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IggyWH 05-14-2007 05:38 PM

Help Me Decide What To Do
I'm at a total loss here, so I'm turning to all of you for advice. I understand this is my decision and that no one can tell me what to do, but I'm really at a loss right now.

As some of you may remember from a previous thread, I moved to San Diego recently. I'm almost 2 weeks old here so I barely have my feet wet. I moved out here without a job, however I had a good phone interview with a company in my previous work field.

On my drive out here, this company called me up and told me they wanted me to start ASAP. On forms that I had filled out, I listed my desired salary at $30,000. I figured this out using information I could get from Pittsburgh about San Diego. In Pittsburgh, I was making ~ $24,000. I wasn't rich by any means, but not bad money for where I lived. I was not only able to survive on it, but saved up $10,000 over 7 months before moving out here.

Now that I'm here in San Diego though, I'm realizing that $30,000 just isn't going to cut it. I'll be broke trying to live off of that within a year. The difference between my Pittsburgh salary and my San Diego salary is $6,000 and that difference alone isn't enough to cover my difference in rent. Hell, I've spent $400 in groceries in 2 weeks and I don't think I ever spent more than $250 in a month back in Pittsburgh.

So today, I went in for training at my job and I went and had a talk with some people playing hardball. I told them that there was no way I could take this job at $30,000 as I won't be able to survive off of it.

* Let me add in a note here and say I have no problem working a second part-time job to make extra money, however with the work hours this job requires and possible out of town work, a part time job would not be possible

They came back to me and said that they couldn't give me anymore. The job is for one single contract and that contract was underbid. They also told me it would be at least a year before I would get any kind of raise from it.

It's pretty much a take it or leave it situation. I told them give me a day to think it over.


I am at a loss what to do. I don't even know if I can find a job that will pay me what I need (I've figured it out to be $35,000).

If I take this job and stick with it, I see me being broke in about a year. Can I really turn this job down when I don't have a job though? I've only been here for 2 weeks and haven't really done any looking. Does $35,000 sound insane for someone who doesn't have a degree?

I know people are going to say take the job and keep looking. Two problems with that :

1)Since they know now that I'm not happy with the pay, for me to accept the job, I might be required to sign a contract. They want someone at least for a year so I'm sure they are concerned about me using them as a temp now.

2)I've always found it hard to really beat the pavement and find a job when you're working another job. When will I have time to call people, send out resumes, go on interviews with a steady daylight job?


I guess one good thing I got going is the recruiter for this company told me outright that with my experience, my salary in my field out here will range from $28k-$40k. So she said I wasn't being outrageous, it's just this position couldn't handle my request.

Life sucks, any helpful words of wisdom?

tightmaniac 05-14-2007 05:46 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
learn to play poker on the side?

john voight 05-14-2007 05:57 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Although I am a bit out of my element, I will suggest:

Cutting down your expenses. Your car, house/apt, lifestyle can always be downsized.

IMO, you can easily find a job that pays 30k in California. I mean my buddy quit school and sells shoes at Nordstrom's, making roughly 30k a year.

So, If I were you, I would either prolong the hiring process (while searching for another job), or take the job and minimize expenses.

guids 05-14-2007 05:59 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
how legitimate must you be?

sledghammer 05-14-2007 06:08 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
How much are you paying in rent? You could get a roommate.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 06:19 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
how legitimate must you be?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure what you mean by this.

How much are you paying in rent? You could get a roommate.

[/ QUOTE ]

$850 per month with total bills ending up being about ~ $75 is my share. It's a 2 bed 2 bath condo that I share with a roomie. So I don't think my living situation could be downgraded much. I did sign a 6 month lease though so I'm stuck here even if I wanted to move.

guids 05-14-2007 06:22 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
In all seriousness, are you willing to break the law to make money.

Boris 05-14-2007 06:27 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
keep working your current job and start job hunting immediately. Then quit when you find a better job. Easy.

I'm pretty sure you could make more than $15/hour doing landscaping.

NT! 05-14-2007 06:27 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

more info about what it is you do would obviously help. your experience, references, etc. but my guess is you could hold out for a better job. it may even be that when you tell the folks at your current job you're gonna walk, they'll offer you a raise.

you found a job with a salary at the low end of the range for the position. if you've got a decent employment history and job prospects aren't too bad, you can probably do better.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 06:28 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
In all seriousness, are you willing to break the law to make money.

[/ QUOTE ]


IggyWH 05-14-2007 06:32 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

more info about what it is you do would obviously help. your experience, references, etc. but my guess is you could hold out for a better job. it may even be that when you tell the folks at your current job you're gonna walk, they'll offer you a raise.

you found a job with a salary at the low end of the range for the position. if you've got a decent employment history and job prospects aren't too bad, you can probably do better.

[/ QUOTE ]

My previous work experience is in civil/environmental field as a technician. I got about 3 years experience in the field and while I don't have a degree, I have a lot of specialized training. I was a jack of all trades in my last job, so I have a TON of experience in many different aspects. My old company loved me and my references were all people I was friends with outside of work also so I'm sure they will speak the world of me.

This job that I'm trying to figure out whether to turn it down or not is just doing just one of probably a couple dozen activities that I could actually do.

dethgrind 05-14-2007 06:39 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
You gotta bail on that lease somehow. If you only have the skills to make 30k a year you cant afford to spend that much on housing. I assume you're young, so I bet you'd like PB, and you can definitely do better than 850/month there. Might have to live in a dump, but until you increase your earning power, you'll just have to get used to that if you want to live in California. Or go into horrible debt.

The Ocho 05-14-2007 06:54 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
400 bucks in groceries for one person for 2 weeks? wtf?

guids 05-14-2007 06:55 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
400 bucks in groceries for one person for 2 weeks? wtf?

[/ QUOTE ]

it was his first trip to the grocery store, he probably needed all the "essentials" that you dont have to buy evertime (ketchup, TP, cleaning crap etc)

IggyWH 05-14-2007 06:56 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
400 bucks in groceries for one person for 2 weeks? wtf?

[/ QUOTE ]

Granted, a big chunk of that was stocking my medicine cabinet and cleaning supplies, but it is insane how much more expensive food is here than back in Pittsburgh.

It's not like I'm a fat bastard either. I weigh 150lbs and have lost 5 pounds since moving here.

The Ocho 05-14-2007 07:02 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
400 bucks in groceries for one person for 2 weeks? wtf?

[/ QUOTE ]

Granted, a big chunk of that was stocking my medicine cabinet and cleaning supplies, but it is insane how much more expensive food is here than back in Pittsburgh.

It's not like I'm a fat bastard either. I weigh 150lbs and have lost 5 pounds since moving here.

[/ QUOTE ]

dude, go to any grocery store and buy generic. i guarantee you can find a bottle of pasta sauce that costs $1.50 and a 1 lb bag of pasta for $1. thats at least 2-3 meals easy. and for gods sake a carne asada burrito at pretty much any place around here costs $5.

where do you live btw? you can do better on rent for sure if you get away from the beach areas and/or move closer to mexico

IggyWH 05-14-2007 07:09 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
I live right by Fashion Valley Mall.

I did look into other areas and not that I have a problem living in a not so nice place, but the price difference wasn't all that different for a shack crammed full of people compared to what I'm paying now.

thatpfunk 05-14-2007 07:12 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
a few suggestions: shop at trader joes and henrys (produce) for the cheapest groceries. if you can bike or walk to work (def not doable for many people) do it. learn to love cheap beer to drink before going to the bars.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 07:21 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
a few suggestions: shop at trader joes and henrys (produce) for the cheapest groceries. if you can bike or walk to work (def not doable for many people) do it. learn to love cheap beer to drink before going to the bars.

[/ QUOTE ]

All doable for me. I'm not someone who tries to live a baller lifestyle or tries making it rain. I'm just trying to figure out if it's insane for me to think I need a $35k job... and if I could actually find one.

I've done a little browsing around and I see clerical positions for 28-30k. Hell, I could get one of them and work 15-20 hours part time at min wage and make a hellova lot more than this job would pay me in the end.

private joker 05-14-2007 07:33 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Iggy -- being employed will be a good foundation for you while you find other sources of income. And if you have to go into debt, it's only a year contract and you can move on after that if you can. Also, did I miss you answering the poker question? I've used poker as a great supplement to a full time job for years now. I could live in L.A. off my salary, but it's much nicer having the extra cash from poker.

Anyway, I would say definitely take the job. Cut down on all but the barest of expenses, or take a little credit card debt. You can get out of that relatively easily with good money management later on, and that will really be a worst case scenario. I can think of much worse cases if you don't take the job.

guids 05-14-2007 07:57 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Poker, and a very flexible week to week schedule job is probably what you need (ie the restuarant industry), probably to make up for the cost of living diff.

I also detect a hint of panic in your tone, which is only natural, I really think you will be alright, you arent commited for that long, and as long as you take the job, you can live for 6 months right? There is always a way to scrape up cash.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 08:34 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Poker really isn't an option. I made a little money when I played, but I haven't played in at least a year now I guess I could try to get back into it and make a little money on the side but I really hate the solitude of it.

There is definitely panic in my tone. I don't want to make the wrong decision turning this job down. This was the job that when I came out here, it meant me surviving. Now, I'm not so sure it does mean that.

The 6 month thing is me being a little bit of a drama queen. I could survive right now, without working, for 6 months and probably not rack up any debt. I don't want to blow my savings like that, so it's important I find a job. I don't think this job will pay me enough to completely live off of it, but it shouldn't take a whole lot more off my savings for me to live.

I just know if I take this job, I won't be out looking for another, when that other job could be exactly what I want, instead of settling for something just to have a job.


If I turn down the job tomorrow, I'll at least go out and find some retail job so I have some income until I find the next job.

El Diablo 05-14-2007 08:42 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

Before reading your posts, I would have said take the job and start looking for something better. But it sounds like you should turn down the job, take some crap retail or temp job as a short-term thing, and keep looking for a job that you really want.

Vyse 05-14-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
There isn't even a guarantee they make you sign a one-year contract for the job, is there?

If there was, hopefully you spent this day looking around. If you think a 35K/yr job is achievable within a month, go for it. If you KNOW you can do better and are willing to live with the repercussions if, for some reason, it takes longer than expected, then you should definitely go for it. If you would rather the security of this job and not put yourself at risk for burning up your savings, as you say, then you take the job. Simplify and streamline the process and the decisions are easy.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 08:54 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
I should add too that job duties have changed since I first interviewed for the position.

- Originally, I was being hired to man a team of two for all work. Now, I will be by myself most of the time.

- I was now told that I may have to use my own personal car from time to time. My job is going to deal with heavy, dirty equipment. Not stuff I want to be putting into my car.

- I am now told I will be assisting our Orange County office when work is slow in San Diego. I didn't move to SD to drive to Huntington Beach and back for work. Sure, I'll be reimbursed for mileage, but who wants to put that wear and tear on their car, plus four hours traveling?

- They added in that I'll be doing some drilling work. Drilling work means you sit with a drill rig for a 12 hour shift just recording data every once in a while. It quite possibly might be the most boring job ever.


UGHHHHHH! I'm just so freakin lost right now.

private joker 05-14-2007 09:23 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Iggy, it sounds now like you're trying to talk yourself out of the job by providing new excuses. This means you have some guilt about backing out of it, indicating that deep down you think the right thing to do is take the job you came out here for. If we all tell you to reject the job and go for something else, you'll be able to put the blame of any failure you suffer from that decision onto us.

I think it's more responsible to go with this job for now, learn to live off a smaller budget and/or take in a bit of CC debt (it's not that bad), then move on from there once you have a solid foundation in SD. A retail job or being a waiter just sounds like miserable hell.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 09:30 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

guids 05-14-2007 09:58 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life.

You shouldnt feel REMOTELY guilty that you are turning down this job, you need to realize how insane of an emmotion that is here in this context.

This is comming from someone that has had the experience of feeling guilty about quitting and turning down jobs.

The only thing you should be worrying about now is logistics, and whats your best move to benefit you.

Butcho22 05-14-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Can you sell?

Howard Treesong 05-14-2007 11:27 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think if I were in your position I would take it and do it to the best of my ability. Make connections and look for something better as you do it. Don't sweat the money too hard: if you're good at what you do, opportunity will be there. Being a retail bitch will make you miserable every day, and where will you be in ten years?

snowbank 05-15-2007 12:19 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
It really doesn't sound like you want this job after reading all your replies in the thread. I wouldn't take it if I were you. You will end up a few months in, hating making the money you're making, yet convincing yourself to stay for the chance at a raise once your first year is up, etc...

If you had to pick a dream job, what would it be?

snowbank 05-15-2007 12:20 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
In all seriousness, are you willing to break the law to make money.

[/ QUOTE ]


what did you have in mind for him?

snowbank 05-15-2007 12:21 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Can you sell?

[/ QUOTE ]

ya, if you can sell and like it sell for a couple years and build up some loot.

pokulator 05-15-2007 01:00 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

iggy, you seem very worried about your financial situation so i'd say take the job in the meantime while you look for a better one. you can always find time to look for another job at night or during breaks or your drives up north. i'd be surprised if you had to sign a contract or that it would be enforced for an entry level job paying 30k.

i work with many companies in the san diego area and have helped a lot of friends get jobs paying 35k or more. to be blunt you seem a little young or inexperienced from your posts, but if you send a good resume to iggy @ and have good references i can see if anyone needs someone with your qualifications.

best of luck with the search and welcome to the west coast.

jaydub 05-15-2007 02:14 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

Too bad you did not listen to the advice that told you the move was an ill conceived mistake.

One bit of advice which you will likely ignore is that CA is an almost universally at will state. Have no fears of contracts, just find a 40K+ (my estimate) job that you will need to live in an SD apartment. Once you have that job, then quit the job for which you moved.


ThaSaltCracka 05-15-2007 02:39 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

Start working ASAP, but in your case, a temp job would be better. You could probably get one that pays 14-17 an hour, maybe even office work(likely to be warehouse work though). You could then start searching for a permanent job. You are more attractive to potential employers if you are working then some bum lying around your apartment. I would also advise to not take on any debt if possible. Once you are firmly settled in, the added bill is a bit of a burden. Best of luck man!

adsman 05-15-2007 02:43 AM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

The problem with this decision is that you're having to take it at a time when you're a bit loopy from uprooting and shifting. I know, I've done it. What you need to do is break this down to its essentials and look at it with a clear, untroubled, mind.

I would take this job for a few reasons:

1. Income. You will have some income coming in now. That makes a difference to your head-space, trust me. It will give you peace of mind and let you calm down a bit. Then you'll start to see what other opportunities are out there. You can survive on this money, dude. It will be a good learning experience.

2. Contacts. From the day you go in you'll be making contacts for other potential work. Show them what you can do, nail this job to the best of your ability.

3. Friends. You wanted to make some friends, right? This will put you on the right track.

If you read the thread where I documented my experiences then you'll know that I've done this a few times. I want to say that all the times I did this the moves that were a LOT easier were the ones where I was going with a job already tied up. With what I've learnt, and the info that you have provided in this thread, I wouldn't hesitate about taking this job.

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