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Gonso 05-16-2007 01:15 AM

IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Ok, I'm in the box dealing a 2/5 NLHE game. There's pretty decent three-way action in this hand, and the pot is around $700-$800 going to the river. A spade comes off makes a flush possible, but there had been heavy action since the flop (which was KTT).

First player to act (who has been leading the whole hand) makes a smallish raise of $150, and as he does he says that he wants to see all hands if he gets called by both players, and instructs me not to let them muck.

[I never liked IWTSTH myself FTR, but this was the only time it happened this down. The guy who requested it and the middle guy are weekend semi-regulars, so maybe they do it now and then and are both fine.

Middle player goes into the tank and eventually calls. Last player to act has been a pretty nice guy to this point but is very new to the game and isn't playing well (or doing well). I'll call him New Guy. He shrugs, thinks for a second, and calls.

1st player repeats his request to see the other hands again and tables his AT for a three of a kind. The next guy kinda nods, obviously expecting to be beat, says "good bet", and shows the guy QT, and I lock his hand up.

New Guy though, he says he can't beat it but doesn't flip over the cards and is thinking about whatever. After a couple seconds I ask him to please table his hand, but he gets a "huh, what?" look and and starts asking why and so on (there hadn't been any IWTSTH requests at this table on any prior hands).

He was asking why he had to show, probably never having heard of the rule ("no one had to show before", etc.) and you could see he was getting a little defensive about showing. I tell the guy he is required to table the hand because of the request, politely, and as I am explaining the rule, he cuts me off and calls to the floor standing over a nearby table (he isn't even familiar with the term "floor" he's so new calling him "sir" and "supervisor").

As this is happening a young hispanic guy (not in the hand) lets out this impatient/aggravated breath and a second later he yells "here" at New Guy, then takes (literally takes) the guy's cards and flips them over. I see KJ and call out two pair, and look up to explain to the floor what just happened. Rigth then the left side of the table mumbles and suddenly just goes nuts - it just like EXPLODED into noise and gasps and pointing.

I look down and sure enough, the guy's cards are both spades and he's sitting on the flush, I had mis-read the hand and missed the flush (dumb error but I wasn't looking for a winning hand). ANyway there's commotion everywhere, and I literally have to yell to quiet the table down and it took both me and the floor yelling to get the table quiet enough to talk. I arrange the flush to show it as the winning hand and read it correctly.

I explain everything briefly to the floor and again to the PR manager who walks up, and I'm told to lock up the AT (which I do as fast as I possibly can), and push the pot to New Guy.

Now it's IWTSTH guy who's just livid - he kept repeating that 'he specifically said he wants to fold and not show.' (Which New Guy did say, but only after he had called the river bet and there was no more action). I mean I expect him to start throwing swings, he's red and half-shouting about everything here. Then he starts with 'he never tabled his hand' (which is technically true I guess, since another player did it) and everything else. Obviously though cards speak and there was no real reason New Guy wouldn't get the pot.

After semi-yelling at everyone from PR manager to Hispanic Guy, they eventually pull him aside and calm him down a little bit. After a few he comes to cash out, now a little bit calmer, but you could see he still wasn't 100%. He knew the cards speak deal, but I think the big thing to him is the guy refused to show.

My issue here that I'm a little fuzzy with was whether Hispanic Guy was out of line or not.

HOWMANY 05-16-2007 01:18 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Of course he was out of line, he touched another player's cards. I'm pretty sure they cut your arm off for that [censored] in some places.

Gonso 05-16-2007 01:19 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Cliff notes:

Regular: IWTSTH
New Guy: No
Hispanic Guy: I grab New Guy's cards and show
Dealer: Regular wins
Rest of Table: No! New Guy has flush and wins!
Floor, Poker Room Manager: WTF?
Dealer: New Guy wins
Poker Room Manager: Pay New Guy
Regular: No, he didn't show, he said fold, he never tabled his own hand himself.
Poker Room Manager: Come here, Regular
Regular: I'm leaving

Gonso 05-16-2007 01:23 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Of course he was out of line, he touched another player's cards. I'm pretty sure they cut your arm off for that [censored] in some places.

[/ QUOTE ]

What I mean is, what should be the actual penalty for this? I'd never had this happen. Nothing was done and I wonder what should have happened, aside from cutting the guy's arm off.

It didn't influence the outcome of anything as far as I'm concerned here, what rule would apply here?

nubs 05-16-2007 01:26 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
There is actually a moral to the story. Don't use the the IWTSTH rule.

pokerswami 05-16-2007 01:41 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Of course he was out of line, he touched another player's cards. I'm pretty sure they cut your arm off for that [censored] in some places.

[/ QUOTE ]

What I mean is, what should be the actual penalty for this? I'd never had this happen. Nothing was done and I wonder what should have happened, aside from cutting the guy's arm off.

It didn't influence the outcome of anything as far as I'm concerned here, what rule would apply here?

[/ QUOTE ]

If he isn't someone whom you believe has knowledge of cardroom rules and proper cardroom etiquette, then he needs to have what he did wrong explained to him and be warned that he faces a potential penalty if he does it again.

If he's been a trouble-maker in the past, then he needs a lecture and some kind of penalty.

goofball 05-16-2007 03:00 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
regular is a [censored]. He does realize that when he requests to see the hand it's live no matter what new guys says right?

People who actively try to win the pot with the worst hand at showdown are scummy.

IvanXDurham 05-16-2007 04:09 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
I'm pretty sure they cut your arm off for that [censored] in some places.

[/ QUOTE ]

Places like Hispaniola. [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

FatalError 05-16-2007 04:15 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
one thing about IWTSTH is that if you had the winning hand and ask to see it, the dealer doesn't kill the hand first. If the dealer turns over a winner you lose

thats why you never ask

TexRef 05-16-2007 05:10 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
AHAHAHAHAHA! Karma's a bitch Mr. IWTSTH!

He got what he deserved. What kind of ass bets and immediately tells the dealer that he wants to see the other players' hands if they call and muck?

D-bag move that ended up getting him what he deserved!

youtalkfunny 05-16-2007 05:41 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
I don't think Hispanic Man did anything wrong here. What do you think of that?

New Guy's cards were getting tabled, whether New Guy wanted that to happen or not, so Hispanic Man did not violate the "One Player to a Hand" rule, IMO.

Mr Rick 05-16-2007 11:16 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Technically, the dealer here should make sure the cards don't go in the muck before they are tabled - and that is what happened here - regardless of who turned them over.

It would have been interesting to see what the ruling would have been had the winning hand been mucked face down touching the muck before the dealer could have reacted... I still think it wins if it can be identified easily.

bav 05-16-2007 11:25 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
I don't think Hispanic Man did anything wrong here. What do you think of that?

[/ QUOTE ]
Saying he did nothing wrong is something of an ends-justify-the-means sorta argument. Of course he did something wrong. He tabled someone else's cards. Naughty. He was just trying to speed up the process and stop delaying the inevitable so he did no actual harm (unless the floor was gonna rule the cards didn't have to be shown for some inexplicable reason). But the result of him doing this was probably the opposite of what he intended; I imagine this actually delayed the game because of the added furor.

He should just be reminded to keep his mitts off other people's cards in the future. Since no malace was intended, and no harm was done, no need for anything more.

Phntm 05-16-2007 11:25 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
The only person he can be mad at is himself, for using the IWTSTH....
Big Mistake..
FWIW I get more irate at myself than others, so I can understand his anger.

jdeane 05-16-2007 11:28 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
A little off-topic...

What would the ruling be if...

The last person to act in a CHECKED river clearly says "FOLD" but turns his hand up to show the table and has the winner. His cards do not move forward or touch the muck.

Is this a "cards speak?" situation, or is his hand dead since he declared "Fold"?

RR 05-16-2007 11:31 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
New guy wins and it isn't close. When you invoke IWTSTH with an appearent winner the other hands are live by rule. It doesn't matter if the delaer gets confused on which procedure to follow (touching a live hand to the muck to failing to touch a dead hand to the muck) if the appearent winner asks to see a hand it is live. The Hispanic guy probably shouldn't have grabbed the cards, but he was in a hurry and knew what the eventual outcome would be. The Hispanic guy did not violate one player to a hand because the cards need to be tabled, but the proper thing to do woudl ahve been to let the floor explain to the new player that he MUST show his cards at this time (or the casino woudl show them for him). The correct dealing procedure is to protect the muck and let him throw them forward so you can pick them up and show them.

AngusThermopyle 05-16-2007 11:35 AM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
A little off-topic...

What would the ruling be if...

The last person to act in a CHECKED river clearly says "FOLD" but turns his hand up to show the table and has the winner. His cards do not move forward or touch the muck.

Is this a "cards speak?" situation, or is his hand dead since he declared "Fold"?

[/ QUOTE ]

What do you mean "turns his hand up"?

Exposing your hand and waving it around means nothing. Placing it on the table face up is what matters. In that case, 'cards speak' and the hand is not dead.

Unless: They are HU and his verbal 'Fold' caused the other player to muck. Then I would say his hand is dead.

ijustliketoplay 05-16-2007 12:35 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
this is hilarious. id struggle not to laugh if i was at the table.

Headhunter13 05-16-2007 01:14 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
this is hilarious. id struggle not to laugh if i was at the table.

[/ QUOTE ]

No struggling here. I'd just burst out laughing in his face for invoking IWTSTH and then getting bit by it.


Bulldog 05-16-2007 01:20 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Cliff notes:

Regular: IWTSTH
New Guy: No
Hispanic Guy: I grab New Guy's cards and show
Dealer: Regular wins
Rest of Table: No! New Guy has flush and wins!
Floor, Poker Room Manager: WTF?
Dealer: New Guy wins
Poker Room Manager: Pay New Guy
Regular: No, he didn't show, he said fold, he never tabled his own hand himself.
Poker Room Manager: Come here, Regular
Regular: I'm leaving

[/ QUOTE ]

A thousand-dollar lesson for Mr. IWTSTH that he'll never forget.

Oh, and great Cliffs Notes!

KipBond 05-16-2007 01:42 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
My issue here that I'm a little fuzzy with was whether Hispanic Guy was out of line or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't read the other replies yet, but I laughed when I read this. Seriously? Of course he's out of line -- never touch another player's cards. The result was what should/would have happened anyway (if the New Guy didn't show his cards, the floor would have to pick them up and do it for him).

pfapfap 05-16-2007 01:43 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Hahahaha, beauty.

I warn people not to think that IWTSTH necessarily keeps a hand live, nor that the flush would have won if it had grazed the muck. All rooms are different. I think if I mentioned the "IWTSTH by winner keeps hands live" bit to anyone in my room, I'd get stared at as if I had given them differential equations to work out in their heads. (Tho' now that I think about it, saying "differential equation" would elicit similar reactions.)

Mmm cards look pretty muck dead chomp chomp.

chube 05-16-2007 01:48 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
This story would have been sooooo much better if the Hispanic guy wouldn't have touched the cards and the floor came over and after a minute of explaining the rule, the hand was turned over at the insistance of the regular. Still a great story and nice result.

Wongboy 05-16-2007 02:39 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
Any chance the new guy was slow rolling with what he knew to be a winner? That seems like an appropriate response to the dickish IWTSTH move by the regular.

IvanXDurham 05-16-2007 02:53 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
yeah, but slowrolling is never really appropriate. Especially if this is causing the whole game to come to a complete hault.

Gonso 05-16-2007 08:37 PM

Re: IWTSTH drama, misreads - warning: long no moral to story
No, we was serious about trying to get his his hand in the muck. He was so caught up in his two pair I guess he wasn't looking for it.

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