean honestly how could someone be so morally corrupted that they talk about God's beautiful child at a national debate that's supposed to be grounded in objectivity and reason (hence the title "debate). It's just unfathomable how retardo he is.

niss 05-24-2007 02:14 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Oh, the irony.

pokerbobo 05-24-2007 02:16 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Why seperate the parties for this question?

I gotta go with Hillary....she said in her book that she had no idea about Bill's womanizing. Assuming she is not lying....she must be the dumbest woman on Earth.

latefordinner 05-24-2007 02:22 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
I'm not sure how anyone can make a call about "stupidity". Probably most of the candidates are not stupid.

In terms of candidates I fear the most - Rudy is at the top of the list by a wide margin. Broken window theory on a nationwide level = prison industrial complex and military state go go go

BIG NIGE 05-24-2007 02:29 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Yeah I was trying to differentiate between a stupid candidate and a legitimate threat. For instance, Dick Cheney is frightening, while George Bush is just retardo.

Also the reason I limited it to Republicans is because they've had the only debates thus far

As far as Hillary's book, I think it's a pretty big assumption that she is not lying. I mean, she was probably already considering running for President at that point (I assume you mean her most recent book) so you can't expect a tell-all soul-baring life story.

latefordinner 05-24-2007 02:33 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
No, dems have had a debate too, did you miss the Gravel moments?

It's hard to tell is GWB is actually, say, less intelligent than average. I would doubt it, I think most of it is just a show.

Honestly, I don't follow presidential politics closely enough to know or care one way or another. Whoever they vote for, we'll remain in a corporate aristocracy.

UATrewqaz 05-24-2007 03:35 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Also the reason I limited it to Republicans is because they've had the only debates thus far

[/ QUOTE ]

April 26, 2007

Democrats Debate in South Carolina - Transcript - Story

pokerbobo 05-24-2007 04:00 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Yeah I was trying to differentiate between a stupid candidate and a legitimate threat. For instance, Dick Cheney is frightening, while George Bush is just retardo.

Also the reason I limited it to Republicans is because they've had the only debates thus far

As far as Hillary's book, I think it's a pretty big assumption that she is not lying. I mean, she was probably already considering running for President at that point (I assume you mean her most recent book) so you can't expect a tell-all soul-baring life story.

[/ QUOTE ] assume she is lying....she is stupid to think any objective, informed person would believe that load of crap.

nietzreznor 05-24-2007 05:02 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
In terms of candidates I fear the most - Rudy is at the top of the list by a wide margin. Broken window theory on a nationwide level = prison industrial complex and military state go go go

[/ QUOTE ]

For a while, Hilary was my #1 most feared candidate, but I'm starting to agree that Guliani is even worse...

BIG NIGE 05-24-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Yeah I was trying to differentiate between a stupid candidate and a legitimate threat. For instance, Dick Cheney is frightening, while George Bush is just retardo.

Also the reason I limited it to Republicans is because they've had the only debates thus far

As far as Hillary's book, I think it's a pretty big assumption that she is not lying. I mean, she was probably already considering running for President at that point (I assume you mean her most recent book) so you can't expect a tell-all soul-baring life story.

[/ QUOTE ] assume she is lying....she is stupid to think any objective, informed person would believe that load of crap.

[/ QUOTE ]

Newsflash: most voters are neither objective nor informed.

Taso 05-24-2007 09:46 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Speaking of being informed, what is so "scary" about Giuliani?

pvn 05-24-2007 10:03 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Speaking of being informed, what is so "scary" about Giuliani?

[/ QUOTE ]

Other than the "freedom means giving up freedom and doing what I tell you to do" authoritarianism?

Taso 05-24-2007 10:29 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
That'll work, whats the qoute with him saying that?

Edit: Don't qoute me the out of context speech from the forum on crime in which Giuliani said people don't have the right to be criminals, and it has been misinterpreted to mean people don't have the right to be what they want to be.

pvn 05-25-2007 10:27 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
That'll work, whats the qoute with him saying that?

Edit: Don't qoute me the out of context speech from the forum on crime in which Giuliani said people don't have the right to be criminals, and it has been misinterpreted to mean people don't have the right to be what they want to be.

[/ QUOTE ]


We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.

[ Interruption by someone in the audience. ]

You have free speech so I can be heard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not having a right to be a criminal does not require ceding anything to Rudy. Don't try to dodge this with "out of context" shenanigans. The whole context is there, linked to from the OP. This isn't about crime in the moral sense, it's about "crime" *as definied by a self-styled ruling class*. In other words, "do what we say or we're going to beat you up."

Felix_Nietzsche 05-25-2007 10:43 AM

The Dumbest Repub Politcian Is......
The dumbest Repub Politcian is......smarter than the SMARTEST Dem politcian....
Look at Bush. He is a moron but he is better than that nitwit Kerry and a 100x better than that fool Gore.

pokerbobo 05-25-2007 10:51 AM

Re: The Dumbest Repub Politcian Is......
The dumbest Repub Politcian is......smarter than the SMARTEST Dem politcian....
Look at Bush. He is a moron but he is better than that nitwit Kerry and a 100x better than that fool Gore.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gore is wicked smart....he invented the internet, now he is the foremost scientist in climate change. Plus he has a really cool computer system.

bluesbassman 05-25-2007 12:27 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.

[ Interruption by someone in the audience. ]

You have free speech so I can be heard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not having a right to be a criminal does not require ceding anything to Rudy. Don't try to dodge this with "out of context" shenanigans. The whole context is there, linked to from the OP. This isn't about crime in the moral sense, it's about "crime" *as definied by a self-styled ruling class*. In other words, "do what we say or we're going to beat you up."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Arbeit Macht Frei"

At least the Nazis' slogan sounded somewhat plausible. If this quote weren't referenced, I'd assume it was a crude satire of a speech a tyrannical dictator might give. Yes indeed, black is white, slavery is freedom, and death is life.

Taso 05-25-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
That'll work, whats the qoute with him saying that?

Edit: Don't qoute me the out of context speech from the forum on crime in which Giuliani said people don't have the right to be criminals, and it has been misinterpreted to mean people don't have the right to be what they want to be.

[/ QUOTE ]


We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.

[ Interruption by someone in the audience. ]

You have free speech so I can be heard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not having a right to be a criminal does not require ceding anything to Rudy. Don't try to dodge this with "out of context" shenanigans. The whole context is there, linked to from the OP. This isn't about crime in the moral sense, it's about "crime" *as definied by a self-styled ruling class*. In other words, "do what we say or we're going to beat you up."

[/ QUOTE ]

I find it amazing that you only manage to give the one qoute I already said is just ridiculous. You got any others? Or is that it right there?

If that's it, you're RIGHT. OMG, it is so scary, Giuliani telling people they don't have the right to be criminals, in a speech made over 10 years ago, probably relating to NYC's crime problem - he must be EVILLLLLLL!!111!!!11111111111.

TomCollins 05-25-2007 12:43 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
McCain might definitely be the dumbest. He graduated 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy.

pvn 05-25-2007 01:28 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
That'll work, whats the qoute with him saying that?

Edit: Don't qoute me the out of context speech from the forum on crime in which Giuliani said people don't have the right to be criminals, and it has been misinterpreted to mean people don't have the right to be what they want to be.

[/ QUOTE ]


We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.

[ Interruption by someone in the audience. ]

You have free speech so I can be heard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not having a right to be a criminal does not require ceding anything to Rudy. Don't try to dodge this with "out of context" shenanigans. The whole context is there, linked to from the OP. This isn't about crime in the moral sense, it's about "crime" *as definied by a self-styled ruling class*. In other words, "do what we say or we're going to beat you up."

[/ QUOTE ]

I find it amazing that you only manage to give the one qoute I already said is just ridiculous. You got any others? Or is that it right there?

If that's it, you're RIGHT. OMG, it is so scary, Giuliani telling people they don't have the right to be criminals, in a speech made over 10 years ago, probably relating to NYC's crime problem - he must be EVILLLLLLL!!111!!!11111111111.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, you don't have to "cede to lawful authority" in order to not be a criminal. This is just like the "what do you have to hide?" type questions - authoritarian demands that attempt to stigmatize personal autonomy as somehow anti-social.

Yes, it IS evil.

And your attempts to pre-emptively smear this as "ridiculous" or "out of context" are transparent.

MrMon 05-25-2007 02:16 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Why seperate the parties for this question?

I gotta go with Hillary....she said in her book that she had no idea about Bill's womanizing. Assuming she is not lying....she must be the dumbest woman on Earth.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hillary is not lying, she's just factually challenged.

Books Paint Critical Portraits of Clinton: 2 Biographies Detail Marital Strife and Driving Ambition

WiiiiiiMan 05-25-2007 03:34 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Mitt Romney is more intelligent then anybody on these boards, thats for sure.... Hardvard Law and Bach Grad, created an investment that now holds $40billion in assets from scratch. Has held many public offices, etc.....

BIG NIGE 05-25-2007 04:03 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Mirr Romney is the epitome of Blue Suade Shoes.

ALawPoker 05-25-2007 04:30 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
This isn't about crime in the moral sense, it's about "crime" *as definied by a self-styled ruling class*. In other words, "do what we say or we're going to beat you up."

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever seen chimpanzees coexist? If you do something that others don't like, you really do get beat up. I'm glad that we at least form some system, so I can at least know the rules before I break them. Reason capacity FTW.

All social animals find ways to coexist. I agree that we humans can probably do it fine (perhaps better) with less laws. We can trust that order, as we perceive it, would take care of itself (perhaps even better) privately. But IMO, the difference between "privatized authority" and "public authority" is really more semantical than you represent. Even in the absence of laws, people would still need to coexist. It seems to me that social norms would develop that discouraged bad behavior, and acted as an authoritarian influence.

We really aren't "free" to do whatever we want as soon as what we want conflicts strongly enough with what someone else wants. We just aren't. If I want to smoke weed in my backyard and my neighbor doesn't want me to, then something has to give.

I really feel like it isn't "authority" you have a problem with, as much as it is just the state's monopoly of it. Like anything, I think you have to keep human nature in mind when you make these arguments, and you can't really assume things would be utopian in the absence of a state. I think some sort of authority is necessary for society; so as long as we're playing this democracy game, I'd expect my leaders to encourage it to some extent, and this quote of Rudy doesn't really strike me as a big deal.

AlexM 05-25-2007 04:43 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Mitt Romney is more intelligent then anybody on these boards, thats for sure....

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhm... no.

Hardvard Law and Bach Grad, created an investment that now holds $40billion in assets from scratch. Has held many public offices, etc.....

[/ QUOTE ]

The college stuff has nothing to do with intelligence (except to say he's not really dumb), although the $40 billion is a good sign. He might well be top 1%. I still bet there are people on these boards who are smarter though.

pvn 05-25-2007 05:18 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
We really aren't "free" to do whatever we want as soon as what we want conflicts strongly enough with what someone else wants. We just aren't.

[/ QUOTE ]

This canard is so tired.

Kaj 05-25-2007 05:34 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
McCain might definitely be the dumbest. He graduated 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even if Annapolis graduates are above average, it takes a special kind of rock to finish in the bottom 1%.

Taso 05-25-2007 06:20 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
That'll work, whats the qoute with him saying that?

Edit: Don't qoute me the out of context speech from the forum on crime in which Giuliani said people don't have the right to be criminals, and it has been misinterpreted to mean people don't have the right to be what they want to be.

[/ QUOTE ]


We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.

[ Interruption by someone in the audience. ]

You have free speech so I can be heard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not having a right to be a criminal does not require ceding anything to Rudy. Don't try to dodge this with "out of context" shenanigans. The whole context is there, linked to from the OP. This isn't about crime in the moral sense, it's about "crime" *as definied by a self-styled ruling class*. In other words, "do what we say or we're going to beat you up."

[/ QUOTE ]

I find it amazing that you only manage to give the one qoute I already said is just ridiculous. You got any others? Or is that it right there?

If that's it, you're RIGHT. OMG, it is so scary, Giuliani telling people they don't have the right to be criminals, in a speech made over 10 years ago, probably relating to NYC's crime problem - he must be EVILLLLLLL!!111!!!11111111111.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, you don't have to "cede to lawful authority" in order to not be a criminal. This is just like the "what do you have to hide?" type questions - authoritarian demands that attempt to stigmatize personal autonomy as somehow anti-social.

Yes, it IS evil.

And your attempts to pre-emptively smear this as "ridiculous" or "out of context" are transparent.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhhh, so I take it this is the only qoute you have then? The 10 year old speech saying that people aren't free to be criminals?

K, good deal.

TomCollins 05-25-2007 06:36 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
McCain might definitely be the dumbest. He graduated 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even if Annapolis graduates are above average, it takes a special kind of rock to finish in the bottom 1%.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep in mind that I'm sure there are quite a few "legacy" people who get there. You know the only way he got there was because of his Admiral Pappy. This doesn't even get into how he was stupid enough to crash his plane in Vietnam.

pvn 05-25-2007 06:42 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Uhhh, so I take it this is the only qoute you have then? The 10 year old speech saying that people aren't free to be criminals?

K, good deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Google "Giuliani authoritarian". It's not like I'm the only one who's ever noticed. He's probably bigger on executive privlege than Bush.

MrMon 05-25-2007 09:06 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

WiiiiiiMan 05-25-2007 09:08 PM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Mitt Romney is more intelligent then anybody on these boards, thats for sure....

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhm... no.

Hardvard Law and Bach Grad, created an investment that now holds $40billion in assets from scratch. Has held many public offices, etc.....

[/ QUOTE ]

The college stuff has nothing to do with intelligence (except to say he's not really dumb), although the $40 billion is a good sign. He might well be top 1%. I still bet there are people on these boards who are smarter though.

[/ QUOTE ]

True , potentially. But he has done things. Many things, he is accomplished with tons of experience and from what I can tell never wasted any of his life away. I respect that and hope to be more like that, accomplished.

Sometimes intelligence is just inherrited, but choosing to broaden your horizons and gain tons of experience is choice and I think OVERALL if you were to have a debate on a variety of things or a test, this guy probably would be hard to beat, he seems like one of those guys you can ask anything and he can give you an educated answer.

Just saying, their is nothing stupid about this guy. Anybody who would actually watch some of his interviews, learn more about him and comes to that conclusion is obv biased and has their own agenda.

The Truth 05-26-2007 02:17 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

His response to ron paul showed him to be ignorant.

ShakeZula06 05-26-2007 02:20 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

His response to ron paul showed that he has to protect the only issue that keeps him relevent to Republicans

[/ QUOTE ]

TomCollins 05-26-2007 02:25 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

His response to ron paul showed him to be ignorant.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was all posturing and trying to make himself look good.

iggymcfly 05-26-2007 02:36 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

His response to ron paul showed him to be a lying manipulative bastard.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd bet my testicles that Giuliani didn't believe the words he was saying. Of course he knows that American policy played a role in our being attacked. He just knew that he could sway voters by playing the outraged indignant American hero.

Taso 05-26-2007 03:58 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

His response to ron paul showed him to be a lying manipulative bastard.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd bet my testicles that Giuliani didn't believe the words he was saying. Of course he knows that American policy played a role in our being attacked. He just knew that he could sway voters by playing the outraged indignant American hero.

[/ QUOTE ]

Possible, it is "politics" after all. Also possible is that Ron Paul phrased what he said very poorly. My Knee-jerk reaction was the same as Rudy's, until I thought about it a bit, talked about it a bit with people on this forum.

AlexM 05-26-2007 04:28 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
Considering a lot of those comments tie back to a very few number of articles written by people who have never liked Giuliani, either most people aren't original or they fear him actually winning the nomination because they know he would appeal to a good number of Democrats. I hear more criticism of him out of the liberal media trying to trip him up than I do out of the conservative media for that very reason, they fear Giuliani for his crossover appeal. He doesn't fit the liberal cartoon mold of a Republican, and they are doing their best to stop him before he stops their dream of a Democratic White House in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

His response to ron paul showed him to be a lying manipulative bastard.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd bet my testicles that Giuliani didn't believe the words he was saying. Of course he knows that American policy played a role in our being attacked. He just knew that he could sway voters by playing the outraged indignant American hero.

[/ QUOTE ]

Possible, it is "politics" after all. Also possible is that Ron Paul phrased what he said very poorly. My Knee-jerk reaction was the same as Rudy's, until I thought about it a bit, talked about it a bit with people on this forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's entirely fine for you to have that kind of knee-jerk reaction. It is not fine for a leader. Whatever else Giuliani displayed there, he displayed absolutely horrendous leadership skills.

whiskeytown 05-26-2007 04:30 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
no question - Guilani -

a pro-choice candidate who dresses in drag, has had three wives, and sings the praises of Lincoln to a bunch of good ol' boys down south isn't smart enough to get elected president. He has no idea who his base is.


clowntable 05-26-2007 10:59 AM

Re: Of all the Republican Candidates, who is the stupidest?
If he can win the state of NY that would be a pretty good start though, don't you think?
Against Hillary it will be somewhat close but against Obama I think he would have a good shot at taking NY.

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