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augie_ 05-11-2007 11:46 AM

should i take this from a dealer??
the scene is a $500 MTT at Turning Stone. Of all of the casinos I've been to, TS has the best dealers. Except for this one...

The blinds are 50/75. UTG and MP1 limp, I raise to 400 (4 black chips) with JJ. the CO makes it 1300 (three black chips and two yellow chips), all fold to me. I start to think, and as I'm thinking the dealer pulls 300 in from me (leaving one black chip in front of me) and 300 from the CO (leaving two yellow 500 chips in front of him).

I notice the odd black chip sitting in front of me. I ask "what is this?" The dealer says "it's 900 to you." I say, "so I can put this in my stack?" She says, "only if you fold." I am and probably look confused. Then people from all over the table start yapping up and the dealer returns the chips to their original positions and says "900 more."

I continue to think and as I'm thinking, she starts explaining to me that she was pulling in the original bets and leaving the raise out there for me. I explain to her that I'm not stupid and I know what she was doing, but just having one chip in front of me after raising 4 was momentarily confusing.

A few hands go by and I shove an 1100 stack over two limpers and count and cut out all of my chips on the table. all fold to the 2nd limper who starts to think. while he's thinking, the dealer starts explaining to me, "see, now i'm going to take your 75 in, take his 75 in, and leave the raise out there for him to call."

I explain to the dealer again that I'm not stupid and I know what she was doing. Then I asked her why she was being so rude to me. Then she got a look on her face like my puppy when I catch her in the garbage or my roommate when I find out that he stole $10 from me.

"I wasn't being rude to you" she says. "I was just doing my job. I was pulling in the original bets and leaving the raise out there."

"No," I respond. "You're being very rude to me. I told you I know what's going on. You don't need to narrate every one of your actions to me. (After all, she didn't say anything during her bizarre action in my JJ hand.)

Then she looks to the old fart to my right and says, "Sirus, can you please explain to this young gentleman that I am not being sarcastic right now and how sarcastic I can actually be?"

I remind her that she's STILL DOING IT and that she's actually starting to insult my intelligence now. I say, "just stop being mean to me." She says, "oh don't worry, I'm not mean now, but I'm about to be mean in a second."

The reason for this post is because all of these conversations brought the game to a crawl. Other players at the table were getting very frustrated with me and the dealer.

So what should I do? Talk to the floor? Should I have even said anything? Of all of the people in the world, shouldn't casino dealers be the one person who is always nice to you?

Al_Capone_Junior 05-11-2007 11:54 AM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Sounds like you both need a good kick in the nuts. Square.


AngusThermopyle 05-11-2007 11:56 AM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
You took a small misunderstanding and turned it into a "This young punk knows Poker" ego trip.

You should have shut up and let it die.

But you couldn't.

GoAheadRiverMe 05-11-2007 11:57 AM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Sounds like you have a inferiority complex

psandman 05-11-2007 12:00 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
First off the dealer screwed up in the first instance. She was lazy the correct way to pull in these bets is not to bring in $300 from each of you, but to bring 400 in. So she should have brought all your chips in and left 900 in front of the other player. (this would be accomplished by taking in on yellow chip f rom the other player and putting one of your blacks in front of the other player.)

Since there was confusion when she did this (caused by her doing it wrong) I don't think she was out of line to narrate her action. (when i bring in bets like this I like to announce what I am doing ---"Bringing in $400 from everybody - $900 to call).

Your reaction to that seems overblown to me and then the two of you just seem to be trying to the push the other. I think at this point you are as guilty as she is of escalating the situation. If this is the only problem you have had with her, i would let it go.

osmodion 05-11-2007 12:04 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
I too would have been confused for a second if the dealer left 100 in front of me when facing a raise. I suppose she was assuming that you would need change, but I've never seen a dealer do that before. Whatever, that part is not a big deal.

It sounds like she was just trying to help someone she thought didn't know what was going on in the second hand, as opposed to intentionally rude. She probably thought she was trying to help, and that you were being rude to her. However, she should not have escalated it with the comment to Sirus. There was already a tense situation, and the dealer should have acted more professionally. I would have told the floor about the dealer, though I probably would have waited until a break so as not to completely piss off the rest of the table.

27offsuit 05-11-2007 12:49 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
"Could you call the floor please?"

oddjob 05-11-2007 12:54 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
are you always an ahole, or just when you play poker?

DeuceKicker 05-11-2007 12:58 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
The blame should be split 60-40. I'm not sure who gets the 60.

Noo Yawk 05-11-2007 01:05 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??

I explain to her that I'm not stupid and I know what she was doing.....

I explain to the dealer again that I'm not stupid and I know what she was doing. Then I asked her why she was being so rude to me...

"No," I respond. "You're being very rude to me. I told you I know what's going on. You don't need to narrate every one of your actions to me...

I remind her that she's STILL DOING IT and that she's actually starting to insult my intelligence now. I say, "just stop being mean to me."

[/ QUOTE ]

Your comments turned a simple misunderstanding into a ridiculous waste of time.

Topset72 05-11-2007 01:18 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
are you always an ahole, or just when you play poker?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably always. I used to play (if you can call it that) with augie on-line. He would sit at four tables and never play a hand. He used to do this over and over. He is worthless.


punkass 05-11-2007 01:35 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Why would you get to keep the 100 if you fold? That's wrong.

It took two to take this minor misunderstanding to a douchefest.

KurtSF 05-11-2007 02:06 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
So what should I do?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is an easy one. There was a turning point:

A few hands go by and I shove an 1100 stack over two limpers and count and cut out all of my chips on the table. all fold to the 2nd limper who starts to think. while he's thinking, the dealer starts explaining to me, "see, now i'm going to take your 75 in, take his 75 in, and leave the raise out there for him to call."

[/ QUOTE ]


At this point you say "K, thanks." She drops it, you drop it, and life goes on.

If you can't bring yourself to thank her, just say "OK." That should cover it.

UbinTook 05-11-2007 02:21 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
did you REALLY say "just stop being mean to me" ?

chube 05-11-2007 02:25 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Sounds like a typical arguement I had with my mother when I was 10 years old.

mom: "Don't argue with me."
chube: "I wasn't arguing mom, I was just saying..."
mom: "Don't raise your voice with me."
chube (in a normal voice): "I didn't raise my voice, I ..."
mom: "There. You are doing it again."
chube (slightly raised voice): "I was not!"
mom: "See! I will not tolerate your behavior."
chube: <leaves room in frustration>

Point is... I was 10. I soon learned when to cut my losses, and that it doesn't matter who was rude first or whatever. Sure the dealer was a bit snarky with you. Big deal. Get over it and let the game go on. If she persists, have a chat with her boss at the break.

Aces McGee 05-11-2007 02:27 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
She went too far, but I think you clearly take the blame for it escalating to that point.

Up until the point where she asked the old guy to tell you something, she hadn't done anything rude. By that time, you had accused her of being rude twice.


WayAbvPar 05-11-2007 02:34 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Sounds like you both need a good kick in the nuts. Square.


[/ QUOTE ]

Seconded. Dealer made a mistake, was an ass about it, but then OP blew it way out of proportion. STFU and wait for the down to be over.

TMTTR 05-11-2007 02:48 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
did you REALLY say "just stop being mean to me" ?

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL. That is what I thought. At that point the dealer should have had your ID checked because you are acting like an 11 year old.

KenProspero 05-11-2007 02:51 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??

youtalkfunny 05-11-2007 03:59 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
PLAYER: What just happened?

DEALER: (explains what just happened)

PLAYER: (looks confused)

DEALER: (explains more slowly and patiently)

PLAYER: I'M NOT STUPID! I know perfectly well what just happened!

DEALER: (thinks, "WTF is this guy's problem? He says 'What just happened?', and when I try to answer his question, he yells at me. Now he says he knows perfectly well what he just asked me to explain. Did he do all this just to pick a fight with me? Me, the employee, the one person at the table who's not allowed to tell him to STFU? What a monumental jerk.")

AngusThermopyle 05-11-2007 04:08 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
PLAYER: What just happened?

DEALER: (explains what she thinks happened, not realizing she made an error)

PLAYER: (looks confused)

DEALER: (explains more slowly and patiently, still not realizing she made a mistake)

[/ QUOTE ]

Milo 05-11-2007 04:10 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Both made errors, but this one is like 70/30 with the player being the bigger ass.

Ra_ 05-11-2007 04:15 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
"so I can put this in my stack?" She says, "only if you fold."

[/ QUOTE ]

this is wrong, you could not put it in your stack if you fold

kidpoker406 05-11-2007 04:24 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
in my opinion, a dealer shouldn't engage in table banter like this, unless it is a game that is 100% regulars and all players are familiar with the each other and the dealer. and even then it should be kept to a minimum on the dealer's part.

the dealer made the act of pulling in the bets on the first one more complicated and confusing than it should have been, and seemed to be acting in a very unprofessional matter. i would have moved on without confronting the dealer at that point, and then you have 2 options from there. A) contact a floor person and make them aware of your opinion of the dealer or B)pull the dealer aside after the tournament and let them know (politely) that you felt they made a mistake and you were also slightly offended by the way you were treated

bernie 05-11-2007 04:56 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
You don't really mention how she says any of it so I'm assuming you just took it that she was trying to make you look bad or 'stupid'. Based on the info in this post, I don't see that, especially in the first incident.

The initial one was odd since she left out your extra chip. However, you seemed to jump on the defensive rather fast about being made to look stupid when all it seemed she was doing was explaining it to you.

Other players at the table were getting very frustrated with me and the dealer.

[/ QUOTE ]

If other people at the table were getting frustrated with 'you' along with the dealer, it makes me think 'you' brought a little bit more upon yourself than needed be.

Other than that, not really enough info to really make a call either way.


DWarrior 05-11-2007 05:23 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Sounds like a typical arguement I had with my mother when I was 10 years old.

mom: "Don't argue with me."
chube: "I wasn't arguing mom, I was just saying..."
mom: "Don't raise your voice with me."
chube (in a normal voice): "I didn't raise my voice, I ..."
mom: "There. You are doing it again."
chube (slightly raised voice): "I was not!"
mom: "See! I will not tolerate your behavior."
chube: <leaves room in frustration>

Point is... I was 10. I soon learned when to cut my losses, and that it doesn't matter who was rude first or whatever. Sure the dealer was a bit snarky with you. Big deal. Get over it and let the game go on. If she persists, have a chat with her boss at the break.

[/ QUOTE ]

Real point of the story: in 40 years you'll have the last laugh.

whorasaurus 05-11-2007 06:35 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
im sure i know exactly which dealer you are talking about. older lady, blonde hair, tons of makeup/hair extensions right?

Rottersod 05-11-2007 06:43 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
did you REALLY say "just stop being mean to me" ?

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL. That is what I thought. At that point the dealer should have had your ID checked because you are acting like an 11 year old.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOLx2. I was just thinking the same thing.

augie_ 05-11-2007 07:19 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
PLAYER: What just happened?

DEALER: (explains what just happened)

PLAYER: (looks confused)

DEALER: (explains more slowly and patiently)

PLAYER: I'M NOT STUPID! I know perfectly well what just happened!

DEALER: (thinks, "WTF is this guy's problem? He says 'What just happened?', and when I try to answer his question, he yells at me. Now he says he knows perfectly well what he just asked me to explain. Did he do all this just to pick a fight with me? Me, the employee, the one person at the table who's not allowed to tell him to STFU? What a monumental jerk.")

[/ QUOTE ]

no. it's more like:

DEALER: explains more slowly and patiently

PLAYER: thanks, i understand

DEALER: continues to explain slowly and patiently

PLAYER: thanks, i get it

DEALER: continues to explain slowly and patiently

does this change your opinion? how long do I let the dealer make me look stupid before I say something?

KurtSF 05-11-2007 07:46 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
I still don't understand why you have to say anything.

Do you honestly care if some stupid dealer thinks she had to explain the action to you, or if some people in the tourney think you were confused by a raise?

Heck, I might even play it up... "Wow never seen that before, but I've never played in a casino before either. Thanks dealer!" Heehee.

DeMaci 05-11-2007 08:07 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
Request to talk to the Dealer Coordinator or a Supervisor. Floormen can get you in contact with these people, but floormen can't actually do anything. When explaining the situation make sure to mention you were just as frustrated about the game slowing down as you were her being rude.

psandman 05-11-2007 09:54 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
PLAYER: What just happened?

DEALER: (explains what just happened)

PLAYER: (looks confused)

DEALER: (explains more slowly and patiently)

PLAYER: I'M NOT STUPID! I know perfectly well what just happened!

DEALER: (thinks, "WTF is this guy's problem? He says 'What just happened?', and when I try to answer his question, he yells at me. Now he says he knows perfectly well what he just asked me to explain. Did he do all this just to pick a fight with me? Me, the employee, the one person at the table who's not allowed to tell him to STFU? What a monumental jerk.")

[/ QUOTE ]

no. it's more like:

DEALER: explains more slowly and patiently

PLAYER: thanks, i understand

DEALER: continues to explain slowly and patiently

PLAYER: thanks, i get it

DEALER: continues to explain slowly and patiently

does this change your opinion? how long do I let the dealer make me look stupid before I say something?

[/ QUOTE ]

How about at least until she's done explaining.

When a player string bets an don't allow it, I explain the rule to them, some of them like to try to interrupt me and tell me "yeah yeah I know" but I finish the explanation anyway for two reasons, they might not know and just don't like being told how to bet, therefore to avoid future issues with the rule I continue, second I'm not just explaining it to them ... I'm explaining it to anyone else at the table who didn't understand what just happened.

Paul Levy 05-12-2007 07:10 AM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??

Then she looks to the old fart to my right and says, "Sirus, can you please explain to this young gentleman that I am not being sarcastic right now and how sarcastic I can actually be?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Up to this point, she's been kosher and you've been a bit of an ahole, but this remark and what follows is inappropriate and uncalled for imho.

She definitely went out of line, but there was no reason to make such a big fuss about her re-explaining the chips stacking, even if she sounded a bit patronizing.

roaaahhh 05-12-2007 08:26 AM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
you sound like an utter and total whiney douche

El_Hombre_Grande 05-12-2007 09:41 AM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
This isn't a big deal. Next time don't make it one. At the absolute worst, she was poking fun at you, or was marginally incompetent. So what?
You should have just smiled. If you feel the need to "retaliate," it is acceptable for you to later maybe even poke a little fun at her.

By the way, did anyone at the table giggle when you said "being mean to me?" I know I did, and I haven't had a decent giggle since 4th grade.

bigfishead 05-12-2007 02:22 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??

So what should I do? Talk to the floor? Should I have even said anything? Of all of the people in the world, shouldn't casino dealers be the one person who is always nice to you?

[/ QUOTE ]

You should have stfu rather than being sarcastic to her in the 1st place. Procedurely from the start she was trying to do it correctly and you tried to insult her and make her look like an idiot.

bernie 05-12-2007 04:01 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
PLAYER: What just happened?

DEALER: (explains what just happened)

PLAYER: (looks confused)

DEALER: (explains more slowly and patiently)

PLAYER: I'M NOT STUPID! I know perfectly well what just happened!

DEALER: (thinks, "WTF is this guy's problem? He says 'What just happened?', and when I try to answer his question, he yells at me. Now he says he knows perfectly well what he just asked me to explain. Did he do all this just to pick a fight with me? Me, the employee, the one person at the table who's not allowed to tell him to STFU? What a monumental jerk.")

[/ QUOTE ]

no. it's more like:

DEALER: explains more slowly and patiently

PLAYER: thanks, i understand

DEALER: continues to explain slowly and patiently

PLAYER: thanks, i get it

DEALER: continues to explain slowly and patiently

does this change your opinion? how long do I let the dealer make me look stupid before I say something?

[/ QUOTE ]

Justa bit different than what was presented in the OP.

Especially the first exchange.


pfapfap 05-12-2007 05:36 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
I explain to her that I'm not stupid

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the first thing you said to the dealer aside from, "er, huh?" I'm curious how this explanation went down, and if there was any way to say it at all without coming across as snippy and defensive.

Your biggest mistake seems to be in thinking that this is some private party between you and the dealer. She wants to get on to other hands. Everybody else wants to get on to other hands. Nowhere did I see you taking the time to explain that you were confused because of her comment about saying you could bring the chip back, and that's probably for the best as no good could have come of it, but that alone is a big blinky sign that this is way too much for so little. She made a slight error, probably didn't even realize it, and based on her not recognizing the slight error, her side of things seems perfectly reasonable.

Learn to let the little stuff go. Half the time it was a misunderstanding on your own end. Almost all of the time you come out the worst of it trying to do anything about it. Move on to bigger and better. Stop being so insecure.

killsadie 05-12-2007 11:19 PM

Re: should i take this from a dealer??
just dont tip dealers. most arent appreciative and dont deserve it.

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